Mulege, Mexico



July 7, 2006, Mike Massey, Good dorado fishing out of Posada Concepcion.

My friend Gerry Moses and I were down in Mulege last week. We got out fishing four days from June 30th to July 1st and got dorado limits-plus all but Sunday the 1st.

A weather system moved in and made it rough outside. The key to the fishing was to locate the fish then it was wide-open. The dorado were in the same area every day, about 10 miles outside Point Concepcion, or 20 miles from the river mouth on a 60-degree heading.

The first fishing day we found a string of sargassum weed paddies, and the dorado were literally boiling on the surface at times, in groups of 10 to 20 fish! I have never seen a group of dorado do that before. From a distance they looked like dolphins.

We fished on our boat, Tailchaser, a 22-foot Cabo Cuddycon out of Posada Concepcion. I had some great battles on my 20-pound spinning outfit, a Shimano Baitrunner 4500 on a light Penn Powerstick. I caught the biggest one, 30 pounder on that rod. Kicked my butt good.

It was surprising that all the dorado (or dolphinfish) were in a very concentrated area, and trolling just a few hundred yards away was not productive. The best way we found was to just sit still and drop or cast squid and Krocodiles at them once you found the school. Of course the heat made it hard to stay out very long, but with so many fish it didn't matter. Dorado were all around the boat. Most of the fish were in the 10-15 pound range, with our biggest going 30 pounds.

Anyone heading down should take a couple pounds of squid to cut up and hold the fish around the boat.

We saw some marlin and sailfish, but not many. We heard others saw a lot on different days.

We also saw some football yellowfin boiling, but we couldn't get one on the troll or bait. A couple did get caught by others during the week.

Mulege sportfishing weather of course was hot and muggy.

We stayed in Loreto at the Hotel Oasis on Monday night, and left on Alaska Airlines on July 4th. Lots of dorado caught out of the hotel on Tuesday morning. Everyone seemed happy and the fish cleaning table was full. I almost joined a panga in the morning, but we had enough fish and after sleeping outside on the beach for a week I was ready to sleep in with some air conditioning.

We barbecued some fish last night at the house and cracked a couple Coronas. Not quite the same as in Baja but it still felt good.

(See "Mexico Fishing News" online for current fishing reports, photos, weather, and water temperatures from Mulege and other major Mexican sportfishing areas. Vacation travel articles, fishing maps and seasonal calendars, and fishing related information for Mulege may be found at's main Mulege page.



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