I've be invited to fish a Yellowtail tournament at Cedros island by COMSA which was invited by the Guerrero Negro salt production company. Far as I know it's a tournament for the salt workers union of the area. I don't really care about the event, I'm so excited just to be going. Itinerary is drive to Guerrero on Friday, stay the night there, then Saturday tour the salt production faculty, then fly to Cedros and spend the night, fish the event on Sunday. I'm so jacked up! Couldn't sleep when I found out I was going. I will photograph the whole trip and send a report next week.
Santa Rosalia weather has been stable after the passing of Howard, nice calm seas and even a temp drop in the air, 78-85 degree water clouded from the runoff along the inshore and isla shoreline. Offshore seems to be clean with lots of floating debris, wood, tree stumps and trash, so one needs to be careful when running during low light hours. Vis poor 10-20 feet inshore, 30-60 offshore. Water temps 80-85 degrees.
Fishing? Tried the last two days.
First day was a regular reef run. Started with the bait and found that it was hard to find. That should have been the red flag, because the past month was 20 minutes and done. Once on the bajo, things didn't feel right from the start. No other boats, water real dirty, and current, little that was there, was moving in a strange direction. It only takes me about five or so drifts over five different areas to figure out what's up, and on this day, nothing.
Today I tried a different plan of attack, inshore classic The Baja Catch-style, maybe some early sierra, or at least small cabrilla, pargo, anything at all will do. Not a damn thing, but no real surprise. It's the beginning of September and never remember being worth much ever.
I tell all my clients and friends don't come down here during this time. At least one, maybe two weeks are needed to show some improvement. Sure am glad I get to fish the Pacific side this week!
I've started compiling information for the monthly season changes down here. I have been taking notes of everything, from sky, land, and sea, along with photos too. Example: how at this time of year the dates ripen and are harvested or fall to the ground, and so on.
Well that's it for this short week. Next week will be better for sure, can't get any worse.
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