Oct. 2, 2005, Catalina Meders, Title Company Bookstore, San Felipe, Mexico Town Report:
In San Felipe, the weather today is still extremely humid, 56 percent! The temperature on the balcony is 84 degrees, and rising. Yesterday it went up to 103 up here, so I'll not be surprised if that doesn't happen again.
The water temperature at San Felipe is very warm, around 85 degrees, which of course is bad news in the light of Tropical Storm Otis which is moving slowly north on the Pacific side, and is expected to cross over the mountains early on Monday. Otis has been downgraded from a category 1 Hurricane and should continue to lose strength as it travels over land. But the Sea of Cortez may cause it to build up again.
San Felipe can almost certainly expect some heavy rain storm activity. Looks like I'll spend Monday hauling the bargain books inside. San Felipe has been very, very quiet during the last week, but the swap meet began up at Cachanilla yesterday. It was slow, not everyone knew about it, but that will change as the snow birds accumulate.
There is a huge article in today's San Diego paper about buying property in Mexico. San Felipe is apparently mentioned. Things are booming, about which many of us have mixed feelings, but change will happen anyway. It's hard to believe that San Felipe was once a sleepy little fishing village. Vaya con Dios, from the bookstore by the bay.
(See "Mexico Fishing News" online for current fishing reports, photos, weather, and water temperatures from San Felipe and other major Mexican sportfishing areas. Vacation travel articles, fishing maps and seasonal calendars, and fishing related information for San Felipe may be found at's main San Felipe page.