LA PAZ, MEXICO: La Paz fishing turned on last week. James Curtiss of the Cortez Club said Mosquito Fleet boats did great on yellowtail in lake-like conditions at El Bajo, and La Reina at Isla Cerralvo. About three to six boats fished per day for about six to nine yellowtail each, from 20 to a high of 45 pounds.
Water temperatures averaged 76 degrees on the surface, and La Paz-side weather felt hot at about 82 degrees.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: On the Las Arenas side, Skip Coomber of La Paz fished with his young daughters, Amelia and Caroline, and Tortuga Fleet’s Capt. Rigo, and the rest of his group fished with Capt. Hugo.
Fishing north from Ensenada de los Muertos, Coomber said, “After making bait, we started fishing 50 yards off shore for pargo. There were literally hundreds of these large red fish crashing the surface. We got bit several times, but were unable to stop the fish.
“We met success 100 feet off the beach at Punta Arena. We were overwhelmed by the number of roosterfish and sierra that we caught. The girls caught all they wanted.”
LA PAZ, MEXICO: At Tortuga Sportfishing, Gerardo Hernandez said action picked up on many species including pargo, yellowtail, sierra, cabrilla, jack crevalle, and “mucho” roosterfish. The north end of Isla Cerralvo was good on yellowtail, and Los Piles produced big dog snapper. Water temperatures averaged 72 degrees at Punta Perico.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tail Hunter International called it a “chop suey buffet” at Las Arenas, as anglers caught a mix of yellowtail, dog and mullet snapper, cabrilla, smaller red snapper, medium roosterfish, and even a few dorado. Roldan added that Aero California is running another half-price special with tickets from LAX to Cabo going for about $245 including tax.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Betty Hill-Crofoot said she and husband Tad fished at midweek on their boat Wico at the Bajo, in calm seas and water temperatures in the mid-70s, for eight quick yellowtail on one morning, and another five yellowtail the next. Hill-Crofoot recommended a harness for anyone lacking “hard muscle strength” when fighting yellowtail. “You just might want to throw one in your suitcase,” she said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Don Ballentine of San Isidro said a few dorado were beginning to show, plus some yellowtail, in cloudy water with 15 feet of visibility.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Louie Prieto of Hacienda Heights and his group fished Punta Banda on the Charro for a mixed bag of lingcod to 6 pounds, rockfish, bocaccio to 5 pounds, small barracuda, sandbass, and one small halibut. Fishing with Prieto were his sons Randy and Sergio, Kay Ramos of Ontario, and her son Andy.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Gerardo Sanchez Cordoba of KCHTS Sportfishing reported bottom fish limits on red rockfish and lingcod in 59-degree water. Sanchez Cordoba said one boat reported good fishing in wind at Santo Tomas, and another unconfirmed report was for three albacore at the 238 spot.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny’s Fleet said yellowtail fishing was hot again. Kevin Yamamoto, Tony Torres and their group fished with Capt. Beto on the Vonny I and Capt. Cruz on the Vonny III and caught 12 yellowtail of 15 to 28 pounds. Ensenada weather was mostly clear in the low-70s, with water temperatures at 59 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Earlier Chuck Seybert and his friends from the Salton Sea area missed on yellowtail but loaded up on bottom fish. Kelly Mitchell, her father Lloyd Mitchell, and Jeff Hartman also scored on bottom fish, and missed a yellowtail.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Lisa Garton commented on a successful Vonny’s Fleet yellowtail trip with Alison Garton and Andrew Rowe: “We appreciated Beto's sense of humor! We know it was Beto's eagle eye and quick boat work.”
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Eileen Kennedy and Tom Kennedy of Oceanside fished off La Bufadora on the Vonny III, together with Greg and Nancy Lenhart on the Vonny I, and they had at least two baby whales frolicking between them. “The question we asked as we enjoyed the view was ‘where was mommie?’” Kennedy said.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Earlier, Sergio Susarrey of Sergio’s Sportfishing Center reported on 29 anglers with a catch of: seven yellowtail, 12 bonito, 51 barracuda, 92 lingcod, 90 rockcod, and 33 whitefish.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve and Gail Ross fished outside on their boat Bad Dog out of Marina Coral: “The first jig strike produced a 29.5-pound albacore. We boated three more inside of the 295 fathom spot. Friday, we got a triple jig strike, losing one immediately, and we caught three more on live bait. We totaled 11 albacore for the day.”
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro’s Camp said 25 pangas fished during the week for lots of barracuda, lingcod, red rockfish and three halibut to 18 pounds, in water of 56 to 57 degrees. Good weather most of the week turned into north wind by Friday. Hams Knapstein got the three halibut on Scampis.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro’s Pangas said 12 boats fished during the week. Winds on Friday turned boats back into the bay, but by Saturday good bottom fish catches were made again. “More and more cowcods are showing up,” Hillis said. “It's making for some good fishing. Yellowtail are one or two per boat.” San Quintin weather was in the mid-70s, with water temperatures steady at 59 degrees.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Alan Tokunaga of North Hollywood fished San Ramon beach for perch to 2.2 pounds. “Good 9 a.m. tide,” Tokunaga said, “but they quit biting right after the high. Usually fishing is good 2 hours on either side.”
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Joe Martin and Dennis Lundquest of Santee fished out of Don Eddie’s with Capt. Bear on the Fany III: “Wind kicked up. Trolled around Isla San Martin with no results. Then fished outside the kelp. Eight lingcod, the biggest by Dennis going 15 pounds. We found a new spot and caught limits of fat reds in no time, largest 8 pounds.”
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Denis Quesnel of Action Lures reported excellent catches with his jigs during a television show taping. Quesnel said the boat caught 52 red rockfish in 3 hours plus lingcod to 20 pounds and two 17-pound yellowtail.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Don Fagan, Oscar Guzman and Raul Osuna of Ensenada fished out of the Old Mill Motel with Capt. Sapo for limits of rockcod, a few whitefish, and a couple of cabrilla, with Crippled Herrings plus gobs of squid.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Earlier, Julio Meza of San Quintin and Paco Piñones landed yellowtail of 28.6 and 29.8 pounds along the south side of Isla San Martin. They fished in 56.4-degree water, 105 feet deep.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: David Kim of Poway, Andy Kim, and Randall Ayers fished out of Puerto Lopez Mateos with Capt. Ruben Duran: “Ruben took us to Santo Domingo in his nice panga. He worked hard getting us corvina, a nice halibut farmed at the boat, pompano, small groupers, spotted bay bass, and triggers, all released except the corvina. I recommend him, 011-52-613-131-5263. His english is good, but the best thing is he works hard fishing.” Kim fished another day in his 15-foot Bayrunner in the mangroves, but found slow going for bass and a missed snook.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Diana Hoyt of Mag Bay Outfitters said winds kept most boats inside the boca. Christopher and Michael Schwab of Valley Center caught one bonita, plus limits of bass inside, and Christopher also caught a snook and a catfish at Boca de Soledad.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said San Carlos weather was windy in the low-80s with water temperatures of 64 to 70 degrees. A few yellowtail were caught at the entrada, and plentiful cabrilla and a few corvina were in the esteros.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 77 boats with a catch including released fish of: 25 striped marlin, 172 yellowfin tuna, 23 dorado, three wahoo, 14 skipjack, two mako shark, many sierra, and four boats skunked.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported on six boats with a catch including released fish of: three striped marlin, two yellowfin tuna of 8 pounds, and five dorado to 45 pounds. Cabo weather was sometimes windy in the mid-90s, with water temperatures in the low to mid-60s on the Pacific side, and up to about 73 degrees, 18 miles south.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said 34 Gaviota Fleet boats had a catch including released fish of: 129 yellowfin tuna, one wahoo, 15 dorado, and eight striped marlin.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said the Adriana broke off an estimated 600-pound blue marlin after a 5.5-hour battle. Overall, 37 percent of fleet boats caught marlin, and 84 percent scored on all species combined.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Benjamin Ortega Rodriguez reported Solmar Fleet’s catch including released fish of: 14 marlin, 110 yellowfin tuna, 18 sierra, seven dorado, and six bonito.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species specialist John Snow of San Diego, fished with Capt. Pata for a mixed catch including: African pompano, flag cabrilla, leopard grouper, sierra, red snapper, and yellow snapper. “This was the slowest I have seen the fishing in five years,” Snow said. However, among his 13 species overall was a very unusual new one, a sea slug: “I took it home in a bag of water and it was swimming around in the sink for about an hour before I got it photographed.” The slug hit a 6-inch chrome jig on the bottom, 150 feet down, Snow said.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas said fog on Thursday reduced visibility to about 100 yards. La Playita pangas caught daily sierra, jack crevalle, yellowtail, amberjack, pargo, cabrilla, dorado, striped marlin, yellowfin tuna and a few wahoo found in the warmer offshore currents. Sierra were found in a hot bite of 3 to 10-pound fish off Palmilla.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Jim Tolbert of San Jose del Cabo said few pangas fished during the windy and foggy weather. Locals were celebrating the construction of a soccer field to replace an older one destroyed to make way for the new marina.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Bob Grimes of San Jose del Cabo reported another whale killed by drift gill nets. This one, a juvenile about 3 meters long, died and washed up on the beach about 24 miles east of town, Grimes said.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 30 boats from combined fleets including the Van Wormer Resorts of Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with a catch including released fish of: one striped marlin, 45 dorado, 145 yellowfin tuna, and 16 sierra. East Cape weather was fair in the mid-80s, with water temperatures of 67 to 74 degrees. The yellowfin tuna averaged 20 to 40 pounds.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Leeper of Los Barriles reported: “One cruiser came in yesterday with a full set of tuna flags, but average was one flag per boat, with many skunked. The hotel cruisers were going out up to 50 miles.”
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chuck Meredith of Los Barriles said the tuna were gone: “Like a sterile sea out there. Liquid desert, 75-degree blue water, and only a skipjack now and then.”
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: At Rancho Leonero, Gary Barnes-Web said: “Erratic fishing. A wide-open bite one day and nothing the next. The inshore bite remains hot, with lots of pargo, grouper, sierra, and the return of roosterfish.”
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said inshore action was on sierra, pargo, and one of the best roosterfish shows in recent memory on fish of 20 to 50 pounds.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport dive service said Cabo Pulmo conditions were unstable, with warm clear water of 73 to 74 degrees alternating with cold water of 69 to 70 degrees. Sea life sightings included huge grouper, snappers, and many colorful reef fish.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Barb Albright of Buena Vista said fog rolled in on Friday: “It was nice when we got up this morning then a HUGE FOG bank came it. This is the second time this has happened this week.”
LORETO, MEXICO: Dean Mitchell of San Diego fished Isla Catalan out of Juncalito with Matthias Gruber and Capt. Manuel Torres: “It was a haul, about 35 miles, but well worth it. We made bait southeast of Isla Carmen, all 12-inch caballitos, then we went to the sea mount. We caught 10 yellowtail, all in the 30 to 38-pound class.” The following day they fished with MirrOlures and landed eight leopard grouper and two more yellowtail, with hot pink the best color.
LORETO, MEXICO: Stan Woodward of Manhattan Beach stayed at Villas de Loreto and fished with Capt. Gregorio Murillo for nine yellowtail of 20 to 22 pounds on about 15 hookups, at San Bruno.
The following day Woodward fished with Manuel Torres out of Juncalito, intending to go to Isla Catalan but settling for the back side of Isla Carmen when the wind picked up, catching three nice yellowtail in tough conditions.
On his last day Woodward fished with another panguero who got lost in fog and took him for a long boat ride for nada.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company said boats did poorly on yellowtail at Punta Pulpito and San Bruno. Punta Perico on Isla Carmen was a little better. Pargo and cabrilla were caught on trolled Rapalas in about 50 to 70 feet of water at Punta Perico. At the marina the water temperature was 74 degrees.
LORETO, MEXICO: Ty Miller of El Fuerte Sportfishing said yellowtail to 40 pounds and cabrilla to 15 pounds were caught, and conditions were looking good for the coming dorado season, with water temperatures out of Puerto Escondido at 73 degrees. A pod of striped marlin was seen about 8 miles south.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: David Kim of Poway, Andy Kim, and Randall Ayers found good action on David Kim’s boat around Isla San Marcos: “Had a blast fishing and spearing. We broke off big groupers and lost three nice Rapalas.” Kim’s catch, all released except for some speared triggers, included groupers, snappers, pargo, triggerfish, and “loads of barries.”
Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos said the weather was in the mid-80s, with water temperatures stable at 68 to 70 degrees. Fishing was on the upswing, as Woody Woodland of La Habra caught six yellowtail of 24 to 30 pounds in his 16-foot tin boat. Kanzler also fished for one good yellowtail, two nice cabrilla, and many large goldspotted bass. A run to Isla Tortuga scored on more yellowtail. Inshore, only four campers were at San Lucas Cove.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: At remote Caleta San Francisquito Beto Lucero said the weather was much warmer in the mid-80s, with plenty of north winds at 14 knots. Only the commercials were fishing.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Professional wildlife photographer Richard Herrmann visited Bahía de los Angeles for a day of island ecotouring with Capt. Joel, set up by Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko. Herrmann reported sighting finback whales in Canal de Ballenas, and very large chuckwalla lizards on Isla Ventana.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of San Felipe’s Title Company Bookstore said the weather was very windy in the low-80s, and the bay was covered with whitecaps. The town was full of visitors and preparing for Semana Santa next week.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet said 10 offshore boats had a catch including released fish of: four striped marlin and six sailfish. One local panga caught: two triggerfish, six red snapper, 10 gulf grouper, two rockfish, and two mojarra.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Aries Fleet at Marina el Cid had a catch including released fish of: 35 striped marlin, 27 sailfish, eight dorado, one yellowfin tuna, one mako shark, 31 pargo, 18 corvina, three baqueta, 76 triggerfish, and more than 80 mojarra. Mazatlan weather was in the mid-80s with water temperatures at about 74 degrees.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Kim Moore of Charter Dreams said large schools of jack crevalle of 25 to 30 pounds were hitting anything in the water, all around the bay and Punta Mita. “You find them feeding on the millions of sardines that are boiling all over,” Moore said. Boats were landing 10 to 30 per day. Offshore, a few sailfish and dorado were caught. Puerto Vallarta weather was clear in the low-80s, with water temperatures of 74 to 77 degrees.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Local guide Ed Kunze said 78-degree water was 6 to 8 miles out, and fishing improved last week on sailfish and tuna of 30 to 250 pounds at the 1,000-fathom curve, about 32 miles out. On the beaches, several roosterfish in the 30 to 40-pound range were taken.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported Zihuatanejo weather as partly cloudy in the low-90s, with water temperatures of 72 to 78 degrees. Graham also announced the Oct. 6-10 dates for his Jacks or Better roosterfish tournament, the world’s only all-release roosterfish fly tournament.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said John Bauman landed four sailfish during a day with Capt. Adolfo on the Dos Hermanos I, and Randia Morrow scored a sailfish triple with Capt. Cheva on the Dos Hermanos II.
FOGGY AT EAST CAPE--Looking north from Buena Vista. On Friday, this huge fog bank rolled in, obscuring the view of the “Pyramids.” Photo courtesy Barb Albright.
KICKIN’ OUT YELLOWS--Kevin Yamamoto and Tony Torres’ group from San Diego caught 12 of these yellowtail at Ensenada’s Punta Banda with Vonny’s Fleet last week. Photo courtesy Ivan Villarino.
BAD DOG LONGFIN--Steve Ross (left), Gail Matsushima-Ross and Juan Lu Cardona Ramirez with some Ensenada albacore caught on the Ross’ boat Bad Dog, out of Marina Coral. Photo courtesy Steve Ross.
CASTRO’S FLATTIES--Hams Knapstein got three of these nice halibut with Scampis last week out of Castro’s Camp at Erendira. Photo courtesy Fernando Castro.
FINALLY GOT ’EM--Julio Meza lost a lot of light tackle along the south side of Isla San Marcos before he and Paco Piñones landed a pair of these nice yellowtail. Photo courtesy Julio Meza.
FIRST LINGCOD!--Kay Ramos fished with Louie Prieto’s group on the Ensenada boat Charro for her first ever lingcod. Photo courtesy Louie Prieto.
LIFE AT LA PLAYITA--The new soccer fields take shape as work proceeds on the marina project. Photo courtesy Jim Tolbert.
OUT OF JUNCALITO--Matthias Gruber (left) fished with Juncalito’s Capt. Manuel Torres and Dean Mitchell for some super yellowtail action at Isla Catalan. Photo courtesy Dean Mitchell.
TORTUGA YELLOWS--Cameron James (left) and Steve Johnson of Roseville ran out to remote Isla Tortuga last week with Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos for some great yellowtail action. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler.
FUN AROUND SAN MARCOS--David Kim of Poway, Andy Kim, and Randall Ayers had a great trip fishing and diving around Isla San Marcos. Here’s Andy with a triggerfish. Photo courtesy David Kim.
BEAUTY AT MAZATLAN--A beautiful dawn on Thursday at the harbor of Mazatlan. Photo courtesy Tadeo Hernandez.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
Mazatlan fishing reports and articles .
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