CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported continued "pretty much wide-open" striped marlin action in warming summer water temperatures of 77 to 81 degrees on the Pacific side and 82 to 86 degrees on the Cortez side.
"Normally when the water gets this warm the stripers have all but disappeared and we get into a decent blue marlin bite, but it appears that everything is still a little bit late," Landrum said. Football yellowfin tuna were thick close to shore in about 300 feet of water on the Cortez side of Cabo San Lucas. "An occasional fish went 15 pounds but these were the exception," Landrum said. Dorado action improved as most boats flew at least 1 yellow flag and fish were caught to over 40 pounds. Landrum also noted that a pod of 8 killer whales was spotted by the boat Fly Hooker off Lover's Beach.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet Sportfishing said 100 percent of last week's charters caught fish, including 91 percent with billfish, 37 percent with dorado, and 20 percent with yellowfin tuna. A total of 143 billfish were landed, including 140 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, and 1 blue marlin, and all but 3 striped marlin were released. Top outings for the week included 5, 6, and 7-striped marlin release days for the charter boat Rebecca, and a 7-release day for the Falcon.
"Most boats averaged 2 marlin plus a dorado and others did pretty well on tuna," Ehrenberg said. Only 1 wahoo was caught at 40 pounds. Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was mostly calm, but with some big southern swell and some winds late in the week on the Pacific side. Pisces boats fished both sides of the arch in water temperatures averaging 81 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of the Pisces Fleet charter boat Falcon reported on 5 outings during the week with a catch including released fish of: 11 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, 27 yellowfin tuna, and 7 dorado. The Falcon fished the Jaime Bank on the Pacific side, out to about 15 miles straight south of the arch, and as far up the Cortez side as Los Frailes where the water temperature reached 86 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 37 outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 55 striped marlin, 22 dorado, 45 yellowfin tuna, and 4 Humboldt giant squid. "The striper action is picking up in most Cabo San Lucas locations ranging from the Golden Gate Bank to San Jose del Cabo," Edwards said. "The best concentration was probably at the Golden Gate Bank. Growing numbers were taken on artificials, with mackerel colors a hot item." Mackerel and caballito live bait was in good supply. Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was hot and partly cloudy at 100 degrees, with water temperatures at 78 degrees on the Pacific side and up to 86 degrees on the Sea of Cortez side at the Gordo Banks.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Grant Hartman of the Baja Anglers fly fishing guide service at Cabo San Lucas said striped marlin were found as close as 500 meters from shore on the Cortez side at Punta Palmilla and outwards to the 95 and 1150 spots. Inshore fishing was spotty but did produce some larger roosterfish, including one rooster over 30 pounds for fly fisherman Jon Honorz.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 14 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin at 200 pounds, 17 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 26 yellowfin tuna of 18 to 20 pounds, 8 dorado of 20 to 80 pounds, and 2 jack crevalle of 20 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: T.J. De Pietro of Valencia, Calif., reported on a Cortez side outing aboard the Got Caught in Cabo charter boat Fish Dogs with his wife Maria De Pietro for a catch including released fish of: 4 striped marlin, and 1 dorado of 40 pounds. "It was great fishing. We were getting hit every 10 minutes for a while," De Pietro said. "We fished the Cortez side approximately as far out as the Westin Hotel.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog out of Ensenada's Marina Coral reported on an offshore run Friday, fishing kelp paddies with live mackerel baits around the lower 500 spot for 4 yellowtail of 18 to 28 pounds. Ensenada offshore fishing water was blue at 68 degrees. Also fishing aboard the Bad Dog were Gail Ross and Juan Lu.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Ensenada Sportfishing Center reported on 18 anglers fishing on full day trips aboard the charter boats El Cazador and Quest early in the week, with a catch of: 16 yellowtail and 1 dorado.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Tere Castro of Castro's Camp at Erendira reported 33 boats fishing about 6 miles off the Baja coast during the week, with the catch including a couple of black sea bass and good counts of mixed rockfish, lingcod, barracuda, yellowtail, and white seabass. "There is a lot of bait in the water," Castro said. "The weather had been really great without wind all week long." Water temperatures in the main fishing areas averaged 62 degrees.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Marita Melville of Don Eddie's Landing said some boats again found good action on white seabass. Capt. Juan Cook took anglers Fabio Acuna, Pete Escaona, Rob Grant, and Dave Grant north to Playa San Ramon on the charter boat Sofia for a count of 22 white seabass of 15 to 42 pounds caught in 4 hours in 66-degree water. "They saw some birds working bait balls," Melville said. "There were a lot of yellowtail and bonita in the water as well. It was the first time they ever went white seabass fishing." On Saturday, Bill Johnson of Costa Mesa, Calif., landed a 53-pound white seabass aboard his boat No Ship while fishing in 65-degree water with Don Eddie's bartender Fernando Garcia.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said 20 boats fished during the week, finding an early morning bite for about 3 to 4 yellowtail per boat at Isla San Martin and the 6 spot, some halibut still biting at the island, and limits of bottom fish at the 15 and 240 spots. San Quintin area weather was beautiful, with light winds that did not hamper fishing.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Craig Boone of Fresno reported on 3 days of fishing out of San Quintin by his group with Capts. Tito, Ramon, and Elias of Tito's Pangas for a catch of: 40 yellowtail to 35 pounds, 1 dorado, 7 Humboldt giant squid to 50 pounds, and a variety of miscellaneous and bottom fish including rockcod, lingcod, halibut, salmon grouper, calico bass, bonita, and barracuda. The group's 2 pangas fished kelp paddies about 14 miles out, inshore areas, and at Isla San Martin in calm conditions. "The weather was incredibly nice and warm with almost no wind for all 3 days," Boone said. Anglers fishing in Boone's group included: Ernie Wheeler of Carlsbad, Calif., Keith Wheeler of Visalia, Calif., Tim Chambers of Mission Viejo, Calif., Kevin Chambers of Bakersfield, Calif., Brett Rowley of Playa Del Rey, Calif., and Willie Case of Visalia, Calif.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Andy Villa of Rialto, Calif., and his sons Fernando, Andrew, and Lorenzo fished with well known San Quintin Capt. Jaime Garcia for a catch of 9 white seabass to 52 pounds. "It was a very good day," Villa said. "The biggest white seabass was caught by Andrew. All the fish were over 30 pounds. Jaime can be reached at jaimespangas@yahoo,com.mex, 011-52-616-101-9056." Villa is the son-in-law of Al and Nolo Gaston, formerly of the Old Mill in San Quintin.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing said San Quintin offshore fishing water turned greener and cooler at midweek. "It rolled over and got green and squid came in," Catian said. "I went out 25 miles yesterday and barely got 65 degrees. It was pretty rough outside the 240 spot." Earlier, Catian reported a very good offshore spearfishing trip on the K&M charter boat Offshore III with his son Capt. Oscar and partner Monte Kotur, running out about 15 miles for speared dorado, including Catian's limit of 2 dorado with a single shot. "One kelp paddy was as big as a house and loaded," Catian said. "The fish were so thick my spear went through one dorado and then strung another! I got two fish with one shot, limited out, done. Oscar shot the biggest of the day and Monte's was down about 30 feet just hanging dead. He stoned it! We had a great time at the dock. The paddy fish weren't biting that day."
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Capt. Juanchys Aguilar of La Bocana on the Baja California central Pacific coast reported on 3 days of fishing at Roca Ballena and a mile north of the rock with anglers Hiroshi Hoshi and Tetsu Hoshi of Los Angeles, Calif., for a catch of: 2 black sea bass of 120 and 223 pounds, calico bass, halibut, small yellowtail, and 2 white seabass of 20 and 21 pounds. The previous week, angler Scott Goodman of Idaho landed a 62.6-pound white seabass on 20-pound line. "The fishing is very good here right now," Aguilar said. "Now we're waiting for the tuna, marlin, and dorado."
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Alejandro Rosas of Tijuana reported on another run down the Baja coast out of San Diego aboard Rene Gonzalez' boat El Magu, fishing a kelp paddy about 8 miles west of the 425 spot for 6 yellowtail averaging 20 pounds and then trolling into Puerto La Salina north of Ensenada where they left the boat. "The sea was a little sloppy," Rosas said, "with winds around 10 m.p.h. and the water temperature in the 70s. We also had 2 hookups on bonita."
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Tyler Thorsen of Corpus Christy, Texas, and his group camped and fished at Punta Maria on the Baja Pacific coast west of Punta Prieta for good beach fishing that produced calico bass plus sheephead into the mid-20 pound class, but slower results for halibut.
"The halibut bite was off mainly due to the invasion of green seaweed in the area," Thorsen said. "It made fishing nearly impossible in areas where it was thick. We were able to fish around some of the patches to catch 10 or more halibut with the biggest going 7 pounds."
Access to Punta Maria was difficult. "The road in was miserable with a terrible washboard," Thorsen said. "Along what we call Panga Beach just south of Punta Maria there was a barbed wire fence near what one would call the entrance to the beach. On it was a sign that said the beach was closed to driving and that it had been designated an ecological zone." Water temperatures at Punta Maria were in the mid-60s.
On the way back up Baja's highway Mex 1, Thorsen's group stopped off at Mama Espinoza's Restaurant in El Rosario and met the legendary Baja character Anita "Mama" Espinoza herself. "Not only is she alive but she will be celebrating her 100th birthday on October 16th," Thorsen said. "She spoke English very well. She spoke of when they opened the gas station there in the 1930’s and during the first year she counted 12 cars that came. She told us of the Baja 1000, Steve McQueen, James Garner, and Malcolm Smith. You could tell she had a great admiration for Malcolm."
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: John Bowman of Los Angeles reported on a 2-week Baja coastal fishing and camping run with a family group and his 14-foot aluminum boat, stopping on the Sea of Cortez side at Punta Chivato and then crossing the peninsula to the Pacific side at Estero de Coyote near Punta Abreojos, and finally, a stop at Santa Rosalillita. At Estero de Coyote, Bowman's boat could not exit the estero due to surf but he found good fishing for halibut, bass, and corvina in protected water. "When the tides were running we couldn't keep 14 to 24-inch halibut off the hook fishing with Krocodiles and plastics," Bowman said. "At Santa Rosalillita we opted to launch from the beach by our camp. When over the reefs we hammered large kelp bass and maybe a different subspecies of bass that looked like a kelp bass but averaged 6 to 7 pounds and had a green head instead of bronze-copper. We didn't get any white seabass but we were catching 20 bass an hour while slow trolling and drifting plastics."
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said few boats fished the open Pacific out of Magdalena Bay last week, but offshore action continued to produce excellent catches of dorado and yellowfin tuna. "Football tuna, small yellowtail, and nice-sized dorado were on breezing bait just a few miles outside of the boca," Graham said. Some marlin were also spotted circling under birds near the Thetis Bank. Fishing inside the Magdalena Bay mangrove channels produced medium-sized grouper, corvina, several small snook, and a few snappers. Capt. Enrique Soto of San Carlos said small yellowtail and bonita were feeding under birds at the entrada. Magdalena Bay fishing area weather was clear in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 64 to 76 degrees.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 47 combined La Playita fleet pangas fishing off San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 212 yellowfin tuna, 88 dorado, 14 striped marlin, 8 sailfish, 9 amberjack, 11 cabrilla, 22 huachinango, 18 yellowtail snapper, 26 jack crevalle, and 28 bonito. San Jose del Cabo fishing area weather was increasingly tropical, with rain squalls just off shore and the air temperature in the high-80s. "This means conditions are ripe for tropical storms to form on short notice," Brictson said. "Swell activity has increased and we are expecting more surf." Sardina bait fish were plentiful around the Puerto Los Cabos jetty. Inshore fishing was spotty, but offshore action improved for sailfish, striped marlin, dorado, and yellowfin tuna. "Panga anglers reported seeing yellowfin tuna upwards of 200 pounds leaping out of the water on the Inner Gordo Bank," Brictson said, "so it should be only a matter of time before some of these monsters start hitting the decks." San Jose del Cabo surf fishing included a 20-kilo snook reported off the estero. Work continued on widening the entrance channel and finishing the rock jetties of the Puerto Los Cabos marina.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Axel Valdez of Buena Vista Beach Resort reported on 77 boats, excluding those fishing in the East Cape Bisbee's tournament, with 228 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 9 blue marlin, 75 striped marlin, 22 sailfish, 128 dorado, 56 yellowfin tuna, 34 roosterfish, 3 snapper, and 20 bonito. East Cape fishing area weather was in the low-100s, with water temperatures at 80 to 85 degrees.
Valdez noted that Buena Vista Beach Resort hosted this year's Bisbee's tournament and its charter boat Tres Hermanos with Team Copa Gobernador anglers Reginaldo Cosio, Manuel Ochoa, Julio Cota, and Rosario Cota won the competition with a 418-pound blue marlin landed on its fourth blue marlin hookup of the day at 2:30 p.m. on the final day of fishing. The Tres Hermanos was crewed by Capt. Ramon Tamayo and Teodoro Araiza. Buena Vista Beach Resort was scheduled to host the 2008 Bisbee's East Cape tournament on July 29-Aug. 2, 2008. With 64 teams fishing a total of 192 boat-days, this year's tournament produced a catch including released fish of 49 blue marlin, 197 striped marlin, and 79 sailfish, but with only 4 blue marlin qualifying for weigh-in.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 346 charter boats, excluding boats fishing in the Bisbee's tournament, from combined fleets including Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, Punta Colorada, Buena Vista Beach Resort, Rancho Leonero, and Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, with 1,093 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 18 blue marlin, 217 striped marlin, 35 sailfish, 376 dorado, 374 yellowfin tuna, 6 pargo, 1 wahoo, 1 cabrilla, and 10 roosterfish. East Cape fishing area weather was in the mid-90s, with calm mornings, light afternoon breezes, and water temperatures of 78 to 87 degrees. "The billfish, dorado, and yellowfin tuna bite were all up," Moyers said. "It’s been a pretty slow year for sailfish but we’re staring to see quite a few more." Moyers said his fishing team, Team Smokey Dave, ended up with 5 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, and 1 blue marlin in the Bisbee's tournament, all released. "We actually ended up running from about 8 other stripers in that they constitute a waste of valuable time that could be used to land a blue or black beast," Moyers said.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said fly fishing action improved for billfish during the week with multiple shots at sailfish and striped marlin plus some blue marlin showing up on the teasers. Fly casters Chris and Ryan Mott of El Paso, Texas, scored on 3 yellowfin tuna and lots of 5-pound roosterfish at the south end of the bay near La Ribera. "The sardina bait fish have attracted schools of 5 to 6-pound roosters along with jack crevalle, sierra, green jacks, triggerfish, and enough needlefish to be a nuisance," Graham said. Dorado fishing was mostly for singles showing up in the trolling pattern. East Cape fishing area weather was sunny in the high-90s, with water temperatures of 78 to 87 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Jeff deBrown of The Reel Baja fly fishing guide service said East Cape fishing area weather was hot and very calm during the week, in the mid-90s, with water temperatures of 77 to 87 degrees. "Overall, beach fly fishing is good for roosterfish in the 5-pound class with a few shots at some very big roosters," deBrown said. "Inshore fishing remained excellent for many species due to the bait pangas providing good numbers of sardinas for chum. Species included roosterfish, green jacks, pompano, ladyfish, and a few others mixed in." Offshore fishing remained active for billfish, yellowfin tuna, and dorado. "Most of the bigger dorado that we got shots at this week came into the teasers we were trolling for marlin," deBrown said.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Rod Albright of Buena Vista reported a 45-pound dorado landed by his 11-year-old granddaughter Danielle Arriola on Saturday aboard his boat Bill Collecter. Danielle's older sister Brandii also released her first-ever sailfish and striped marlin during the outing about 7 miles off Rancho Leonero. "The Sea of Cortez is beautiful this time of year with water temperatures in the mid-80s and clean, clear blue water," Albright said.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chuck Decker of Tucson, Ariz., reported on a fly-down trip to East Cape, landing at La Paz and driving to Los Barriles with trip partner Don Whisnand for a day of super panga fishing out of Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort and releases of 1 marlin and 1 sailfish with Capt. Israel Araiza. "Israel is the best I have fished with," Decker said. "He worked constantly changing lures to ensure fish. We had 5 hookups and landed the 2 fish. Martin Verdugo runs a great resort and hotel." East Cape fishing area water temperatures were at 84.5 degrees about 5 miles off Punta Colorada. "All of our fishing was trolling," Decker said. "The sailfish was caught on a sewn bait and the marlin was caught on purple-and-black plastic."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Jim Quinlan reported on 2 days of cruiser and panga fishing out of Hotel Palmas de Cortez with his wife Alma Quinlan for a catch on the cruiser of 4 striped marlin and 1 sailfish, and a second day of panga inshore mixed species action in front of La Ribera and near the hotel with Capt. Ernesto for a catch of: 1 skipjack, 1 amberjack, 1 red snapper, 1 striped marlin, 1 small yellowfin tuna, and 3 dorado to about 7 pounds. "Ernesto was a fun guy to fish with and knew his stuff," Quinlan said. "The weather was great, no wind, calm seas and warm."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Kayak angler and video producer Jon Schwartz of Carlsbad, Calif., reported excellent striped marlin action out of Rancho Leonero. "I didn't know it got this good," Schwartz said. "You'd look around and see two boats hooked up and another one just free jumping in the middle of nowhere." Schwartz said he scored 2 dorado and a deep fighting 50-pound roosterfish hooked on a caballito bait during his first day of fishing. "I thought the roosterfish was a huge pargo," he said. "Sometimes they keep diving and lunging down and bust you off. I got him up for some shots and released him."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport East Cape diving service at Buena Vista said last week's first dive trip was visited by a whale shark at the Cabo Pulmo coral reef. "Conditions have finally gone off the chart," Rayor said. "On our second dive a giant manta ray with a wing span of more that 15 feet gave us a close encounter." East Cape diving water temperatures at depth were at 83 degrees, with 70 to 80 feet of visibility. Simon Cazally of Vista Sea Sport said the manta ray encounter at El Cantil was spectacular. "It was flipping over and over in the water as we looked up from beneath. Our skipper, Juan Diego Romero, had initially sighted the manta from the boat and when we surfaced he informed us that there were 3 of them in the area."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said a local weather front slowed fishing for the second half of the week, but action up until then was good for slightly smaller dorado and very good for striped marlin. "One to 5 striped marlin hookups per panga was not uncommon," Roldan said. "About half the week was scratchy as a small front brought winds and chop, tore up the sargasso weed patches, and scattered the bait and the bite. Anglers were reduced to trolling for both our Las Arenas and La Paz fleets. However, the rest of the week was incredible for marlin, especially for our Las Arenas anglers."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said his pangas on the Las Arenas side continued to find good fishing during a period of cloudy skies and some wind. Striped marlin and sailfish were caught at the buoys and also at the north end of Isla Cerralvo. The 88 Bank outside Isla Cerralvo produced good dorado counts including fish of 45 to 60 pounds, plus more sailfish and marlin. Good wahoo action was found at the south end of island by trolling big purple Rapalas. "These Rapalas have helped to provide action for anglers fishing in that area," Hernandez said. Bait pangas were finding sardina close to the island and loading charter pangas with bait at the south end, saving more time for fishing.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Lucinda Prewitt of the Costa Baja Resort and Marina said the hotel will sponsor the first annual La Paz Gold Cup Black & Blue Marlin Tournament on Oct. 4-7, 2007, with a 1.5 million peso guaranteed purse, Ford Lobo grand prize, and proceeds going to charity. Information:
LORETO, MEXICO: Don Bear of Loreto said fishing improved during the week, with dorado schools found by boats running 35 to 40 miles out, weather permitting, and another dorado concentration found in warming water just a couple of miles off Isla Coronado on Thursday. "Yellowtail also made a showing at San Bruno late in the week," Bear said. "In general, the fishing was just short of wide-open." Elena and Robert Vrcon of Milano, Italy, and Giovanni Petronio of Florence, Italy, fished 4 days on pangas with Capts. Paulino Martinez and Joselino Murillo for a total catch including released fish of: 1 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, 16 dorado of 8 to 45 pounds, and 2 yellowtail of 20 to 25 pounds. On Thursday, Capt. Poncho Susarrey reported dorado limits by 10 a.m. for several pangas fishing 1 to 2 miles northeast of Isla Coronado. Capt. Francisco Martinez reported 7 yellowtail at San Bruno for his clients fishing out of the Hotel Oasis.
LORETO, MEXICO: Bill Erhardt of Loreto reported generally improving action with good variety and bigger fish, but just 3 dorado and 2 striped marlin for his boat Soledad during 3 outings slowed by some rough weather and distractions that included towing a disabled boat from 32 miles out and a stop to hike on Isla Carmen during a family trip. "My fishing this week was less than memorable," Erhardt said, "but big bulls are starting to show up in the scattered schools of dorado, and blue and black marlin that seem to have followed the small yellowfin tuna up into the Sea of Cortez are now being caught in larger numbers than in years past." Few sargassum weed patches were present to hold dorado schools as fish were located in scattered bites. At least 1 wahoo was brought into the marina during the week. Loreto fishing area weather was mostly calm, with improving water visibility and water temperatures in the high-80s.
TIN BOAT BLACK MARLIN (right)--After a slow fishing start this year, Nopolo summer residents Don and Diane Lindeleaf caught and released their first striped marlin of the season on Sunday, plus 3 more stripers on Monday, and then they hit jackpot on Wednesday with this 300-plus pound black marlin. On Saturday, they topped off a super week with 2 more stripers. They launched their aluminum center console boat all 4 days at Puerto Escondido south of Loreto and trolled marlin feathers north of Isla Monserrate. It took over 2 hours to land the big black marlin on 40-pound line and it swam away after the release. PHOTO COURTESY OF DIANE LINDELEAF.
LORETO, MEXICO: Randy Langley of Hesperia reported on fishing about 35 miles straight out during his recent 8-day trip to Loreto. "Mackerel were trolled to catch dorado to 40 pounds, sailfish, striped marlin, and even a few black marlin to 300 pounds were brought to the boat," Langley said. "No sargasso grass was present and the waters were full of bait. The weather was good the entire trip, with a couple of days of overcast, relatively smooth water, temperatures to the high-90s, and with humidity about 40 to 50 percent. Very nice out on the water but a little sticky walking around town."
LORETO, MEXICO: Lynn Hamman of Loreto said the 10th annual Grupo Tortuguero International Sea Turtle Symposium was scheduled in Loreto on Jan. 19-26, 2008, with about 1,000 participants expected. "This is a much anticipated event that will provide a unique opportunity to showcase to the world the marine and terrestrial treasures of the Loreto region including the Bay of Loreto National Marine Park, a World Heritage Site," Hamman said. "There are insufficient hotel rooms in Loreto to accommodate the conference guests so we are asking for volunteers from the Mexican and foreign community to open up extra rooms in their homes during the week. International guests will include environmental educators, scientists, fishermen, students, volunteers, and people who care about restoring populations and preventing the unnecessary killing of sea turtles." Contact:,
MULEGE, MEXICO: Jody Hawkins wrapped up an extended fishing trip to Mulege with outings to Isla Tortuga, Isla San Ildefonso, and Punta Pulpito. "There was nothing spectacular, but it was decent for a wide variety of species," Hawkins said. "At Tortuga we picked up pargo and cabrilla with the guns, with wonderful visibility, and we hooked a couple of sailfish and lost a big blue marlin. At Ildefonso and Pulpito we saw roosterfish, hooked marlin, and shot a few triggerfish and a couple of jacks." Sailfish and dorado were scattered offshore throughout the Mulege fishing area.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: John Bowman of Los Angeles, Calif., reported on the Santa Rosalia segment of a Baja fishing and camping trip by his family group that also included Punta Abreojos and Santa Rosalillita on the Pacific side. On the Cortez side, Bowman's group camped at Punta Chivato south of Santa Rosalia with his 14-foot aluminum boat. The drive in from Mex 1 required about 1.5 hours due to washboard. Local dorado fishing was very slow. "Dorado schools were nonexistent to 10 miles out," Bowman said. "After catching over a hundred dorado last year in 7 days we were disappointed. We spotted only 2 dorado and 3 possible sailfish in 2 days of fishing." Inshore trolling with Rapalas around Islas Santa Ines produced about 5 fish per hour, mostly leopard grouper averaging 5 pounds at the southwest corner. Bowman noted that the Pemex gas station at Santa Rosalia was distracting customers and manipulating the pump meters. "They had one gas pump operator distract me while the other reset the pump, ripping us off of what I estimate to be $15," Bowman said.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko at the south end of Bahia de los Angeles said Cortez Midriff fishing area weather was humid and warm in the mid-90s, with light southeasterly winds and the water temperature at 78 to 81 degrees. Fishing was good for yellowtail of 10 to 20 pounds on the inner reefs and at the south end of Isla Angel de la Guarda using both live bait dropper loops and jigs. Just a few dorado had been caught. "Bait is getting scarce as is usual for this time of year," Vazquez said. Work on the new town boulevard was on hold, and work on extending electrical power lines to Bahia de los Angeles from Mex 1 was in progress.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: For the previous week, Jeff Riolo of San Diego reported on 2 days of super panga fishing out of Bahia de los Angeles with Capt. Guillermo Galvan for a catch on Aug. 1, 2007, of the first dorado of the season for local boats, landed by Roberta Ganz of Point Loma, Calif., with a slow trolled mackerel at the south tip of Isla Angel de la Guarda. "We fished in 80-degree blue water, trolling live mackerel along the paddies with birds," Riolo said. "Our group boarded 8 nice bulls ranging from 15 to 20 pounds over the 2 days and also added some tasty grouper to the cooler." Bahia de los Angeles fishing area weather was calm in the high-90s with cooling breezes. "Bait was semi difficult to make and on the large size but available at 150 feet just west of the inner islands," Riolo said. Also fishing were anglers Frank and Linda Riolo.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: John Hilderbrand of Jon Jen Charters reported on 12 outings by the San Carlos charter boats JonJen and JonJen II, with a catch including released fish of: 29 dorado, 15 sailfish, and 9 marlin. "It was a very good week of fishing for us," Hilderbrand said. "We got the JonJen back in the water on Tuesday and she is like a new lady with her new engine."
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Catch-22 Sportfishing reported improved action at the end of the week as 3 outings by the charter boats Catch-22, JonJen and JonJen II had a catch including released fish of: 3 marlin, 6 sailfish, and 21 dorado. The best fishing was found 22 miles out on a heading of 215 degrees.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Dave Nagoda of Tucson reported on a weather-canceled crossing of the Sea of Cortez from San Carlos to Santa Rosalia with Jon Jen Charters that was diverted to 3 days of local fishing in rough conditions for a catch including released fish of: 5 yellowfin tuna at 20 pounds, 3 nice dorado, 1 sailfish landed, and several sailfish knockdowns. "The third day was even rougher and windier but we wanted to get back out there and I wanted some billfish," Nagoda said. "We put the lines out early as it was too rough to run, but we had no luck until we headed in as the seas were deteriorating and it was getting very uncomfortable. We got a nice dorado and then a nice sailfish which we released. Our Capt. Able on the Jon Jen II is an awesome captain. All and all it was a great trip in spite of conditions being less than perfect."
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 10 Aries Fleet offshore charter boats out of Mazatlan's Marina El Cid, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin, 3 striped marlin, 7 sailfish, and 49 dorado. "The dorado action remains wide-open with nonstop activity," Edwards said. "The inshore super pangas had easy limits and as much catch-and-release as any angler could take. The dorado are like piranhas." Mazatlan fishing area weather was cloudy, humid, and mostly calm in the low-90s, with water temperatures at 84 degrees inshore and 86 degrees offshore. Rigged baits were best for billfish and virtually anything in the water was being hit by the dorado, including small bits of floating debris.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Stan Gabruk of Master Baiter's Sportfishing at Puerto Vallarta reported mixed blue, black, and striped marlin at Roca Corbeteña plus yellowfin tuna into the over 200-pound range. "Sailfish are also in the area but not in great numbers," Gabruk said. "Bait availability has been an issue some days. With lots of bottlenose dolphin present, they wind up eating it up to the hook." El Banco produced smaller tuna, blue and striped marlin, and dorado into the 45-pound class. Dog snapper and rainbow runner were also available, and fishing closer to shore produced smaller dorado averaging about 25 pounds, snappers, bonito, jack crevalle, and mixed species. "Running the trash line at the Marieta Islands has been like fishing in a bucket," Gabruk said. "A 3-inch Diamond Jig cast on the clear water side is producing dorado in large numbers."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said very few anglers were fishing in the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo area during the week, but those who fished inshore found wide-open roosterfish action. Consistent sailfish counts were scored offshore. "The offshore bag also included some dorado but the yellowfin tuna continue to be located far out," Edwards said. "Inshore, the roosterfish are aggressive on top water poppers. Capt. Adolofo reported many opportunities each day." Jack crevalle counts were down. Ixtapa fishing area weather was hot and humid in the low-90s, with a light westerly swell and water temperatures of 88 to 89 degrees.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said Ixtapa's inshore roosterfish bite was still very active. "It's an excellent opportunity for a fly rodder to get in on the action," Kunze said. Several blue marlin were brought in by the fleet as small yellowfin tuna of 4 or 5 pounds were available for feeding them about 6 miles out. "They are keeping the blue marlin around. These small tuna are candy for the big blues," Kunze said. A few dorado were also caught. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing area weather was very humid in the high-90s, with water temperatures of 80 to 84 degrees.
MULEGE SUMMER TRIP--Jody Hawkins' boat at Playa Santispac on Bahia Concepción during his extended fishing and diving trip to Mulege this summer. PHOTO COURTESY OF JODY HAWKINS.
ROMEO & JULIETA DORADO--Maria and T.J. De Pietro with a nice Cabo San Lucas dorado caught aboard the charter boat Fish Dogs that was subsequently prepared for them at Cabo's Romeo & Julieta Italian restaurant. Their fishing day also produced Maria's first-ever marlin release. At right, Maria at work aboard the Fish Dogs. PHOTOS COURTESY OF T.J. DE PIETRO.
FALCON RUN--Don Connolly with a quality dorado caught aboard the Cabo San Lucas charter boat Falcon during a long run up the Sea of Cortez side on Tuesday to fish in 86-degree water about 4 miles off Los Frailes. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE CONNOLLY.
CABO ROOSTER GRANDE--Jon Honorz, left, landed this big roosterfish on fly fishing tackle at Cabo San Lucas with Capt. Nazario, right, of the Baja Anglers charter boat Flying Fish II. PHOTO COURTESY OF GRANT HARTMAN.
ENSENADA KELP PADDIES--Steve Ross, center, with Gail Ross, Juan Lu, and a catch of 4 yellowtail to 28 pounds scored on Friday aboard Ross' boat Bad Dog out of Ensenada's Marina Coral with live mackerel on kelp paddies at the lower 500 spot. PHOTO COURTESY OF STEVE ROSS.
GOOD YELLOWTAIL TRIP--Craig Boone's group fished 3 days on a couple of boats out of Tito's Pangas at San Quintin for a catch of 40 yellowtail plus a big variety of other fish species found inshore, at Isla San Martin, and on kelp paddies about 14 miles out. From left are: Brett Rowley, Kevin Chambers, Ernie Wheeler, Keith Wheeler, Tim Chambers, Willie Case, and Craig Boone. At right, Boone with a good-sized Humboldt giant squid caught during the trip. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CRAIG BOONE.
RACK O' CROAKERS--Capt. Juan Cook, left, of Don Eddie's Landing at San Quintin with some of a huge haul of 22 white seabass caught near birds at Playa San Ramon last week with anglers Fabio Acuna, Pete Escalona, Rob Grant, and Dave Grant. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARITA MELVILLE.
QUINTIN WHITE SEABASS--San Quintin's Capt. Jaime Garcia, right, found 9 white seabass for his anglers on a trip during the first week of August with biggest going into the 50-pound class. Fishing with Garcia were, from left, Fernando, Andrew, Lorenzo, and Andy Villa. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY VILLA.
DORADO SPEARFISHING--Monte Kotur of San Quintin's K&M Offshore Sportfishing with a first-ever dorado speared on a loaded kelp paddy about 15 miles out. Kotur and K&M's Kelly Catian and Oscar Catian all scored dorado on kelp a paddy "as big as a house." PHOTO COURTESY OF KELLY CATIAN.
LA BOCANA BIGGIE--Capt. Juanchys Aguilar of La Bocana with a 223.8-pound black seabass caught near Roca Ballena last week by angler Tetsu Hoshi of Los Angeles, Calif. The big fish hit in 29 feet of water. At right, Scott Goodman of Idaho with a hefty 62.6-pound white seabass also caught aboard Aguilar's panga Karol. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JUANCHYS AGUILAR.
BIG SURF SHEEPHEAD--Garrett Close of Del Mar, Calif., fished from shore with Tyler Thorsen's group on the Baja Pacific coast at Punta Maria for a catch of kelp bass, some halibut, and sheephead like this one into the 20-pound plus class. At right, a visit with the legendary Anita "Mama" Espinoza of El Rosario on Baja's highway Mex 1. PHOTOS COURTESY OF TYLER THORSEN.
ABREOJOS BAJA RUN--John Bowman checks his rig on the long road to Punta Abreojos on Baja's Pacific coast for a fishing trip at Estero de Coyote that produced good action on halibut, bass, and corvina. At right, the Campo Rene tourist facility on the shore of Estero de Coyote a few miles east of Punta Abreojos. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOHN BOWMAN.
FISHING OFF RANCHO LEONERO--Danielle Arriola landed this 45-pound dorado on Saturday while fishing about 7 miles off East Cape's Rancho Leonero with her grandfather Rod Albright, left, of Buena Vista aboard his boat Bill Collector. Danielle's older sister Brandii also released her first-ever sailfish and striped marlin during the trip. PHOTO COURTESY OF BARB ALBRIGHT.
EAST CAPE BISBEE'S--This year's winners in the Bisbee's East Cape Offshore fishing tournament fished out of the hosting Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort and took first place with a 318-pound blue marlin. Members of Team Copa Gobernador included anglers Reginaldo Cosio, Manuel Ochoa, Julio Cota, and Rosario Cota aboard the boat Tres Hermanos with crew of Capt. Ramon Tamayo and Teodoro Araiza. At right, the winning 418 pounder was the fourth blue marlin hooked by the Tres Hermanos on the last day of fishing. PHOTOS COURTESY OF AXEL VALDEZ.
STILL A ROOSTER--It's small, but it was a first-ever roosterfish on the fly for Nate Forman of Boulder, Colo., who fished Saturday near East Cape's Hotel Punta Colorada with fly fishing guide Jeff deBrown of The Reel Baja. Said deBrown, "I was able to tease in lots of other roosters and Nate got other shots, but this was the first landed." PHOTO COURTESY OF JEFF DEBROWN.
BISBEE'S MORNING--Hopeful East Cape sportfishing boats run toward the sunrise during the recent Bisbee's East Cape Offshore tournament, ultimately won by the Buena Vista Beach Resort boat Tres Hermanos with a 418-pound blue marlin. PHOTO COURTESY OF WERNER HRADECKY.
VERDUGO'S PANGA FISHING--Chuck Decker, right, released this striped marlin, of the square dorsal fin variety, along with a sailfish during an outing with Don Whisnand on a panga chartered out of East Cape's Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort. At left, is East Cape sportfishing Capt. Israel Araiza. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHUCK DECKER.
PANGA MIXED BAG--Alma Quinlan and her husband Jim Quinlan fished on an East Cape panga out of Hotel Palmas de Cortez for a mixed species catch off La Ribera that included this amberjack plus red snapper, tuna, striped marlin, dorado, and skipjack. At right, Jim with a tasty La Ribera huachinango or true red snapper. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JIM QUINLAN.
COUNTING WAHOO--Darrell Manginelli of Ventura, Calif., fished south of Isla Cerralvo near La Paz and scored a great count of 7 wahoo, including 4 caught in 1 day, on a panga with Tailhunter International. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
LAS ARENAS PANGAS--Mike Betz and John Shore of Newport Beach, Calif., fished the Las Arenas side south of La Paz with Tortuga Sportfishing last week and got into a panga catch of marlin, sailfish, and big dorado like these. PHOTO COURTESY OF GERARDO HERNANDEZ.
BIGGER LORETO DORADO--Most of the dorado caught out of Loreto this year have been smaller fish, but Mike and Rosey Sheffer scored 2 dorado over 30 pounds to win in the Fishin' for the Mission Tournament last month. They also hooked this big bull on Tuesday about 35 miles northeast of the Loreto marina on their boat Cracker Jack. The fish was hooked on a lure trolled around a school of dorado that brought the Loreto sportfishing fleet to the area all week. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROSEY SHEFFER.
SLOW DORADO ACTION--John Bowman's group camped at Punta Chivato on the Baja coast between Santa Rosalia and Mulege and found very slow dorado fishing on their 14-foot boat. Inshore fishing around Islas Santa Ines produced good action on leopard grouper. At right, an interesting Baja camp mascot at Punta Chivato. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOHN BOWMAN.
DORADO SEASON OPENER--Roberta Ganz landed the season's first dorado for Sea of Cortez Midriff area boats out of Bahia de los Angeles on Aug. 1, 2007, while fishing at the south tip of Isla Angel de la Guarda with L.A. Bay's well known Capt. Guillermo Galvan, right. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEFF RIOLO.
ROUGH WEATHER DORADO--Joy Nagoda and her husband Dave Nagoda of Tucson, Ariz., were scheduled to cross the Sea of Cortez with Jon Jen Charters at San Carlos but rough weather changed their plans to 3 days of local fishing aboard the charter boat Jon Jen II. Their catch in rough seas included yellowfin tuna, a sailfish, and 3 of these nice dorado. PHOTO COURTESY OF DAVE NAGODA.
BOAT CROSSING--A big blue marlin of about 550 pounds caught last week at Puerto Vallarta's Roca Corbeteña spans the cockpit of the Master Baiter's Sportfishing charter boat Chappy I. The big blue, shown with Capt. Arturo, hit a trolled live bonito bait for angler William Straker. PHOTO COURTESY OF STAN GABRUK.
ON THE SEA OF CORTEZ--The Baja sun rises over the Sea of Cortez during the recent Bisbee's East Cape Offshore tournament out of Buena Vista Beach Resort. PHOTO COURTESY OF WERNER HRADECKY.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
Mazatlan fishing reports and articles .
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