June 6, 2006, Catalina Meders, Title Company Bookstore, San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico:
Hola everyone, from sunny hazy, hot San Felipe. Right now at 10:20 a.m., it's 92 degrees in the shade on the bookstore balcony with the humidity at 54 percent. San Felipe people are sort of dragging around although there is a slight breeze at the moment which feels delightful.
All week folks have been coming into the store and spending more time than usual looking at books. Methinks this has more to do with the air conditioners than a sudden spike of reading fever.
And things at San Felipe are definitely slowing down as more and more as people leave town for the summer.
We too will be leaving San Felipe at the end of this June to go on our annual giant book search trip, so this will be my last report but one for the season.
At the rate this "little" town of San Felipe is growing I can only conjecture what will have transpired by the time we return in September. Already the whole ambiance of our small corner of San Felipe has changed drastically, with two huge real estate offices open directly across the street from each other. I have mixed feelings about this, and I am not alone. But change cannot be stopped and there is nothing but to go with the flow. Until next week, vaya con Dios from the bookstore by the bay.
(See "Mexico Fishing News" online for current fishing reports, photos, weather, and water temperatures from San Felipe and other major Mexican sportfishing areas. Vacation travel articles, fishing maps and seasonal calendars, and fishing related information for San Felipe may be found at's main San Felipe page.