CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet reported 80 percent of charters hooking striped marlin last week, including 8-release days for Ni Modo and Blue Thunder and a 6-release day for Rebecca, but some days were inconsistent.
"We had days when boats would get 3 to 6 marlin each, followed by a day or two when they would get skunked, Ehrenberg said. "...Cabo San Lucas striped marlin numbers were very good, as long as you weren't in the 11 percent of boats that got skunked." Cabo fishing was slow for dorado at 11 percent of charters, and only 3 percent for yellowfin tuna. CABO SAN LUCAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of Cabo San Lucas reported up-and-down action around the Golden Gate Bank on the Pacific side for his boat Falcon and other boats including Señor Moment, Bottom Line, and Trauma, with some days producing up to 8 releases on 10 to 12 hookups but other days slow. "On Thursday, with 80 Cabo San Lucas boats sitting on the bank, fishing slowed dramatically," Connolly said. "You still need a couple of fishing days to have your best chance to be out there when it is happening." Inshore pargo fishing was good for boats putting the time in, and the Bottom Line also scored on yellowfin tuna to 80 pounds on Friday. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 9 outings by El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 13 striped marlin. Fishing was very slow over the weekend. "For the second time in four days the boats come back with no flags flying," Dillon said. We were not alone. Very few boats fishing in Cabo today caught anything....The rain caused the water to turn a light shade of green."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported cold green water at 67 to 68 degrees on the Cortez side, but better color and 73 degrees about 30 miles out. Striped marlin action was concentrated on the Pacific side around the Golden Gate Bank, as up to about 60 Cabo boats worked the area at midweek, but fishing dropped off over the weekend. "At the end of the week it appeared that there was about a 30 percent success ratio for Cabo San Lucas boats targeting the striped marlin," Landrum said. Dorado counts continued very low, but some yellowfin tuna of 50 to 90 pounds were caught under porpoise about 28 miles southwest of the arch. Inshore fishing was good for sierra to 10 pounds and pargo. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 100 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 46 striped marlin, 16 yellowfin tuna, 46 dorado, 160 sierra, 64 pargo, 2 mako shark, 1 jack crevalle, 1 needlefish, and 12 boats skunked. COMPLETE DAILY CATCH RESULTS.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported highly variable water temperatures and fishing results for striped marlin last week, with a water temperature range of 69 to 77 degrees around Cabo. "The oddball water current phases...continue to be very unusual with a 25-mile-wide streak of very warm water, butting up to much cooler waters on both sides," Edwards said. "This unique fishing condition continues to keep the billfish in close proximity to Cabo San Lucas...The location seems to change from week to week from the Golden Gate Bank to Cabo Falso, and back and forth." Gaviota Fleet, the Fish Cabo, and Fish Cabo I reported on a combined 32 outings, with a catch including released fish of: 33 striped marlin, 1 dorado, 1 mako shark, and 27 sierra. CABO SAN LUCAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Judy Ostberg reported on an excellent morning of bottom fishing in very good conditions at the Banda Bank over the weekend for her boat Melody out of Marina Coral with a catch by 11 a.m. of: 15 quality red rockcod, 12 salmon grouper to 8 pounds, 3 whitefish, and 4 large lingcod. Two of the lingcod were females loaded with eggs, Ostberg said, and they were allowed to feed in the bait tank for a while before being released. Water temperatures were at 61.8 degrees at the Banda Bank, and 58.3 degrees at the tip of Punta Banda. BANDA BANK BOTTOM FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet reported good Ensenada fishing weather in the low-60s, with mostly light winds, ocean swells at 2 to 4 feet, and the water temperature at 57 degrees. Most Vonny's Fleet pangas fishing at the tip of Punta Banda scored limits of lingcod, sugar bass, rockcod, and some calico bass. On Thursday, Rick Martinez fished on the Vonny I with Capt. Beto and they caught 13 lingcod of 6 to 10 pounds plus other bottom fish. Other anglers fishing during the week included Jay Johnson, Don Freydette, and Brian and Joan Foley. PUNTA BANDA PANGA FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sammy Susarrey of Lily Fleet reported on a very good midweek outing by the charter boat Tamara to the Punta Banda bank, fishing in cool 58-degree water and some whitecaps for limits of red rockcod plus some lingcod by 11:30 a.m. "It was an incredible fishing day...," Susarrey said. "We used live sardines for bait that we got at Gordo's Baits. These guys have been providing very good service on live bait...We called it a day at 11:30 a.m. because we had caught our limits." PUNTA BANDA BANK FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog at Marina Coral said his wife and fishing partner Gail Ross recently won the Women's Division of the 424-member San Diego Angler's club's 2005 "All Around Angler of the Year" competition. "The year-long tournament requires a minimum of 7 different species to be caught during the year with points accumulated for weight," Ross said. Gail Ross' qualifying fish caught off Ensenada included: albacore, 32.2 pounds; barracuda, 9.4 pounds; sandbass, 5.1 pounds; bonito, 6.7 pounds; dorado, 20.1 pounds; striped marlin, 185.4 pounds; and mako shark, 75.1 pounds. Ross also noted that water temperatures for his Bad Dog fishing report the previous week should have been 53 to 54 degrees, not 63 to 64 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO:Celia Diaz of the Binational Emergency Medical Care Committee (BEMCC) in Chula Vista said the BEMCC will host a traveler's safety conference at the Rosarito Beach Hotel on March 9, 2006 that will present information on emergency disaster evacuation routes from Rosarito and the surrounding area. "Thousands of tourists from all over the world also visit Rosarito...throughout the year," Diaz said. "...With two main roads leading south or north of Rosarito, we need to show you that there are other alternate roads south or north of Rosarito in case you need to evacuate the city due to an emergency or natural disaster." Presenters at the conference will include the Mexican Army and Coast Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, Red Cross, and police and safety officials from Mexico and the U.S. Registration including breakfast and lunch is $25:,, 619-425-5080. ROSARITO BEACH PUBLIC SAFETY CONFERENCE.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Ken Jones of Long Beach and his sister Peggy drove the dirt road into Puerto Santo Tomas Resort and fished Thursday with Capt. Marcos for good results on rockfish, sculpin, sheephead, many whitefish, and a nice cabezon caught from shore in front of the resort. "Marcos was our sportfishing captain and I highly recommend him to anyone heading to the area," Jones said. "He loves to fish and will stay out with you until your arms fall off or the wind picks up..." Many California gray whales were in the area, as the weather turned rough on Friday. SANTO TOMAS FISHING TRIP REPORT.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: At Puerto Santo Tomas Resort, Sam Saenz said sea conditions were good up until Friday. On Sunday, two pangas went out fishing, but "good size swells are coming in."
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said his exploratory fishing run south to Socorro found good calico bass and sandbass action but none of the targeted white seabass. "There is a possibility that we lost two white seabass in the kelp," Hillis said. Six charter boats fished during the week mostly for limits of lingcod, rockcod, and some yellowtail. SAN QUINTIN SPORTFISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Julie Atkinson of Don Eddie's Landing reported San Quintin weather with two days windy but otherwise mostly calm with water temperatures at 56 to 60 degrees. Anglers fishing during the week included a group of fire fighters from Santa Barbara, Don Padick, Dean Millan, Brian Berry and Jason Fernandes, who came back with 60 red rockcod, one bonita, and one sheephead after fishing in wind with Capt. Jaime Garcia on the charter boat Sofia. "...Regardless of the weather conditions, they fished for four solid hours," Atkinson said. "These guys are fearless...The group was soaking wet, but happy!" SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Earlier, Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing reported San Quintin weather as cold in the mornings, but sunny and warm in the afternoons, with water temperatures at 58 to 60 degrees. In local fishing, some yellowtail were caught at Isla San Martin and bottom fishing was steady. "A lot of the fish being caught at local spots seem to be of small to medium size," Catian said. "Bottom fishing at San Quintin continues to be good with bigger fish being caught at the farther spots for willing to go the extra mile...I haven't seen any white seabass lately but there were some yellowtails at Isla San Martin...I'll be going down to Isla Geronimo and the Sacramento Reef on the weekend so I'll let you know how that goes." K&M Offshore Sportfishing was making preparations for a fishing, surfing, and diving school for local youths this summer. "Monte recently purchased 20 rods and reels, all Shimano, for the fishing school," Catian said. "Many friends have donated old surfboards and wet suits." SAN QUINTIN SURFING AND FISHING REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported fair action for yellowtail and grouper at the San Carlos entrada but few boats fishing as most activity at Magdalena Bay was focused on whale watching trips. "This is the time of year...that both Puerto San Carlos and Puerto Lopez Mateos go bonkers as...the California Gray Whales arrive for a little hanky panky and family building," Graham said. "One yellowtail caught last week was in the 40-pound class with others in the mid-20s." MAGDALENA BAY WHALE WATCHING AND FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO (LOS CABOS), MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 83 combined La Playita fleet pangas, with a catch of: 445 true red snapper or huachinango, 380 sierra, 14 amberjack, 2 yellowtail, 13 dorado, 10 yellowfin tuna, 1 striped marlin, 22 cabrilla, 36 whitefish, and 44 bonito. San Jose del Cabo weather was variable with some rain, winds of 10 to 15 m.p.h., and a wide range of water temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees. Pelagic red crabs continued to surface at the Gordo Banks, but many red snapper were also caught on the bottom. Most red snappers weighed under 5 pounds. Sierra numbers increased along beaches from San Jose del Cabo to Cabo San Lucas. SAN JOSE DEL CABO SPORTFISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO (LOS CABOS), MEXICO: Bob Grimes of San Jose del Cabo said Dave Grimes and Tim Gunther fished west of Punta Gorda on kayaks Saturday, and "they had to work real hard to catch two sierra for dinner." Local commercial pangueros reported slow fishing and were handlining mostly very small huachinango. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 37 boats from combined East Cape sportfishing fleets including Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, Rancho Leonero, Buena Vista Beach Resort, and Rancho Buena Vista, with a catch including released fish of: 4 striped marlin, 39 dorado, 90 yellowfin tuna, and 21 sierra. The yellowfin tuna were found straight off Los Barriles and south off Punta Arena. East Cape weather was in the low-70s, and swelly in the afternoons, with water temperatures at 62 to 71 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Jorge Bergin of La Ribera reported rain and wind on Friday. "There's a fair-sized rain cell passing here now," Bergin said. "Wind and rain, no good." Russ Fritz, also of La Ribera, was catching lots of black skipjack and other friends were trying to figure out how to eat them. "Another friend pan broiled some of the pinkish filets in butter," Bergin said. "The filets turn an unappealing gray and curl up like big ugly mushrooms. Maybe that's why the Mexicans always cook them empanizado."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Leeper, staying at Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, said rain and weather were keeping most East Cape boats from fishing. "Sierra fishing in the La Ribera area is good, but the few cruisers going out were skunked late in week," Leeper said.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported East Cape weather as windy in the low-80s, with water temperatures at 61 to 71 degrees. "East Cape fishing weather continues to thwart even the most dedicated angler," Graham said. "...On the right may find some dorado, tuna or maybe even a billfish." Inshore fishing was tough due to continued wind waves and some rain fell on Friday. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Torrance Eddy of Buena Vista reported "nearly perfect" weather Sunday morning, but winds beginning after 11 a.m. "North wind with whitecaps, very pleasant unless you want to get out on the water," Eddy said. Some locals reported marlin concentrations in the area, but, "I would not give this enough credibility to share without other credible info as well. It was suggested that your truly might go on a marlin search within the next few days," Eddy said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International reported some "bouts of sunshine" but mostly unsettled weather including some rain in the La Paz fishing area. "...But for the few fishermen that were on the boats this week, we still got fish," Roldan said. "Yellow snapper were abundant as well as pargo lisa...mixed with a few dorado that are either leftovers from last season or trying to get an early start on this season!" Roldan also noted that Tailhunter International client Kenny Duong of La Verne was recently awarded an IGFA all-tackle record for a 14.9-pound blunthead triggerfish caught off Las Arenas in September. "...At first we thought he might have a yellowtail because the fish fought pretty hard," Roldan said. "...Everyone was blown away by the size. Kenny said it tasted good." Duong used a used an Accurate 665 reel, P-Line 40-pound test, Gorilla #2 hook, and Seeker G6460 rod for the catch. LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
Loreto Fishing
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company reported good yellowtail fishing at the bajo called "Ildefonso" located to the north of town halfway to San Bruno. "Some 30 and 40-pound class yellowtail are eating off the bottom," Bolles said. "On Friday, Francisco fished at La Cholla and 30-pound class yellowtail were breezing at the surface, but...Francisco had no bait as they were fly fishing." Loreto weather was mostly windy, with Tuesday and Friday the only fishable days during the week. LORETO SPORTFISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Jeff Petersen of the boat Baja Californian at Loreto reported on a midweek night fishing trip with the Loreto Carnaderos baitsellers cooperativa, in a night air temperature of 64 degrees and a water temperature of 65.4 degrees. Fishing in 72 feet of water just north of the Loreto marina, Petersen and the carnaderos caught 300 baits in 3 hours, including mostly platino, quite a few mackerel, and some jurelito. "The Loreto Carnaderos continue fishing nightly for bait. Even on windy mornings, bait´s available," Petersen said. LORETO BAIT FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: At Villas de Loreto, Wendy Wilchynski reported guests recovering from a wedding held at the hotel and no one fishing last week.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege reported water temperatures at about 62 degrees and Mulege weather flat enough for fishing about 2 to 4 days per week. Local boats scored consistently on yellowtail into the 40-pound class. Barber's boat Barquito fished south to Punta Theresa for a catch of: 5 leopard grouper to 17.4 pounds, plus 6 or 7 released to 8 pounds, caught on an orange-yellow 6-inch Rapala. Other anglers, including Cody and Andy Spahn, Gary Nunley, Marty Robinson, and guides Mateo, Gringo, and Niño, scored on yellowtail at Punta Concepcion and north at Isla San Marcos. Barber mentioned another possible identification for the fish locally known as "blue tuna," the greenjack as described in The Baja Catch. "Their mother-of-pearl sides look blue hence the name "Blue Tuna," Barber said. "I caught 8 right off the bat at Punta Concepción." The local Mulegé Classic Tournaments spring yellowtail tournament was scheduled Feb. 16-17, 2006. MULEGE SPORTFISHING REPORT.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove reported easy bait available in 30 feet of water, following a period of having to work 300 feet deep, and yellowtail actively breezing on the surface at the Isla San Marcos bajos. "The yellowtail have really decided to feed actively and they are on top cruising for small squid," Anderson said. "They are 'breezing' all over the reef and are willing to bite both bait and iron....We are watching the weather and keeping our fingers crossed as next week should be a fantastic bite since moon and tides are lining up to be perfect." Boats out of San Lucas Cove and San Bruno to the south scored on as many as 7 to 12 yellowtail per outing. ISLA SAN MARCOS YELLOWTAIL FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko at Bahia de los Angeles said yellowtail of 15 to 25 pounds were being caught by local boats, but they were located a long run to the north at Los Machos on Isla Angel de la Guarda. "...The weather has to be perfect for that. Otherwise stay local and catch bottom fish," Vazquez said. Bait was scarce at the bay, and most fish were caught on jigs. Vazquez said changes were being made at Camp Gecko and more cabins would be made available for rental by the month. L.A. Bay weather was cold in the mid-60s, with water temperatures at 60 degrees. BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES (L.A. BAY) FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO:Baja California adventurer-author Graham Mackintosh reported from his extended stay on Isla Angel de la Guarda off Bahia de los Angeles that he was comfortable at camp at Humbug Bay or Los Machos. "...Everything and all’s well," Mackintosh said. "...I did get...quite a shock on the first night...About 1:30 a.m. I heard a...panga came in...Luckily they went elsewhere. Not sure who they were, but I doubt that they were fishing!" GRAHAM MACKINTOSH ISLA ANGEL DE A GUARDA TRIP REPORT.
ROCKY POINT (PUERTO PENASCO), MEXICO: Dave Kyle of Tucson reported details of his trip last October aboard the panga mothership Erik that departed out of Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) rather than its normal port of San Felipe. The trip was buffeted by the after-effects of Hurricane Otis, and Kyle noted that he had great success using The Baja Catch-style skirted squid hoochies while fishing in a panga with two anglers from England. "Within 3 to 4 minutes after putting my line back in the water I got a hit and boated a nice size dorado!" Kyle said. "I stayed with the skirted squids and outfished the Brits about 3-or-4 to 1 for the week." OCTOBER 2005 ERIK MOTHERSHIP FISHING REPORT.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Bill Molden of San Carlos said yellowtail action was a bit slow, but some nice fish of 20 to 30 pounds were landed around Isla San Pedro Nolasco and local points, "and 5 to 8-fish days are not uncommon." Some good catches of grouper and pargo were also reported. San Carlos weather was cool in the low-70s, with water temperatures in the mid-60s. SAN CARLOS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 40 Aries Fleet offshore boats out of Marina el Cid, with a catch including released fish of: 38 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 17 yellowfin tuna, 6 dorado, and 2 mako shark. Mazatlan offshore action was good until a low pressure system moved over the area on Friday. Inshore fishing was also affected. Mazatlan weather was cloudy in the low-80s with wind at the end of the week. Water temperatures were at 66 degrees inshore, and 74 degrees about 22 to 26 miles out of Marina el Cid. MAZATLAN SPORTFISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Julio Meza of San Quintin, Baja California was in Mazatlan to meet with federal fisheries officials including SAGARPA Secretary Francisco Mayorga, CONAPESCA Commissioner Ramon Corral, and sportfishing representative Bernardino Munoz. Meza said he also tried to fish out of Marina el Cid on Thursday and Friday but "the weather made us come back both days without wetting our lines."
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Gomez of Dhamar Sportfishing reported on two outings by his Puerto Vallarta super panga Dhamar, fishing close to and offshore of Punta Mita for a catch of: 7 bonito to 15 pounds, 5 large jack crevalle, two released sailfish, and a 45-pound dorado. PUERTO VALLARTA SPORTFISHING REPORT.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters said below average offshore catches were reported due to high tides and strong winds that made fishing conditions difficult early in the week. Inshore boats at Vicente Guerrero reported the absence of roosterfish, but good results on jack crevalle. Capt. Chiro on the charter boat Bloody Hook had the best single offshore day with six sailfish releases. Inshore, Capt. Adolofo scored on 22 jack crevalle in 2 days. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Art Coleman of Temecula and his wife Patricia fished 3 days out of Zihuatanejo with Capt. Arturo on the charter boat Whisky III and they released 10 sailfish and kept two for the boat. "Arturo and his deckhand did a great job and I can't say enough about the job they did for us," Coleman said. "We liked it so much we rebooked for April." The sailfish, between 85 and 110 pounds, were caught 8 to 22 miles out of Zihuatanejo Bay. ZIHUATANEJO SAILFISH REPORT.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said sailfish results were good for anglers who put in the time to fish for several days last week, as offshore boats averaged about 2 to 3 fish each. Blue marlin were also landed by about 1 boat out of 6. The pangas Gitana and Gitana II with Capts. Santiago and Adan reported on 7 outings, with a combined count including released fish of: 23 sailfish, 2 yellowfin tuna, and 1 dorado. Inshore fishing was most active for black skipjack and greenjacks. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather was clear and calm in the mid-80s, with water temperatures at 80 to 84 degrees. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO SPORTFISHING REPORT.
BIG BOTTOM HAUL--Santa Barbara fire fighters (from left) Don Padick, Dean Millan, Brian Berry, and Jason Fernandes fished out of San Quintin's Don Eddie's Landing and scored on a huge haul of red rockcod with Capt. Jaime Garcia on the charter boat Sofia. Photo courtesy Julie Atkinson.
MARCOS OF SANTO TOMAS--Ken Jones and his sister Peggy got good bottom fish results last week with Capt. Marcos (shown) of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort south of Ensenada. Their catch included rockfish, sculpin, sheephead, and many whitefish. Photo courtesy Ken Jones.
SAN QUINTIN SURF CAMP--Scenes from a surfing and camping trip south of San Quintin last week by Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing. Photos courtesy Kelly Catian.
IGFA RECORD TRIGGERFISH--Kenny Duong of La Verne fished on La Paz' Las Arenas side with Tailhunter International last September and he scored on this 14.9-pound blunthead triggerfish, Pseudobalistes naufragium, good for a recently certified IGFA all-tackle record. Duong used a used an Accurate 665 reel, P-Line 40-pound test, Gorilla #2 hook, and Seeker G6460 rod for the catch. Photo courtesy Jonathan Roldan.
LORETO BAIT GUYS--Jose Davis of the Loreto Carnaderos and Pescaderos baitsellers' cooperativa brings a fresh one aboard Jeff Petersen's boat Baja Californian during a nighttime outing just north of the Loreto downtown marina. About 300 baits were caught in 3 hours' work. Photo courtesy Jeff Petersen.
MULEGE MIX BAG--Anglers Gary Nunley (center) and Andy (left) and Cody Spahn of Mulegé scored on a pair of bookend 12-pound leopard grouper and a nice 42-pound yellowtail while fishing live bait 250 deep at Punta Concepcion last week. Photo courtesy Rick Barber.
BAJA ISLAND ADVENTURE--Baja author Graham Mackintosh (center) grabs a panga ride to Isla Angel de la Guarda off Bahia de los Angeles to begin his month-long remote camping trip on the island. Photo courtesy Dick Van Bree.
TEN OTHERS RELEASED--Art Coleman (center) and his wife Patricia (left) fished three days out of Zihuatanejo with Capt. Arturo (right) and they landed a total of 12 sailfish. Ten were released and these two were kept for the captain's table. Photo courtesy Art Coleman.
"REMOTE" BUT CLOSE--Puerto Santo Tomas last week, during Ken Jones' trip to fish with Capt. Marcos at the resort hosted by Sam Saenz. The remote-feeling area of Puerto Santo Tomas is actually located only about 25 miles south of downtown Ensenada. Photo courtesy Ken Jones.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
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Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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