MULEGE, MEXICO: Overall damage to Baja fishing areas from last week's Hurricane John was relatively light except for the Mulege area where very high water rose suddenly to within several feet of the Mex 1 highway bridge, causing massive damage to homes built along the riverbed. Several lives were lost in Baja California Sur during the storm, as victims attempted to cross flooded arroyos or swam in hazardous waters.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Fishing reporter Rick Barber of Mulege said the town suffered the total loss of many buildings and belongings, including his own house. "All hell broke loose," Barber said. "The water was within 5 to 6 feet of hitting the bottom of the bridge." Barber's pet parrot, Oliver, was taken to a house on higher ground, but it also flooded and Oliver narrowly escaped drowning. "The kitchen of their house got 5 feet of water," Barber said. "The top 4 inches of Oliver's cage is an arch. He survived by holding on for about 4 to 6 hours, upside down, from the top of his cage." HEAVY FLOODING AND STORM DAMAGE.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Syd Lyndsay of the fish camping RV park at San Lucas Cove a few miles north of Mulege said, "I heard it was the worst damage since 1959. Of course there were no Americans along the river then. Jorge's Park under the bridge and the Orchard looks like New Orleans did. San Lucas Cove has good run off and has very little damage."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Patsi Hodges of Bahia Coyote just south of Mulege said good progress had been made by Thursday, as infrastructure came back to life. "Although any low spot in Mulege is full of mud and it looks like someone dropped a bomb or 2, things are looking up," Hodges said. "The power is on and both system water and Agua 2000 are up and running. Ice is available. Both gas stations are open. Every store that can be open is. And they are well stocked from frozen foods to fresh produce. The military is here and helping dig out and twice a day deliver food to those who can't get to the stores. They also have a couple of distribution sites at kindergartens. I think now the long haul of rebuilding begins. The roads through the town are open and in good shape as are the highways. Trucks and busses are running. There is still so much to do but help is here and these guys are treating it like its just another hardship in a life filled with them. These are such a wonderful resilient people. With mud up to their elbows they wave and smile as you pass by and then throw another shovelful of mud out of the house. There is clean laundry hanging from every line in town. Mulege will survive."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove reported some parts of town spared during the flooding, including the home of the Don Johnson family of the historic Hotel Serenidad. "Don's house is okay," Anderson said. "The lower rooms received some water damage, but the upper rooms seemed to be spared. It seems that the river was able to spread out so the destructive force of water was a lot less by the time it got to there. The most damage happened from the bridge, through the water treatment plant, down through Orchard's, Oasis, Jungle Jim's, Jorge's and Maria Isabella."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Mulege fly-in angler Ron Grant of Crestline, Calif., said two-thirds of the Hotel Serenidad runway was dry by Sunday. "Trucks are again running down Baja 1 with needed supplies and the clinic and stores have reopened. Things are not by any means back to normal, but getting there," Grant said.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet at Cabo San Lucas said the several fatalities during Hurricane John reported by Baja newspapers included a helicopter pilot swimming in the surf, a ranch hand checking on horses near Ciudad Constitucion, and 4 people at Mulege including at least 2 Americans. "All deaths were from people swept into arroyos and drowning," Ehrenberg said. "Much livestock also perished."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Ensenada Sportfishing Center reported on 4 anglers fishing Saturday on the charter boat Shir-lee for a catch of: 25 yellowtail and 75 dorado. Also fishing during the week were 33 anglers on the charter boats Shir-lee, Quest, and Clipper II, with a catch of: 77 yellowtail, 4 bonito, 1 white seabass, 15 yellowfin tuna, 1 dorado, 1 sandbass, 4 lingcod, and 6 rockcod.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Judy Ostberg of the boat Melody reported a good run out of Marina Coral on Saturday, fishing with 3 anglers southwest of the Banda Bank in flat 73.4 to 74.6-degree water for limits of dorado to 28 pounds, 5 yellowtail of 10 to 12 pounds, 2 yellowfin tuna of 15 pounds, and a striped marlin released.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: For the previous Saturday, Ostberg reported very slow fishing in fog and rough seas offshore of Ensenada. "We traveled 94 miles for 1 dorado of 25 pounds. All paddies were dry." Ostberg said. "A bad day of fishing is better than any day at work." Water temperatures were at 70.2 to 71.4 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sammy Susarrey of Lily Fleet said Jorge Villanueva's boat Chavo fished in clear 69-degree water south at San Jose reef on Saturday for a good catch of red snapper, lingcod, and 1 yellowtail at 15 pounds. "We also saw many bonitos breaking at Punta China," Susarrey said. During the week, local Ensenada boats caught smaller yellowtail in front of Marina Coral.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said most of his pangas fishing at the tip of Punta Banda scored on about 2 yellowtail to 29 pounds last week, plus steady bottom fish. "Good fishing all week," Villarino said. "On Wednesday, eagle-eye Capt. Beto spotted a yellow finning on the surface for Rick Kubota of Davis, Calif. One toss of the aluminum jig and they were off to the races." Punta Banda weather over the weekend was sunny in the afternoons, in the high-70s, with light breezes, 3-foot ocean swells, and the water temperature at 65 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Mike Richardson of Live Bait Ensenada in Ensenada harbor said he had very good sized sardines and mackerel available during the week. Bonefish to about 3 pounds were reported inside the bay and estero, and yellowtail were caught 2 miles outside the breakwater.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog out of Ensenada's Marina Coral reported on an offshore run Saturday, fishing with his wife Gail Ross and Capt. Juan Lu Cardona in 70-degree, cobalt blue water off Punta Colnett for a catch of 1 dorado and 6 yellowfin tuna to 25.5 pounds. "There were no other recreational sportfishers in the area," Ross said.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: For the previous week, Ross reported 2 very slow offshore days for a catch of: 1 dorado, 1 yellowtail, and 1 lingcod. "Every kelp paddy was empty and the meter never showed anything on it all day," Ross said. "It made me think it needed repair. I think the fish gods are testing our mettle to see how many of us they can shake out of the game so the main herds can show up." KELP PADDY VACANCIES OFF ENSENADA.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: For the previous week, Emerald Argonza of Matador Sportfishing reported 1 offshore run by the charter boat Matador with 3 anglers at the Ensenada 238 and 450 spots for a catch of: 7 yellowtail to 25 pounds on kelp paddies, and 30 bonito on trolled feathers at Punta Banda. Offshore water temperatures were at 67 to 68 degrees with some chop and swell. Another outing turned back to Ensenada due to rough seas and settled for local lingcod and bonito.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Alejandro Rosas of Tijuana fished out of Ensenada the previous week on Rene Gonzalez' boat La Mago, finding near perfect sea conditions and 74-degree water temperatures around the 405 spot, and most kelp paddies vacant, except for the smallest, which yielded 6 dorado averaging about 20 pounds. "We never saw so many kelps," Rosas said. "As big as you can imagine, but we got six dorados under the smallest kelp paddy we saw. That's fishing."
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO:Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort said weekend weather was mostly calm with some afternoon wind and few visitors were in the area. Fishing was steady on the bottom, plus some surface action for bonito. Anglers fishing during the week included Efrain Hurtado of San Diego and his group, who loaded up on bottom fish and 5 bonito, and another angler who caught a 25-pound yellowtail while fishing on the bottom with squid bait.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Michael Halverson of Redondo Beach and his 2 daughters visited Puerto Santo Tomas Resort in late August and fished a total of about 10 hours over 2 days with Capt. Marcos for a catch of over 60 fish including larger red rockcod, whitefish, lingcod, and various bottom fish species. "I reeled in fish until my arms didn't work anymore," Halverson said. "It was an incredible package, making sure our vacation was fantastic." GOOD FAMILY PANGA FISHING.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp said he sent out 23 boats during the week, for heavy bottom fish everywhere, lots of bonito and barracuda in all locations, and pretty good yellowtail and white seabass action somewhat hampered by very heavy concentrations of bait in the area. "This is good," Castro said, "because it means we'll continue to have a lot of fish." Erendira weather was calm, with very clear water at 65 to 66 degrees.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Sarai Garcia of Don Eddie's Landing said, "We had an extraordinary fishing week." Don Eddie's sent out 30 boats for steady yellowtail action on kelp paddies 18 to 26 miles out, plus plentiful white seabass averaging 18 to 35 pounds south of the bay at Socorro, Arroyo Hondo, and El Tranquilo. "The white seabass were so plentiful," Garcia said. "It is hard to estimate how many were caught by all boats this week. Our fleet landed 140 white seabass. We had large parties sometimes bringing in 15 to 20 per day." San Quintin fishing area weather was mostly calm with some wind in the afternoon, in the mid-80s, with clear water at 63 to 68 degrees. San Quintin rooms and boats were heavily booked, with advance reservations recommended.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Julio Meza of San Quintin ran his boat Santa Monica south to the Socorro area at midweek and had good action for barracuda, big bonito, yellowtail to 20 pounds, sandbass, and red rockcod in 60 to 100 feet of water until about 11 a.m., when the action exploded for white seabass. "We were looking for croakers," Meza said. "Looking for bait marks on the meter, or birds working. We loaded up fast on white seabass to 52 pounds. Long runs like crazy on light tackle."
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said he had 25 boats fishing out of San Quintin during the week, for steady bottom fish limits, barracuda, bonito, and good white seabass action at Socorro until Saturday when the croaker bite suddenly went to zero. Boats were returning for another look on Sunday morning. The biggest croaker of the week was a 52 pounder caught by Larry Gillings of Twenty-nine Palms, Calif. San Quintin weather was warm with some light breezes.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: For the previous week, Pedro's Pangas reported 20 boats fishing, for continued good counts of white seabass and yellowtail. "Most anglers had problems getting through the large barracuda," Hillis said. "There was also plenty of calico bass and sandbass."
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing reported a heavy bite for 9 white seabass, barracuda, 1 yellowtail, and assorted bottom fish, while waiting for good surfing conditions in flat water south of Bahia de San Quintin. "The waves were small so we decided to wait it out," Catian said. "I got bit first, a big white seabass of 40 pounds. We were all getting just drilled by huge white seabass. I had to gaff my own fish." WHITE SEABASS FRENZY.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Juanchys Aguilar of La Bocana on the Baja central Pacific coast said the area escaped damage from storm John last week and the fishing was excellent for big numbers of dorado, yellowfin tuna, calico bass, and big schools of medium-sized yellowtail. Commercial fishermen brought in big numbers of tuna and yellowtail. Aguilar's boat fished commercially at an area called the Pitaya Bank for 68 yellowtail on red-white feathers. On Saturday, anglers Frank Keopp and Dave Banbawer caught black sea bass estimated at about 180 and 200 pounds at the Gringa Bank. Baja coastal weather had light winds and 80-degree water temperatures 5 miles out from La Bocana.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Celia Diaz, director of the nonprofit Binational Emergency Medical Care Committee (BEMCC) in Chula Vista, Calif., said operations during September included the repatriation of the bodies of a small plane pilot and 2 volunteers from Mexican Medical Ministries who crashed while landing at Ensenada, Baja California, on Friday. "Mexican Medical Ministries is an agency that provides assistance to the indigent through their volunteer pilots and physicians," Diaz said. "We have worked with them on many occasions." The BEMCC also coordinated the rescue at Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, by the U.S. Air Force of 2 children and the mother of the Julian Montellano family after a car accident. Ten-year-old Alfredo Montellano later died of his injuries, and his organs were donated. The nonprofit BEMCC provides emergency evacuation assistance from Mexico on a $30 tax deductible annual membership basis. Information and 24/7 hotline: 619-425-5080.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said the Magdalena Bay fly fishing area largely escaped storm John. "Enrique Soto in Puerto San Carlos said neither Puerto San Carlos nor Lopez Mateos took much of a hit," Graham said. "They did have some wind and rain, but not of epic proportions." Offshore boats running into Turtle Bay for weather protection reported marlin seen from the Thetis Bank all the way north to the bay, plus dorado to 35 pounds caught on debris. The San Carlos entrada produced some grouper, and the Magdalena Bay mangrove channels had cabrilla and a few corvina. Magdalena Bay weather on Sunday was partly cloudy in the mid-80s, with water temperatures of 64 to 78 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said Cabo San Lucas area weather was cloudy all week with daily rains and air temperatures in the mid-90s. Fishing waters continued to settle following storm John, with green color inshore and cooler water temperatures of 81 to 82 degrees on the Pacific side and 83 to 84 degrees on the Sea of Cortez side. "Bait was a bit tough to get this week with the inshore water being all green," Landrum said. "Most of the boats were lucky to get 7 or 8, a mix of caballito and mullet. If you got out real early there was some sardina available up at Palmilla and San Jose, but they sold out real early."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said just a few boats fished during the weather shortened week. Dorado led the fish counts, as 57 percent of charters landed fish of 12 to 35 pounds. "It was almost a given that dorado would appear due to debris in the water but billfish are a bit more tricky," Ehrenberg said. "Right now there are more dorado and tuna than billfish." Thirty-four percent of Pisces boats landed yellowfin tuna, 23 percent released billfish, and 90 percent scored on all species combined. DORADO ON RAIN DEBRIS FOR CABO BOATS.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 48 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 20 striped marlin, 4 blue marlin, 3 sailfish, 56 yellowfin tuna, 86 dorado, and 1 boat with no luck.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 11 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 4 blue marlin, 2 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 1 wahoo of 40 pounds, 71 yellowfin tuna of 20 to 25 pounds, and 2 dorado of 20 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 4 weather reduced outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 1 sailfish, 5 dorado, and 8 yellowfin tuna. "Hurricane John did drive tourists and anglers out of the Cabo area and sportfishing activity was almost nonexistent this week," Edwards said. "The Gaviota Fleet reported its lowest number of fishing days ever for the past 15 years or so and neither of the Fish Cabo sportfishers got out at all." Cabo San Lucas weather was partly cloudy in the high-90s, with water temperatures at 80 to 81 degrees on both the Pacific and Cortez sides.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 44 combined La Playita fleet pangas fishing off San Jose del Cabo in a weather-shortened week, with a catch of: 440 yellowfin tuna, 22 dorado, 260 skipjack, 2 sailfish, and 25 various bottom fish. Post-storm fishing was very good for continued yellowfin tuna of 10 to 20 pounds at La Fortuna and Iman, and sardina bait was also in good supply for La Playita pangas as roads were reopened and utilities came back online. San Jose del Cabo weather was slightly cooler, but with high humidity. MORE TUNA FOR LA PLAYITA PANGAS.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo said he resumed fishing just a couple of days after "John" the storm passed through. "La Playita was a total ghost town on Tuesday as we were the only launch even though all conditions were pristine," Snow said. "All boats had been pulled and were nowhere in sight." Snow fished 3 times in the surf and 4 times with Capt. Pata on the panga Salome for a total of 21 fish species encountered, none new, but including an unusual longnosed pufferfish.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Axel Valdez of East Cape's Buena Vista Beach Resort said the hotel was back in operation and boats began fishing again on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2006. "We are getting back to normal," Valdez said. "We are back in full service and today we sent the first boats out." Airline service at Los Cabos International Airport was restored by Tuesday, and all roads were usable. "There were washouts and flooded arroyos of course, but everything is now passable," Valdez said. On Thursday, Capt. Alejandro on the charter boat Dusty B III lead his anglers to a catch of: 16 tuna, 1 dorado, and 1 striped marlin released. BOATS RESUME FISHING AS BUENA VISTA BEACH RESORT REOPENS.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said, "The tuna schools wasted no time resuming the bite below Las Frailes. The billfish came right back in front of La Ribera. Mark Rayor's boat Jen Wren reported good tuna catches, several marlin, and a dorado under the debris despite more rain on Thursday." East Cape fishing area weather was party cloudy at 90 degrees, with mixed water temperatures of 74 to 89 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said fishing by hotel boats resumed on Thursday, as the East Cape area was cleaning up from storm John. East Cape weather was in the high-80s and water temperatures were down in the 82 to 87-degree range, with dirty green color inshore and lots of debris in the water. The yellowfin tuna bite on 20 to 50-pound fish to the south continued 3 to 4 miles offshore, dorado to about 20 pounds were scattered around the bay, and tailing marlin were seen outside. The inshore bite was still shut down, but Ireland said, "Very fishy conditions. As soon as the inshore water clears up, expect an explosion."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Eddie Dalmau of Van Wormer Resorts said fishing by East Cape charter boats at Palmas De Cortez, Playa Del Sol, and Punta Colorada was scheduled to resume over the weekend as the hotels reopened.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Harry Line of Rancho Palos Verdes and his family fished out of Buena Vista Beach Resort just before the arrival a Hurricane John on the charter boat Tres Hermanos with Capt. Alex, scoring on 5 dorado and 7 yellowfin tuna and then riding out the storm at the hotel. "We stayed through the entire hurricane," Line said. "I would like to especially thank Felipe Valdez, whose family owns the resort, for taking care of us. During the hurricane Felipe delivered dinner and drinks to us, which was a very welcome surprise. The morning after the hurricane, the windows and doors were blown out of the dining room and bar, but he still managed to clean it up and serve us a breakfast including having the tables set with linens."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Andrea Harrison of Carpinteria, Calif., Richard Trautman, and Kerry Petersen fished out of Rancho Leonero just before storm John on the charter boat Jefe with Capt. Armando for a catch of "as many yellowfin tuna as we wanted" and a large roosterfish hooked by Harrison on a beach south of the White Cliffs area. "With calm seas and little wind we had no idea what was coming," Harrison said. "Two other friends were also hooked up with similar fish in addition to quality yellowfin, dorado and even a pargo. Great trip!"
LA PAZ, MEXICO: David Jones of Fisherman's Fleet at La Paz commented on the area's rapid recovery from storm John and the good dorado fishing expected as the result of rain runoff. "They had the place up and running within 48 hours," Jones said. "Over towards Los Planos it is taking longer, as a great many power poles needed to be resurrected, but the CFE had hundreds of workers imported from the mainland the next day. We're fishing again and within 3 to 4 days we should have some of the nicest trash lines seen in quite some time, dorado condominiums if you will, ready for occupancy."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said yellowfin tuna action had not come back to "full turbo" following storm John, but the expected post-storm dorado bite was picking up on debris lines on the La Paz side. "It seems like there are acres of tree trunks, grass, branches and other stuff that got washed into the ocean," Roldan said. "Underneath, the dorado lurk and it's been a lot of fun. If you hit the right spot, it's one-stop shopping." On the Las Arenas side dorado were also showing up, including some bulls into the 40 to 50-pound class.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Tom McInally of California and his group fished between Islas Espiritu Santo and San Francisco on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday aboard Brett Clark's boat Meri Tyme for wide-open dorado under frigate birds on debris lines. "We chunked mackerel which instantly got giant bull dodo's going off. We had easy limits up to 65 pounds. We left them biting. The water was super green. I lost a dodo at gaff that made our 65 pounder look like a baby," McInally said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said his pangas on the Las Arenas side found improved action for dorado and tuna of 20 to 45 pounds last week in their main fishing areas north of Isla Cerralvo, along the coast to Las Cruces, and south off Punta Pescadero. Heavy debris in the water from storm John brought improved fishing in all areas and bait supplies were plentiful. LAS ARENAS PANGAS ON TUNA AND DORADO.
LORETO, MEXICO: Bill Erhardt of Loreto said few anglers returned to the water last week, as the area settled down after storm John and heavy concentrations of floating debris kept most boats from fishing.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company reported the downtown marina silted in and local waters clearing after the passage of storm John. "The town was spared from major damage and loss of life. However Mulege is a severe disaster area," Bolles said. "Loreto was only mildly damaged with the biggest event being the flash flooding taking out the road to the north and south." DRYING OUT FROM JOHN.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos of Santa Rosalia reported on 2 outings after the passage of storm John, in settling water conditions, with a catch of: a few sierra reluctant to bite in cloudy water, 1 gulf grouper of about 30 pounds, a few bass, and 1 almaco jack of 10 pounds. "There are not many people down here yet and no one fishing that I've seen or heard," Kanzler said. "There's a kind of eerie silence around here." Santa Rosalia area fishing water was cloudy and heavy with rain runoff debris, at 82 to 83 degrees. SETTLING WATERS AFTER THE STORM.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Ed Hogan of San Bruno south of Santa Rosalia described the passage of storm John through the area. "The rain started on Saturday," Hogan said. "There was at least a foot of water between our house and Jim's next door. We lost power Saturday night and the rain continued throughout the night. It was like a huge garden hose with a spray nozzle blasting at the windows all night long and there was this loud rumbling sound that was very unnerving. The windows were flexing back and forth from the heavy winds and we were afraid they would let go at any minute. There was no sleeping! It was pitch black and we had no idea what the sea was doing or what damage the rain was doing! The homes along the beach suffered minor damage compared to the rest of Baja." The new marina at San Bruno was heavily damaged and not usable by the weekend.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Veronica Reyes of Tony Reyes Fishing Tours reported on a 6-day Midriff Islands fishing trip by the panga mothership Tony Reyes, returning to San Felipe on Sept. 8, 2006, with a catch of: 135 yellowtail, 15 to 24 pounds; 1 grouper, 28 pounds; 38 dorado, 15 to 18 pounds; 1 white seabass, 10 pounds; 75 cabrilla, 6 to 12 pounds; 92 giant squid, 15 to 20 pounds; 10 red snapper, 6 to 15 pounds; 3 broomtail, 6 to 22 pounds; 22 sheephead, 6 to 15 pounds, 215 spotted bay bass, 2 to 3 pounds; 3 shark, 15 to 45 pounds; and 15 miscellaneous and released fish.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Earlier, Tom Ward Jr., of the Longfin Tackle Store reported on a 6-day trip by the Tony Reyes, returning to San Felipe with charter masters Pat and Dennis Riegle and 24 anglers on Sept. 1, 2006, with a catch of: 70 yellowtail to 25 pounds, 146 cabrilla to 12 pounds, 15 dorado to 16 pounds, 88 squid to 30 pounds, 2 shark of 15 pounds, 1 grouper of 35 pounds, 3 red snapper to 8 pounds, 220 spotted bass to 3 pounds, 8 sheephead, 1 broomtail grouper of 12 pounds, 1 golden grouper released, and 10 miscellaneous and released fish.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore said San Felipe weather was hot in the 90s again after a couple of downpours during the aftermath of storm John. On Tuesday, Meders said she got a lesson in "grace under fire" as a San Felipe hairdresser turned out a perfect job even as the ceiling sagged and the water came pouring in. "The whole thing looked near collapse," Meders said. "Now there's a lady you need around in a crisis!" DOWNPOURS AND HOT WEATHER.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported 50 percent of offshore boats landing billfish last week, but very few anglers in the Mazatlan area. Aries Fleet at Marina el Cid sent out only 13 offshore boats and no inshore super pangas, for a catch including released fish of: 2 blue marlin of about 250 pounds, 5 sailfish, 2 dorado, 5 yellowfin tuna, and 8 skipjack. Mazatlan weather was partly cloudy in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 84 to 8 degrees. Offshore boats fished 22 to 29 miles southwest of Marina el Cid. FEW ANGLERS OUT OF MARINA EL CID.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Job Othoniel of Ifish! reported on 28 offshore and inshore boats, with a catch including released fish of: 17 sailfish, 97 dorado, 14 roosterfish, 90 red snapper, and 140 triggerfish. At Lake El Salto, freshwater bass boats averaged 60 to 90 bass per day, with the largest caught at 11.2 pounds. Water temperatures at Lake El Salto were at 79 to 83 degrees. SALTWATER AND FRESHWATER BASS REPORTS.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet said 4 boats fished during the week for a catch including released fish of: 1 sailfish, 3 dorado to 43 pounds, 12 yellowfin tuna, and 16 mixed skipjack and bonita. Flota Bibi boats fished 10 to 32 miles offshore of the lighthouse, with mullet baits producing the best results. For the previous week, 4 boats fished in some rough conditions for a catch including released fish of: 1 sailfish, 13 yellowfin tuna, and 2 skipjack tuna.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tony Rivera of Minden, Nev., fished on Monday on the Aries Fleet charter boat Aries V with Capt. Guillermo and reported a catch of: 1 sailfish, 1 dorado, and 1 blue marlin estimated at about 300 pounds. The Aries V fished about 25 miles southwest of Marina el Cid with skirted trolling plugs, in calm seas and water temperatures of about 80 degrees. The Aries III also landed a blue marlin.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Quinonez of PV Marlin Sportfishing said some quality fish were caught on the charter boats Lorena and Discovery during the week, including a 400-pound class black marlin, a 275-pound class blue marlin, and 5 yellowfin tuna into the 150-pound range. "Then on Tuesday and Wednesday everything shut down," Quinonez said. "There were so many porpoise, every time we got a skipjack in the water, it was gone. Not much happening on the kite either. I know the tuna are there, we just have to figure out some new methods." Puerto Vallarta seas were mostly calm, with water temperatures in the high-80s.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet in Cabo San Lucas reported a potential world record women's 80-pound line class yellowfin tuna of 277.5 pounds caught by angler Jane Pendlebury, while fishing aboard the Puerto Vallarta charter boat Chelita with Capt. Kahui. The tuna was hooked on a live bonito at El Banco and required 2 hours 45 minutes to land on 80-pound line. The current IGFA 80-pound class women's record is 270 pounds 0 ounces, caught at Roca Partida in 1980 by Caroline Layne.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Gomez of Dhamar Sportfishing said his charter super panga Dhamar fished twice during the week for 5 needlefish and a big jack crevalle at Islas Marietas on 1 outing, and a 35-pound class dorado and 350-pound class black marlin at El Banco on another outing. Another super panga scored on a 140-pound yellowfin tuna and other boats landed tuna into the 300-pound range. "It's just a matter of time and the fish are going to go off," Gomez said.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing said action was good at El Banco and Roca Corbeteña last week. The Marla's charter boat Arca de Noe with Capt. Scott Osuna scored a 250-pound class yellowfin tuna for angler Rob Withman of Virginia. On the boat Marla II with Capt. Danny and deckhand Alvino Osuna, Kevin Kwak of California caught a 500-pound class black marlin and a tuna of 203 pounds. "This week we had a blast landing big fish," Osuna said. "The tunas and marlin were chewing really good." Other fish caught or released during the week by the Marla's fleet included 2 more black marlin, 1 tuna of 180 pounds, pargos to 70 pounds, rainbow runners, and more football tuna. Puerto Vallarta weather was flat, with light breezes and water temperatures at 86 degrees.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Mark Tamim of Dallas fished 3 days out of Puerto Vallarta on charter boats with his father Marwan Tamim, finding some action for needlefish, jacks, and barred pargo at Punta Mita aboard the Dream Catcher, good inshore fishing aboard the super panga Mini Baiter, and a good day at Roca Corbeteña on Capt. Danny Osuna's boat Marla II for pargo, 12 very big triggerfish, and 12 rainbow runners. "We would cast live bait at feeding frenzies and were nailing rainbow runners like crazy," Tamim said of the outing with Osuna. "I have fished a lot all of over the world. I highly recommend this dude." GOOD RAINBOW RUNNER SESSION ON THE MARLA II.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said offshore fishing in the Ixtapa area was poor with only a few boats going out. An inshore fly fishing run by the charter boat Gran Jefe produced 3 bonito on the fly, and 8 bonito and 1 jack crevalle on gear. "Inshore fishing remained the best bet over the full moon, but few anglers are in the area at this time," Edwards said. Ixtapa fishing area weather was at 90 degrees with scattered thunderstorms, light winds, and water temperatures of 83 to 84 degrees.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said blue water was pushed out to about 20 miles following storm John, and along with the full moon phase, offshore boats were struggling for about 1 or 2 sailfish per day. Yellowfin tuna of about 50 pounds were located 40 miles out. Inshore action for roosterfish and jack crevalle continued good, as Capt. Adan on the charter panga Gitana II scored on a bluefin trevally, 2 jacks of about 20 pounds, and 3 roosterfish to 45 pounds plus others lost. Ixtapa weather was partly cloudy at 90 degrees, with water temperatures of 78 to 87 degrees.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported the Cancun fishing area "in the dolrums" with just a few boats going out and generally slow action. Five outings by the El Cid Caribe fleet at Puerto Morelos reported a catch of: 6 barracuda, and 6 red snapper. "According to fleet manager Mario Anzoategui, the fishing really turned downward with the full moon," Edwards said. Cancun sportfishing area weather was party cloudy in the mid-90s, with isolated thunderstorms and water temperatures stable at 83 degrees.
BEAUTY IN THE TEMPEST--Loreto Shores at daybreak Sunday as tropical storm John was winding down. Debris washed into the Sea of Cortez by heavy rains kept most fishing boats ashore last week in Loreto. PHOTO COURTESY OF BILL ERHARDT.
SOGGY LANDING--Mike Kanzler's yellowtail landing on the west side of Isla San Marcos after the storm. Slightly swamped, but still working. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE KANZLER.
SAN LUCAS COVE SPARED (right)--The famous Baja campground at San Lucas Cove south of Santa Rosalia got plenty of wind and rain, but was largely spared during storm John. PHOTO COURTESY OF MICHAEL KANZLER.
ENSENADA DORADO--Brothers, Rene and Arturo Gonzalez fished offshore of Ensenada on Rene's boat La Mago, finding nothing but big empty kelp paddies at first, but then pulling 6 dorado out of "the smallest kelp paddy we saw." PHOTO COURTESY OF ALEJANDRO ROSAS.
STEADY ON YELLOWS--Most of the Vonny's Fleet pangas fishing at Ensenada's Punta Banda last week caught yellowtail. Here with a couple of beauties are James and Nancy Castro of San Diego, with Vonny's Fleet Capt. Vicente Flores. They also landed their limits of bottom fish. PHOTO COURTESY OF IVAN VILLARINO.
HEAVY LIFTING--Four-year-old Shelly Halverson hoists a Puerto Santo Tomas whitefish during a panga outing out of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort with her dad Michael Halverson and Capt. Marcos. At right, Puerto Santo Tomas' veteran Capt. Marcos, wearing a rain slicker that has obviously seen a lot of action. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MICHAEL HALVERSON.
CASTRO'S YELLOWTAIL--Labor Day anglers at Castro's Camp south of Ensenada found plenty of yellowtail to take home. From left are: Danny Blushtein, Joe Blushtein, Castro's Capt. Wicho, Igor Blushtein, Bill Stout, Sergio Blushtein, and Oleg Sussat Blat. PHOTO COURTESY OF FERNANDO CASTRO.
QUINTIN CROAKIN'--Enrique Melero fished south of San Quintin on Julio Meza's boat Santa Monica for a great catch of big white seabass to 52 pounds that exploded around the boat in 60 to 100 feet of water at about 11 a.m. PHOTO COURTESY OF JULIO MEZA.
CRANKIN' QUINTIN CROAKERS--Some of 9 quality white seabass caught during a "surfing" run south of San Quintin by K&M Offshore Sportfishing. From left are: Chris Pierce, Dave Brown, and K&M's Monte Kotur. PHOTO COURTESY OF KELLY CATIAN.
LADIES LANDING--Excellent white seabass action continued last week for San Quintin boats, and this group got into a heavy bite on fish of 18 to 35 pounds aboard the charter boat Panchita out of Don Eddie's Landing. PHOTO COURTESY OF SARAI GARCIA.
BIG PACIFIC BLACKIES--Dave Banbawer, left, and Frank Keopp of Vista, Calif., fished on their 26-foot boat about 19 miles out of La Bocana on the Baja central Pacific coast for a great catch including these black sea bass estimated at about 180 and 200 pounds. PHOTO COURTESY OF JUANCHYS AGUILAR.
BLUE AND GOLD--Shane Draw and his wife Stephanie Draw fished at the end of August about 10 miles out of Cabo San Lucas on the charter boat Cabo Magic Dos and scored on 1 blue marlin released and this big gold-streaked bull dorado. PHOTO COURTESY OF LORI GARCIA.
HURRICANE PARTY--Justen Line and his family fished out of East Cape's Buena Vista Beach Resort just before storm John came through, caught a bunch of tuna and dorado with Capt. Alex on the charter boat Tres Hermanos, and decided to stay at the hotel during the storm. The following morning, the family was served breakfast at a table set with linen. PHOTO COURTESY OF HARRY LINE.
BEATING THE WEATHER--Andrea Harrison fished out of East Cape's Rancho Leonero just before storm John arrived and scored on unlimited yellowfin tuna plus this big roosterfish on the charter boat Jefe with Capt. Armando and deckhand Heno, right. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDREA HARRISON.
GOLDEN DUO--Todd Brushwyler, left, of Fontana, Calif., and Fernando Garcia of Oxnard, Calif., fished out of La Paz with Tailhunter International last week and landed this nice pair of bull dorado, weighed at 42 and 45 pounds, on bait near Las Arenas. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
LAS ARENAS DORADO--Jaime Corella and his son Jaime Jr. of Hermosillo, Sonora, fished on La Paz' Las Arenas side with Tortuga Fleet last week and landed this nice 40-pound class dorado with Capt. Rigo Lucero. PHOTO COURTESY OF GERARDO HERNANDEZ.
DEBRIS AND SILT--Heavy rain runoff from storm John brought plenty of mud to the Loreto downtown marina. PHOTO COURTESY OF PAM BOLLES.
APRÈS JOHN--Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos fished in settling Santa Rosalia waters last week after storm John passed through, finding some action already available, including this nice gulf grouper that hit a live green jack on the 110 bajo north of the island. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE KANZLER.
MIDRIFF ISLANDS TRIP--Some nice fish were brought aboard the Tony Reyes Fishing Tours panga mothership Tony Reyes during a Midriff Islands fishing trip that returned to San Felipe last week. PHOTOS COURTESY OF VERONICA REYES.
MAZATLAN BLUE MARLIN--Tony Rivera of Minden, Nev., fished in calm sea conditions about 25 miles off Mazatlan on the Aries Fleet charter boat Aries V last week for a catch of 1 dorado, a sailfish, and this nice blue marlin. PHOTO COURTESY OF TONY RIVERA.
BACK IN ACTION--Fishing at Mazatlan on the Flota Bibi Fleet charter boat Paty C. after the passage of storm John last week were anglers William Mercer, Sherry Mercer, and Ben Garness. PHOTO COURTESY OF TADEO HERNANDEZ.
CORBETENA PARGO--Mark Tamim, right, and his father Marwan Tamim fished at Puerto Vallarta's Roca Corbeteña with Capt. Danny Osuna of the charter boat Marla II for great action on rainbow runner and these tough pargo dragged away from the rocks with the drags pegged. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARK TAMIM.
At right, Marla II deckhand Alvino Osuna brings a 500-pound class black marlin in for the release. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
VALLARTA SUPER PANGA--Dhamar Sportfishing deckhand German of the Puerto Vallarta charter super panga Dhamar with a giant needlefish or agujon caught last week off Islas Marietas at the north end of the bay. The Dhamar also scored on a 350-pound class black marlin at El Banco during the week. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY GOMEZ.
BEAUTIFUL BAJA--Dawn at Loreto, Baja California, Sur, Mexico, from the portfolio of photographer Mitchell Rose. PHOTO COURTESY OF MITCHELL ROSE.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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