SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: John Migeot of Mission Viejo, Calif., reported on the San Quintin segment of his Baja run with Danny Verrier, fishing at the 240 spot with San Quintin's Capt. Genaro Avina out of Tiburon's Pangas for wide-open yellowfin tuna from football-sized to over 30 pounds.
"Genaro runs a reliable Yamaha-powered 26-foot panga," Migeot said. "We made bait and were off by 7 a.m. It was a little snotty going out, but it cleaned up and was quite fishable after that.
"The tuna fishing was as good as I have ever experienced. We lost the first 3 out of 4 but got our act together and only lost 2 or 3 more all day. The majority were in the 30-plus pound size. We kept Mexican limits and released another 15 fish.
"Genaro started us by trolling 3 deep divers, but as the day went on, it did not seem to matter what we put out. The only thing the tuna would not hit were green-white and red-white feathers.
"Genaro can be reached at: 011-52-616-165-6003."
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas reported good weather in the San Quintin fishing area as sportfishing pangas found very good action on yellowfin tuna of 20 to 40 pounds located 12 to 20 miles off the point on a heading of 240 degrees.
"There has also been a good showing of white seabass at 20 to 30 pounds south at Socorro," Hillis said.
Anglers fishing at San Quintin during the week included Uy Tran, Dong Ly, Robert Cohen, and Johnny Ly, all of the Los Angeles area, who fished 2 days with Capt. Hector on the charter boat Rommy for a catch including white seabass, Mexico fishing limits of mixed yellowtail and yellowfin tuna, and 1 albacore at 35 pounds.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet reported lots of mixed bottom fish and lingcod to 10 pounds plus Mexican sportfishing limits for bonita caught by his charter pangas last week during fishing at the tip of Punta Banda with aluminum jigs, bait on dropper loops, and anchovies fished deep with 6-ounce torpedo sinkers. "They managed limits of bonita on boils," Villarino said. "They also baited up 50 to 200 feet deep, and also trolled X-Raps. We got limits of bonito for the fish smoker."
Anglers scoring on big counts of bonita and mixed species at Ensenada with Capts. Beto and Hector included Daniel Hong of Los Angeles, Calif., Lester Ellet and Joe Rodriguez of Whittier, Calif., and Jay Johnson of Campo Valverde and Brian "Calico" Foley of Campo La Joya at Ensenada.
Local Ensenada fishing area weather was calm in the low-70s, with ocean swells of 2 to 3 feet, sunny skies, and water temperatures averaging 59 degrees.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort 15 miles south of Ensenada reported good fishing weather along the Baja coast with calm waters and no influence of recent Santa Ana winds in Southern California. One panga outing at Puerto Santo Tomas with Capt. Marcos by anglers Gary Orwig and his wife Margie produced full Mexico fishing limits of mixed bottom fish, sheephead, whitefish, and some bonita.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Les Heil of Baja Bocana Bed & Breakfast on the Baja Pacific coast at La Bocana reported continued very good wahoo fishing, including a run by his boat Panga Extra to the 25 bank for 6 wahoo to 90 pounds. "These were much bigger wahoo this week," Heil said. "I lost 3 lures, 2 of them bitten through."
Heil noted 2 San Diego sportfishers working the same area, one of which was the American Angler.
The passing of Hurricane Norbert the previous week brought winds to 35 m.p.h. in the La Bocana area and cooler water for a few days.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Shari Bondy of Baja Bed & Breakfast on the central Baja Pacific coast at Bahia Asuncion reported "bonanza" yellowfin tuna action plus dorado for local pangas immediately after the passage of Hurricane Norbert. "Norbert brought an even better tuna bite and bigger dorado to the Bahia Asuncion area," Bondy said. "The storm was a non-event with no rain, only a big swell and strong northeast winds for a day. The next day, yellowtail were nearly jumping into the boat. Mexican limits were caught within an hour at San Pablo."
Anglers fishing with Capt. Juan Arce of Arce Bros. Sportfishing included Tony Decker and Cliff Decker of Seal Beach, Calif., who landed tuna in double-hookup action just a mile off Punta San Pablo. "They fished until their arms said, 'no more,'" Bondy said.
Bondy noted that the commercial Mexican lobster season had begun. "Lobster is now available for very reasonable prices in the restaurants at Bahia Asuncion," she said.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: John Migeot of Mission Viejo, Calif., reported on a stop at Camalu north of San Quintin during his Baja coastal fishing run with Danny Verrier, panga fishing with Capt. Lee Moreno's son for a catch of many large bonita, several bottom fish, and yellowtail, before moving south to fish offshore for yellowfin tuna with Tiburon's Pangas at San Quintin. "They have a very interesting launch procedure and the price was definitely right," Migeot said.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported some minor wind damage at Magdalena Bay from the passing of Hurricane Norbert. Magdalena Bay boats resumed fishing offshore after the storm and found wahoo from Cabo San Lazaro on the Pacific side of Isla Magdalena northwards to the Thetis Bank. Mexican commercial shark fishermen also reported good marlin sightings in the area and tuna in the 35-pound class were found under birds. No boats reported on fishing in the mangrove channels. Magdalena Bay fishing area water was mostly clear in the mid-90s, with water temperatures of 78 to 84 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo San Lucas sportfishing charter boats Fish Cabo, Fish Cabo I, and Tuna Time, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin of 340 pounds, 37 striped marlin, 1 wahoo, 244 yellowfin tuna, and 153 dorado. Top outings during the week included 4 runs by the Tuna Time for a catch including released fish of: 19 dorado, 2 tuna, 3 striped marlin, and 1 blue marlin. "Cabo San Lucas fishing was much better in the early part of the week and diminished as the full moon set in," Edwards said.
Water temperatures on the Pacific side ranged from 81 to 84 degrees, with green color out to about 6 miles and clear water at the Golden Gate Bank and Jaime Bank. The best fishing was found on the Pacific banks with live baits.
Live bait available for sale at the Cabo San Lucas marina was mostly caballito, but with mackerel baits easily caught at the banks.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 9 outings during a weather-shortened week by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 1 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, 12 yellowfin tuna of 25 to 30 pounds, and 8 dorado of 25 to 30 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: For the week ending Oct. 12, 2008, George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported some clouds, gusty winds to 30 knots, light rain, and large swells to 12 feet in the Cabo San Lucas fishing area during the Pacific-side passage of Hurricane Norbert off the Baja coast. "The port captain closed the port of Cabo San Lucas for Friday and Saturday," Landrum said. "The port opened at 7 a.m. Sunday. We are waiting to see if the storm caused the fish to move. We have several boats fishing today. It looks like a decent fall fishery here in Cabo as long as the rough weather stays away." Most billfish were located on the Pacific side banks. Water temperatures on both sides of the arch were at 85 to 86 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: For the fishing week ending Oct. 10, 2008, Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet Sportfishing reported very good mixed billfish action at the Pacific side Golden Gate bank as Pisces boats released almost all of 333 striped marlin, 1 blue marlin, and 15 sailfish. "The action was fast and furious," Ehrenberg said.
The top boat for the week was the 50-foot Bottom Line with a 4-day total including released fish of 42 stripers, 5 sailfish, 4 dorado, and yellowfin tuna including one fish at 140 pounds.
The charter boats Eureka and Rebecca each had 2 days with 10 marlin releases each, as the fleet had some days with an average catch of 6 marlin per outing. "There were a few boats that got skunked, but this was because they simply could not get the marlin to bite, despite the sheer numbers present," Ehrenberg said.
Overall, 83 percent of Pisces charters landed billfish, with more than 99 percent of them released.
Fifty-nine percent of boats caught dorado, and just 12 percent landed tuna of 20 to 80 pounds, plus the single large tuna at 140 pounds.
Most Pisces boats fished the Golden Gate Bank, and a few went to the Finger Bank or the 95 spot.
Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was lightly influenced by Hurricane Norbert. "The port was closed as a precaution, but boats could easily have fished," Ehrenberg said.
Pisces boats fished in water temperatures averaging 86 degrees.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 46 combined fleet La Playita charter pangas fishing out of San Jose del Cabo's Puerto Los Cabos marina, with a catch including released fish of: 166 yellowfin tuna averaging 15 pounds, 155 dorado of 5 to 15 pounds, 8 wahoo of 15 to 30 pounds, 12 huachinango, 11 barred pargo, 5 dog snapper, 9 cabrilla, 22 triggerfish, and 8 sierra.
Fishing waters around San Jose del Cabo were settling after the Pacific-side passage of Hurricane Norbert, with water temperatures cooler at 80 to 82 degrees. "Everyone at Los Cabos is optimistic for excellent fishing in the coming weeks," Brictson said. "Conditions are improving with each passing day."
La Playita charter pangas lost several days of fishing to rough weather during the week, but were back in full operation, as water clarity improved on the Gordo Banks, at La Fortuna, and at the Iman Bank. Humboldt giant squid were present 1 to 2 miles from shore and were being used for chum and strip baits, but most fish were caught on slow-trolled sardina baits.
Strong currents hampered bottom fishing, but commercial pangas brought in good numbers of yellowtail to 30 pounds from the Gordo Banks area.
Some quality snook continued to be caught near the Puerto Los Cabos marina jetties, mostly at night on bait.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Randy Morishita of Cabo Extreme Fishing reported action just prior to the offshore passage of Hurricane Norbert including dorado on flylined sardinas, dog snapper in the 35 to 40-pound class at the Inner Gordo Bank, and a couple of larger tuna estimated in the 60-pound class lost on light tackle. "Fishing was somewhat scratchy, but we managed to pull in a few, especially for dinner," Morishita said. "We flew home ahead of the hurricane with the parties we booked into the hotel with our package. We had lots of great eating at the Posada Real from the wonderful preparation of the chef." Anglers fishing with Cabo Extreme Fishing included Rob Osburn of Las Vegas, Nev., and Steve Higginbotham and Ernie Brean of San Diego.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported relatively light disruption of Baja travel on Highway Mex 1 due to the rapid passage of Hurricane Norbert over the peninsula as crews worked to clear off mud and travelers found the road passable all the way to East Cape.
Just before the storm, Graham reported a kayak angler fishing with Jim Sammons' La Jolla Kayak Fishing releasing a 250-blue marlin after a fight lasting more than 5 hours.
East Cape fishing area weather and water conditions were clearing in the low-90s, with sunny skies and water temperatures of 76 to 87 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Marisol Verdugo of Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort said, "All we got from the hurricane was a little wind for a few days. We are busy this week and the weather is nice, not as hot as it was before." East Cape fishing improved for dorado of 15 to 20 pounds caught by boats running south to Los Frailes. "At Punta Arena, they are also seeing a lot of sailfish," Verdugo said. Some yellowfin tuna were also caught.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Whelan of Portland, Ore., reported a first-ever billfish during a 2-day session out of Hotel Playa del Sol, a sailfish that was part of an overall catch that included 6 small dorado, 1 yellowfin tuna of 35 pounds, and 3 other sailfish.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: For the week ending Oct. 15, 2008, Mark Daugherty of East Cape Guides reported hit-or-miss action at East Cape during the 12th Annual Chuy's Catch-and-Release Tournament out of Buena Vista Beach Resort as boats caught few striped marlin and tuna, but did better on sailfish. "We won the tournament with 5 sailfish released," Daugherty said.
Daugherty also fished with anglers Grant Oepkes off Carlsbad, Calif., and Jeff Morse, of Charlotte, N.C., for a 4-day total catch including released fish of: 7 sailfish, 4 wahoo, 1 striped marlin, 3 roosterfish, 3 dorado, and 3 sierra. "East Cape fishing conditions were mild prior to Norbert's arrival with water temperatures in the high-80s," Daugherty said.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Jim Petrella of Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., reported on a trip to fish the La Paz area by East Cape's Capt. Cuyayo for very slow action in the recent tournament during the first week of October. "There were 72 boats fishing for 2 days, and only 1 marlin caught at 213 pounds," Petrella said. "Only one fish at this time of year is really sad. I can't believe the fishing in this area the last few times I have gone. I don't know if it is the over commercial fishing, or the growing number of sport boats, but the fishing is getting progressively worse in my opinion. Cuyayo is a terrific, hard working guy, and is also not very happy with the fishing conditions in the East Cape. Maybe someday someone will do something about the over fishing by the commercial fleet."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: For the week ending Oct. 9, 2008, Eddie Dalmau of Van Wormer Resorts reported on 298 East Cape charter fishing boats from Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with a catch including released fish of: 10 blue marlin, 46 striped marlin, 75 sailfish, 291 dorado, 285 yellowfin tuna, 114 roosterfish, 20 wahoo, 4 cabrilla, 52 pargo, 30 triggerfish, 6 pompano, 30 squid, 18 skipjack, 1 sierra, and 5 amberjack. East Cape fishing area weather was in the low-90s, with water temperatures at 80 to 89 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: For the week ending Oct. 9, 2008, Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 244 charter boats from combined fleets including Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, Punta Colorada, Buena Vista Beach Resort, Rancho Leonero, and Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, with 720 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 3 blue marlin, 51 sailfish, 275 dorado, 176 yellowfin tuna, 22 pargo, 8 wahoo, 2 pompano, and 20 roosterfish. East Cape fishing area weather was in the low-90s, with water temperatures at 83 to 90 degrees. "Fishing seems to be a bit on the slow side at East Cape," Moyers said. "The billfish bite is just north of nonexistent, and both the tuna and dorado bites are marginal."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International at La Paz said the area was relatively unscathed by the passage of Hurricane Norbert up the Pacific side of Baja and eastward across the peninsula about 150 miles to the north. "La Paz got some ferocious winds but not much rain," Roldan said. "It had to be the driest hurricane I have ever seen. Other than some busted tree and palm branches, you would never know."
Fishing in some rough conditions following 2 days of cancellations during the storm, Las Arenas side pangas averaged 4 to 10 dorado per outing, including some bulls to 30 pounds, plus abundant giant Humboldt squid. Some billfish, wahoo, and larger roosterfish were also caught. Anglers Justin and Monique Wick of Alaska landed a 250-pound class black marlin that died during the fight after it hit a hooked bonito right behind the boat. "Attempts to revive the black marlin were unsuccessful," Roldan said. "Credit Capt. Eddy Carballo with the assist and great boat work."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of La Paz' Tortuga Sportfishing said rough seas from the passing to the north of Hurricane Norbert knocked out panga fishing on the Las Arenas side for a few days, but boats were going out again by midweek. Pangas fishing near the Baja shore at Punta Perico and south of Ensenada de los Muertos caught dorado of 20 to 30 pounds, and some marlin were hooked near the shark buoys. Sardina baits were available at Ensenada de los Muertos and just outside.
La Paz fishing area weather was cooler in the 80s, making it more comfortable on the water. "After this storm, we are returning to fishing in this part of Baja California Sur," Hernandez said
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Sonny de la Torre of Riverside, Calif., reported on his first-ever saltwater fly fishing trip during 3 days of action on the Las Arenas side with Tailhunter International for a catch including released fish with fly and spinning tackle of: 11 dorado, 2 roosterfish to 15 pounds, many pompano to 2 pounds, 1 small permit, 2 jack crevalle to 4 pounds, "too many" needlefish, and 1 pufferfish that hit a fly dangling in the water. "Nothing huge, but a lot of fish," De la Torre said. "Tailhunter is probably one of the best outfitters ever. They go the extra mile to make sure you have the opportunity to hook up."
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Ruben Daggett of Daggett's Camp at Bahia de los Angeles reported on several days of fishing with clients by Capt. Alfonso Daggett aboard the charter panga Heidi II for catches including bonita and yellowtail to 12 pounds, bass, and a few lingcod. One trip to Roca Bernabe produced a catch of 12 yellowtail and 20 bonita. Anglers also fished with jigs and live mackerel baits locally at Isla Piojo and north of the bay at Bajo Guadalupe.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Jon Jen Charters at San Carlos reported fishing prior to the weather-canceled Cantina Cup tournament including lots of peanut dorado, 1 blue marlin and 1 larger bull dorado by the boat JonJen II with Capt. Abel. "Most boats are reporting 1 or 2 billfish plus dorado," Jon Jen said. "There are also reports of yellowfin tuna, a sailfish about 20 miles out, and a striped marlin on Saturday."
Jon Jen noted that the weekend tournament was canceled due to a forecast of rough weather and an expected direct hit by Hurricane Norbert that never arrived. "The Cantina Cup was canceled," Jon Jen said. "We sat watching and waiting. Then things started to change and Saturday turned out to be very fishable. Calling a hurricane is like playing dice. Most were preparing for a Category 2, but San Carlos ended up with a little surge and no wind or rain. Norbert went south 125 miles., causing a lot of damage and flooding, but San Carlos was spared.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 20 Aries Fleet offshore charter boats out of Mazatlan's Marina El Cid, with a catch including released fish of: 1 black marlin of 175 pounds, 2 blue marlin of about 200 pounds, 3 sailfish, 2 mako shark, 48 dorado, and 70 yellowfin tuna. The yellowfin tuna were caught about 20 miles southwest of the marina and dorado were caught on current breaks and scum lines. "Mazatlan billfish counts remain light, probably due to the full moon," Edwards said, "but tuna catches picked up and helped keep anglers busy."
El Cid Caribe boats fished with live and rigged baits for dorado, trolled lures for marlin, and feathers for tuna.
Mazatlan fishing area weather was mostly calm in the low-90s, with some afternoon showers and water temperatures averaging 85 degrees.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Mazatlan's Flota Bibi Fleet reported boats fishing through some periods of rain and swells, but very few tourists in the area as dorado and sailfish were caught with lures, and ballyhoo and mullet baits.
Anglers fishing with Flota Bibi Fleet during the week included Will Pardini and Rhett Buehler of California, who had release action on 11 dorado to 35 pounds plus 6 skipjack tuna aboard the charter boat Norma Patricia with Capt. David "Pelican" Sanchez and deckhand George. The fish were caught with trolled plastics, chunked skipjack bait, and ballyhoo baits.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Gomez of Dhamar Sportfishing at La Cruz de Huanacaxtle just north of Puerto Vallarta reported good action for his charter super panga Dhamar and the Marla's Sportfishing cruisers. Anglers Josh Evans and his father Bob fished aboard the Dhamar for a catch during the week including 7 yellowfin tuna to 80 pounds, 1 large dorado, 1 snapper, 3 sailfish, 2 marlin, and many rainbow runner. "The water is nice at Roca Corbetena and El Banco," Gomez said.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Stanley Gabruk of Master Baiters Sportfishing & Tackle said charters during the week following the distant offshore passage of Hurricane Norbert up the Mexican Pacific coast included a run to Roca Corbetena by the boat Terminal Blues for a black marlin of 425 pounds and a 65-inch dorado. Fishing with Capt. Oscar and first mate Alex aboard the Terminal Blues were first-time deep sea anglers Anna and Brandon Whirl of San Jose, Calif.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported improving conditions following the dissipation of Tropical Storm Odile in southern Mexico waters, with calming seas, blue water within half-a-mile of the coast, boats averaging 4 to 7 sailfish per day, and more anglers present. "More anglers are fishing the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo area and the season has officially started," Edwards said. "The full moon hasn't hampered fishing at all."
Capt. Temo Verboonen also reported good numbers of roosterfish along the coast.
Ixtapa fishing area weather was humid in the low-90s, with calming seas, light tropical wind, clean water very near shore, and water temperatures stable at 84 to 85 degrees. Boats fished for dorado and sailfish with rigged baits.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Earlier, Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said boats found variable action following 6 inches of rain on Saturday. "Those boats that went looking for blue water found game fish, and those that stayed with last week's pattern did not," Kunze said. "The huge influx of fresh water coming out of the rivers pushed the blue water out 24 miles. There is a definite line of demarcation between the clear water and the deep cobalt blue water." Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing area weather was humid in the high-90s, with water temperatures at 80 to 84 degrees.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Mike Bulkley of Huntress Sportfishing at Zihuatanejo reported on an outing by Capt. Francisco aboard the charter super panga Huntress for a catch including released fish with anglers Erick Potter and Tim Trombatore of 3 sailfish and 1 large bull dorado. "The blue water has moved offshore of Zihuatanejo about 25 miles and the fish are scattered from 17 miles to the edge of it," Bulkley said. "Inshore, the water is dirty and debris-filled after a big storm on Sunday."
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 10 outings by the El Cid Caribe sportfishing fleet at Puerto Morelos near Cancun, with a catch including released fish of: 27 Atlantic barracuda of mostly 15 to 40 pounds, 5 Spanish mackerel, 2 king mackerel, 1 mutton snapper, 1 bonito, and 1 queenfish. "The Atlantic barracuda continues to set the pace for the Cancun fishing area, with most outings providing 2 or 3 per day," Edwards said. Cancun fishing weather was favorable in the low-90s, with light breezes, mostly cloudy skies, and stable water temperatures at 85 degrees.
MEXICO: David Burns of the El Manglar Restaurant in the Atlantic Mexico coastal town of Tecolutla reported on organizing an offshore fishing charter with local Capt. Cero and two Canadian visitors from Pachuca, Mexico, near Mexico City, followed by an afternoon dive trip with a group of friends.
"Conditions were ideal," Burns said. "The ocean was really calm, clear and warm. Expectations weren't high as the peto, or king mackerel, hadn't been biting aggressively
"We headed out about 9 kilometers to a favored spot and began trolling. There was not much company, as the local fisherman chose not to venture out due to light catches the previous days, but there lies the difference between a sport fisherman and a commercial fisherman.
"No sooner had Jean Francois let out his big Rapala Magnum than it got hit hard. The pole bent and the drag screamed but unfortunately the attempt to set the hook failed.
"Shortly thereafter Federico hooked up on a 1.5-kilo peto that started skipping along the surface in a state of absolute exhaustion. A fish in the boat and Federico was properly introduced to offshore fishing.
"I was using a handline rigged with 80-pound test, a 2.2-pound weight, and 2 hooks with mullet cut bait. I dragged in another peto and missed a couple more as they were very passive in their attack.
"Everybody at Tecolutla is patiently awaiting the arrival of November and December when the peto become extremely aggressive and hit anything that moves. Many of the locals actually switch over to spoons to save time and nearly everybody returns to shore by noon with their ice chests full with about 200 kilos of fish.
"I had no sooner finished rinsing gear when my good friend Erik Geertz passed by and invited me to head out again for fishing and diving.
"We headed north for about half-an-hour and dropped anchor on a sunken barge. The others suited up and hauled in 4 small huachinango. I was fishing with a homemade rig on my big Penn spinning reel with a single hook, half-kilo weight and saberfish as the cut bait.
"All 3 divers then surfaced with several fish of many species. Chinto had 2 nice pargos stuffed down his BCV; Fredi had a bag full of fish including some red snapper , a jack, some pargo and a couple of grouper; and Erik had bagged 2 very nice grouper which he had tied off on the anchor line. One can't deny that it was a very successful outing, especially considering the brevity.
"During decompression, 2 dolphins came as close as 1 meter to the divers and took a long look. I suppose they were checking out the competition."
SOLID TUNA AT SAN QUINTIN--Capt. Genaro Avila of Tiburon's Pangas shows off a couple of yellowfin tuna caught in wide-open action out of San Quintin with anglers John Migeot and Danny Verrier who got their Mexican limits and also released 15 fish. PHOTO COURTESY OF JOHN MIGEOT.
QUINTIN STILL CROAKIN'--White seabass were still being found by boats fishing out of San Quintin last week. With a nice catch of croakers caught at Socorro are Pedro's Panga's anglers Uy Tran, Dong Ly, Johnny Ly, and Robert Cohen, who fished with Capt. Hector on the charter boat Rommy. Fishing several days, they also scored on Mexico limits of yellowfin tuna and yellowtail, plus a 35-pound albacore. PHOTO COURTESY OF PETE HILLIS.
SHEEPHEAD AT ENSENADA--Brian "Calico" Foley of Ensenada's Campo La Joya fished on a locally panga with Vonny's Fleet's Capt. Hector for his Mexican sportfishing limit of bonita, red rockcod, lingcod to 10 pounds, and this real nice male-phase sheephead caught in calm conditions at the tip of Punta Banda. PHOTO COURTESY OF IVAN VILLARINO.
BAJA COASTAL TUNA--Anglers fishing with Capt. Juan Arce of Bahia Asuncion's Arce Bros. Sportfishing found very good yellowfin tuna action close to shore last week plus dorado and yellowtail. Anglers panga fishing out of Baja Bed Bed & Breakfast included Cliff and Tony Decker of Seal Beach, Calif. PHOTOS COURTESY OF SHARI BONDY.
WAHOO GETTING BIGGER--Last week's fishing out of La Bocana's Baja Bocana Bed & Breakfast produced bigger wahoo to 90 pounds for Les Heil's boat Panga Extra. Heil, center, is shown with a nice wahoo, 1 of 6 landed during a run to the 25 Bank. PHOTO COURTESY OF LES HEIL.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO PANGA DOGGIE--Mike Longstrum of Upland, Calif., hooked this nice 30-pound class dog snapper on light 20-pound line last week while fishing at La Fortuna near San Jose del Cabo on a Gordo Banks Pangas charter with Capt. Clarin. "Very impressive for such light gear," said Gordo Banks Pangas' Eric Brictson. PHOTO COURTESY OF ERIC BRICTSON.
FISHING AT LOS CABOS--Panga action with Cabo Extreme Fishing out of San Jose del Cabo produced dog snapper to 40 pounds, a couple of tuna in the 60-pound class lost, and this dinner dorado hooked on a live sardina bait and shown by angler Rob Osburn of Las Vegas, Nev. PHOTO COURTESY OF RANDY MORISHITA.
EAST CAPE WAHOO--Grant Oepkes of Carlsbad, Calif., and Jeff Morse of Charlotte, N.C. with a 60-pound wahoo landed outside of Cabo Pulmo on a purple-black Rapala CD18 during fishing with Mark Daugherty of East Cape Guides. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARK DAUGHERTY.
CHUY'S TOURNAMENT WINNER--Mark Daugherty of East Cape Guides and anglers Grant Oepkes and Jeff Morse won the recent 12th Annual Chuy's Catch and Release Tournament out of East Cape's Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort with 5 sailfish releases aboard the hotel fleet boat Dusty B. III. Shown are Oepkes, Morse, Daugherty, and Dusty B. III Capt. Alejandro and first mate Francisco. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARK DAUGHERTY.
LA PAZ BLACKIE--Justin Wick of Alaska and his wife Monique landed this 250-pound black marlin at La Paz while panga fishing with Capt. Eddy Carballo of Tailhunter International. The big marlin hit a hooked bonito at the boat. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
FAIR WEATHER DORADO--In a fishing week with hampered by distant Hurricane Norbert, Cirio Alvarez of Los Angeles, Calif., found good weather and sea conditions south of La Paz and this nice dorado during panga action with Tortuga Sportfishing's Capt. Rigo Lucero. PHOTO COURTESY OF GERARDO HERNANDEZ.
LA PAZ MIXED SPECIES--Sonny de la Torre's fly and spinning tackle trip to La Paz produced a good mix of species during panga fishing on the Las Arenas side with Tailhunter International that included dorado, roosterfish, pompano, jack crevalle, needlefish, "permit," and "too many" needlefish. PHOTO COURTESY OF SONNY DE LA TORRE.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES--Early fall panga fishing out of Daggett's Camp at Bahia de los Angeles produced steady yellowtail for anglers going out with Capt. Alfonso Daggett. Shown are, from left, Thor Carrazco, Johnny Jimenez, Arnulfo Jimenez, and Lupe Hinojosa. PHOTO COURTESY OF RUBEN DAGGETT.
SAN CARLOS OFFSHORE--Fishing seemed to be improving along the central Sea of Cortez mainland Mexico coast last week as the Jon Jen Charters boat JonJen II with Capt. Abel found some dorado and this blue marlin release during a run from San Carlos, Sonora. PHOTO COURTESY OF JON JEN CHARTERS.
MAZATLAN DORADO DAY--Will Pardini and Rhett Buehler of California got into dorado catch-and-release action at Mazatlan aboard the Flota Bibi Fleet charter boat Norma Patricia. They hooked a total of 11 mahi to 35 pounds plus 6 skipjack tuna. PHOTO COURTESY OF TADEO HERNANDEZ.
VALLARTA PANGA FISHING--Action last week aboard the charter panga Dhamar with Capt. Danny Gomez included outings with Josh and Bob Evans for yellowfin tuna to 80 pounds, dorado, snappers, sailfish, lots of rainbow runner, and this panga-spanning marlin. PHOTOS COURTESY OF DANNY GOMEZ.
MISSING THE STORM--Two days after Hurricane Norbert passed Puerto Vallarta by as it moved up the Mexican Pacific coast, the Master Baiters Sportfishing & Tackle charter boat Terminal Blues landed this nice black marlin plus a 65-inch dorado at Roca Corbetena. Shown are Terminal Blues first mate Alex, angler Anna Whirl, Terminal Blues Capt. Oscar, and angler Brandon Whirl. PHOTO COURTESY OF STAN GABRUK.
IXTAPA SAILS--Tim Trombatore, left, and Huntress Sportfishing's Capt. Francisco about to release a sailfish, 1 of 3 landed during the day while fishing off Ixtapa Zihuatanejo aboard the charter super panga Huntress. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE BULKLEY.
ATLANTIC-SIDE MEXICO--Diving near Tecolutla on Mexico's Atlantic coast produced a mixed catch of species during a trip with friends by David Burns of Tecolutla's El Manglar Restaurant. From left are "Fredi," Erik Geertz, and Chinto "The Predator" Manzana. Below, an off-season peto, or king mackerel caught by angler "Federico" during a charter trip with local Capt. Cero organized earlier in the day by Burns. PHOTOS COURTESY OF DAVID BURNS.
CEDAR PLUG ACTION--Panga anglers at Bahia Asuncion on Baja's Pacific coast found very good fishing last week around Punta San Pablo with Capt. Juan Arce of Arce Bros. Sportfishing. PHOTO COURTESY OF SHARI BONDY.
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