Erendira, Mexico


Good Bottom Fishing for 17 Baja Boats at Erendira, Mexico

March 13, 2005, Fernando Castro, Castro's Camp, Erendira, Baja California, Mexico Fishing Report:

This week, Castro's Camp had 17 boats fishing at Erendira. We caught a lot of lingcod, red rockcod, barracuda, whitefish, cabrilla. Sunday was an especially good day for fishing, and we caught a lot of very big fish.

The fishing weather at Erendira was very good on Monday and Tuesday this week. On Wednesday and Thursday, however, we had ocean swells of 7 to 8 feet in our fishing areas off Erendira. On Friday, the swells went down to about 4 to 5 feet. This weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, Erendira has very good fishing conditions again.

We had more large groups of fishermen at Erendira this week, of 10 to 12 persons, from San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, and they were all very happy with the fishing. We are leaving for fishing at 6:30 a.m., and returning at 4 or 5 p.m. in the afternoons, and we are also catching a lot of squid, which are very tasty.

The water temperature in our Castro's Camp fishing area, up to about 3 miles from the coast, is 59 degrees, and the color is clear blue. We are fishing with all the usual tackle.



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