
Cabo San Lucas fishing articles, maps, fishing reports, peak seasons, hot spots, and
vacation travel information for the top sportfishing locations of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
Sportfishing at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, is one of the world's great vacation travel experiences. Located at the absolute, extreme tip of Mexico's famous Baja California peninsula, "Cabo" is a magic vacation spot where sportfishing tourism is so intense that on any given morning it is often possible to see more than 200 charter boats leaving the crowded marina, carrying eager vacationers who have come from all over the world to catch marlin, tuna, sailfish, wahoo, dorado (also known as dolphinfish or mahi mahi), and dozens of other game fish species, such as red snapper, yellowtail, sierra, jack crevalle, roosterfish, groupers, and many, many more.
During Cabo's many annual sportfishing tournaments, such as the world famous Bisbee's Black and Blue Marlin Tournament, the world's richest fishing competition with its million dollar purses, and the huge Western Outdoor News Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot, Mexico's largest angling event in the number of boats chartered, the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the marina is literally churned to a froth as scores of gleaming charter boats frantically charge out to sea in search of adventure, glory--and possibly, some very "big bucks" that may easily range into the six-figure bracket.
More often than not, these big time tournament boats, and also the huge armada of regular sportfishing cruisers and pangas (Mexican outboard motor powered skiffs about 22 feet long) that leaves the Cabo San Lucas marina nearly 365 days per year (with pauses only for hurricanes or other tropical storms!) will return in the afternoon with their outrigger flags flying, signifying another successful day in this, one of the world's richest sport fisheries, and also a modern tourist destination with a fascinating modern history that goes back half a century.
For vacationers of all persuasions, and especially mixed groups with some anglers and some who would prefer their fishing vacations to include exotic scenery, dining, beaches, pools, shopping, and nightlife, Cabo San Lucas truly "does it all." Here, in this glamorous Mexican vacation port of call, one could theoretically go for a morning walk around the beautiful marina, swim, snorkel, dive, parasail, catch a marlin or two or three, play a few holes of golf, grab a massage, buy a piece of decorative sculpture by a world recognized artist, have a blowout dinner of Japanese, Chinese, Italian, or of course Mexican cuisine, and then hit the nightclubs (adults only!) until the sun comes up the next morning and it's time to go fishing again!
The amazing year-round reliability of Cabo San Lucas' sportfishing seasons is exemplified by no species more than the striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax, one of the world's most highly prized gamefish. To quote the classic Mexico fishing guidebook, The Baja Catch, by Neil Kelly and Gene Kira:
"Cabo is in a class by itself when it comes to striped marlin fishing...there are more striped marlin caught within 40 miles of Cabo year-round than any place else. It's no accident. Cabo is the crossroads for most of the marlin that migrate through this part of the Pacific, and it is home base for a large school of resident fish that never leave the area..If you have never wet a line before in your life, and if for some strange reason you absolutely, positively, must catch a striped marlin before next Thursday afternoon, your odds are better in Cabo San Lucas than any place else in the world."
And continuing, The Baja Catch says, "When the bite is on in this part of Baja, you could hook a dozen striped marlin a day here...The odds are good that you would also run into tuna and dorado, maybe a blue marlin, and maybe even a wahoo. Cabo San Lucas fairly glitters with glamour fish."
Yet, most visitors to today's high-profile Cabo San Lucas are not aware that only a few decades ago, this place was literally nothing more than a sleepy village and a fish cannery. And ironically, one of the most important leaders of Cabo's thriving tourist industry today originally came here in the 1950s to manage that cannery. Cabo San Lucas', Luis Bulnes Molleda, owner of the Hotel Solmar at the extreme tip of the Baja California peninsula, counts his conversion from commercial fishing to the tourism from a day in 1955 when he saw a striped marlin caught by handline from the cannery dock.
Why are Cabo San Lucas fishing vacations so appealing and popular? First, the infrastructure has been beautifully implemented here to make a fishing trip go smoothly and enjoyably from beginning to end. From the instant your plane lands at Los Cabos International Airport, everybody understands that you are here to fish and have fun. Are you packing a 9-foot rod tube and 150-quart ice chest? No problema, senor! Here, they see that literally a hundred times a day. With no fanfare at all, you are whisked off in your van and within an hour are sipping your welcome margarita at your hotel.
If you are an old pro, you will have already have your fishing tackle set to go, and you will undoubtedly have made arrangements for the morning's fishing with your regular charter boat and crew, some of whom have been hunting this part of the ocean for decades and have caught literally thousands of marlin and tens of thousands of other gamefish.
If you are a first-time angler here, you have your pick of dozens of professional, highly reputable boats, crews, and booking agents at every hotel, and at several offices around the marina, who can arrange a boat that suits your budget and fishing goals. If in doubt, you can check the Cabo San Lucas fishing reports published every week in Western Outdoor News, the largest outdoor weekly newspaper in the United States, or online in Mexico Fishing News, the largest online resource for Mexico fishing vacation information. These standard print and internet resources can also provide you with handy tips and techniques for your first Cabo fishing adventure.
When choosing a charter boat at Cabo San Lucas, you usually get what you pay for. All other things being equal, the more pricey boats are larger, faster, and better able to get you fish if the water's a little rough or if the fish concentrations are located far from port during your vacation time slot. On the other hand, even the humble pangas with their Mexican panguero captain can catch you anything caught by a cruiser, when conditions are right. These amazing artisanal fishermen in their amazing boats have caught giant marlin nearly 1,000 pounds in weight, so if you are looking for an Ernest Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea" adventure, this is your spot!

You are free to bring your own fishing tackle, of course, but be forewarned, the specialized, heavy duty gear necessary for successfully landing offshore big game fish that often go well over 100 pounds in weight is very expensive! At the tip of Baja, virtually all charter cruisers, and most pangas, provide high grade tackle and all necessary accessories, lures, hooks, etc., at no additional cost. For those who arrive with nothing but their swimsuits, the better boats provide not only all the equipment necessary for a successful hunt, but all the knot tying, bait hooking and presentation, expert guidance, and every other type of assistance required to get even complete neophytes that fish of a lifetime.
However, you will need to buy your day's supply of live bait, and this is accomplished after you've boarded your boat at the marina dock, in the predawn, early morning light. Live mackerel or caballito baits are typically priced at what seems to be an exorbitant $2 each, but you must remember that those baits were caught one at a time by fishermen in skiffs who worked all night long for that purpose, fishermen who must split their income with the owner of the boat. Some nights they catch nothing. Nearly all of them also have daytime jobs ashore, and families that they are supporting on the mainland. Buy at least ten baits and give these guys a good tip! Without their valuable services, your boat could well be flying a skunk flag this afternoon!
But, tremendous infrastructure aside, what you really need for a fishing vacation is fish, right? And Cabo delivers big-time in this department as well. As your cruiser or panga leaves the marina, your captain has a truly critical tactical decision to make--turn left, or turn right? Seems simple enough, doesn't it? But you see, Cabo San Lucas sits at the very tip of the 700 mile long Baja California peninsula, and if your boat turns left, you are fishing on the magnificent Sea of Cortez. If you turn right, you are fishing on the vast Pacific Ocean. Sea water temperatures, wave conditions, and ocean currents are almost never exactly the same on both sides at the same time, and that's one of the "secrets" of why this is such an incredibly productive, unique, and reliable fishing vacation spot. If the fishing isn't so good on one side, it's probably good on the other. Left or right? Only at Cabo!
So, how good, really, is the sportfishing here? Amazingly, in typical, everyday Cabo San Lucas fishing action, charter boats average almost one billfish for every departure (striped marlin, blue marlin, black marlin, or sailfish) year round, plus several times as many tuna and dorado. Double, triple, and quadruple marlin release days are so common they do not raise eyebrows here at the "Striped Marlin Capital of the World." Yes, double-digits are entirely possible and scored by some lucky Cabo boats every year. When the fishing is really "on" here, you will probably beg your crew to quit before noon and your arms will be sore for a week afterwards. No kidding. (For actual weekly fish counts and peak seasons for all the major species, check in Western Outdoor News and Mexico Fishing News.)
But, win, lose, or draw, during your sport fishing vacation, please do not pressure your crew to keep fish that are more than you can eat. In today's conservation-minded sportfishery, virtually all charter boat crews will prefer to release billfish, and excess catches of tuna and dorado as well. (Release the hard-to-catch and delicious wahoo? No way!!!)
Today, the overall billfish release rate at very progressive Cabo San Lucas is estimated at more than 95 percent. But the final decision is yours, since you are the boss and your crew will do as you direct. By all means, keep a reasonable and legal amount of fish, which will be filleted and frozen to perfection for you as part of the service, but please, request that your crew release all billfish (they aren't that hot to eat, anyway) and all extra tuna, dorado, roosterfish and other species, to reproduce their kind, and fight another day. In doing so, you will help to assure that future generations, including perhaps your own children, will be able to enjoy the same thrilling Cabo San Lucas fishing adventure that you have. Gene Kira, Mexico Reports Editor, Western Outdoor News & Mexico Fishing News.
"Related Cabo San Lucas Articles & Information:
Photos of Unidentified Crab Species Found in Baja's Los Cabos Area.
Tuna, Billfish Scarce as Cabo San Lucas Vacationing Anglers Target Mostly Dorado.
Rainbow Runner, Fore Spotted Brotula, Yellow Margin Moray Eel Marine Species Photos.
Boats Hampered by Full Moon in Sluggish Action Following Hurricane Jimena.
Cabo San Lucas Escapes Major Damage as Hurricane Jimena Strikes Baja Farther North.
Another Cabo San Lucas Uproar on Mexican Fisheries Policy.
A Proud Fishing Tradition at Cabo San Lucas.
Bisbee's 2001 Black & Blue Marlin Tournament.
Bisbee’s 2003 Black & Blue Marlin Fishing Tournament Worth $1 Million.
Cabo Fisheries Protest: Aiming at the President.
Cabo San Lucas Hosts Three Tournaments at Once.
Eye of the Labyrinth.
Fishing Tips & Techniques for Cabo San Lucas.
Hotel Association to the Rescue After Cabo San Lucas Armed Robbery.
Hurricane Juliette Gives Cabo and Baja a Soggy Spanking.
IGFA Rules No All-Tackle Record for Near 90-Pound Cabo San Lucas Dorado.
Julio Berdegue as Prospero.
Live Bait Shuck & Jive at Cabo San Lucas.
Luis Bulnes and the Marlin That Changed Cabo San Lucas.
Minerva's Baja Tackle Store.
More Bisbee's Fireworks at Cabo San Lucas?
Rolex/IGFA Offshore Championship Tournament Comes to Cabo.
The Blur of APEC 2002 at Cabo San Lucas.
The History of Modern Cabo San Lucas.
Western Outdoor News Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot Makes a Big Splash!
Fishing Map for the Cabo San Lucas Area:
Los Cabos Area Fishing Map (San Jose del Cabo & Cabo San Lucas).
Cabo San Lucas Sportfishing Seasons Calendar:
Cabo San Lucas Fishing Seasons Calendar.
Archived Cabo San Lucas Sportfishing Reports:
March 9-15, 2007, Late winter Cabo San Lucas marlin fishing.
Feb. 25, 2007, Striped marlin fishing slower at tip of Baja.
Feb. 23, 2007, Mixed water temperartures and marlin action for Cabo boats.
Feb. 16-22, 2007, Baja billfish action split between Pacific and Cortez sides.
Feb. 12-18, 2007, Fly Hooker sportfishing report.
Feb. 17, 2007, Charter boat Falcon on steady striped marlin at the 1150 spot.
Feb. 16, 2007, Cabo billfish action steady on the Cortez side of Baja.
Feb. 9-15, 2007, Baja fishing steady on striped marlin as tuna and dorado slow.
Feb. 11, 2007, Sailfish show up as striped marlin move into Sea of Cortez.
Feb. 10, 2007, Cabo San Lucas charter boat Falcon finds stripers on the Cortez side.
Feb. 9, 2007, Tip of Baja marlin fishing moves to Cortez side.
Feb. 4, 2007, Fly fishing with Baja Anglers for dorado and marlin.
Feb. 3, 2007, Cabo San Lucas fishing boat "Get Over It" scores a 325-pound yellowfin tuna.
Feb. 2, 2007, Sloppy seas but marlin still present on Baja's Pacific side.
Feb. 2, 2007, Some rough seas for the sportfishing panga Cheer's.
Jan. 26-Feb. 2, 2007, Pisces Fleet boats find slower marlin fishing on Baja's Pacific side.
Jan. 28, 2007, Good striped marlin fishing is very close to home.
Jan. 27, 2007, Baja striped marlin fishing action on the move close to Cabo.
Jan. 26, 2007, Mixed species local panga fishing on the Pacific side.
Jan. 25, 2007, Good winter striped marlin fishing up the Pacific side.
Jan. 18, 2007, Baja California Sur working to establish protection for sportfishing in Mexico.
Jan. 15-21, 2007, Cloudy Baja weather and north winds as good marlin fishing continues.
Jan. 20, 2007, Charter boat Falcon finds good striped marlin fishing in rough seas on the Pacific side.
Jan. 18, 2007, Hunting and fishing with Baseball Hall of Famer Wade Boggs in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Jan. 13, 2007, Very good striped marlin fishing on the Pacific side for the charter boat Falcon.
Jan. 12, 2007, Good winter marlin fishing at the tip of Mexico's Baja peninsula.
Jan. 12, 2007, Charter panga fly fishing and conventional fishing near Cabo.
Jan. 5-11, 2007, Good winter marlin fishing holds up on Baja Pacific banks for Pisces Fleet boats.
Jan. 7, 2007, Pacific side striped marlin fishing at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, by the charter boat Falcon.
Jan. 6, 2007, Fishing Baja's Pacific side on the Cabo charter super panga Cheer's.
Jan. 4, 2007, Pisces Fleet catches plenty of striped marlin plus an out of season blue marlin.
Dec. 27, 2006, Excellent striped marlin fishing at the Golden Gate Bank.
Dec. 22, 2006 , Panga fly fishing and conventional tackle fishing aboard the Cheer's.
Dec. 22, 2006, Striped marlin fishing holds up on Cabo San Lucas' Pacific Ocean side.
Dec. 20, 2006, Local panga fishing for striped marlin and dorado aboard the Cheer's.
Dec. 18, 2006, Pisces Fleet finds good striped marlin fishing at the Golden Gate Bank.
Dec. 15, 2006, Very good striped marlin fishing on the Pacific side.
Dec. 12-14, 2006, Local Cabo fishing on the charter super panga Cheer's.
Dec. 9, 2006, Striped marlin fishing slow on the Finger Bank.
Dec. 9, 2006, Fly fishing on the charter super panga Cheer's.
Dec. 1, 2006, Striped marlin fishing surfaces at the Golden Gate Bank.
Dec. 1, 2006, Golden Gate Bank fishing steady for marlin and some wahoo.
Nov. 26, 2006, Double-digit striped marlin fishing on the Pacific side Golden Gate Bank.
Nov. 23, 2006, Bottom fishing for striped marlin at the Golden Gate Bank.
Nov. 17, 2006, Cabo San Lucas charter cruisers fishing up the Pacific side.
Nov. 5-10, 2006, Fly fishing at Cabo on the panga Cheer's.
Nov. 3-9, 2006, Striped marlin counts dominate billfish counts at the tip of Baja.
Nov. 4, 2006, Fishing the Pacific Side of Cabo On The Charter Panga Cheer's.
Oct. 31, 2006, Bisbee's Black & Blue Marlin Tournament sets new world record cash payout of over $4.1 million.
Oct. 27, 2006, Storm Paul shortens 2006 Bisbee's tournament to 2 fishing days.
Oct. 22, 2006, Pisces Fleet 438-pound blue marlin wins 2006 Los Cabos Billfish Tournament.
Oct. 20, 2006, Fishing for dorado and tuna split on Pacific and Cortez sides.
Oct. 14, 2006, More blue marlin caught as big fishing tournament season approaches.
Oct. 13, 2006, Plenty of dorado for Cabo charter boats.
Oct. 6, 2006, Dorado lead fish counts for Cabo charter boats, Larry Edwards.
Oct. 1, 2006, State Sponsored Governor's Cut Circuit Fishing Tournament At La Playita, Tracy Ehrenberg.
Sept. 29, 2006, Gaviota Charter Boat Releases A 600-Pound Class Blue Marlin, Larry Edwards.
Sept. 21, 2006, Striped Marlin Still Lead Cabo Billfish Counts, Tracy Ehrenberg.
Sept. 21, 2006, Post-Storm Sea Life Abundant Off Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Donald Rubi.
Sept. 16, 2006, Dorado And Tuna Lead Post-Storm Fishing Counts, Tracy Ehrenberg.
Sept. 15, 2006, Fish Cabo And Gaviota Fleet Sportfishing Reports, Larry Edwards.
Sept. 7, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Dorado Caught On Rain Debris By Cabo Boats.
Sept. 2, 2006, Cabo Escapes Big Tropical Weather, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas,Mexico.
Aug. 26, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet.
Aug. 24, 2006, Outsanding trip with Gaviota Fleet and Pocho's Charters, Art Coleman.
Aug. 19, 2006, Noe Ramon Druck, Charter panga Cheer's inshore fishing on Pacific side.
Aug. 18, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Gaviota Fleet and Fish Cabo Fleet reports.
Aug. 12, 2006, Noe Ramon Druck, Cabo San Lucas inshore fishing panga reports.
Aug. 4, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, August blue marlin arriving at the tip of Baja California.
July 29, 2006, Noe Ramon Druck, Charter panga Cheer's, Inshore fishing at Cabo San Lucas.
July 28, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Tropical storm Emilia slows fishing at tip of Baja.
July 20, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Spotty fishing for Cabo boats at the tip of Baja.
July 14, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo sportfishing slows down over full moon.
July 9, 2006, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, sportfishing week.
July 7, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Hot fishing weather at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
June 30, 2006, Fish Cabo releases 6 striped marlin for Cabo tournament win, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters.
June 25, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, slow and difficult fishing last week at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
June 15, 2006, Jorge Navarro, Pisces Fleet, Sea of Cortez side marlin keep biting at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
June 9, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Billfish Close To Cabo and at 1150 Spot.
June 2, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Gaviota Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Sport Fishing update.
Jan. 23-29, 2006, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 23-28, 2006, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Reports.
Jan. 27, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 27, 2006, Mike Connolly, Falcon, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 20-26, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 22, 2006, Mike Connolly, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 16-22, 2006, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 15-21, 2006, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 20, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 13-19, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 16, 2006, Charles Whitesell, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 9-15, 2006, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 8-14, 2006, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 13, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 6-12, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 1-8, 2006, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 7, 2006, Mike Connolly, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 1-7, 2006, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Jan. 6, 2006, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Jan. 2, 2006, T.J. Depietro, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 29, 2005-Jan. 4, 2006, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 29, 2005-Jan. 5, 2006, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 26-31, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 30, 2005, Rod Albright, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 30, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 26-30, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 23-29, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 19-25, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 16-22, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 14-21, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 12-18, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 11-17, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 16, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 16, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 8-13, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 11, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 11, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 4-10, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 9, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 1-7, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Dec. 4, 2005, Grant Hartman, Baja Anglers, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fly Fishing Report.
Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Dec. 2, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 25-Dec. 1, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Nov. 24-30, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sport Fishing Report.
Nov. 27, 2005, Emerald Argonza, Matador Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Trip Report.
Nov. 21-27, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 20-26, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 25, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Nov. 18-24, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Nov. 14-20, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 11-17, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Nov. 16, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sport Fishing Report.
Nov. 10-16, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Nov. 6-13, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 6-12, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 5-10, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 9, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sportfishing Report.
Nov. 3-9, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 30-Nov. 5, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Nov. 2, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 30, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Bisbee's Black & Blue Marlin Tournament.
Oct. 24-30, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas Fishing Report.
Oct. 29, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 23-29, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 21-27, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 26, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 23, 2005, Art Coleman, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Trip Report.
Oct. 17-23, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 16-23, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 22, 2005, Donald Rubi, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Trip Report.
Oct. 21, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 14-20, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 13-19, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 10-16, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 9-15, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 14, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 7-13, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 7-12, 2005, Brian Stone, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fly Fishing Trip Report.
Sept. 6-12, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 3-9, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 3-8, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 7, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 30-Oct. 6, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Oct. 2, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Hurricane Otis Report.
Sept. 18-Oct. 2, 2005, Boots Fawcett, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Offshore Fly Fishing Report.
Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 30, 2005, Larry Edwards, Cortez Yacht Charters, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 30, 2005, Bob Lewis, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Trip Report.
Sept. 23-29, 2005, Tracy Ehrenberg, Pisces Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 22-28, 2005, Benjamin Ortega, Solmar Fleet, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 27, 2005, Charlie Whitesell, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 19-25, 2005, George Landrum, Fly Hooker Sportfishing, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
Sept. 18-24, 2005, Tommy Garcia, Cabo Magic, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fishing Report.
More Archived Cabo San Lucas Sportfishing Reports:
[1] [2] [3]
(See weekly online fishing reports, news, photos, and weather and water conditions in "Mexico Fishing News." See the Mexfish.com home page for sportfishing and travel information for Cabo San Lucas and other Mexican fishing vacation destinations.)