LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said, "Everyone has been going home with fat ice chests all week. I can't remember a dorado bite that has been so consistent and so good with so many quality fish."
On the La Paz side, dorado were down just a little in size but still caught in good numbers, and on the Las Arenas side, big Humboldt squid and yellowfin tuna of 15 to 30 pounds were also caught right in front of the old Hotel las Arenas. Angler Mitch Chaviras also scored on a 64-pound roosterfish. La Paz fishing vacation area weather was a bit windier in the mid-90s.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said his pangas were using plentiful squid baits for good numbers of large dorado of 30 to 40 pounds, with the best concentration at the end of the week off Las Cruces, but fish also located at Punta Arena, Ensenada de los Muertos, and Isla Cerralvo. "We have plenty of bait, including squid, which is helping us catch these large dorado," Hernandez said. Las Arenas side weather was hot on the water at 98 degrees. LARGE DORADO CAUGHT AT LAS CRUCES.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Carlos Touche of Tucson, Ariz., fished the Las Arenas side with Tortuga Sportfishing and reported 14 dorado landed in 2 short days. "We quit fishing about 11 a.m. both days," Touche said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Andrea Tomba of Desea Adventures said he guided a fishing and diving cruise trip from La Paz to Loreto aboard the 48-foot boat Jayhawk. "There was less variety of fish than I expected," Tomba said. "There were plenty of dorado and a couple of marlin strikes, but no tuna or wahoo as I expected to find near Isla Santa Cruz and Isla Catalana. Las Animas seemed to hold a lot of bonita, but nothing substantial underneath." Water temperatures averaged about 87 degrees during the trip. The most active fishing action was off San Juan de la Costa during the return trip to La Paz.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said, "This week was still good for yellows and plenty of bonita." Anglers fishing on Vonny's Fleet pangas at the tip of Punta Banda included Jay Johnson with 2 yellowtail of 18 and 22 pounds and Mike Perkins and his wife, who limited on salmon grouper and red rockcod on the Vonny III with Capt. Hector. On the Vonny I, Capt. Beto scored aluminum jig yellowtail for anglers all week long. Punta Banda weather over the weekend was foggy in the mornings, sunny in the afternoons, in the low-70s, with light breezes, 2 to 3-foot ocean swells, and water temperatures at 62 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Ensenada Sportfishing Center reported on 59 anglers fishing aboard the charter boats Ensenada Clipper, Shir-Lee, Quest, and Clipper II, with a catch of: 119 yellowtail, 29 bonito, 17 barracuda, 11 yellowfin tuna, 55 dorado, 46 lingcod, 40 rockcod, 18 sheephead, and 5 red rockcod.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Jacqueline Cabrales of Mike Richardson's Live Bait Ensenada bait barge in the harbor said good sized sardines and mackerel were available at the end of the week, with water temperatures at the barge at 70.1 degrees, up from 68.2 degrees the previous week. In the bay, bonefish continued to be seen, along with American shad along the breakwater. Boats returning from Santo Tomas, Salsipuedes, and Punta Morro reported yellowtail to 12 pounds and bonito to 8 pounds.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Hector Arevalo of Hector's Sportfishing and the 30-foot Ensenada charter boat Floriza reported on 2 outings in good weather conditions the previous weekend for catches including yellowtail, bonita, and rockfish, plus sandbass at Punta Banda.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Louie Prieto of Hacienda Heights reported on 2 days of fishing out of Marina Coral on his boat It's-4-Reels, finding calm seas and very good kelp paddy yellowtail action in 68.7-degree water offshore the first day, and mixed calico bass and bottom fish the second day while anchored on kelp at Punta China to the south of Punta Santo Tomas. YELLOWTAIL OFFSHORE AND CALICO BASS AT SANTO TOMAS.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog at Ensenada's Marina Coral said he fished the previous Saturday to defend his first place finish in last year's Marina Puerto Salina tournament, running far north for a single dorado while boats at the 238 bank did well, and then running out of fuel on the way back to the marina. "We went the longest distance to catch one fish," Ross said. "Had we not entered this tournament, we would have fished local banks and scored big. If this isn't a fishing story, I don't know what is." WRONG-WAY TRIP IN THE 2006 PUERTO LA SALINA TOURNAMENT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ross also reported the capture by landing net, photographing, and release of a rarely seen juvenile ocean sunfish or mola mola by his boat Bad Dog near the Ensenada 238 spot in early September. "Try and get a shot like this," Ross said. "It took me 4 months of failures with problems including bending off a trim tab while backing down in heavy seas to get this photo." JUVENILE OCEAN SUNFISH OR MOLA MOLA RELEASE.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Scott Bradley of San Diego reported on 2 days of fishing out of Ensenada the previous weekend on the boat Oasis during a charity tournament sponsored by Mikelson Boats, with about 16 boats fishing and the catch including yellowtail of 5 to 8 pounds, dorado of 7 to 18 pounds, and yellowfin tuna of 8 to 14 pounds. "We tried hard for a catch-and-release marlin that would have won the overall but couldn't get any of the 4 that we saw," Bardley said. Proceeds from the tournament were to benefit children in San Diego and Ensenada.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp said he had 22 boats fishing out of Erendira during the week for good counts on all bottom fish species and good surface action for bonita, barracuda, and some yellowtail. White seabass action was slower but they were still biting. Continued good concentrations of bait fish were present in Erendira waters, with clear blue color and the water temperature at 71 to 72 degrees. Erendira area weather was good all week and boats fished daily.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Sarai Garcia of Don Eddie's Landing said some good counts of white seabass were made last week, including 8 landed by Jeff Riolo and Roberta Ganz, who fished south at Socorro on the charter boat La Pinta with Capt. Jaime Garcia. Other boats had big catches of bonito and barracuda, plus rockcods, lingcod, sandbass, calico bass, sheephead, and some white sea bass. San Quintin fishing area weather was in the mid-80s with light breezes and water temperatures at 68 to 70 degrees. WHITE SEABASS STILL AVAILABLE AT SOCORRO.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas reported about 20 boats fishing during the week. "There were limits of white seabass for everyone, with calicos, sandies, barracuda and bonita mixed in," Hillis said. "On Saturday the bite dropped off drastically but in radio contact with Captain Hector of the Rommy on Sunday morning, they had already brought 4 white seabass on board."
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Julio D'Acosta of Marina Puerto Salina on the Baja coast north of Ensenada reported the results of the marina's second annual Summer Sportfishing Tournament held Sept. 23, 2006, with $45,000 in prize money won by 178 anglers on 41 boats. The top 3 places in the bottom fish category were won by a halibut of 8.645 kilos by Sandor Ramirez and 2 lingcod of 6.800 and 3.950 kilos by Bill Fisher and Luis Gutierrez. The top 3 places in the surface fish category were won by a dorado of 9.450 kilos by Jeff Stroot, a tuna of 7.260 kilos by Manuel Briseño, and a dorado of 6.750 kilos by Robert Andre.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Robert Rodriguez of Wilmington, Calif., reported on 2 days of panga fishing out of Popotla on the Baja Pacific coast just south of Rosarito Beach. Along with whitefish and red rockcod, a 10-pound dorado was caught on September 24, 2006, just 5 miles off the Rosarito Beach shore. "The dorado is said to be the second one ever caught locally from a panga," Rodriguez said. Rodriguez fished on the panga Keta with local captain Javier Martinez. PANGA-CAUGHT DORADO AT POPOTLA.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Bill Erhardt of Loreto crossed over the Baja peninsula and fished offshore 2 days out of Magdalena Bay's Puerto Lopez Mateos with Capt. Ruben Duran last week, finding 14 yellowfin tuna and 30 dorado out around the Thetis Bank, but none of his targeted wahoo. "We were hoping for an early wahoo," Erhardt said. "I did get 2 wahoo bites over the weekend but put neither in the boat." Good numbers of striped marlin were seen but they were gorged on sardines and would not bite. "The marlin will occasionally, out of curiosity, come and smack the lures around a bit before drifting off to digest their sardines," Erhardt said. Water temperatures were at 82 to 84 degrees and only 1 other sportfishing boat was seen in the area. WAHOO STILL SHY AT THE THETIS BANK.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said offshore boats reported lots of early fall striped marlin around the Thetis Bank, and wahoo and dorado under kelp paddies farther north. Magdalena Bay mangrove channel fishing produced corvina, grouper, and some small snook at Devil's Curve. Mag Bay weather was humid in the high-80s, with water temperatures at 64 to 78 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said 39 percent of Pisces boats released billfish during the week, 14 percent caught yellowfin tuna, 86 percent landed dorado, and a few wahoo were also reported. Billfish were a mix of blue marlin, striped marlin, and sailfish. The Los Cabos area hosted a fishing tournament at La Playita during the week that was part of the state sponsored Governor's Cup series, with 706 anglers participating. "The purpose of this series of fishing events is to change the mindset of the local population to sportfishing rather than commercial fishing," Ehrenberg said. "The tournaments take place all over the state of Baja California Sur." GOVERNOR'S CUP CIRCUIT FISHING TOURNAMENT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 14 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 2 striped marlin, 15 yellowfin tuna of 15 to 80 pounds, 42 dorado of 20 to 35 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 81 charters for the week, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin, 12 striped marlin, 12 sailfish, 40 yellowfin tuna, 280 dorado, 15 skipjack, 8 wahoo, and 3 roosterfish.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 36 outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 4 blue marlin, 2 sailfish, 3 striped marlin, 2 wahoo, 42 yellowfin tuna, 141 dorado. Top catches during the week included an estimated 600-pound blue marlin landed by Art Coleman on the charter boat Gaviota IX. GAVIOTA RELEASES A BLUE MARLIN AT 600 POUNDS.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Art Coleman of Temecula, Calif., reported on his 600-pound class blue marlin caught on the Gaviota IX, saying that fishing conditions were calm during 3 days on the boat and the overall catch with his wife Patricia also included 15 dorado of 25 to 45 pounds, 3 yellowfin tuna to 15 pounds, and a 45-pound wahoo. "The crew on the Gaviota IX did a great job," Coleman said of his 2-hour fight with the big blue marlin. "It was released in good condition."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Fred Clark of Moreno Valley, Calif., spent 3 days with Gaviota Fleet on the Gaviota X, fishing on both the Cortez and Pacific sides of Cabo with Capt. Nicolas and mate Alberto for a catch of: 1 black marlin caught by Craig Bond of Norco, Calif., 17 dorado, and 15 yellowfin tuna. "I have nothing but strong praise for the extra effort extended by the crew," Clark said. "Unreal trip. I want to thank Gaviota for everything."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Chris Arsenault of Spring, Texas, reported on a run the previous week aboard the Aby Charters boat Rondinella with Capt. Carlos, for a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin, 1 striped marlin, and 2 dorado of 30 and 55 pounds.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 58 combined La Playita sportfishing fleet pangas at San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 202 yellowfin tuna, 72 dorado, 11 rainbow runner, 3 sailfish, 12 amberjack, 6 dog snapper, 8 grouper, 16 skipjack, and 2 hammerhead shark. The long-standing super-hot yellowfin tuna bite around the Iman Bank area slowed down at the end of the week. "Tuna per charter were down to an average of 3 or 4, instead of wide-open," Brictson said. "Sportfishing cruisers from East Cape are still making the long run." YELLOWFIN TUNA BITE SLOWS DOWN.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo said the yellowfin tuna bite slowed down toward the end of the week but surf fishing for him was "on fire" with squid head baits. Eight surf fishing sessions of 1 to 2.5 hours produced 41 fish of 15 species. For the week, 123 fish of 44 species were caught in the surf and by panga, including 2 new species, a yellowfin goatfish and a blue-barred parrotfish.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Bob Lewis of San Jose del Cabo said daily afternoon rains were falling over the mountains running north to La Paz and the La Playita pangas were catching school-sized tuna, skipjack tuna, some dorado, scattered jack crevalle, snappers, and triggerfish. Sardina baits were plentiful and most boats were chumming with them.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said the water along East Cape beaches had cleaned up after recent storms and fishing was improved. "There are a few jacks and roosters crashing on the schools of sardina between La Ribera and Punta Colorada," Graham said. "Also some ladyfish and a few pompano near the hotels." Offshore action for the few anglers in the area continued steady for tuna and dorado. Billfish action was improved, although Graham called it "still not enough to make it worthwhile for the fly flinger." East Cape weather was calm in the low-90s, with water temperatures at 74 to 89 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said offshore fishing action slowed down at midweek. Some tuna continued to be caught to the south 3 to 4 miles offshore, with dorado scattered and billfish in a sluggish bite. With cleaner water on the beaches, the roosterfish bite picked up again for medium-sized fish from La Ribera to La Barracas. Some dorado to 15 pounds were also caught on debris close to shore.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Eddie Dalmau of Van Wormer Resorts reported on 99 East Cape charter fishing boats from Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with 305 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 501 yellowfin tuna, 255 dorado, 12 blue marlin, 18 striped marlin, 8 sailfish, 18 roosterfish, 6 wahoo, 6 cabrilla, 5 pompano, 30 pargo, 84 bonita, 18 yellowtail, and 54 triggerfish.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Ash Pickering of East Cape's Vista Sea Sport diving service at Buena Vista said diving conditions at the Cabo Pulmo coral marine park were gorgeous last week, with 82-degree water at depth and visibility up to 80 feet around the outer reef. "We've had some spectacular dives with plenty of life all around," Pickering said. Sea life sightings included schools of jacks, snappers, grunts, grouper, and goatfish, plus dolphin on the ride to the park.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: John Carroll of Chula Vista reported on 4 days of fishing out of Rancho Leonero during a mid-September wedding anniversary trip with his wife Susan for very good yellowfin tuna action most days to the south. On the last day of the trip, Carroll said, "We fished at the Gordo area again and were done in an hour-and-a-half with 14 fish to 40 pounds on sardinas and 1 on a little jig. We snorkeled at Cabo Pulmo for a little while and called it a trip." FISHING VACATION AT RANCHO LEONERO.
LORETO, MEXICO: Patty Zapata of Loreto's Hotel Oasis said 14 pangas fished during the week, running about 30 miles north of Isla Coronado to the San Bruno reef for a total of 33 dorado kept of 15 to 47 pounds, plus 1 marlin and 24 more dorado averaging about 20 pounds released. Four sailfish were also released during the week. Anglers fishing during the week with Loreto Capts. Abel Davis Jr., Francisco Martinez, Martín Davis, Ismael Murillo, Isidro Mendoza, Martín Perpuly, Eulogio Davis, Alfonso Susarrey, and Sergio Peña included John Hanson, Jamie Thompson, Mark Valdez, Mark Morris, Dave Smith, Mike Frieburger, Emilia and Francesco Donvito, Jason Schuster, Randy Ross, Ty Barbez, Marty and Renee Yoweiland, and Joseph and Dan D'Amico.
LORETO, MEXICO: Bill Erhardt of Loreto reported few boats fishing last week but the action steady for dorado of 30 pounds and smaller at points north of town. "There are still a lot of dorado concentrated around San Bruno reef north of Isla Coronado along with diminishing numbers of sailfish and marlin," Erhardt said. "It is basically the same old stuff. I think most of the other people who have not gone north for September are tired of the same old drill." Erhardt fished long for tuna on Friday, running from Isla Catalana out to about 50 miles east of Loreto but came back skunked. "I am headed back over to Puerto Lopez Mateos," he said. "I have a feeling it is time for the first fall season wahoo."
LORETO, MEXICO: For the previous week, Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing reported steady dorado averaging 20 pounds caught 4 to 10 miles east of Isla Coronado and northwards, and squid available about 3 miles east of Loreto.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Emilio Carballido Jr. of Reno, Nev., and his group drove down Baja's highway Mex 1 to Mulege and fished 2 days with panga Capt. Mateo Apodaca for very good dorado action totaling 26 dorado of 15 to 35 pounds, caught mostly off Punta Concepción. Carballido's group stayed at the Hotel Serenidad where he reported helicopters and small planes assisting with the storm relief effort. "We had excellent conditions," Carballido said. "Mulege is recovering fast from the storm." Mex 1 was under repairs "at almost every dip" between Santa Rosalia and Mulege. The Hotel Serenidad airstrip was in very good condition. DORADO WITH PANGA CAPTAIN MATEO APODACA.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove just south of Santa Rosalia said local fishing waters were seeing a resurgence of sea life following Hurricane John. "In the cove, the sea life is very prolific with an increase in the small fish as well as crabs and shrimp in abundance," Anderson said. "In the deeper water, fish, squid, and sea life in general is stronger than I can remember." Dorado fishing was "spectacular" between the Baja shore and Isla San Marcos but billfish were not present in numbers. SEA LIFE AND RAIN RUNOFF DEBRIS HEAVY.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of San Felipe's Title Company Bookstore said last week's weather was humid but cooler. The town was preparing for the fall tourist season and the San Felipe Shrimp Festival. The road north to Mexicali was being worked on. "It looks like the whole thing is really going to be 4 lanes wide," Meders said. "San Felipe is hard to keep up with these days." COOLER WEATHER AND THE SHRIMP FESTIVAL.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Jim Davis of Yuma reported on a trip with his wife Diane on his boat Hammertime out of Rocky Point, running about 30 miles south to Isla San Jorge off the Sonora coast for excellent action on sierra to about 10 pounds and 34 inches long using Jointed Rebel lures. "Diane and I experienced what was just about the best fishing and conditions ever out of that area," Davis said. "Every fish we kept was a female that had just spawned, as their sunken bellies indicated." Sea of Cortez waters in the area had concentrations of sardina bait and many birds working them. "We drifted over the bait schools and it was a blast hooking big sierras with a 10-pound spinning outfit and a small spoon," Davis said, also noting that U.S. Customs officers at the border were enforcing a 50-pound limit on fish brought into the U.S. FISHING FOR SIERRA AT ISLA SAN JORGE.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Steve Calvert of Rio Rico, Ariz., reported on 9 boats with 46 anglers from Phoenix fishing with Catch-22 Sportfishing out of San Carlos on Friday and Saturday. Friday's catch including released fish was: 7 marlin, 3 sailfish, 31 dorado, and 5 skipjack. On Saturday, the boats caught: 1 marlin, 2 sailfish, and 41 dorado.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Fernando Almada of Catch-22 Sportfishing said the 46-angler Phoenix group released all billfish except 1 marlin that was foul hooked. "San Carlos weather was good and everything went fine on this big fishing adventure," Almada said. "Many of the guys got to see, catch, and release their first billfish.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 11 offshore Aries Fleet boats fishing out of Mazatlan's Marina el Cid for a catch including released fish of: 2 blue marlin, 6 sailfish, 12 yellowfin tuna, and 24 dorado. Seven inshore super pangas caught a total of 42 dorado. The top fish of the week was a 300-pound class blue marlin caught by the charter boat Aries V with Capt. Memo Rodriguez. Mazatlan weather had some rough seas with 1 day of port closure. Water temperatures were at 84 to 86 degrees. CATCHES FOR ARIES FLEET INCLUDE 300-POUND BLUE MARLIN.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: For the previous week, Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet reported on 6 boats fishing out of Mazatlan harbor, for a catch including released fish of: 6 dorado to 29 pounds, 1 sierra, and 31 mixed skipjack tuna and bonita. Inshore bottom fishing was good for triggerfish, gulf grouper, mojarra, and one unknown jack species of about 7 pounds.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Merle Erickson of Chicago fished 4 days on the Puerto Vallarta charter boats Marla II and Torture Chamber, finding slow conditions at Roca Corbeteña and El Banco the first 3 days, but good action his last day on the Torture Chamber for a 225-pound tuna broken off, 2 other large tuna lost, and a sailfish and small blue marlin released. "Everyone agrees that the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is very slow this year," Erickson said. "The only thing anyone can point to is the fact that the current is from the north instead of from the south." SLOW OVERALL AT ROCA CORBETEÑA AND EL BANCO.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Marisela Hernandez of Chelita Sportfishing reported on 6 outings at El Banco and Roca Corbeteña by the Puerto Vallarta charter boat Chelita, for a catch including released fish of: 1 black marlin of about 500 pounds, 6 sailfish, 4 dorado, and 1 large yellowfin tuna broken off after 50 minutes at El Banco. "The overall water condition off Puerto Vallarta was still warm, around 84 degrees, and with a beautiful blue color," Hernandez said.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Quinonez of PV Marlin Sportfishing reported on 6 outings at Roca Corbeteña and El Banco by the charter boat Lorena, for a catch including released fish of: 6 sailfish, 8 dorado to 40 pounds, and 1 marlin and 1 tuna lost. "There are a lot of sailfish and marlin at both Corbeteña and El Banco," Quinonez said. "The trick is to try and keep the skipjack away from the porpoise. The tuna have not started to show in quantities yet, but we are all keeping our fingers crossed."
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing said he had runs all week to El Banco and Roca Corbeteña by his charter boats Marla II, Marla III, and Arca de Noe for a catch that included rainbow runner, dorado, sailfish, pargo, and yellowfin tuna to a high of 320 pounds by the Marla II. "These two weeks, the big game are biting slow, but we had great fishing for mixed species," Osuna said. "The water turned green the last 2 days and the tunas loved it. They bit better with green water than with blue water." Puerto Vallarta seas were flat offshore, with the water temperature at 88 degrees and plentiful skipjack bait at both El Banco and Corbeteña.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Capt. Josh Temple reported on catches last week by his Puerto Vallarta charter boats Prime Time and Torture Chamber, with yellowfin tuna landed at 212 pounds, 279 pounds by Jim Sampson, and 314.3 pounds by Dan Beddell. "The black marlin and blue marlin bite continues to be excellent as well with several fish over 600 and 700 pounds," Temple said. "Puerto Vallarta water temperatures hover in the mid-80s and there continues to be an ample supply of bait offshore."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said fly fishing for wild roosterfish action on Monday south at Puerto Vicente Guerrero south of Zihuatanejo was "the most exciting fishing day I have ever had on the water." Kunze and Baja On The Fly angler Jim Funk teased up about 32 roosterfish of about 5 to 50 pounds with Capts. Cheva and Jesus on the charter panga Dos Hermanos. "The fish were so aggressive they followed the hookless surface popper to within 10 feet," Kunze said. "Sometimes we had a different roosterfish following the teaser on 3 and 4 consecutive casts." Very few boats were fishing in the Ixtapa area, but those that did run offshore averaged about 3 sailfish per day. SUPER WIDE-OPEN FOR ROOSTERFISH.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported almost no boats fishing at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo last week, but sailfish still present in good numbers offshore. "Almost every sportfishing boat is undergoing maintenance and getting ready for the coming season," Edwards said. Ixtapa fishing area weather was mostly calm in the mid-90s, with water temperatures at 84 to 86 degrees.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said very few tourists were fishing in the Cancun area and fishing was slow anyway. "Only 1 short fishing trip this past week on an El Cid Caribe fleet cruiser resulted in 4 barracuda and 2 red snapper," Edwards said. Puerto Morelos near Cancun had mostly calm weather in the mid-80s, with water temperatures even throughout the area at 86 degrees.
MEXICO: David Burns of the El Manglar Restaurant in the Mexican town of Tecolutla near Veracruz said the season's first norte blew down the coast last week, bringing strong wind, rains, and rough seas. Local commercial skiff fishermen using squid bait caught 150 kilos of red snapper, and casting nets at the beach produced mojarra, juvenile snook, and mullet. Burns fished the surf for 6 hours for a catch of 10 small croaker and an arrastrador or gulf kingfish. MIXED SPECIES NEAR VERACRUZ.
MEXICO: Bert Schramm of San Diego commented on the fishing pressure put on slow-growing fish species during tournaments such as the recent one at Punta Abreojos-La Bocana, Baja California, Sur, Mexico, in which a category was included for black sea bass. "I am not a radical preservationist," Schramm said, "but let's not take all the large old fish at one time by tournament fishing of species that cannot support that level of pressure." TOURNAMENT PRESSURE ON SLOW-GROWING SPECIES.
ROCKIN' AT LA PAZ--The post-hurricane dorado bite is living up to its reputation for Baja anglers at La Paz right now, and here's the Fred Cummins group with a beautiful bunch of dodos caught on the La Arenas side with Tortuga Sportfishing. PHOTO COURTESY OF GERARDO HERNANDEZ.
LAS ARENAS DORADO--Eddie Leal and Dave Roberts fished with La Paz' Tailhunter International off El Cardonal and Leal landed this beautiful 49.5-pound bull dorado, weighed on the beach at Las Arenas. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
FOR REELS--Louie Prieto of Hacienda Heights with a bonito and a couple of lingcod caught along with a bunch of yellowtail during a trip out of Ensenada's Marina Coral on his boat It's-4-Reels. At right, the rocks at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda. PHOTOS COURTESY OF LOUIE PRIETO.
MOLA MOLA PHOTO QUEST--After months of trying, Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog at Ensenada's Marina Coral finally got this rare release shot of an ocean sunfish or mola mola, this one a cute juvenile caught in a landing net and released near the Ensenada 238 spot. PHOTO COURTESY OF STEVE ROSS.
SOUP POT FISHIN'--Robert Loughran of Fullerton, Calif., caught his limit at Ensenada on a panga with Vonny's fleet, including enough yellowtail and lingcod fixings for a great Mexican caldo de pescado. PHOTO COURTESY OF IVAN VILLARINO.
YELLOWTAIL FILLET TIME--Anglers Mike Brown, Bill Baker, and Al Schweitzer fished out of Castro's Camp south of Ensenada at mid-month for enough yellowtail to keep the sea gulls and pelicans interested at the fillet table. PHOTO COURTESY OF FERNANDO CASTRO.
CROAKER REMATCH--Jeff Riolo and Roberta Ganz, right, fished with Capts. Jaime Garcia, second from left, and Fernando Garcia out of San Quintin's Don Eddie's Landing for a great catch of 8 white seabass at Socorro. Rioli and Ganz also caught 7 croakers at the same spot during Don Eddie's Labor Day Fishing Tournament. PHOTO COURTESY OF SARAI GARCIA.
PUERTO SALINA TOURNAMENT--Julio D'Acosta of Marina Puerto Salina north of Ensenada presents the surface fish first place trophy and cash prize to Jeff Stroot, second from right, for his 20.7-pound dorado caught during last week's second annual Summer Sportfishing Tournament. PHOTO COURTESY OF JULIO D'ACOSTA.
POPOTLA PANGA DORADO--Robert Rodriguez, right, and Capt. Javier Martinez of Popotla south of Tijuana with Rodriguez' dorado caught about 5 miles off Rosarito Beach. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROBERT RODRIGUEZ.
TUNA AT THE THETIS--Capt. Ruben Duran of Puerto Lopez Mateos at Magdalena Bay with 2 yellowfin tuna caught on Bill Erhardt's boat Soledad on Saturday while fishing on a Pacific reef about 20 miles northwest of the Thetis Bank. PHOTO COURTESY OF BILL ERHARDT.
CABO BLACK MARLIN--Fred Clark, left, and Craig Bond fished out of Cabo San Lucas 3 days with Gaviota Fleet for a catch including this 190-pound class black marlin, Bond's first-ever billfish. The marlin was hooked deep and could not be released. PHOTO COURTESY OF FRED CLARK.
TAIL WRAPPED BLUE--Almost all billfish landed by Pisces Fleet at Cabo San Lucas are set free to fight another day, but this big blue marlin landed in late September by the Patrick Neville group of Bradenton, Fla., got tail wrapped during the fight and could not be released. With the anglers are Pisces Fleet's Capt. Julio Castro, left, and mate Edgar Rentaria, right. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATRICK NEVILLE.
THIS IS THE SMALL ONE--Art Coleman of Temecula with a nice Cabo San Lucas wahoo caught aboard the charter boat Gaviota IX. Coleman also caught a 600-pound class blue marlin during the 3-day trip. PHOTO COURTESY OF ART COLEMAN.
TIP OF BAJA--A Baja billfish comes to the boat during Chris Arsenault's fishing trip at Cabo San Lucas aboard the charter boat Rondinella. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS ARSENAULT.
NEW GORDO BANKS PANGA--Brian Brictson, left, and Tom LaCourse, both OF San Jose del Cabo, were out on the maiden voyage of the new Gordo Banks Pangas super panga Katie when they got into some fun yellowfin tuna action at Palmilla Point. The fish averaged 15 to 20 pounds, great sport on light tackle. PHOTO COURTESY OF ERIC BRICTSON.
RANCHO LEONERO DORADO--Susan Carroll and her husband John fished in mid-September out of East Cape's Rancho Leonero for a great bite on yellowfin tuna and this light tackle dorado. At right, John Carroll does a little kayak surfing at the hotel. Said Carroll, "You can take the surfer from the Pacific, but not the surfer from his desire!" PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOHN CARROLL.
STEADY AT LORETO--This summer's excellent dorado action at Loreto continues in waters north of town, and here are John Henson and Jaimie Thompson with a nice dodo caught out of the Hotel Oasis with Capt. Alfonso Susarrey. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATTY ZAPATA.
BAJA MAHI-MAHI--Steve Schultz of Hawaii with a nice catch of Baja-style mahi-mahi or dorado caught off San Juan de la Costa north of La Paz during a cruise to Loreto guided by Andrea Tomba of Desea Adventures. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDREA TOMBA.
WITH CAPT. MATEO--Emilio Carballido Sr. and his group drove down Baja's Mex 1 highway and fished at Mulege last week for wide-open dorado of 15 to 25 pounds with Capt. Mateo Apodaca. PHOTO COURTESY OF EMILIO CARBALLIDO JR.
MULEGE STORM RECOVERY--An emergency supply helicopter flies over the Hotel Punta Chivato north of Mulege during the area's rapid recovery last week from the flooding damage caused by recent Hurricane John. At right, the hotel's runway sustained some damage during the storm, seen as a dark spot at its left edge, which had exposed rebar last week and was marked with yellow caution tape. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JIM WEIDLER.
GETTING WET--Craig Collins of Rio Rico, Ariz., grabs a 50 wide reel that almost got knocked overboard on the San Carlos charter boat Catch-22 during the start of the San Carlos, Sonora, Labor Day International Billfish Tournament. "The 50VSW almost got slapped out of the rod holder by a wake!" Collins said. PHOTO COURTESY OF CRAIG COLLINS.
MAZATLAN FIRST TIMERS--Daniel Ximenes, right, and his family from Texas made their first fishing trip to Mazatlan last week and had a catch of dorado, sierra, and 8 skipjack tuna with Capts. Alex and David on the Flota Bibi Fleet charter boat Norma Patricia. PHOTO COURTESY OF TADEO HERNANDEZ.
CAPT. TEMPLE TUNA--Dan Beddell celebrates his 314.5-pound yellowfin tuna caught last week with Capt. Josh Temple of the Puerto Vallarta charter boat Torture Chamber. PHOTO COURTESY OF JOSH TEMPLE.
CHELITA AT THE ROCK--Puerto Vallarta charter boat Chelita crewman Kawi Guzman Sanchez with a nice dorado caught last week a Roca Corbeteña. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARISELA HERNANDEZ.
MARLA MOO-MOO--Capt. Danny Osuna of the Puerto Vallarta charter boat Marla II with angler Mike Pearl of California and a 320-pound cow yellowfin tuna caught last week in 88-degree water at El Banco. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
FISHING VERACRUZ STYLE--Mexican fisherman Don Pablo Manzano casts his net, or atarralla, last week at Tecolutla near Veracruz on Mexico's Atlantic coast for a mixed catch of mojarra, small snook, and mullet. At right a nice catch of fresh Atlantic Mexico fish as photographed by David Burns of Tecolutla's Restaurant El Manglar. PHOTOS COURTESY OF DAVID BURNS.
BAJA BASS FISHING--Alejandro Rosas of Tijuana at the bass fishing pond on his ranch between Tecate and La Rumorosa, Baja California, Mexico. Rosas said he intended to send a release photo of an 8-pound bass that lives in the pond, but a sudden gust of wind blew his camera tripod into the water. "No camera, no photo, and no nothing," he said. "It was its destiny." PHOTO COURTESY OF ALEJANDRO ROSAS.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
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San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
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Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
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