LA PAZ, MEXICO: JONATHAN ROLDAN'S TAILHUNTER ADVENTURE SERVICES, La Paz, June 11, 2001, Jonathan Roldan, Tel 626-333-3355; Fax 626-333-0115; Pager 323-349-8111; Message Pager 877-310-7734. The fish gods finally smiled on us in abundance this week and it was one of those times when all the variables...water, air, bait and the planets all lined up and the fish came to party!
We have waited for a week like this for so long and it had to be some of the most spectacular fishing of the season!
The La Paz side still remains inconsistent with occasional flurries of biters, but the Las Arenas side has really been giving it up. Early in the week the waters were green as guacamole and the tuna moved off. I had several groups including Keith & Craig Tsuchiyama and their buds and Todd Rudaitis and his gang come down. Finding loads of sardines not 20 feet from where we leave the beach, it was a literal 3 minute ride to the front of the Arenas light house where tonnage of yellowtail were stacked in the ugly green water. They were that perfect 15-20 pound size and with nothing more than a bait and a small sinker, everyone was getting slammed with limits or near limits on the forkies.
As the week went on, by mid-week it was like night and day as the green water seemed to instantly disappear replaced by the blue water that we're supposed to have. I mean, this was the deep purple/blue/cobalt stuff where you could see 30 feet below the pangas! Well, off the south side of Cerralvo there was such an explosion of fish as I have rarely seen. Tuna foamed, crashed and grabbed air! Sailfish sliced under the boats and tore up chum on the surface; wahoo tore up a couple of lines; even a few big bull dorado showed up and put on acrobatic displays between the packed pangas! There were so many fish, that the only way to describe it is to say it was like a Guy Harvey or Chuck Byron mural or t-shirt come to life!
You could see bronze backed yellowfin schools swimming under the pangas and eating the dead bait drifting down. Several times all of us were hooked up only to look down and see a wahoo or sailfish free swimming under the boat and not a thing we could do about it! Many of the boats moved to the Cerralvo lighthouse when the East Cape cruisers would move into the area driving the fish down and there again, the fish seemed to have been waiting. Blue clear waters over the reef and a few tossed baits and WHAM...30 pound pargo were exploding all around as well as yellowtail, amberjack and even a few dorado in the shallow 20-30 foot water! If the weather holds out, I'm hoping this is finally the start of something good. The water has been about 10 degrees lower than normal and the air about the same, but this was the first week that we hit 100 degree air temps; the winds died down and the water temps rose a bit. Bait is thick and if only the winds die down long enough, hopefully, the La Paz side will also begin kicking down fish as well!
ENSENADA, MEXICO: LILY FLEET, Ensenada, June 10, 2001, Sammy Susarrey, Reservations Tel/Fax, 5 to 9 p.m., 011-52-617-46747; Cell 011-52-618-67485. Today the Tamara caught albacore at gps numbers 31 32 117, reporting 20 ablies, 5-25 pounds. The Amigo reported 35 albacore 33 miles outside of Marina Coral. Water temperature 64.5 degrees. Mike The Bait Man today has very good anchovies and medium sardines. The ocean has been flat and calm. Most of the fish hit zuchini and Mexican flag colors, also red-and-white Zukers. The Lily, fishing locally, reported limits of barracuda, log sizes. They also saw many schools of yellowtail but they did not hit today.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: SERGIO'S ENSENADA SPORTFISHING CENTER, Ensenada, June 10, 2001, Sergio Susarrey, Reservations Tel 011-52-617-82185. Fair to good catches of albacore are the latest news from Ensenada! On Saturday (06/09/01) the charter boat El CAZADOR with fifteen anglers onboard returned to our marina with a catch of 20 albacore and also 20 yellowtail. On Sunday (06/10/01) the EL CAZADOR went back again with a group of ten anglers with a count of 15 albacore, 5 yellowtail and 5 bonito.
The boats were fishing 30 miles west of Todos Santos Is. around what is called the 295 spot, water temperature at 64 degrees, nice calm conditions at time of fishing.
At this time we're booking charters as well as open party reservations for the weekends that is Friday, Saturday & Sunday. The local fishing remains excellent with great results on log size barracuda sand bass and bottom fish also fair catches of yellowtail on daily basis that is one per angler on the 15 to 18 pound class. For bait using nice sardines and anchovies from Mike's live bait service. Excellent weather inside Ensenada Bay.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: PEDRO'S PANGAS, San Quintin, June 11, 2001, Pete Hillis, Reservations 888-568-2252. Air temperatures have been in the 70s during the day and 60s at night. Water temperatures are still cool, around 58 degrees. But seas have been excellent--calm and flat.
Fishing with us this week were Brad Willsey, of Hanford, CA, and Joe Uhor, Ed Contreas, and Paul Zee, all hailing from Lemoore, CA. They fished with us for 3 days and brought in limits of halibut (up to 12 lbs.) fishing at the island, limits of yellowtail (12 to 16 lbs.), and limits of rock cod, ling cod and whitefish.
And with us was Jim Nolan of Buena Park, CA and Paul Brewer of La Habra, CA. They fished with us for 2 days and brought in limits of rock cod and whitefish on Day 1, and limits of halibut and yellowtail on Day 2 out at the island.
All fish were hitting on rapalas, jigs and live bait and brought in off of San Martin Island with some yellowtail were picked up at the 15 and 240 spots.
We know there have been reports circulating as to heavy albacore action, but as the time of this report (6/10/01), we think you should advise your readers to wait a few weeks before they spend the extra cash for fuel to got out for albacore. They will be here soon in heavy numbers. But if you are looking for great halibut and yellowtail action, our boats are ready to serve you.--Thanks, Pete
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: SAN QUINTIN SPORTFISHING, San Quintin, June 11, 2001, Gene Allshouse, Reservations 011-526-165-9229. Hi Friends... I had 4 boats go out after the Albacore this Saturday and I am sorry to report that they were not to be found. We ran out up to 32 miles in different directions and only spotted one school and they were not hungry. The water that was blue at 20 miles out, is now green. Obviously this will turn back to blue water as fast as it turned green. We will be watching and scouting and I will let you know as soon as it changes.
The good news is we did manage to pick up quite a few Yellowtail off the kelp patties and some Bonita as we were trolling the area. The Yellowtail averaged 15 pounds and every patty was loaded with them.
We stopped at the 15 Spot on the way back in and loaded up on some of the nicest Ling Cod I have ever seen. Some were over 30 pounds. We also caught quite a few quality White Fish and Reds to load up the guy's coolers.
I had 8 boats go out this week with 16 fisherman and they caught a total of 4 Albacore, 32 Yellowtail, 6 Bonita, 9 Calico Bass, 7 Sand Bass, 18 Rock Cod, 16 White Fish and 78 of those nice Ling Cod. The Albacore catch was slim but, the fishing was still great. NO one went home disappointed. As I have said in the past, "there is always fish to catch in San Quintin." As always, I hope to see you all here and I hope to have an updated Albacore report for you real soon. --Gene
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: BAJA ON THE FLY, San Carlos, June 13, 2001, Gary Graham, Reservations Tel 800-919-2252; Fax 760-746-7260. Temperatures: 75-degree high; low in the mid 60s. Fair skies with strong wind in the afternoon. TUNA - No catches reported. YELLOWTAIL - Pretty slow. CORVINA - Fair catches throughout the bay. SNOOK - Good catches at Mario's spot as well as several deep holes below Devil's Curve. HALIBUT - Fair catches at the bocas.
QUICK COMMENT - Brian O'Keefe and Judith Leach, from Gates, Ore.; Don Sloan, Borrego, Calif., and I left the East Cape at "zero dark hundred" on Sun. (6/10) morning so that we could fish the afternoon in the esteros. We arrived at 11 a.m. and we were at our first estero by 11:30. Brian took one warm-up cast and then got down to business and caught the first snook of the day on a small chartreuse and white Clouser. We only fished until 4 in the afternoon, but still managed to land three snook, pompano, spotted bay bass and pargo.
The following morning (6/11), we left at gray light for a long ride to Alemejas Bay to check out a few esteros that Western Outdoor News columnist Fred Hoctor told me about. After trying to get into our primary goal, but failing because the tide was too low, we moved down to the last boca in the bay where there had been rumors of very large snook. While we did catch some halibut at the entrance, the water was off color and the wind was howling. Now that the tide was a little higher, we went back to the first estero and we were barely able to get in. As we pulled over the sandbar and into deeper water, we could see broomtail grouper, pargo and snook laying up under the mangrove roots. We quickly anchored the boat and two of us cast from the beach and two from the boat. We got ripped and even with lots of broken tackle we still all caught the largest grouper and pargo of our fly-fishing careers. Add a few more snook, and we had a great trip.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: PICANTE FLEET, Cabo San Lucas, June 13, 2001, Sergio Cortes, Reservations Tel 011-52-114-32474; Fax 011-52-114-35969. Fish available: Striped Marlin, Blue Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna & Dorado. Water temperature 75-83. Air temperature: 89/70. Humidity: 61%. Wind: 8-10 Knots (Pacific); 8 -10 Knots (Sea of Cortes). Fleet production (5 boats): 9 Striped Marlin and 5 Dorado. Hot spots: Gordo Banks. Luckiest boat: Picante Expresso (31' CABO). Captain: Eulogio "Gayo" Zumaya. Angler: Point Pleasant Boys Production: 4 Striped Marlin 120-180 lbs.(all released).
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: FLY HOOKER SPORT FISHING, Cabo San Lucas, June 10, 2001, Capt. George & Mary Landrum, Reservations Tel 011-52-117-01271; 011-52-114-87452. We have been having several good, calm days followed by twice as many days with strong winds from the west. Daytime temperatures reached up into the high 90s at times and the lows in the evenings got down to the low 70s to a reported 66-degree period on Thursday evening..
The beginning of the week saw cool green water almost all the way up the Sea of Cortez to Punta Gordo, blue water was not found until you were almost to Los Frailles or out 45 to 50 miles to the southeast. When the wind died down the warm water began to move in and it warmed up quite a bit. Instead of the high 60s and low 70s in front of the Cape, we were managing to get readings in the high 70s with reports of water up to 82 degrees. The surface conditions on the Pacific were fair midweek but very choppy the rest of the week and were good all week on the Sea of Cortez.
BAIT: Caballito and Mackerel were available all week and there are now Mullet available for those wanting to target Roosterfish. These larger baits are the usual $2 each. I have had no reports on the availability of Sardinas during the past week.
Good news was that there were lots of Striped Marlin available this week. The bad news was that both early and late in the week it was a run of almost 50 miles each way to get to them. Luckily the mid-week fishing was a lot closer, right in front of home as a matter of fact. The heavy winds early and late in the week had a very negative effect on the Marlin, as the wind pushed in cool green water from the Pacific. Another negative was the full moon we had on the 6th, the fish were feeding all night and were stuffed during the day. The large majority of fish found had no interest in any live bait early in the week and it was not until three days past the full moon that the situation appeared to change.
YELLOWFIN TUNA: This has been a non existent fish for us the week. I have heard of very few being caught since the Purse-Seiners cleaned up a couple weeks ago.
WAHOO: Nada, probably due to the green water from the winds.
INSHORE: The Roosterfishing is beginning to warm up, the fish are getting a bit larger and more spread out. Live Mullet are the ticket for these fighters. Some large 5-10 lb Sierra are still being found along with a few nice size Amberjack. Mid week the Striped Marlin were close enough in that quite a few were caught by the Pangas. And don't forget the Dorado!--Until Next week, tight lines, George Landrum
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: PISCES FLEET, Cabo San Lucas, June 12, 2001, Tracy Ehrenberg, Reservations Tel 011-52-114-31288; Fax 011-52-114-30588. The fishing has taken off just as we predicted. The weather has warmed up considerably, despite the odd day here and there where it wavered back towards being cold, but overall a great week in Cabo.
Striped marlin were thick off of Cabeza de Ballena and later Punta Gorda. The only problem was, that the marlin appeared, but bait supply dwindled. It was hard to purchase mackerel most of the week, with the less favorable caballito, often the only thing available. In spite of the bait situation catches were still good, giving Pisces anglers an overall catch success rate of ninety-one percent, with seventy-four percent of boats catching marlin.
Angler of the week has to go to Chip Burton from Huntington Beach, Ca. for releasing five striped marlin on his own, aboard "Karina" on June 11th. As Chip commented, :"You know you've had a good day, when you come back with blisters on your hands". Clarence Holland, Dan Kielbey and Brent Dankeilben from Arizona, also had an outstanding day on "Ruthless" on June 8th, releasing four stripers. There were many other boats that had three marlin days too.
OTHER SPECIES: The most notable catch other than marlin this week, was a beautiful 75 lb wahoo, caught by Roberto Campos, from Clayton, Ca. on June 6th, aboard, "Karina". This was Roberto's first every saltwater catch and he found this fish to be quite a challenge, after taking a green and yellow lure south of San Jose (see photo). After marlin, dorado were the most numerous catch, though boats only landed between one and three, they were of a nice size at 25 to 48 lbs. Just a few yellowfin tuna, picked up whilst trolling, all an average of 20 to 25 lbs. Inshore just a few sierra and roosters.
LOCATION: Cabeza de Ballena, Chileno, Red Hill, Punta Gorda, off of San Jose. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear, sunny skies, cooler than normal, very windy on the Pacific, seas on the Cortez side fair to good in the morning, rough on the way back in. AVERAGE WATER TEMP:73 F. BEST LURES: Live bait.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: HOTEL SOLMAR SUITES, Cabo San Lucas, June 8, 2001, Renee Santa Cruz, Reservations Tel 800-344-3349. More marlin flags were flying on outriggers of Solmar Sportfishing Fleet boats returning to port this week than in recent times, according to Fleet Manager Rene Santa Cruz, and the rate of releases has kept pace with the building volume of catches: of 55 striped marlin brought to leader, 49 were released.
"The interest by our anglers in tagging and releasing the big fish is growing every year," Santa Cruz said. We don't have a scientific tally on the trend toward releasing, but we can detect the trend because it is becoming so normal for the mate to cut the line, and to have the victorious angler salute his adversary on its way back to sea. Besides, we think most marlin mounts wind up in the angler's garage these days."
Cabo's weather was also a delight this week, with clear, sunny skies, high 80s temperature, and water surface temperature remaining cool at about 68 degrees. Panga fishing remained popular partly because of some wind and chop on the sea "outside" in a range of 15 to 20 miles.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: GORDO BANKS PANGAS, San Jose del Cabo, June 10, 2001, Eric Brictson, Reservations 800-408-1199; Fax 619-447-4098; 011-52-114-21147. After several weeks of below average fish counts from the Southern Baja region crowds of anglers were light, more like in the off season of August or September. This week however the conditions have improved and in turn there are once again dorado, yellowfin tuna and striped marlin in the daily fish counts. The clarity of the water is steadily improving, blue water was found within a few miles of shore and water temperature was averaging from 72 to 75 degrees.
Bait supplies were plentiful, with mullet and mackerel the bait of choice. Sardinas could be netted by the pangeros in the area of Desteladera on the days when the surf and tides allowed them to reach close the schooling baitfish in the rocky inshore area and when there was enough business to make it worth their while. Overall catches also included shark, sierra, jack crevalle, roosterfish, cabrilla, amberjack, pargo, pompano, bonita, skipjack and grouper.
The weather was cooler than usual for the month of June, some scattered clouds, and slight late morning breezes made for ideal temperatures. The marine haze though made it a bit difficult for skippers to use their normal landmarks to locate the favored fishing grounds. There are now more days where the mountain ranges just are not clear enough to make out the necessary marks and in the future most certainly there will be more use for handheld GPS units.
Trolling along the shoreline with live mullet was the most consistent fishing at this time, as the roosterfish bite is now in full swing. One of the hot spots has been just south of Punta Gorda, at La Laguna. Many anglers caught and released as many as a dozen quality sized roosters in a single morning, with the sizes increasing substantially over the previous week, the majority of the fish were in the fifteen to forty pound class and the largest weighed around sixty pounds. Also along the beaches anglers found sierra, jack crevalle, pompano and a handful of the prized dogtooth snappers to 25 pounds.
A few tuna were seen on the Gordo Banks but would not bite, the yellowfin that were caught came from the areas between La Fortuna and Iman, this is where the water was clearer and the tuna were seen in good numbers feeding on the surface. The lack of available chum along with the bright moon made them a bit finicky during the morning, but some pangas did end up with as many as three or four tuna per day, with the largest topping fifty pounds. These signs are encouraging compared to the past month and as long as the water continues to warm up and stay blue the tuna bite should be only get better.
Offshore action improved for striped marlin and dorado, many stripers were spotted tailing on the surface from 5 to 15 miles out, best areas found between Red Hill and Desteladera, but they were not always eager to bite the bait. Best success was with live mackerel, other fish were hooked up on both mullet and trolled lures. Most boats that did have the right bait and specifically target the billfish had at least one hook up per day on fish averaging from 120 to 140 pounds. Dorado were found spread out in the same areas as the marlin, though not in any great numbers, it was nice to at least see them coming into the fillet tables everyday. The sizes of them were impressive, from 20 to 40 pounds. Things are looking up and we expect action to only become hotter in the coming weeks. --Good Fishing, Eric
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: BAJA ON THE FLY, Buena Vista, June 13, 2001, Gary Graham, Reservations Tel 800-919-2252; Fax 760-746-7260. TEMPERATURES: High of 88 with a low of 71 and clouds in the morning. STRIPED MARLIN - Fair catches. YELLOWFIN TUNA - Good catches in front of La Ribera. DORADO - A few large ones here and there throughout Las Palmas bay. ROOSTERFISH - They are back in front of the hotels and in front of La Ribera. JACK CREVALLE - Near the lighthouse producing excellent catches of quality fish. BARRILLETE OR MEXICAN SKIPJACK - Plenty in front of La Ribera. PARGO AND CABRILLA - A few fish at Punta Colorada. OFFSHORE: Marlin continue to be spotty, while most of the dorado are of the larger variety found in open water; there's a good tuna bite off of La Ribera.
INSHORE: Still the better bet with roosterfish, jacks, sierra, pompano and a few pargo to boot. BEACH: This is has been the year for the larger jacks as well as a few quality roosters.
QUICK COMMENT - Russ Pittis, Anacortes, Wash., fishing with our guide Chris Sorenson on the pontoon boat, has had a great week achieving his ambition to catch a rooster on the fly as well as quality sierra and a good-sized jack. And they all were on the flies he personally tied for the trip. Green/Chartreuse/White deceivers did the trick. Not to be outdone, fishing tackle manufacturers, representative and award-winning photographer Brian O'Keefe, from Gates, Ore., fishing from the beach at Punta Arena on Sat. night before leaving with us Sun. morning to go to Magdalena Bay, caught a 20+ jack from the beach. It took him 45 minutes to land the brute on an 8-weight rod.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: RANCHO BUENA VISTA, Buena Vista, June 9, 2001, Tamara Moyeous, Reservations 800-258-8200. Nice weather and 85 degree waters led to great fishing for the week. Forty-three boat trips resulted in 187 fish caught. Among them were 24 striped marlin, 3 sailfish, 12 dorado, 49 tuna, 44 barrilete, 55 bonito, and 7 jurel. Charlie Heckman's group from New York had great luck. Frank Bauer caught a 186 pound striped marlin. Bob Suli caught a 45 pound dorado. Manuel G. Cobian caught a 49 pound tuna. All were using 40 pound test. Talk to you next week! --Tiffany
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: RANCHO LEONERO, Bahia de Palmas, June 9, 2001, John Ireland and Roy Baldwin, Reservations 800-646-2252; Hotel 011-52-114-10216. Nice weather, with daytime highs near 90, nice evenings about 70, mostly sunny skies, flat morning seas with afternoon breezes and water temp about 80 deg. Green water remains inside, with clear blue water about 7 miles out. An incredible number of striped marlin and sailfish are sighted daily, sometimes almost as thick as a carpet, but they are still line shy, with 1-3 hookups per boat reported, in the blue water, about 7 to 20 miles straight out, with the fish taking equally live sardinas & mullet and blue/green trolled lures. The yellowfin tuna bite continues to improve, with larger fish averaging 30-40 lbs taken this week, mostly off the south end of Cerralvo Island, with live sardinas working best. Big bull dorado from 40-55 lbs continue to be taken daily, mostly on trolled marlin lures, with many fish found on the transition line between the green and blue water. The wahoo bite is getting warmer, with fish to 65 lbs taking rapalas and marauders. The inshore action for roosterfish and big amberjack remains hot, with lots of jacks from 30-50 lbs and roosters to 20 lbs taken just off most south beaches.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: EAST CAPE SPORT FISHING, Los Barriles, June 8, 2001, Dave Dixon and Gil Mendiaz, Reservations 800-837-1556; Fax 805-493-5446. More excellent fishing both offshore and inshore over the last week, though things slowed a bit Tuesday and Wednesday. Anglers had been enjoying an outstanding early-season bite on yellowfin to 80 pounds at Isla Cerralvo in the Punta Sur area, but some cooler green water has shut it down for the time being. However, seeing bigger tuna so early at this historically late-season spot may bode well for the YFT prospects this year. Stay tuned...
Offshore, anglers have been finding great action on big bull dorado, striped marlin, and sailfish, all on the troll. Inshore we're seeing a great bite on roosterfish near Punta Colorada and the lighthouse. Average size is about 15 pounds, with fish to 40 pounds being taken. This bite is no doubt helped by the plentiful bait, featuring one of pez gallo's favorite food items, the lisa (mullet). Sardinas are also in abundance.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: HOTELS PALMAS DE CORTEZ, PLAYA DEL SOL, PUNTA COLORADA, East Cape, June 10, 2001, reported by Dave "Smokey" Manuel, East Cape Smokehouse, Hotel Reservations, 800-368-4334. The hot spot for Tuna at Punta Sur off Cerralvo Island continued somewhat early on Friday morning, sputtered significantly on Saturday and finally kicked the bucket on Sunday. It's over folks, for now anyway. Tuna catches from that locale numbered 98 on Friday, 38 Saturday and 19 on Sunday. Remember, that area has been on and off for a few weeks now, so don't be surprised if action picks up again there later this week. Other than that, not much to talk about except the weather and water.
Well, it's nearly mid June, but the temperatures we should normally start seeing, those that begin the late June, early July mass exodus of most Gringo residents to the border haven't appeared yet. Add a little light wind off the Sea of Cortez and it's cool! Temperatures have been extremely pleasant, not hitting 90 in the last three days. It may not last long, but yours truly is enjoying it as are anglers. The water continues to remain extremely green in most inshore locations; the past few months were not good ones to be in the snorkel and fins rental business, that's for sure. Visibility remains poor. Off shore there is better conditions, but it is not widespread. While fishing, you'll be in green water for a bit, hit a blue water line for awhile, then back to green. Along with the color changes are temp changes. I received reports of water back down into the mid and even lower 70s in spots and very few reading reaching above 80 degrees. That's going in reverse. Looks like it's going to be a weird year.
LORETO, MEXICO: ARTURO'S SPORT FISHING, Loreto, June 7, 2001, Arturo Susarrey, Reservations Tel 011-52-113-50766; Fax 011-52-113-50022. WEATHER: Nights have been fresher than last week. Day temperature is 85-90. Water temperature: On surface 70-75.
DORADO: The best areas for big ones are: Bajo de San Bruno north of Coronado Island, El Bajo del Medio and Punta Lobos in Carmen Island, in Punta Perico there are a lot of them but little ones. Average weight 20-40 lbs.
STRIPER & BLUE MARLIN: East Punta Lobos Carmen island, 20 miles out and El Bajo Punta Lobos are the best areas for them. They are biting better with squid; we recommend bringing squid jigs.
SAILFISH: The most of them are in same areas, One of our fishing boats has had 3 days catching one sailfish per day.
CABRILLA: They are catching this one at Carmen Island, Punta Lobos but last week everybody went fishing only for Dorados.
BAIT: We recommend that you buy it for $1 each. This way you do not lose fishing time. But if you want to catch it, they are at Coronado Island lighthouse at 6-6:30 a.m.
SQUID: off Loreto, morning time 5-6:30 a.m. Approx. weight 2-7 pounds.
LORETO, MEXICO: BAJA BIG FISH COMPANY, Loreto, June 8, 2001, Pam Bolles, Reservations Tel/Fax 011-52-113-50448. It's heating up but fortunately the humidity is lagging behind this season (so far). This is probably due to the winds we've been experiencing on a regular basis in the afternoons and evenings. We're looking at highs into the high 90s to above the 100 mark and early morning lows in the mid 70s . Skies: Clear. The winds have been prevailing mostly from the south and west. Calm in the mornings then picking up in the afternoons as is typical in summer.
Seas: Calm morning seas that build to moderate swells when the afternoon winds pick up. The water temperatures are heating up. We're getting readings from 77-81 .
Parque Marina Bahia Loreto: Status hasn't changed from the last report. The 53 peso per day marine park charge is still in the works. Most of the town is fighting it. Please be prepared for the charge though if you're planning on coming down here this summer. So far, they have not been collecting the fee, but there's no telling when (or if) the fee will be put into place.
Dorado: This is definitely Dorado season. Today was a slower day than we've had lately. Each of our boats landed at least one 45-50 pounder. Trolling live bait is the most popular method to landing these guys but trolling feathers are equally successful. Feather color blue/white and pink/white. There are many of those large fish but there are also many schools of schoolie sized Dorado. Most of the boats are heading to the North and East of Punta Lobos and/or Punta Perico.
Billfish: So, you want sailfish? Today, one of our boats determined to go for sailfish, caught and released 25 sailfish off San Bruno! These same guys that wanted to fish until 5 p.m. were so pooped after today's sailfish shootout, that they could barely lift their margarita glasses to toast the great day. There are marlin as well out there but the sailfish are far outnumbering them.
Other Species: The Cabrilla have been on a good bite for almost a year. Sardina is the bait of choice for them. There are plenty to be had. Many red snapper (huachinango) have come in this year more than in other years. Other species that have been coming in on a regular basis are pargo (many species), dog snapper, whitefish, hogfish, and dozens of other reef species.
Bait: Now there is bait for sale every day right in front of the marina. Expect to pay $1 (U.S.) per mackerel or caballito, or about $15 (U.S.) for enough bait for two persons for a day's fishing. Be sure to get out there early because it is selling out fast. One complaint I am hearing though is that the bait is dying pretty quickly. The reason for this is because the bait guys are now using recievers and they are not allowing the bait to cure in them. They are fishing for the bait the evening before, then selling it the next morning. If you want good, strong live bait it will be best to catch your own. There are large schools of sardina right in and around the marina as well as just off the islands. Squid are also very plentiful offshore.
MULEGE, MEXICO: MULEGE, June 10, 2001, Marty Robison & Jens Kolbowski, reporting for Air Temp 70-85. Water Temp 82. Sea: calm. Skies: clear. Wind: mild. Many fish in the area, but everyone is chasing DORADO. Around most of the shoreline islands. Very good fishing, all week, with a 50 pounder topping the list. Most fish have been catch & release as they are plentiful. Best areas being within 12 miles of Mulege. All being caught on feathers.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: CAMP GECKO, Bahia de los Angeles, June 13, 2001, Abraham Vazquez, Tel 011-52-515-19454; Fax 011-52-665-03206 (goes to Guillermo's), satellite EMAIL direct to Camp Gecko at L.A. Bay. Air temperatures have been comfortable with 88 during the day and 72 at night, except for yesterday when a westerly blew all day and it sent temperatures up to 100s cooling down again at night.
The skies have been clear, humidity has varied from 75% for 3 days to 25% for 3 days. The first part of the week we started having the southeast winds with heavy fog cool and with hi humidity, and now the west wind dry and hot. The water temperature also has varied considerably from 67 to 63 now much warmer inside the bay
The fishing has definitely started improving. The yellowtail have started to show up in the local islands, even though the water temp is still cold. Most of the schools are in between Piojo island and south end of Smith Island. There is some at Punta Pescador, and Punta Don Juan. Everything works, rapalas, live bait, casting jigs to boils, or just yo-yoing. The size of most of the yellowtail is in the 20 lb range, with an occasional 35 and few 12 lb, so I guess this is it. The yellowtail are here, average per boat 8.
The bait is very abundant and can be found all around the bay and around the islands, also some good grouper showing in the catches. With the warming of the water this can only get better. We will be having the "back to the bay" vagabundos yellowtail tournament the coming week, it should be a good one with all the yellows that are starting to show. --Abraham
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: TONY REYES FISHING TOURS, 6-day Midriff Islands trip aboard the panga mothership, Jose Andres, Tony Reyes, Exclusive booking agent, The Longfin, 714-538-8010, trip ending June 8, 2001. Trip #7 out of San Felipe this season. Water temperature 70 degrees. Fish count: 317 cabrillas 10-16 pounds; 114 yellowtail 18-36 pounds; 75 spotted bass; 6 sheephead 8-10 pounds; 4 barred pargo 9-15 pounds; 1 broomtail grouper 12 pounds; 1 grouper 26 pounds. Top fish for the week: 37-pound yellowtail by Bob (Bruno) Berryman; 28-pound yellowtail by Wayne White; 26.5 pound grouper by Shawn Coker.--Reported by The Ice Man
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: BAJA SPORTFISHING, INC., 6-day Midriff Islands trip aboard the panga mothership, Erik, Gustavo Velez, Reservations Tel 619-523-1822, 800-770-2341; Fax 619-523-9896, trip ending June 8, 2001. Weather was warm, with cool nights. Fished at Refugio and fished Golden Reef. Most fish caught on MirrOlures. Fish count: 376 yellowtail to 40 pounds; 117 cabrilla to 22 pounds; 60 pargo to 12 pounds; 1 grouper 60 pounds; 28 white seabass to 28 pounds; 98 spotted bass.
Baja On The Fly client, Judith Leach, of Gates, Oregon., with a dandy fly-caught grouper in an estuary of Magdalena Bay. See Gary Graham's report in the Magdalena Bay Section.
o report from Villas de Loreto this week, but here's a photo Wendy and Ron sent of their trip to San Diego (?). Looks like fun!
Fishing picked up considerably this week at Cabo San Lucas. Here's a striped marlin released by Walt Keller, on Tracy Ann. See Tracy Ehrenberg's Pisces Fleet report below.
Pisces Fleet client, Roberto Campos, from Clayton, California. got lucky with this 75 lb wahoo. It was his first ever saltwater catch. Boat: Karina.
Fishing got HOT this week around La Paz. Here's Jonathan Roldan (in Dr. Seuss hat) and some happy clients.
Here's a photo of "Trout Fishing," that's reader/contributor ( and expert kayak angler), Trout Traubman getting an early start at age 7 in the Grand Tetons. So...that's where he got the name.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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