June 19, 2004, Gary Graham, Baja On The Fly, Hot East Cape, Mexico Fishing:
GENERAL EAST CAPE FISHING: Tuna! Tuna! Tuna! Tough to know what to lead off with, but the yellowfin tuna fatties were definitely on the chew at East Cape. Scott and Dolly York, Gardnerville, Nev., headed out 25 miles before they found the porpoise school; and 60 seconds after the teaser hit the water it was fish on! Our Baja wasabi fly was just the ticket and both of them were bendo for a couple of hours. By the time the scales settled, they had enough tuna sashimi to feed the full hotel at cocktail hour.
The next day it was pez gallo (roosterfish) time on the La Playa and they found plenty. While they had a lot of “would of, could of” stories, they came up short in the photo department.
Ladyfish, pompano and lookdowns were also added to the East Cape catch list.
The buoys up at East Cape’s Punta Pescadero were producing double digit catches of dorado earlier in the week, but when Ken Kautsch and his two boys, from Jefferson, Ore., they seemed to be missing and it took a lot of effort to find even a few.
On the East Cape marlin scene, it was Katy-Bar-the-Door. They bit almost anything that was drug behind the boat.
Eric Kraimer, Houston, stopped by the porch Thurs. night to show off the photos of a Bubba Class rooster caught near the lighthouse.
All in all you could safely say that the East Cape was going off big time this week.
AIR & SEA - East Cape water temperature 70-84 Air temperature 78-96 Humidity about 25%. Wind: Calm Conditions: Clear Visibility 12 miles Sunrise 6:33 a.m.
OFFSHORE: Good as it gets, marlin, tuna and steady dorado rounded out the excellent catches this week.
INSHORE: Roosters, jacks, ladyfish kept things rocking steadily for the fly-flingers
BEACH: Want the shots? Now is the time. There’s a good show of roosters and jacks cruising close to shore. Plenty of ladyfish and pompano and even a few quality barred pargo to keep things interesting.
BILLFISH – East Cape boats making the charge for home with so many flags that their outriggers look like they might break from the strain. Lots of high single and some double digit catches.
YELLOWFIN TUNA – Close and hungry, what else do you need to know?
DORADO – Find the right shark buoy and your arms will be longer before you finish.
ROOSTERFISH\JACK CREVALLE – Take your pick, rooster alley, Bartle’s Beach or the lighthouse all are producing exciting action. Hang around the lighthouse long enough and you may be treated to the “Freak Show.”
BARRILETE OR MEXICAN SKIPJACK – Who cares? Too much happening with all the other species to take time to find out.
PARGO AND CABRILLA – Rocky points as the sun falls behind the mountain seem to be the best time.
SIERRA – Still grabbing a fly every now and then.