Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico



Oct. 22-28, 2004, Stan Lushinsky, Ixtapa Sportfishing, Mexico Charters:

A solid week of good weather and a slight upswing in angling activity set the stage for a good start to this year's fall Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing season.

Most of the boats have gone through their annual maintenance schedules and are ready to go. Newest addition to our fleet, The Sirena with captain Alex, posted some very good numbers for this week.

Alaska angler Larry Bravo who was a diehard Cabo fan, Landed 2 big SAILFISH, 1 DORADO, 5 BONITOS, and a monster WAHOO in day offshore aboard the SIRENA.

Mexico City anglers Ruben and Arturo Meneses also fishing aboard the Sirena landed 4 SAILFISH, (2 released ) and 1 big DORADO in 5 hours of fishing.

Sandy Thompson from London England also fishing with Captain Alex 4 SAILFISH ( 2 released ), 1 DORADO, 2 BONITOS, and 2 YELLOWTAIL Jacks in a 5 hour period and still had time left in her day to enjoy some great snorkeling and a fresh fish barbecue at Ixtapa Island.

Returning anglers Vernon Tull fishing aboard the Janeth landed 2 SAILFISH, 1 WAHOO, 4 BONITOS and 5 BIG EYE JACKS in three days of fishing.

Captain Adolofo Espinosa Found a nice school of Roosterfish near Petitland and landed 6 ROOSTERS in one inshore day.

Captain Ruben on the Vamonos 1 reports a 2 SAILFISH, 1 DORADO Day and the crew aboard the Vamonos 2 reports 7 SAILFISH and 2 DORADOS in 4 days of fishing.

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing has certainly picked-up over the past few weeks and barring any unforeseen weather occurrences this year's Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Total Tag & Release tournament should be action packed. Interested anglers are encouraged to contact our office for last minute availability and details. Finally, our ground contact, Able Cortez reported a very special visitor to Zihuataenjo Bay this week, a very friendly Sea Lion which was the attraction for Many locals as well as tourists. The Sea Lion found many people willing to pass out free meals throughout the week and stayed around to enjoy the feast.

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather: Gentle breezes temps in the high 80's

Sea Condition: Calm.

Bait Supply: Excellent.

(See "Mexico Fishing News" online for current fishing reports, photos, weather, and water temperatures from Ixtapa Zihuatanejo and other major Mexican sportfishing areas. Vacation travel articles, fishing maps and seasonal calendars, and fishing related information for Ixtapa Zihuatanejo may be found at Mexfish.com's main Ixtapa Zihuatanejo page.



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