SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: The close-in albacore bite blew wide-open for boats out of Bahia de San Quintin last week. On Sunday afternoon, Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas reported, "This is absolutely the best I've seen. The fish are starting out large. Some boats were back with limits at 11:30 a.m.!"
Hillis had 18 boats fishing during the week, mostly bringing back limits of albacore to 30 pounds. "The albies are wide open," he said. "This stands to be a great season!"
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Local angler Julio Meza reported totally wide-open action on albacore to 30 pounds, plus yellowtail, and some striped marlin, bluefin tuna, and yellowfin tuna seen in clear, 67-degree water about 15 miles off the point: "Fun with light tackle!" Meza also had an excellent shore fishing trip at San Ramon beach for full limits of barred surf perch to 2 pounds, and 5 yellowfin croaker to 4 pounds. The San Ramon clam diggers also landed a 14-pound halibut, Meza said.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Kelly Catian of El Capitan Sportfishing said, "Just about everyone in the fleet corked their boats with longfin!" Catian reported albacore 17 miles off the point on a heading of 260 degrees, in clear blue water ranging from 66 to 68 degrees. Catian also said larger class yellowtail were on kelp paddies: "Some paddies were just plugged with fish!" Water temperatures inside the bay were as high was 75 degrees, and seas were flat with a 3-foot swell.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Bev and Joe Martin of San Diego fished out of Don Eddie's Landing over the weekend with their regular guide Bear on the Fany 2: "By 8:45 a.m. we had 6 albies in the boat, and 3 big yellowtail to 28 pounds! We had a blast! We ended up with 7 more albies in half a day!"
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: At Don Eddie's, Eddie Marquez said San Quintin weather was beautiful, in the mid-70s, with calm seas, and water temperatures of 62 to 64 degrees. About 10 boats per day were fishing, averaging about 18 fish per day on albacore weighed to 31 pounds. Captains were again radioing in limits on Sunday afternoon, Marquez said.
Tony Marquez of Don Eddie's also reported that a telephone land line is scheduled to be brought to the bayside area in about 3 weeks.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Earlier, Alex Licea of Commerce, CA reported on San Quintin's first albacore of the season, which his group caught on the panga Beraldo, July 3 with guide Gordo, son of Bartolo "Bear" Garcia. Licea said he caught the first fish, one of 10 landed during the day, 12 to 14 miles outside the bay, with fellow anglers Eric Cordero, Ismael Cordero, Juan Ornelas, and Mario Cordero:
"Before the trip, Gordo told me he had spotted what he thought were albacore while he took a group bottom fishing.
"We knew it would be a long shot to find the albacore. I heard Gordo try to convince the other guides to go. Gordo even gave them coordinates. They did not take him serious. In about 45 minutes after we exited the bay, Gordo spotted fish on the horizon. We immediately stopped and began trolling four lures.
"The first hookup came about 10 minutes after spotting the fish. To my surprise it was an albacore, the fish that had eluded me in the past.
"We spotted another school of dolphin and soon more albacore jumping out of the water. This time we had three hookups, and Ismael Cordero, Juan Ornelas and Ismael's oldest son Mario jumped in on the action. All 3 of them landed their first fish over 3 pounds and their first albie as well.
"Ten minutes later we had another triple hookup and Ismael's youngest son Erik landed his first albacore."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Boats out of Bahia de Todos Santos had albacore limits and continued good bottom fishing. Sammy Susarrey of Lily Fleet said boats limited most of the week on albacore located in 63-degree water, about 18 to 28 miles off Punta Banda on a heading of 240 degrees, hitting live bait, natural cedar plugs, and dark colored lures including purple-black, and green-black.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: At Sergio's Ensenada Sportfishing Center, Sergio Susarrey reported on 198 anglers with a catch of: 25 barracuda, 35 sandbass, 2 bluefin tuna, 361 albacore, 163 lingcod, 44 rockcod, and 69 red rockfish. "The albacore bite continues strong," Susarrey said. "The boats are working 20 to 35 miles off Todos Santos Island."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Alejandro Rosas of Tijuana's Club de Pesca Deportiva reported on a midweek trip on Sergio's boat Quest, with his son Alejandro, René González, Juan Bujazán and Marco Antonio Luján, who is the son-in-law of Don Johnson, founder of the Hotel Serenidad in Mulege. Rosas' group caught 12 albacore, fishing in 65 to 66-degree water, and he said one photo he took showed Luján with a couple of albacore that had to be loaned to him: "It seems these Mulegé people haven't learned how to fish!"
ENSENADA, MEXICO: At Vonny's Fleet, Ivan Villarino reported pangas at the tip of Punta caught continued limits of calico bass, lingcod, and sandbass, plus a 32-pound white seabass landed by Joanne Foley of Playa del Rey. Villarino said Foley fished with her husband Brian and guide Beto Zamora, in 65-degree water. Ensenada weather was in the low-70s, with light breezes and 2-foot swells.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of Pescadores de Ensenada at Marina Coral announced the results of the club's first annual Fourth of July tournament: 1st Plase, Judy Smith, Shanna Marie, 24.5-pound albacore, Shimano Tiagra 30 WLRS; 2nd Place, Tad Miller, M.A.D., 22.0-pound albacore, Shimano Trinidad 40; 3rd Place, Darrel Beard Jr., Blackbeard, 21.5-pound albacore, Shimano TLD 30 2-speed; 4th Place (tie), Donald Smith, Shanna Marie, 20.5-pound albacore, Graphite USA Predator Outrageous Custom Rod, and Tom McInally, Wide Open, 20.5-pound albacore, Fisherman's Landing Tackle Award Seeker Classic BSC6465 rod; 5th Place (tie), Mike Smith, M.A.D., 20.0-pound albacore, Seeker 865 Outrageous Custom Rod, and Mike Kraus, Blackjack, 20.0-pound albacore, Protective reel case with assorted rare lures; 6th Place, Gail Ross, Bad Dog, 15.0-pound albacore.
Nearly 100 people attended the awards party, raffle, and fireworks show. Ross said Pescadores de Ensenada now has 22 boats, 44 adult members, 10 junior members, and 7 captain members.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort said the weather and fishing were both good last week, with calm seas, sunny skies, and excellent bottom fishing for several pangas at Punta China. An 18-pound lingcod won a fishing contest held by a Union Pacific Railroad group. Saenz reported no yellowtail caught, although commercial netters were getting yellowtail, white seabass, and shark for the Ensenada market.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Dennis Spike of Coastal Kayak Fishing said he's got another kayak fishing group going to Puerto Santo Tomas on July 18-20, and another on Aug. 8-10.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said San Carlos weather was in the high-70s, with water temperatures of 67 to 73 degrees. The best catches were in the esteros, with corvina topping the list at Devil's Curve.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Striped marlin action picked up last week at the tip of Baja. Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 55 boats with a catch including released fish of: 65 striped marlin, 31 dorado, 18 yellowfin tuna, 1 wahoo, 6 roosterfish, and "mucho" sierra and barrilete.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Solmar Fleet checked in with 78 boats chartered and a catch including released fish of: 37 striped marlin, 23 dorado, 46 yellowfin tuna, 8 bonito, 4 jack crevalle, and 5 roosterfish.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Picante Fleet reported on 6 boats with a catch including released fish of: 3 striped marlin, 9 dorado, 6 yellowfin tuna, and 1 sailfish.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Gaviota Fleet had a catch including released fish of: 16 striped marlin, 5 yellowfin tuna, 7 dorado, and 2 roosterfish. The fleet averaged nearly 1 marlin per day fished, Edwards said. Top boat for the week was the Juanita VIII, with 10 marlin releases, 2 dorado, and 24 yellowfin tuna in 5 days.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: At Pisces Fleet, Tracy Ehrenberg reported 43 percent of boats releasing marlin, and 77 percent scoring on all species combined. Pisces fished mostly on the Cortez side. More marlin were caught than either dorado or yellowfin tuna.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported Cabo weather in the high-90s with light breezes and tropical storms staying far to the south so far. Water temperatures on the Pacific side warmed to 78 to 80 degrees, and on the Cortez side, temperatures were about 83 degrees. Live bait available was mostly mackerel and mullet.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Surf angler Mark Feaster of Vacaville, CA had a great 2-week trip testing the beaches and near shore shark population around Cabo.
"I caught fish everyday. Worst day was 1 fish, a toro. Our best day was 10 fish including 2 roosters, 7 jacks and 1 sierra.
"The largest fish, a rooster, fought for 1 hour and 20 minutes until a shark bit its tail section. I estimate it to be over 60 to 70 pounds. I was using 15-pound test. I had 3 fish attacked by sharks during the 2 weeks of fishing."
Feaster used Ranger and Klassen Popper lures, casting up to 75 yards out with a 10-foot Ugly Stick and Quantum spinning reel. "Roosters followed the lure from farther out and typically hit right before the surf line," he said. "The jacks tended to hit right at the surf line or even in the foamy area, and at times almost followed the lures onto the beach!"
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas said distant tropical storms halted surf launching at La Playita briefly, but the surf was already easing by Sunday afternoon. Fishing around San Jose del Cabo was only fair. The best action was with trolled mullet along shore for roosterfish, jack crevalle, and a few large sierra to about 8 pounds. Water temperatures averaged about 80 degrees. Surf anglers caught several large snook at La Playita, Brictson said, including a 46-pound monster taken on a sardina by local panguero Hugo.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Randy Morishita of Carlsbad had a good trip, even though only a couple of nice tuna were caught in four days of fishing out of Gordo Banks Pangas with his friend Rasheed, and Capt. Jesus:
"Day 1 turned out to one of the roughest days at sea anyone could remember. Swells were strong and the wind was blowing 25+ m.p.h. The temperature break was about 15 to 20 miles straight out. I chummed to the fish Gods that day, dry-heaving more times than I care to remember. Feeling lucky to get back alive.
"Day 2, no mackerel, bought lisa (mullet) and took them for a nice ride out to the temperature break and back. Never been skunked 2 days in a row in my whole life, let alone Baja!
"Last day (we thought)--got mackerel, finally. Made it out to the break, and Rasheed and I landed 80.5-pound and 54-pound yellowfin respectfully.
"The wives said to go ahead and fish another day! So Rasheed and I fished the day of our departure and guess what--lost the only 2 fish hooked that day by anybody. Not much fish this trip, but every day we were surrounded by porpoise. We saw porpoise chasing dorado right out of the water. We saw 150-pound tuna completely out of the water. We saw squid airborne as the tuna chased them from the deep. We were blessed just to be there--catching the fish we did was strictly a bonus."
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: John Adams, Fred Factuar, and Sean Savage of Santee had slow inshore panga fishing but excellent tuna and marlin action on the cruiser Don Lencho: "Very poor fishing inshore from Punta Gorda to the Old Lighthouse due to the very cold and green water, managing only one 25-pound roosterfish in 2 days of panga fishing.
"We then ventured offshore in a cruiser and found much better conditions 32 miles out. We landed 9 yellowfin tuna, and on our way back in had a triple hookup at 22 miles on more yellowfin.
"We then sighted several striped marlin, hooking 3, with Fred and Sean catching and releasing their very first. What a trip!"
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Football yellowfin tuna topped the action again for boats out of Bahia de Palmas. Tami Moyeous of Rancho Buena Vista reported on 25 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 14 striped marlin, 3 blue marlin, 7 sailfish, 4 roosterfish, 16 dorado, and 143 tuna.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Buena Vista Beach Resort reported on 62 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin, 40 striped marlin, 3 sailfish, 34 dorado, 198 tuna, 1 wahoo, 5 roosterfish, 14 snapper, 2 bonita, 13 pompano, and 10 triggerfish. The hotel announced its 7th Annual Big Game Blowout Tournament scheduled July 25-28.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: At Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, Marisol Verdugo said, "Well, the football-size tuna is still good, lots of it. Striped marlin are also good. Some dorado, but not too many, 1 or 2 per boat."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 208 boats from combined fleets including the Van Wormer resorts of Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin, 98 striped marlin, 20 sailfish, 60 dorado, 722 yellowfin tuna, 4 wahoo, and 18 roosterfish.
East Cape weather was slightly windy in the afternoons, in the high-90s, with water temperatures of 74 to 83 degrees, and boats were fishing both north and south, with the bulk of the tuna found south and other species in all directions.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: At Rancho Leonero, John Ireland reported the tuna moving closer in, about 4 to 10 miles off the lighthouse, and continued action on roosterfish to about 65 pounds on the beaches from the hotel to La Ribera.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said beach action was so good his guide Jeff DeBrown was having a hard time remembering all the species caught. "More sardina beginning to show," Graham said. "Plenty of bait to attract different kinds of fish."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Earlier, Josh Koch of Whittier, CA and his father John fished out of Hotel Punta Colorada and had a double hookup on 60-pound class roosterfish while trolling mullets in about 35 feet of water just off the lighthouse. "My dad's took about 35 minutes on 40-pound test, and mine took an hour on 25-pound," Koch said. "Awesome trip!"
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chip Shapley of East Cape announced the results of the 8th Annual Bruni Captain's Tournament at Hotel Palmas de Cortez, with prizes won by boats with the most fish over 25 pounds: 1st Place (tie), Mario, Fresh Catch, and Jose on Rude Girls, 27 points; 3rd Place, Luis, El Dorado, 26 points.
Shapley said 14 anglers on 7 boats fished in the tournament for 5 days, with a catch including released fish of: 39 striped marlin, 10 sailfish, 22 dorado, 1 wahoo, and 3 roosterfish. Shapley said the most unusual catch of the tournament was an 8-inch long billfish that was found in the stomach of a dorado: "This may explain why our dorado-colored lures got attacked by marlin so often!"
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of Vista Sea Sport said the water temperature at Cabo Pulmo was 79 degrees, and sea life sightings included hammerhead shark and large grouper. "Right on schedule the sea lions at Los Frailes have disappeared," Rayor said. "Every year in July they vacate the area where we normally snorkel with them. Even the sea lions get a vacation."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Pepe Murrieta of Pepe's Dive Service said visibility was over 100 feet. "The diving has been very exciting," Murrieta said. "Juan Castro, the boat master, has gone snorkeling, and sometimes he sees the same sharks and manta rays that divers can see."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said water temperatures were 80 degrees from Las Cruces to the south end of Isla Cerralvo, and 82 degrees south of the island. "We have been very busy," he said. "Dorado of 25 to 35 pounds, some wahoo of 40 to 50 pounds, and a lot of sailfish and marlin hookups. We still have problems with getting sardina and mackerel." Las Arenas weather was hot, 85 degrees in the morning and almost 100 in the afternoon.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tail Hunter International said the marlin and sailfish pop on the south side of the hill was "simply incredible."
"I have never seen the type of marlin and sailfish run we had earlier in the week," Roldan said. One day, Roldan said, 9 of 12 boats hooked either striped, blue, or black marlin, all within 1 or 2 miles of each other.
"At one point," he said, "I personally had one rod in each hand, trying to hand them off to my clients, one with a 300-pound blue marlin, the other with a striped marlin. And then the rod in the rod holder went off with a third marlin, as it raced towards another panga fighting a sailfish!"
LA PAZ, MEXICO: On the La Paz side, Mino Shiba of Mosquito Fleet reported abundant bait and good dorado catches on weed paddies in water temperatures of 74 to 78 degrees. The dorado were in all sizes, with the larger fish hitting caballitos. Shiba also had good catches of yellowtail and dog snapper during another trip to his new remote fish camp location at San Evaristo.
LORETO, MEXICO: Plenty of dorado, mixed with continued unusual midsummer yellowtail, lead the action last week. Guille Mendoza of the Loreto Pangeros sportfishing cooperativa at the downtown ramp reported on 9 boats with a catch of: 3 sailfish, 1 blue marlin, 40 dorado, 25 yellowtail, 1 hammerhead shark, and "a lot" of grouper. Loreto weather was mostly sunny and calm, with some wind. Boats were fishing far to the north, up an hour and a half run, Mendoza said.
LORETO, MEXICO: Gregorio Segoviano of the Carnaderos bait sellers cooperativa said water temperatures dropped about 5 degrees last week, and most bait was being caught south of town, close to the airport. The mackerel supply was generally good with some slow nights. Plenty of sardina was available at the receiver just north of the marina.
LORETO, MEXICO: Linda Ramirez of Alfredo's Sportfishing said clients were scoring on dorado averaging 27 to 30 pounds, going mostly far north and east from town, although the water was still cooler than normal and there were no kelp paddies around. When asked exactly where the dorado were caught, Ramirez replied, "In the mouth. Ha, ha, ha! Can't tell you. Secret spot."
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company said the dorado bite actually seemed a little slower to her, but some good catches were made far outside, and both striped and blue marlin were seen with them.
LORETO, MEXICO: At Villas de Loreto, Wendy Wilchynski said Chris Morgan of San Diego, fishing with Capt. Francisco Javier Alarez Romero on the Barracuda, freed a sea turtle that had been caught in a fishing line: "It was wrapped up in fish line and had eaten a blue rope! The turtle let them cut the line from around him and then the captain gently pulled the rope out of the turtle's mouth. Once the turtle was free he swam away happily, seemingly with no bad side effects. To top off the day, they caught a big dorado and everyone had a great feast that night."
LORETO, MEXICO: Kristian Pallesen of Loreto, and Mike Martinico and Ron Foggerty of San Juan Capistrano, fished with Capt. Beteo off Punta Lobos for some quality yellowtail: "Water is still under 80 degrees. No sargassum in the area." Pallesen said the fish were caught deep, with mackerel and 12-ounce weights.
LORETO, MEXICO: Tony Cherbak fished for yellowtail out of Puerto Almejas, near San Juanico 25 miles north of town, from his panga Dos Amigos, which he cruised from San Felipe to Redondo Beach in 1980, and which is stored under the palms at Alfredo's.
Cherbak fished a reef about 3 miles from Punta Almejas on a heading of 030 degrees: "The yellowtail were a bit shy on the iron and definitely preferred live bait. Dorado were outside about 20 miles in warmer, blue water and of good size. We got one about 30-pounds on our last day and it was swimming with several other toads. Temps were 74 degrees inshore vs. 82 degrees offshore.
"The fish were at about 200 to 215 feet. The reef outside Puerto Almejas runs 217 feet at its high point and tails off from there. Over the years we have caught many yellowtail there between 217 and 240."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Aluminum boat angler Wayne Neff returned from a slow 9-day fish camping trip to Punta Chivato: "The dorado and billfish fishing is almost nonexistent. The weather was equally tough. Lots of wind and swell. We fished straight out from the beach to 9 miles and north/south 7 miles, trolling skirted squids. Not a bite. You could troll it right past their noses with them fining on the top and not get any interest. They must have been full of easy bait. No commercial nets or long liners. We were fishing with about 10 other boats out there, all in radio contact. No one was getting fish."
Mulege water temperatures were 76 to 83 degrees.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Yellowtail fishing continued good to very good at Bahia de los Angeles. Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko said, "They are moving a lot. It takes an effort to find the hot spot for the day.
"They have been hitting the iron jigs, mostly blue-white, and live bait, on the bottom. Easy now to make macks. Tons of barracuda, some skipjack and bonita. Sierra already showing up in the south bay. A lot of squid."
Vazquez said the best spots for yellowtail to 45 pounds were the Coronadito channel and Cerro Amarillo, on the north side of Isla Smith. The fish were deep, down to 300 feet. Smaller fish were at Punta Quemado, and Punta Pescador. No dorado were caught. L.A. Bay weather was very hot, in the mid-100s, down to 85 degrees at night, with water temperatures of 74 to 81 degrees. Lots of whales and dolphin, and some whale sharks were in the bay.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Elijah Howard of Fallbrook, CA returned from 10 days at Vista al Mar and said he caught yellowtail to 35 pounds, but that a commercial seiner was working the bay between Isla Horsehead and Isla Piojo at night.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: William Schiffman stayed at Guillermo's and Villa Vitta and fished with Capt. Chato of Casa Diaz for excellent results: "Our first day we filled every cooler we had brought down with beautiful yellowtail filets.
"The fish weighed between 8 and 19 pounds so there were not any trophies, but we had a great time catching them. All fish were caught on jigs only."
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Fly-in angler Stan Woodward returned from 4 days at the San Francisquito Resort, fishing out of Caleta San Francisquito on the north side of the point: "Hot and sometimes humid weather. The resort was deserted except for the workers. Santa Teresa Bay in front of the camp was pretty ugly with breaking surf and the shoreline packed with kelp, so we dragged the aluminum boat over to the shark camp and launched there.
"There are still plenty of yellowtail in the area, and some huge white seabass taken 2 weeks earlier. Also just enough big skipjack around to be a nuisance.
"I caught lots of small cabrilla on surface jigs and we got a 15-pound grouper trolling an orange MirrOlure. All our yellowtail were on jigs, mostly chrome, but a Tony Reyes boat that showed up Tuesday did well with live bait, fishing the shoreline west of the seal point outside the harbor.
"Our largest yellowtail was 25 pounds, but Tom Barnes of Long Beach got a 32-pound 'tail. At the resort all was muy tranquilo with work on 2 new cabanas progressing very slowly. The big generator had been broken for 2 weeks. Lots of big whales offshore, a couple of turtles, cows wandering over the runway, a lone coyote that walked by us on the beach at dusk, a scorpion that hitched a ride home to Southern California in my bag, and of course those trademark Baja sunrises every morning."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Fily Espinoza of Tony Reyes Fishing Tours reported on a 6-day Midriff Islands trip by the panga mothership Jose Andres, returning to San Felipe on July 11 with a catch of: 248 yellowtail, 18 to 34.5 pounds; 4 grouper released, 20 to 25 pounds; 2 white seabass, 29 to 48 pounds; 82 cabrilla; 5 red snapper, 12 to 14 pounds; 3 broomtail grouper, 8 to 12 pounds; 3 sheephead, 10 pounds; limits of spotted bay bass.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Jon Lambert of Phoenix launched his 20-foot center console boat at San Carlos but got blown out: "Blew the whole time! Five-foot swells, all kinds of rogues in between. Tuna and dorado were being hauled from 15 to 45 miles out. Too rough to run the required miles, so I frolicked with sierra and grouper closer to shore." Lambert reported water temperatures at 82 degrees near shore.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Aries Fleet at Marina el Cid averaged 4 to 5 sailfish per boat-day, with a catch including released fish of: 133 sailfish, 4 striped marlin, 11 yellowfin tuna, and good inshore catches of snapper, triggerfish, and roosterfish. Mazatlan weather was humid in the mid-90s, with calm seas. The fish were located in all directions, about 20 miles out from Marina el Cid.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament said blue water was near or on the beach, and fishing was settling into a summer routine of 2 to 4 sailfish per day, tuna moving in and out, and roosterfish in the surf.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Local guide Ed Kunze said that although there were plenty of fish around, only about 10 boats per day were fishing. Inshore water was clear again, after being clouded by recent hard rains.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: At Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters, Stan Lushinsky said angler Jerry Dailey fished 5 days and landed 7 sailfish, plus 18 roosterfish to 70 pounds. The tuna were very far offshore, Lushinsky said, but other species were caught within 10 miles of Zihuatanejo Bay.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported Zihuatanejo weather as very humid in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 75 to 90 degrees.
FIRST SAN QUINTIN ALBIES--Alex Licea, center, and his group caught the first albacore at San Quintin this year on July 3, fishing with Capt. Gordo. Also landing their first albies ever were Eric Cordero, right, and Mario Cordero. Photos courtesy Alex Licea.
ENSENADA WHITE SEABASS--Joanne Foley of Marina del Rey caught this nice 32-pound white seabass last week, fishing with her husband Brian and Capt. Beto Zamora of Vonny's Fleet. Photo courtesy Ivan Villarino.
PESCADORES WINNERS--Taking home prizes from the July 4 Pescadores de Ensenada fishing tournament out of Marina Coral were, left to right: Club President Steve "Bad Dog" Ross, Mike "Blackjack" Kraus, Tom "Wide Open" McInally with son Sean McInally, Donald "Shanna Marie" Smith with his wife Judy Smith, "M.A.D." Mike Smith with son Zane Smith, Tad Miller, Dauber "Blackbeard" Beard with son Trevor Beard and daughter Taylor Beard. Photo courtesy Steve Ross.
SURF SHARKS AT CABO--Mark Feaster of Vacaville, CA had a great surf fishing trip to Cabo San Lucas that included some big roosterfish to 70 pounds, jacks and sierra, and some fish attacked by sharks. Feaster's daughter Katherine also caught a nice sierra that she reeled in herself. Photos courtesy Mark Feaster.
GOOD ENSENADA ALBACORE--Alejandro Rosas of Tijuana's Club de Pesca Deportiva and his son Alejandro fished with René González, Juan Bujazán and Marco Antonio Luján on the Quest, for a nice catch of 12 albacore of 25 to 28 pounds. Photo courtesy Alejandro Rosas.
HOT EAST CAPE ROOSTERS--John Koch and his son Josh of Whittier, CA trolled mullet near Hotel Punta Colorada for a double hookup of roosterfish in about 35 feet of water. Photo courtesy Josh Koch.
LA PAZ WAHOO--Mike Schmidt of San Gabriel Valley fished with Tail Hunter International at La Paz for his personal best on this nice wahoo and also a big bull dorado fishing off Las Arenas. Photo courtesy Jonathan Roldan.
LORETO SUMMER YELLOWTAIL--Kristian Pallesen of Loreto, and Mike Martinico and Ron Foggerty of San Juan Capistrano, fished with Capt. Beteo off Punta Lobos for some quality yellowtail. Photo courtesy Kristain Pallesen.
BRUNI CAPTAIN'S TOURNAMENT--Deckhand Luis of the Fresh Catch leaders a marlin during East Cape's 8th Annual Bruni Captain's Tournament at Hotel Palmas de Cortez. And the tournament's most unusual "catch" was an 8-inch billfish found inside the stomach of a dorado. Photos courtesy Chip Shapley.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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