EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Striped marlin counts jumped a notch, and good catches of school-sized yellowfin tuna and large dorado continued last week, as water temperatures transitioned into the upper 70s.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 103 boats from combined fleets including the Van Wormer resorts of Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with a catch including released fish of: 69 striped marlin, 304 dorado, 463 yellowfin tuna, 5 wahoo, 3 pompano, 2 roosterfish, and 4 sierra. Water temperatures ranged from 72 to 75 degrees, and seas were calm in the mornings, with some afternoon chop.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Buena Vista Beach Resort reported an 86-pound wahoo caught by John Johnson of Denver on the Eclipse with legendary East Cape Capt. Jesus Araiza. BVBR boats saw water temperatures as high as 78 degrees. Thirty-seven boats chartered had a catch including released fish of: 5 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 109 dorado, 335 yellowfin tuna, 5 wahoo, 3 roosterfish, 16 snapper, 5 pompano, 1 triggerfish, 4 cabrilla, 6 skipjack, and 71 sierra.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Rancho Buena Vista reported on 42 boats with a catch including released fish of: 7 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 4 roosterfish, 102 dorado (most over 40 pounds), and 353 yellowfin tuna.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: At Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, Marisol Verdugo said the boats were all doing well on about 3 dorado per day, "lots" of football tuna, and better numbers of marlin being released.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: La Ribera resident George Bergin said he was catching big numbers of foot-long bonefish from the beach right in front of his house. "More fun than I've had in a while!" Bergin said. "Caught bonefish 'till my arms wore out, with my ultra-light and 8-pound test." Bergin said he was catching them at low tide in 75-degree water.
Bergin also commented on the Shark Norma revisions proposed by Dr. Carlos Villavicencio of the UABC Sur in La Paz: 1. Prohibition of nets in the Mexican EEZ. 2. Protection of turtles and other species. 3. Banning of large fishing boats inside 50 miles. 4. Prohibition of shark fishing in the central Sea of Cortez. 5. Installation of satellite monitoring units in all boats. 6. An independent review board for the INP. It remained to be seen whether recent expressions of environmental concern from the Fox government would result in the implementation of such provisions, as talks proceed later this month in La Paz and Guaymas.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: At Rancho Leonero, condolences were offered to the family of John Ireland, who was in the U.S., following the recent death of his father.
At the hotel, Gary Barnes-Webb reported excellent East Cape weather in the mid-80s, and marlin being caught 5 to 10 miles out. Dorado to 50 were located 10 to 15 miles out, and limits of smaller yellowfin tuna to about 25 pounds were taken to the north off Punta Pescadero.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly had guides headed for La Ribera on Sunday afternoon to check out the bonefish reports, and he said, "Roosterfish with shoulders are showing up at Punta Arena and back along the beach to Punta Colorada."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of Vista Sea Sport said water temperatures at Cabo Pulmo averaged 73 degrees at diving depth, and visibility was 40 to 80 feet. Rayor noted that illegal commercial spear gunners were seen working the reef recently.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said his pangas were catching limits of bottom fish, lingcod, rockcod, calico bass, and sandbass, until light rains arrived on Saturday. Punta Banda water temperatures were about 59 degrees, in cloudy weather at 62 degrees, with 4-foot swells, and winds at 8 m.p.h.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Earlier, Sammy Susarrey of Lily Fleet said the Tamara and Amigo did well in windy conditions at Santo Tomas, catching lingcod to 9 pounds. Water temperature was a very cold 51.7 degrees, Susarrey said.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort said he had a good week, with good weather except for some drizzle on Saturday. Several groups of anglers, including one lead by Dennis Spike of Coastal Kayak Fishing, did very well along the coast, Saenz said. Other anglers including Chuck Rodriguez and Lupe Marquez of Fresno caught full limits from pangas between Punta China and Punta San Jose. On Friday, Saenz reported that a local diver speared three, 25-gallon drums of fish.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported San Carlos weather in the mid-70s with afternoon winds, and water temperatures were 60 to 66 degrees. Yellowtail were steady at the Thetis Bank, and halibut to 10 pounds were coming from the shallow beaches around Punta Belcher.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Fleets concentrated on dorado and school-sized yellowfin tuna last week, as striped marlin action slowed down.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 55 boats chartered, with a catch including released fish of: 24 striped marlin, 2 mako shark, 59 dorado, 165 yellowfin tuna, "bunches" of black skipjack, 1 louvar, and 3 wahoo, including a 110 pounder caught by the Mañana. The louvar, was found nearly dead by Capt. Jose Chable of the Cabo Marlin I, Garcia reported.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Solmar Fleet had a catch including released fish of: 45 striped marlin, 65 dorado, 1 wahoo, 98 yellowfin tuna, 15 sierra, 3 roosterfish, and 23 yellowtail. The tuna averaged 20 to 40 pounds, and the dorado about 30 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Gaviota Fleet had a catch including released fish of: 8 striped marlin; 2 wahoo, 40 to 60 pounds; 35 dorado, 20 to 50 pounds; 1 red snapper; and 152 yellowfin tuna, 15 to 35 pounds. Gaviota Fleet fished mostly 5 to 20 miles southeast of the arch, Edwards said.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Picante Fleet reported on 5 boats chartered Thursday with a catch including released fish of: 2 striped marlin, 25 dorado, 32 yellowfin tuna, and a 400-pound broadbill swordfish caught Jim Burke and his party on the Picante Dream with Capt. Eulogio Zumaya.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: At Pisces Fleet, Tracy Ehrenberg reported 20 percent of boats scoring on striped marlin, 61 percent landing dorado, and 53 percent catching yellowfin tuna.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said Cabo weather was partly overcast in the high-80s, with steady northwest afternoon winds that made the Pacific side uncomfortable. Water temperatures on the Pacific side were 67 to 68 degrees, and as high as 79 degrees on the Cortez side.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas said a monster 40-pound snook was caught from a panga, close to the San Jose del Cabo estuary. Pargo and sierra were also caught in good numbers from the same area, on trolled sardina and Rapalas. On the Gordo Banks, Brictson said yellowfin tuna still have not appeared, although some wahoo and dorado were caught.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Luis Duhart of Victor's Fleet said San Jose del Cabo weather was in the high-80s and water temperatures averaged about 74 degrees. Sardina bait was scarce, so anglers were using mackerel and lures. Ozzie Castro of Neptune Tours caught a 40-pound dorado and lost a marlin, Duhart said. They fished at Punta Gordo with live mackerel.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tail Hunter International called it "a pretty good week, overall" but with some days better than others, on yellowtail, pargo, cabrilla, dorado, and a couple of marlin that were lost. "Over 3 or 4 days of fishing, no one is going home skunked and chances are the ice chests are pretty full of fillets," Roldan said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Art Coleman of Coleman Sportfishing Tours fished with his son Brent on the Las Arenas side with Tortuga Fleet and did well on dorado to 36 pounds and yellowfin tuna to 25 pounds. "Can't say enough about the service we got from Gerardo and his son," Colman said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: At La Ventana (Las Arenas side), Robert Chappel of Kurtn Marina reported on a good trip fishing with Juanita's Sportfishing, for Howard Winderbaum, Steve Walker, and Gary Le Blanc, who caught a total of 9 dorado, 2 yellowtail, 3 cabrilla, and a striped marlin, in three days of fishing.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: At Fishermen's Fleet, David Jones said conditions were improving, and dorado were averaging 3 to 4 per boat. Sam Secoff and his son did well on 3 dorado to 20 pounds, and a 235-pound blue marlin, Jones said. Larger pargo, cabrilla, sierra, and wahoo were also caught.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company said yellowtail action was slowing down as more dorado were seen. More early sailfish were also spotted. Loreto weather was calm most of the week, but windy again by Sunday afternoon. Bolles also reported a pending yellowtail fly rod record for the 10-kilo tippet class. Work was progressing on the Loreto Pangeros office beside the ramp, she said, and plans called for refreshment sales, and a full tackle shop, in addition to the reservations and fishing licenses.
LORETO, MEXICO: Butch Bucciarelli and Johnny Johnston drove to Puerto Escondido and fished a large area of the southern islands from Johnston's 23-foot Blackman for hot action on big yellowtail, Bucciarelli said. "I never saw so many, so big. Used caballitos on the bottom. Also caught 4 cabrilla to over 20 pounds. No yellowfin or dorado. Bucciarelli and Johnston fished just north of Isla Catalan and just north of Isla Santa Cruz. "You have to go a long way to get fish from Loreto now," Bucciarelli said. "We went out six days in a row and caught fish every day but one--because the wind came up."
LORETO, MEXICO: At Alfredo's Sportfishing, Linda Ramirez reported that clients landed two yellowtail, one of 30 pounds, and the other 32 pounds.
LORETO, MEXICO: Ty Miller of El Fuerte Sportfishing said, "The south reef of Catalan is going off with yellowtail in the solid 35-pound class, taking baits flylined and about midway, with 4 ounces of lead." Water temperature was 74.5 degrees.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Fly-in resident Ron Grant said the Hotel Serenidad was reporting local residents catching dorado on the troll 5 to 7 miles off Punta Concepcion. "They have shifted from yellowtail to dorado, and are getting them in good numbers," Grant said.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Mulege resident Becky Aparicio returned from an overland trip to La Purisima on the Pacific coast, and reported spotting some "pretty big fish" in the Rio La Purisima north of the small town of San Ysidro.
"This area of the river fans out to a quarter-mile across," Aparicio said. "Shallow, but spectacularly beautiful, with lots of reeds and rocky bluffs for fish to hide. The locals call them 'carpa,' but they didn't look like carp to us."
Aparicio also reported more illegal netting inside Bahia Concepcion:
"Unfortunately the sardineros are back and taking many tons of everything, including yellowtail. They're working boats very close to shore and into Bahia Concepcion. We're all getting pretty sick of seeing these guys get away with this."
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: San Quintin angler Julio Meza trailered his boat to Bahia de los Angeles with his friend Raul Marmol, and stayed at Casa Diaz. They fished together with a panga run by Chubasco Diaz and Capt. Chato, and found good weather conditions, but fishing slow for larger yellowtail and cabrilla. Trolling Rapalas 30 miles north along the coast, all the way to Punta Remedios, they caught 6 smaller cabrilla. Fishing almost all the way south on the west side of Isla Angel de la Guarda, they caught lots of small fish everywhere, a 40-pound eagle ray, and a 30-pound sting ray, using scrambled egg iron on the bottom. Inside the bay, they caught lots of fish, but only a few keepers out of 36 cabrilla, 28 jawfish (aguado), 4 cabrilla (sardinera), 2 rays, and many miscellaneous species.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: At Bahia de los Angeles, Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko reported fair fishing on small yellowtail of 8 to 10 pounds at Soldado Reef. A few white seabass, and good numbers of cabrilla, sandbass, goldspotted bass, and jawfish were also caught locally. Weather was in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 60 to 64 degrees.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Alex Velez of the San Felipe panga mothership Erik reported on a trip to the Midriff coastline with a fish count of: 69 yellowtail, 113 cabrilla, 2 grouper, and giant squid. Midriff weather was excellent, with cool water temperatures, and the boat fished at Refugio, Punta Diablo, La Vibora, and Ensenada Grande.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Bob Castellon of the San Felipe panga mothership Celia Angelia said he's recovering nicely from his gall stone operation. The Celia Angelia returned from a 3-day trip to the Midriff coastline with a catch of: limits of cabrilla to 21 pounds; 160 yellowtail, 6 to 20 pounds; 180 miscellaneous species; and about 50 giant squid, which were found in the north almost to Punta Final.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Gordon Byrne of the San Felipe panga mothership Capt. Villegas said the boat will move across the gulf to Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) for the month of September to service clients from Arizona. Byrne said the Capt. Villegas will also fish out of La Paz during the last two weeks of October and first two weeks of November.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of San Felipe's Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said the hot weather has arrived, and lots of hard bodies were seen in the cobalt blue water at the beach. The town was crowded again for the Cinco de Mayo holiday, and there seemed to be a wide-open fad of hair braiding going on: "If things continue as they are going, every female over the age of 6 months will have her hair braided. I mean there are fingers just flying down here."
ROCKY POINT (PUERTO PENASCO), MEXICO: Ric Felder had a good trip on his boat End of the Line, fishing several reefs 12 to 25 miles west of town in 80 to 120 feet of water for good action on 10 to 17-pound leopard grouper, pinto bass of 6 to 20 pounds, 2 gulf grouper of 25 pounds, and 2 halibut of 14 and 20 pounds. With live mackerel hard to find, Felder used Scampis and dead mackerel.
ROCKY POINT (PUERTO PENASCO), MEXICO: Jim and Diane Davis of Yuma fished on their boat Hammer Time near Isla San Jorge, with weather in the high-70s, water temperatures of 70 to 72 degrees, and flat sea conditions. "Got into an all-day wide-open bite at the south end of the island with a dense school of Mexican barracuda up to 30 inches, mixed with some smaller sierras to about 20 inches," Davis said. "Using the tried and tested Jointed Rebel Fastrac in the blue-and-silver and the gold-and-black, we boated 35 of the 'Chubby Mexican Slimers,' 3 sierra, and released a mixed bag of jig-caught bottom dwellers to include finescale triggerfish, cabrillas, and grunts."
Davis also trolled Rebels north to El Golfo de Santa Clara, where he observed possible vaquita dolphins, and caught large sierra to 38 inches from a big school.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Resident angler Bill Molden reported 2 striped marlin were caught, plus numerous small dorado of 5 to 10 pounds.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Local guide Ed Kunze reported panga Capt. Luis Maciel, of "Mystery Jig" notoriety, as landing his third 200-pound yellowfin tuna in three weeks. Maciel's 250 pounder last week for client Bob Berg of Okalahoma was the biggest so far.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters said the best fishing area was 30 to 40 miles offshore, and sea conditions were moderate to rough. Angler Bob Mitchner fished 6 days with Capt. Adolpho on the Dos Hermanos and caught 57 yellowfin tuna, 3 sailfish, 1 roosterfish, 1 rainbow runner, 18 yellowtail jacks, and a large pargo.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament asked anglers to be sure to always send in billfish tag cards. About 12 percent of tags recovered lack corresponding tag cards, Phillips said, because the cards were never sent in. This has amounted to more than 5,000 useless tags recovered to date.
EAST CAPE FOOTBALL--Dave Sward of East Cape with a schoolie yellowfin tuna caught with his neighbor George Bergin, who also reported lots of foot-long bonefish in the surf right in front of his house at La Ribera last week. Photo courtesy George Bergin.
NEPTUNE TOURS AT SAN JOSE--Ozzie Castro, right, of Neptune Tours, caught this nice dorado while fishing with his son-in-law, with Victor's Fleet at Punta Gorda. Photo courtesy Luis Duhart.
LA VENTANA CATCH--Howard Winderbaum, Steve Walker, and Gary Le Blanc fished with Juanita's Sportfishing for 3 days in La Ventana across from Cerralvo Island, landing 9 dorado, 2 yellowtail, 3 cabrilla, and a striped marlin, in three days of fishing. Photo courtesy Robert Chappel.
LA PAZ TRIP--Art Coleman, right, and his son Brent of Temecula, had a good trip with Tortuga Fleet, landing dorado to 36 pounds and yellowfin tuna to 25 pounds. Photo courtesy Art Coleman.
BUENA VISTA WHOPPER--John Johnson of Denver caught this 86-pound wahoo last week with Capt. Jesus Araiza of Buena Vista Beach Resort. The hotel's boats landed 5 wahoo last week, all 43 pounds or larger. Photo courtesy Axel Valdez.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
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