SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said 15 boats fished during the week, for good results on yellowtail of 18 to 20 pounds, one yellowtail of 36 pounds, limits of calico bass and sandbass, and one boat that fished south at Socorro for three white seabass of about 45 pounds.
San Quintin water temperatures averaged 58 degrees, and anglers with good catches during the week included: Dr. Neese and Gini Ponsell from San Pedro, Calif.; Tony Gomes, Chris Kurazs, Ed Keefer, and Rob Timar, all from San Diego; and Jim Nolan, J.D. Nolan, and Josh Hillis. SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Julio Meza of San Quintin fished on his boat Santa Monica with Barry Brightenburg of Fish Trap Lures and got a personal lesson on how to fish with swimbaits: "We caught...15 species in one excellent San Quintin fishing experience." Meza said they fished in dirty green water at about 60 degrees, and they landed big white seabass and just about every other species common to the area, except for yellowtail, which were hooked but lost to seals at the 15 spot. SAN QUINTIN SWIM BAIT FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Tim Moore of Go Baja took five anglers to fish with Tiburon's pangas, and they found rough water and slow fishing in two boats the first day for a catch of: 49 sandbass, about half-a-dozen red rockcod, two lingcod, and two large bonita to 15 pounds. Moore said they fished in 58-degree water and "swells so big that neighboring boats would disappear." One boat fishing a second day loaded up on lingcod, red rockcod, sandbass, and whitefish. SAN QUINTIN FISHING TRIP REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Ed Duitsman and his group fished three days on Duitsman's 23-foot boat for very good results on "yellowtails, sheepheads to 14 pounds, 25 lingcod, some large bonita, bass, and all the whitefish you want!" Duitsman said they found swells but very clear water at the fishing grounds and could see starfish on the bottom at Ben's Rock. One morning was very foggy and Duitsman said, "We could hear boats go by, but couldn't see them. Visibility 20 to 30 yards? This can be dangerous. We heard yelling from fishermen we never saw." SAN QUINTIN FISHING TRIP REPORT.
PUNTA BANDA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet reported partly cloudy weather, light breezes, and 2 to 3-foot ocean swells on Saturday, as very good yellowtail fishing continued and two pangas caught yellowtail limits at the tip of Punta Banda with Capts. Beto and Cruz. Limiting on yellowtail Saturday were Derek Arnenson, James Chandler, Gabe Rojas, Chris Schatz and Bryan Rafferty. Water temperatures at Punta Banda averaged 59 degrees. Earlier in the week, yellowtail limits were caught by Tyler Barnes and Frank Prior of Long Beach, and Jay Johnson of Fontana.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Gerardo Sanchez of KCHTS Sportfishing said all trips were for whale watching last week, but other boats reported good bottom fishing at Isla Todos Santos, and commercial pangas did well on Humboldt squid. "One commercial panga came in with over a ton of squid," Hernandez said.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Earlier, Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Sportfishing Center reported on 16 anglers fishing locally on the Clipper II, with a catch of: 28 lingcod, 49 rockcod, 63 sheephead, and 27 red rockcod.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: At El Dorado Sportfishing, Memo Gomez said he pulled his boat for maintenance and painting, and will be back on the water in two weeks.
CORONADO ISLANDS, MEXICO: Josh Schwartz of San Diego fished earlier at the Coronado Islands, testing the rockpile, middle grounds, and South Island, but finding very slow conditions for one yellowtail and a handful of rockfish, in swelly, 60-degree water. "The swell was very big and we almost turned it around due to rough seas..."Schwartz said. "Overall very, very slow fishing." CORONADO ISLANDS SLOW FISHING REPORT.
SAN DIEGO BAY AND POINT LOMA: Jose Ricardo Lopez of Chula Vista launched his 18-foot boat at San Diego's Shelter Island and caught sandbass right at the ramp, plus more sandbass and a spotted bay bass further down the bay, but fishing in swells outside at the Point Loma kelp with Rebels and Rapalas for a short period didn't produce: "I was feeling pretty bad and ready to start a chum line, so after trolling a Rebel and a Rapala for about 10 minutes we cruised back into San Diego Bay...I'm just glad to get on the water and pull on some fishies." SAN DIEGO BAY AND POINT LOMA KELP FISHING.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp reported on 10 boats fishing during the week for continued heavy catches of lingcod, red rockcod, barracuda, and bonita. Weather at Erendira was very good early in the week, with 5 to 6-foot swells from Tuesday to Thursday, and very good again at the end of the week. Castro said boats fished in clear blue water averaging 67 degrees, about 7 miles out.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported fair fishing around the San Carlos entrada for a few small yellowtail, grouper and barracuda, and slow fishing in the mangrove channels, as Magdalena Bay prepared for the annual whale festival on Feb. 12, 2005. "The event will include...the celebration of what many locals are calling the best whale-watching season in several years," Graham said. Magdalena Bay water temperatures were 69 to 75 degrees. MAGDALENA BAY FISHING AND WHALE REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 43 Gaviota Fleet boats, with a catch including released fish of: 19 striped marlin, 63 dorado, seven yellowfin tuna, and seven skipjack. The Fish Cabo and Juanita VIII reported on six outings, with a combined catch including released fish of: nine striped marlin, 10 yellowfin tuna, and five dorado. Gaviota Fleet boats fished in all directions, in water temperatures ranging from 66 degrees outside the Jaime and Golden Gate banks on the Pacific side, to 73 degrees in the Gordo Banks area. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said 69 percent of Pisces boats caught striped marlin last week, and 85 percent caught all species combined, including about half the boats with dorado, but only a few yellowfin tuna, and two wahoo. Of 92 striped marlin landed, 90 were released. Cabo weather was mostly calm and partly cloudy, with water temperatures averaging 71 degrees, and the best fishing was close in on both sides of the arch. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said the best marlin action of the week took place around the 95 spot, on fish of about 110 to 180 pounds, and one friend caught a marlin with a bill curved around like a fishhook, as boats got about four shots per day. Yellowfin tuna were 20 to 35 miles southeast, and the dorado bite was sporadic on school-sized fish. Inshore fishing for sierra was good on the Pacific side from the lighthouse north to El Migrino. Cabo weather was generally good, except for rain and swells on Friday and early Saturday, with water temperatures as low as 67 degrees on the Pacific side, and up to 74 degrees on the Cortez side. Many humpback and California gray whales were present. Scarce sardina bait sold for $20 per small bucket. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on about 52 combined fleet La Playita pangas, with a catch of about: 220 pargo (huachinango), 35 amberjack, eight yellowtail, 110 dorado, 165 yellowfin tuna, four striped marlin, 15 sierra, 20 cabrilla, and 24 bonito. San Jose del Cabo weather was cooler and included rain showers and swelly conditions on Friday that scattered the already thin supply of sardina bait near shore. Sea lions were a factor in reducing the tuna count, Brictson said, and commercial gill netters were reducing the number of sierra and roosterfish from Punta Gorda to Punta Palmilla. An emergence of red crabs brought good action on huachinango to 10 pounds. San Jose del Cabo water temperatures were 69 to 72 degrees. LA PLAYITA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Luis Duhart of Palmilla Bay Sportfishing said Sunday weather was excellent, although some trips had been canceled during the week due to rough sea conditions. Anglers fishing in windy conditions included W.O.N. staffer Rod Halperin, who scored on pargo with sardina bait at Chileno Bay, and dorado to 20 pounds directly in front of the Hotel Westin. "The boats weren't going far because of the strong winds and the sea was rough," Duhart said.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Bob Grimes of San Jose del Cabo reported continued commercial gill netting in the Los Cabos corridor, creating conflicts with the sportfishing industry: "These gill netters are not natives of La Playita...They put [their nets] out at night, and stay near them to protect them from the Mexican sportfishing captains, who will cut them when they have the chance. The sportfishing captains are very frustrated by the lack of response to their complaints to the authorities." SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHERIES REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Leeper, at Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, said the school-sized dorado fishing remained hot in the area around Punta Pescadero, and he also went eight miles outside the Punta Arena lighthouse to the south and ran into the same fish. "Marlin landings continue fair, or maybe better, considering that maybe only two to three East Cape hotel cruisers are fishing per day," Leeper said. Humpback whales and hammerhead shark were present, but no tuna schools were reported. East Cape weather was mixed with some rain on Friday and Saturday, and water temperatures of 69 to 71 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said, "There's no nice way to say it, the fishing is slow...Five days of north winds have cooled the water and made it a cloudy green. There are still some small dorado by Punta Pescadero. Sierra are scattered and only seem to bite early...Boats going 40 miles out have had some luck on dorado and marlin...The wind finally died down some Friday. Hopefully we will get a break for a few days."
RANCHO LEONERO, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said last week had five days of calm weather and the action was led by school-sized dorado in all areas producing limits for all anglers. Striped marlin were biting to the north off Punta Pescadero, and on the beaches the fishing was for sierra, jacks and roosterfish, from Leonero south to Las Barracas. East Cape water temperatures were 68 to 70 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
LA RIBERA, MEXICO: Russ Fritz and Steve Warlick of La Ribera fished at the end of week and found slow action for one dorado and four large barrilete, but Fritz also reported an unusual "catch-and-release" of an osprey that hit a trolled hoochie: "It's one thing to reel in a pelican, or seagull, and quite another to reel in an osprey...Several scenarios ran through my mind...Fortunately, the bird released the hoochie, and flew off without harm." Fritz said the bird was one of about 10 that attacked his lure spread: "I have fished here for over 40 years, and this is my first osprey on the line. Hopefully, my last too." EAST CAPE OSPREY RELEASE REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said the Las Arenas side had rain on Friday, but with no wind and the fishing stayed good for large numbers of snappers, some dorado, and the beginnings of a yellowtail bite, with small fish caught by commercial fishermen at Punta Perico and also at the south end of Isla Cerralvo. Fishing was generally good last week, although very few visitors were in the area, and only about four to six commercial and sportfishing pangas combined launched out of Ensenada de los Muertos. La Paz weather was 65 to 74 degrees, with water temperatures in the main fishing areas averaging 68 degrees.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said, "Not much change in the La Paz scene." Sporadic winds alternated with beautiful days on the water, but with few boats fishing, in water temperatures in the high-60s. Fishing was mostly for smaller snappers, sierra, and cabrilla, but Roldan said, "More yellowtail are showing up in the counts to where I think we might be onto something...The real buzz is that some tuna were taken off Las Arenas which is almost unheard of at this time of year. Catching a tuna right now is like finding a 20 dollar bill in an old pair of jeans...a bonus! We're keeping an eye out on this one."
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company reported Loreto weather much cooler on Sunday, but fishing steady close to town for yellowtail to the 30-pound class. Capt. Francisco fished two days at La Cholla and scored on three yellowtail close to the surface: "They got the yellowtail on live mackerel at about 6 to 20 feet below the surface. At La Cholla they're breezing right now, feeding at the surface because the water temperatures are fairly warm...Surface jigs are working to get the yellowtail." At Puerto Escondido to the south, Bolles reported inshore fishing "pretty much wiped out" by commercial netters. LORETO FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing said Loreto weather had more good days than bad ones last week. Cabrilla and yellowtail were caught on reefs around Islas Carmen and Coronado, but the best bite was 35 miles north at Punta Pulpito, where Susarrey said a commercial panga scored on 45 yellowtail of 18 to 30 pounds. Arturo's San Nicolas remote camp trips were set to begin, with the first week hosted by Pete Gray's "Let's Talk Hookup" group. Susarrey said mackerel bait was plentiful right near the camp on the Pulpito reef.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege said last week's weather featured fishable sea conditions on Thursday and Friday, but plenty of wind and rain otherwise, as some boats fanned out and had decent action on yellowtail and cabrilla, from Punta Chivato north to Isla San Marcos. Barber fished at Isla San Inez on Friday and scored on two nice cabrilla of 10 and 14 pounds, but nothing else, in flat 62-degree water. Local guide Capt. Marcos had one of the best days of the week, with seven yellowtail over 30 pounds. MULEGE FISHING REPORT.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Paul Rista of Mulege reported water temperatures of 63 to 64 degrees, and few boats fishing due to weather. Capt. Alex, also bartender at the Hotel Serenidad, was still looking for a panga motor to replace his 60 h.p. Evinrude, which burned out and can't be fixed. "He's running charters with loaned boats," Rista said. Anyone with a lead on a motor can contact Rista at
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos said winds dominated most of the week, but good-sized yellowtail were still very active out at the bajos. Kanzler fished two days with Al and Kenneth Johnson of Newport Beach, and they scored on 18 yellowtail, mostly over 30 pounds, and including two at 37 pounds, and one at 38 pounds. Earlier, Kanzler fished with 72-year-old Forest Bayer of Santa Cruz, for two quick yellowtail in windy conditions with whitecaps. Santa Rosalia weather was in the low-70s, with water temperatures stable at 64 degrees. SANTA ROSALIA FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: J.L. Terry of Del Mar returned from a fly-in trip to San Francisquito reporting: "Very windy, working on my boat so it did not matter. Warm sun, cold north wind. Baja is so green it looks like New Zealand, lots of flowers. The ranchers are very happy, lots of grass for the animals."
BAHIA WILLARD, MEXICO: Doug Magee of Papa Fernandez at Bahia Willard reported off-and-on wind for the week, with water temperatures stable at 70 degrees inside the bay and in the mid-60s farther out. Tony Fernandez, grandson of Papa Fernandez, took a group fishing around the lighthouse on Isla Willard for limits on spotted bay bass and triggerfish, and Greg Smith of Papa Fernandez fished from the beach south of Punta Bufeo for orangemouth corvina and a possible bronzestriped grunt.
BAHIA WILLARD, MEXICO: Doug and Peggy Magee also relayed comments from the Fernandez family saying that Alfonsina's definitely has not be sold, as has been rumored lately, and also that the recent surveying activity seen along the San Felipe road is preliminary only, and there are no immediate plans to pave it. The Magee's reported this information coming directly from Ramon, son of Alfonsina, and from Raphael Rodriquez Jr. whose father owns Rancho Grande.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: At San Felipe, Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said the weather was beautiful at 84 degrees for the Carnaval celebration and the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the port. The water temperature in Bahia de San Felipe was 65 degrees, and the town was very full of visitors. SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Fernando Almada of San Carlos-Guaymas fished Saturday at Isla San Pedro Nolasco on his boat Fish Stalker and scored on one yellowtail, three snappers, and several ocean whitefish. "We fished in windy conditions, and did some bottom fishing at the south side of the island," Almada said. "Ocean whitefish were all over and they would not allow our bait to reach the bottom. Water temperatures averaged 65 degrees, and Almada's group, including Julian Belmonte, Cesar Santoyo, Gabriel Encinas, and Cesar Santoyo, fished about 250 feet deep.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Manuel Gerhardus of Guasave, Sinaloa, launched his boat at Las Glorias, south of Topolobampo, and ran out 35 miles on a heading of 220 degrees for 10 yellowfin tuna up to 32 pounds. Gerhardus said he fished in light rain and 69-degree water, calm in the afternoon, with Omar Gerhardus, Horacio Penuelas, Fernando Islas, David Borbon and Juan Acuna.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet said Mazatlan was packed with tourists in town for both Carnival and the Caribbean World Series, but few people were fishing. Flota Bibi Fleet reported on 10 offshore boats, with a catch including released fish of: two striped marlin, three sailfish, one dorado, and one shortfin mako shark. For the previous week, 10 offshore trips had a catch including released fish of: two striped marlin, eight sailfish, two dorado, and four jack crevalle. Bottom fishing trips caught triggerfishes, snappers, and miscellaneous species. Mazatlan weather was unusually cool, windy, and rainy, in the low-70s, with water temperatures at 73 degrees. MAZATLAN FISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 25 Aries Fleet boats, with a catch including released fish of: 10 striped marlin, seven sailfish, 13 yellowfin tuna, eight dorado, and one mako shark. Inshore fishing was fair for red snapper, pompano, and seabass. MAZATLAN FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPA—ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze of Zihuatanejo said sailfish action slowed down last week, as warm blue water moved offshore. Only the few boats running more than 30 miles out scored on good counts of sailfish, as most boats ran only about 14 to 22 miles and made do with about one per day. Roosterfish action was slow, as Capt. Martin of the Isamar ran 35 miles but only got one strike on a surface popper. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPA—ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament said: "Roosterfish have disappeared until a little later in the year. Chula, sierra, and bonito are available inshore. I just hope this isn't the 'April current' showing up way early!"
IXTAPA—ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather as partly cloudy in the mid-80s, with water temperatures of 80 to 84 degrees.
SWIMBAIT SHOW--San Quintin's Julio Meza fished on his boat Santa Monica with Barry Brightenburg of Fish Trap Lures, and Barry's friend Valery (right), and Meza said he got an insider swimbait lesson as they caught 15 fish species for the day, including some nice white seabass south of the boca. Photo courtesy Julio Meza.
STEADY ON YELLOWTAIL--Chris Schatz (left) and Bryan Rafferty were among several groups of anglers scoring yellowtail limits last week while fishing at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda on Vonny's Fleet pangas. Photo courtesy Ivan Villarino.
PALMILLA PARGO--Rod Halperin (left) fished with Palmilla Bay Sportfishing's Capt. Gustavo for a mixed catch of snapper and school-sized dorado, close to shore at San Jose del Cabo. Photo courtesy Luis Duhart.
BIG FISH CAPPUCCINO--Capt. Francisco of Loreto's Baja Big Fish Company in front of their downtown store, and coffee shop, on Friday with a nice yellowtail caught close to town. Photo courtesy Pam Bolles.
TIN BOAT CABRILLA--Rick Barber ran his 15-foot boat out to Mulege's Isla Santa Inez and fished with MirrOlures for a couple of nice leopard grouper of 10 and 14 pounds. Photo courtesy Rick Barber.
SAN MARCOS BIGGIE--Kenneth and Al Johnson fished with Mike Kanzler at the Isla San Marcos yellowtail bajos off Santa Rosalia for yellowtail of 25 and 38 pounds. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler.
BUFEO BEACH FISHING--Greg Smith of Georgetown fished in windy conditions from the beach south of Punta Bufeo at Gonzaga Bay for a nice catch of orangemouth corvina and a possible bronzestriped grunt. Photo courtesy Doug Magee.
TOO MANY WHITEFISH--Fernando Almada (center), Gabriel Encinas, and Cesar Santoyo fished on Almada's boat Fish Stalker out of San Carlos, and they found ocean whitefish so thick they only scored on one yellowtail, about 250 feet deep at Isla San Pedro Nolasco. Photo courtesy Fernando Almada.
MAZATLAN MAKO--Kin Lemmon fished out of Mazatlan with Flota Bibi Fleet and caught this shortfin mako shark aboard the Norma Patricia with crew members David and Cano. Photo courtesy Tadeo Hernandez.
BUFEO TIN BOAT--With Isla San Luis on the horizon, John Tillander's 14-foot boat waits on the beach near his home at Punta Bufeo, just north of Gonzaga Bay. Photo courtesy John Tillander.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
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