African Pompano, Alectis ciliaris: An African Pompano with its soft rays deteriorated. Photo courtesy Eric Brictson, Gordo Banks Pangas. Fish identification courtesy Peter Langstraat.
African Pompano, Alectis ciliaris: So far I have caught only five of them, two the past June, one in October 1999, one in June 1999, and the first one in June 1998. Three of them on a dead trolled sardine, one on a Popper, one on a trolled artificial fly. Lengths were between 25 and 28 inches, line class 8 pounds. Four of them in front of Hotel Punta Colorada, one at East Cape, Bahia de Palmas in front of Hotel Palmas de Cortez, B.C.S. Mexico. Description and photo courtesy Peter Langstraat.
African Pompano, Alectis ciliaris: Photo courtesy Gary Graham, Baja On The Fly.
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