PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Josh Temple of Puerto Vallarta's Prime Time Adventures said top offshore boats averaged about 10 yellowfin tuna per day into the 150-pound class and larger last week. "There are acres and acres of boiling tuna from 100 to 300 pounds devouring just about every bait," Temple said.
Anglers fishing with Prime Time Adventures included Andy Mezirow, Steve Danziger, Tim Steeves, and Joe Winkelman, who released tuna into the 275-pound class. Puerto Vallarta offshore fishing waters were green, with bait harder to find and water temperatures at about 80 degrees. OFFSHORE BOATS FISHING IN ACRES OF BIG YELLOWFIN TUNA.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing said his charter boats Marla II and Marla III found wide-open yellowfin tuna conditions off Puerto Vallarta last week at El Banco and Roca Corbeteña. One day, the 2 boats scored on 22 yellowfin tuna of 120 to 250 pounds. The Marla II also had a quadruple hookup with all 4 tuna over 200 pounds. Puerto Vallarta fishing weather had some north wind and rough seas, with offshore water temperatures at about 82 degrees. WIDE-OPEN YELLOWFIN TUNA FISHING AT EL BANCO AND ROCA CORBETENA.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Gomez of Dhamar Sportfishing said his charter super panga Dhamar found good offshore action last week, with one run to El Banco producing tuna of 225 and 253 pounds for anglers Rick Cardenas and his fishing partner "Berney." Puerto Vallarta offshore fishing weather had some north swell and wind, with the water temperature at 80 degrees.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Roger Crenshaw of Chula Vista, Calif., reported on 2 days of fishing last week with his wife Sue Crenshaw aboard his son Brant Crenshaw's boat Redneck, for a catch including yellowfin tuna averaging 140 pounds, striped marlin at 120 pounds, black marlin at 250 pounds, jack crevalle at 30 pounds, and pargo at 80 pounds. "We had fabulous fishing," Crenshaw said. Puerto Vallarta weather was at 80 degrees, with no rain, breezes at 2 to 5 knots, and the water temperature at 82 degrees.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Anthony Lionetti of Tiburon, Calif., reported a 203-pound yellowfin tuna landed aboard the boat El Pescador while fishing at El Banco on Dec. 21, 2006. The cow class yellowfin hit a small tuna used as bait, in clear blue water, but with some rough seas. Also fishing aboard El Pescador were Larry Lionetti and Lena Lionetti.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: For the previous week, Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort reported good weather on Wednesday and Thursday following about 12 straight days of rough seas along the northern Baja coast. "The ocean finally calmed down and we had a nice day," Saenz said. "We are doing fine. No one has been fishing here in the past 2 weeks." On Thursday, a panga went fishing with 2 anglers from San Diego and returned with a load of bonita and bottom fish. "The ocean was calm and we had sunny weather," Saenz said. "The surface bite for bonita continues to be good for this time of the year."
ERENDIRA, MEXICO:Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp at Erendira south of Ensenada said 14 boats fished during the week. Boats were able to fish daily, despite some winds from the northeast. Bottom fishing continued very good for lingcod, red rockcod, and mixed bottom species, plus very large bonito on the surface. Castro's Camp boats fished in very clear water 5 to 7 miles from the coast, with the water temperature averaging 60 degrees. New schools of bait fish were being seen along the northern Baja coast. "This continues to be one of our best Decembers ever," Castro said.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Julio Meza of San Quintin fished on Christmas Day aboard his boat Santa Monica with his wife Alma and for the first time ever with his new daughter Alejandra, aged 4 months, landing 3 yellowtail at the San Quintin 15 spot. "Alma asked me to take the baby," Meza said. "The day was beautiful, flat and warm. I agreed, and we put the boat on the water at noon, just for a quick ride to see if she could handle it without getting seasick." With the baby doing just fine, Meza decided to run outside of San Quintin Bay and drop jigs at the 15 spot. "We returned to the ramp in 2-1/2 hours total," Meza said. "Very funny to see her on the water. She looks like she is going to like fishing." San Quintin fishing area weather was flat in the low-80s, with water temperatures at 59 degrees.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Derek Arneson of San Diego and his wife Karla Arneson fished 3 days at La Bocana on the Pacific Baja coast with Capt. Juanchys Aguilar for a total catch of: 31 yellowtail to about 40 pounds, 4 calico bass, 2 sheephead, 40 sandbass, 1 amberjack, and 1 white seabass of 44 pounds. The unusual white seabass was caught on a 4-ounce Megabait off the Baja coast at Roca Ballena. "According to Juanchys this is the first rod and reel white seabass he has caught on his panga," Arneson said. "This was a great Baja fishing vacation, and I'm already looking forward to my next trip." Baja coastal weather was windy by 10 a.m. each day, with water temperatures at 70 to 75 degrees. WHITE SEABASS CAUGHT AT LA BOCANA WITH CAPT. JUANCHYS AGUILAR.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said a period of rough weather interrupted very good offshore fishing outside of Magdalena Bay last week. "I can’t wait to see what happens next week after the front passes by," Graham said. Diana Hoyt of Mag Bay Outfitters at Puerto Lopez Mateos reported extraordinary action until the weather front passed through for dorado and striped marlin. "As they worked their way up to the Thetis Bank they had double-digit shots on the fly," Graham said. Capt. Ruben Duran on the boat Raptor found wahoo on fly fishing tackle outside the Puerto Lopez Mateos entrada. Fishing in the mangrove channels produced good action for pargo, grouper, and small sierra. Magdalena Bay weather was partly cloudy in the mid-60s, with water temperatures of 72 to 74 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Pacific side winter striped marlin at the tip of Baja produced very good counts for Cabo San Lucas boats fishing at the Golden Gate Bank last week. Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 54 outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 170 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 43 dorado, and 2 yellowfin tuna. "The billfish bonanza is underway in Cabo San Lucas as the striped marlin begin filtering down from the Magdalena Bay region," Edwards said. "All boats combined averaged 3 billfish per day. The Golden Gate Bank was unquestionably the hot spot, but fair numbers of billfish were also taken at the Cabo Falso drop-off." Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather on the Pacific side had some days of north wind. Water temperatures were higher on the Pacific side at up to 78 degrees, but as low as 72 degrees on the Cortez side at Los Frailes.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of the Cabo San Lucas charter boat Falcon reported intense striped marlin action up the Pacific side including a 15-release day and 2 quintuple hookups for the boat Trauma. The Falcon released 10 stripers on 16 hits on Wednesday, with 1 quadruple hookup and most of the rest doubles. Connolly said, "The Golden Gate Bank remains the top spot with consistently good marlin fishing for virtually everyone that spends any time there. There have been lots of satisfied anglers at the Gate." EXCELLENT STRIPED MARLIN FISHING AT THE GOLDEN GATE BANK.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: For the previous week, Connolly reported continued good striped marlin fishing on the Pacific side. "The Falcon averaged 5 marlin and 5 dorado per day while fishing in rough seas and short days," Connolly said. "Quite a few Cabo San Lucas fishing boats returned early due to the sea conditions at midweek. Those anglers that hung in did well, especially on marlin. The stripers have been hooked by all the usual methods. It's very exciting fishing." STRIPED MARLIN FISHING HOLDS UP ON THE PACIFIC SIDE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jorge Navarro of Pisces Fleet reported 80 percent of fleet boats releasing billfish last week, including a 13-release day for the charter boat Rebecca, a 10-release day for the boat Andrea, and 8-release days for the Tracy Ann and Yahoo. "Most boats released 2 to 7 marlin," Navarro said. "We saw a slight decrease as the sea got a little rough and some clients decided to come back with 1 or 2 marlin released and a few dorados for dinner." Of 149 marlin landed, all but 3 were released. Two sailfish were also released. Dorado were also caught by 78 percent of Pisces charters, but only 5 boats landed yellowfin tuna. Cabo San Lucas fishing vacation area weather was sunny, with water temperatures averaging 77 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Ramon Druck of the Cabo San Lucas charter super panga Cheer's reported on 2 half-day local outings on the Pacific side, fishing the beach at Faro Viejo with fly fishing anglers and out to about 4 miles with conventional tackle for a catch of: 1 striped marlin, 1 marlin lost, 1 dorado, and 1 skipjack. Cabo weather was mostly calm, with light breezes and near shore water temperatures on the Pacific side at 83 to 86 degrees. PANGA FLY FISHING AND CONVENTIONAL TACKLE FISHING ABOARD THE CHEER'S.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported Cabo San Lucas fishing area water temperatures up to 78 degrees on the Pacific side, about 74 degrees around the arch, and down to about 72.5 degrees up the Sea of Cortez side from Punta Gorda northwards. "Strangely, the water is cooler right now on the Cortez side of the cape," Landrum said. "Water clarity follows the temperature, with the cooler water being greener. Punta Gorda is very green, while the Pacific is a deep blue." Cabo San Lucas sportfishing boats were working close to home during the week. "A combination of choppy water to the north and striped marlin concentrated off Cabo Falso ledge has resulted in the majority of the fleet working within sight of the arch," Landrum said.
Landrum also noted that striped marlin, reserved for sportfishing in Mexico, were being caught illegally for sale around Cabo San Lucas. "With the large number of striped marlin available at a time of year when money is needed, combined with the slow charter booking normal at this time of year, a number of boats have been catching striped marlin to sell," Landrum said. "One boat was caught with 7 striped marlin and several others with 3 or more. It looks like the officials are going to prosecute. It is nice to see the laws being enforced."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 8 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 17 striped marlin, 9 yellowfin tuna of 20 to 30 pounds, and 3 dorado of 20 to 25 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Marshal Wax of Pacific Palisades, Calif., reported on a day of fishing on his boat Good Vibrations off the Cabo San Lucas lighthouse for a catch including released fish of: 5 marlin, 1 yellowfin tuna, and 1 dorado. "All the fish were baited except for the yellowfin tuna," Wax said. "The fishing was under birds in beautiful conditions. The town was very quiet." Cabo San Lucas water temperatures were at 75 degrees.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: For the week ending Dec. 28, 2006, Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 65 combined La Playita charter fleet pangas fishing off San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 78 yellowfin tuna, 88 dorado, 2 striped marlin, 22 sierra, 54 pargo, 10 cabrilla, and 5 amberjack. The Los Cabos vacation area was busy with tourists but not too many were fishing. Dorado caught at the Gordo Banks averaged 8 to 25 pounds, and yellowfin tuna 25 to 50 pounds. Water temperatures off San Jose del Cabo were at 73 to 76 degrees. VACATION TRAVELER CROWDS ARRIVE AT LOS CABOS.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: On Thursday, Bob Grimes of San Jose del Cabo said, "Fishing is slow, and it is real windy. Yesterday, 5 carnaderos were working hard to catch a few sardinas at the beach about 2 miles east of La Playita and about 20 pangas and a few cruisers waited to get sardinas. Today about 25 boats went out in spite of the strong wind. About 12 of them congregated a mile off of La Playita for about an hour. Then they dispersed and soon all came in because of the wind. There are some sierra in close to shore, with the occasional small huachinango and small triggerfish."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported a break in the wind at midweek, but East Cape fishing waters still unsettled and beach fishing slow due to wave action. Offshore, a few marlin and dorado were caught just off Punta Pescadero. "The past few days have been pleasant," Graham said. "But with the leftover surf from the wind, the beach and inshore fishing has been tough. Any action is early and the bite only lasts a short time after sunrise for sierra, ladyfish, small jacks, and an occasional roosterfish." East Cape weather was in the low-80s, with water temperatures of 70 to 76 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Leeper, staying at Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, said, "There was very little fishing at East Cape the last week due to winds, but a few tin boaters got out for short trips and found some of the biggest sierra I have seen here, plus the odd dorado to 25 pounds. I have a feeling the fishing could be good if we could get out, due to close-in water temperature breaks."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport East Cape diving service at Buena Vista said winds kept him on the beach most days during the past week, but one dive boat did run to Punta Pescadero on Wednesday. "All year, most of our East Cape diving tours are to the Cabo Pulmo Marine Park south of us and I had forgotten how good our local diving sites to the north can be," Rayor said. "The reefs are packed with sea life. Huge schools of grunts, goatfish, king angelfish, butterfly fish, and many more varieties of reef fish are thick."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said "loco" weather patterns prevailed over the La Paz fishing area last week, with some dorado still being caught when the wind allowed it. "La Paz weather is pretty loco," Roldan said. "One day the winds blow and the next 2 days they are fine. It's December and dorado are still around. Fish like this are a nice winter surprise. We are still getting some dorado at Isla Espiritu Santo and there's no problem with sierra in the bay. On the calm days everyone has caught a few dorado in the 10 to 20-pound class with an occasional 30-pound bull." Roldan also noted that European vacationers were in La Paz. "There are snow birds from Europe on the beach these days in Speedos trolling," he said. "They shouldn't." Roldan also noted that Delta Airlines has begun daily air service from Los Angeles to La Paz.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said La Paz fishing action on the Las Arenas side was interrupted by the Christmas holiday and some days of strong north winds last week. On Wednesday, pangas found good fishing for sierra close by at the Punta Arena de la Ventana lighthouse and at Punta Perico. "In 2 hours, our anglers stopped fishing because they had enough fish," Hernandez said. "The winds are calm today, and we're hoping for more days like this."
LORETO, MEXICO: For the previous week, Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing reported frequent north winds and morning air temperatures as low as 48 degrees. "Finally the year is ending," Susarrey said. "Yellowtail and dorado had a very successful fishing season, especially the dorado. We think it was excellent." Loreto fishing reports included schools of yellowtail beginning to appear around Punta Pulpito north of town near the San Nicolas remote sportfishing camp. "The yellowtail caught in this area were reported at a weight between 15 to 20 pounds," Susarrey said. "Some yellowtail of the same weight have also been caught at Coronado Island."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege reported plenty of strong wind last week. "It was nasty out there," Barber said. "There isn't much else to say. Mulege had lots of wind this week averaging 15 to 25 knots with 5 to 8-foot seas. The weather forecast looks for more of the same." Local angler Marty Robinson went out fishing at Islas Santa Inez on Wednesday, but was blown back early with just a few small cabrilla caught. "Hook sharpening time again. Rats!" Barber said.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Fly-in angler Ron Grant of Crestline, Calif., returned from a trip to Mulege and reported few vacationers in the area. "Things are quiet this time of the year," Grant said. "Not many in tourists or fisherman. I assume New Year's week should be busy." Mulege fishing area weather was cool and windy from the north, with "choppy water bringing fishing to a standstill." Grant noted that employment in Mulege was high as locals worked to repair the massive damage caused by this year's Hurricane John. "Out of the ashes comes some good," Grant said. "Almost every house along the river had repairmen hard at work." The airstrip at Mulege's historic Hotel Serenidad was in good condition.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove said strong winds in the Santa Rosalia area knocked out most fishing during the week. "The wind is really taking it's toll," Anderson said. "When the tides are right to produce great yellowtail fishing, the wind is so bad that no one can get off the beach." On Wednesday, some boats fished for yellowtail at the Isla San Marcos bajos, but Anderson said he only saw 1 yellowtail caught, by Bud Pierce on a live bait with 3-ounce sliding sinker. John Bogert was doing well with Baja Catch-style fishing for mixed bass species very close to shore. WINDY FISHING CONDITIONS FOR SAN LUCAS COVE ANGLERS.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Art Whitting of Chula Vista, Calif., made a Baja run off Mex 1, passing through El Arco and fishing with Capt. Ernie at San Francisquito for a catch in 2.5 hours of 4 yellowtail of about 30 pounds and 2 yellowtail of about 15 pounds. "He was willing to stay out longer, but I was happy with the quality of the fish," Whitting said. "The wind kept us chasing fish inside the bay. There were lots of birds, boils, and fast moving yellowtail." Whitting camped with Beto Lucero at the caleta on the north side of the point for $15 per night including hot showers and toilet. BAJA YELLOWTAIL FISHING TRIP TO PUNTA SAN FRANCISQUITO.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Jesse White of Desert Hills, Ariz., reported on 2 days of fishing out of Rocky Point aboard his boat Sea Hunt for a catch of 2 grouper in the 30 to 35-pound class, plus another large fish lost. "We had a good hookup that somehow snapped our heavy mono leader line off of the Spectra line," White said. Puerto Peñasco weather was cool but fairly flat, with a light chop out of the north and the water temperature at about 59 to 63 degrees. The grouper were caught while fishing on reefs 10 to 20 miles out of Rocky Point at depths of about 60 to 70 feet. GROUPER FISHING ON REEFS 10 TO 20 MILES OUT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 28 Aries Fleet offshore boats fishing out of Mazatlan's Marina El Cid, with a catch including released fish of: 15 striped marlin, 8 sailfish, 2 blue marlin of about 250 pounds, 11 dorado, and 3 yellowfin tuna in the 100-pound class. Eight inshore super pangas had a catch of: 6 red snapper, 2 sierra, 14 palometa, 15 jack crevalle, and 35 pargo. "The big surprise is the continued catch of blue marlin going into the final week of the year, which is unusual," Edwards said. Mazatlan fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the low-80s, with water temperatures at 73 degrees inshore and 76 degrees offshore. Offshore boats fished 23 to 29 miles southwest of Marina El Cid.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet reported on 9 boats fishing out of Mazatlan harbor during the week for a catch including released fish of: 4 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, 6 dorado, and 17 skipjack tuna and bonita. Flota Bibi Fleet was also doing whale watching trips, averaging 7 humpback whale sightings per outing.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 13 Ixtapa Zihuatanejo offshore boats, with a catch including released fish of: 16 sailfish, 11 shark, 13 dorado, and 16 bonito. Seven inshore boats had a catch of: 7 roosterfish, 43 bonito, 2 dorado, and 28 jack crevalle. "The number of anglers is still down, but the fishing is pretty good, especially for the offshore waters," Edwards said. "Boats are catching a couple of dorado on floating trees and debris."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said 82-degree blue water was still close to the beach but boats were fishing about 25 miles out for an average catch of 2 or 3 sailfish per day plus a couple of dorado in the 20-pound class. Fly fishing client John Wexler fished 1 day with guide Paul Phillips and Capt. Martin on the charter boat Isamar and they raised 5 sailfish and hooked 2 of them. Dan Britt of North Carolina fished 1 day with Kunze south of Ixtapa at Puerto Vicente Guerrero for 2 roosterfish and 1 large jack crevalle hooked, but none landed. "He was snake bit and lost all 3," Kunze said. Ixtapa fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the low-90s, with water temperatures of 82 to 84 degrees.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported improved fishing in the Cancun vacation area following the arrival of king mackerel averaging about 20 pounds. Eighteen El Cid Caribe boats fishing out of Puerto Morelos near Cancun had a catch including released fish of: 26 king mackerel, 13 barracuda, 8 dorado, 3 cubera snapper, 3 bonito, and 3 sierra. Cancun fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the high-80s, with light breezes from the east and water temperatures stable at 81 degrees.
MEXICO: David Burns of the Restaurant El Manglar in Tecolutla, Mexico, near Veracruz said weather along Mexico's Atlantic coast was rough last week, many vacationers were in town, and the restaurant was busy. "No time to chase down fishing facts," Burns said. "Lots and lots of people in town. We're doing good numbers."
BIG TUNA DAZE--Puerto Vallarta yellowfin tuna action went wide-open last week for the Marla's Sportfishing charter boats Marla II and Marla III with Capts. Danny Osuna and Scott Osuna. On the Puerto Vallarta dock are the Marla's crews and some of the 22 big tuna to 250 pounds caught during a day of heavy action at El Banco and Roca Corbeteña early in the week. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
LIONETTIS AT VALLARTA--Anthony Lionetti, left, landed this 203-pound yellowfin tuna while fishing at Puerto Vallarta aboard the family boat El Pescador together with Larry Lionetti, center, and Lena Lionetti, right. The cow yellowfin hit a smaller tuna trolled at El Banco in the early afternoon. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANTHONY LIONETTI.
VALLARTA PANGA TUNA--Yellowfin tuna fishing was good off Puerto Vallarta last week for the charter super panga Dhamar during long runs to the El Banco and Roca Corbeteña offshore high spots. Here, the Dhamar returns to the Puerto Vallarta marina with clients and big fish. At right, Capt. Danny Gomez, center, of the Dhamar, with a couple of nice ones. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY GOMEZ.
BAJA GAVIOTAS--It's fish cleaning time as sea gulls flock to the panga of Capt. Marcos at Puerto Santo Tomas Resort on the Pacific Baja coast south of Ensenada during a fishing trip with Ken Jones of Long Beach, Calif. Said Jones, "Marcos was cleaning the bonito on his panga. You would think he'd hate the sea gulls, as they foul his boat, but as he cleaned the fish he would take the scraps and actually cut them into smaller pieces so the gulls could eat them. I'd like to think in an old fashion way he is connected somehow to the birds. Once when we had cut the motor, a whale spouted nearby and "talked" and I said how amazing it was to actually hear them. He said, "I like it too." PHOTO COURTESY OF KEN JONES.
BAJA FISHIN' LADY--Four-month-old Alejandra Meza of San Quintin got her first look at Baja fishing last week with dad Julio Meza and mom Alma Meza during a quick run to the San Quintin 15 spot for 3 nice yellowtail aboard their family boat Santa Monica. "Looks like she's going to like it," said dad Julio. PHOTO COURTESY OF JULIO MEZA.
BAJA PACIFIC YELLOWTAIL--Derek Arneson and his wife Karla Arneson with a great catch of Baja Pacific coast yellowtail caught with Capt. Juanchys Aguilar out of La Bocana north of Punta Abreojos. At center, fishing aboard Juanchys Aguilar's panga Karol at Roca Ballena off La Bocana. At right, Karla Arneson with a 44-pound white seabass, a rarity for the area. PHOTOS COURTESY OF DEREK ARNESON.
CABO DOCK MAGIC--Returning to the Cabo San Lucas marina after a fishing day that produced 2 striped marlin and 1 dorado recently aboard the charter boat Cabo Magic Dos are anglers Mark and Rebecca Musielak, Jackie Oberbreckling, and Heather Dobbs. PHOTO COURTESY OF LORI GARCIA.
CABO DECEMBER SAILFISH--With windy seas but the water temperature near Cabo San Lucas still warm in the low-80s, Capt. Ramon Druck of the charter super panga Cheer's brings in a sailfish for anglers Jay, Jerry, and Sandra Hofer of the U.S. during a Cabo outing in late December. At right, A Cabo San Lucas striped marlin jumps just off the bow of the Cheer's last week in local fishing action on the Pacific side. PHOTO COURTESY OF RAMON DRUCK.
WINTER'S TAILS--Sportfishing action in cooling water temperatures produced some yellowfin tuna and dorado for pangas fishing at San Jose del Cabo's Gordo Banks last week. Fishing with Gordo Bank's Pangas out of La Playita Beach were Joe Saldana, left, Gordo Banks Pangas Capt. Jesus Pino, and Saldana's fishing partner, right. They used sardina and chunk baits at the Inner Gordo Bank. PHOTO COURTESY OF ERIC BRICTSON.
LA PAZ SIERRA--Las Arenas side fishing action was good for sierra mackerel close to shore around Punta Perico and the Punta Arena de la Ventana lighthouse south of La Paz last week. Tony Ferrel of Seattle caught this tray full of fillet ready sierra during a 2-hour panga session with Tortuga Sportfishing. PHOTO COURTESY OF GERARDO HERNANDEZ.
"BAJA CATCH" FISHING--John Bogert of Idaho with a nice batch of inshore fish caught out of San Lucas Cove "The Baja Catch-style" with wobbling plugs trolled tight to shore. According to San Lucas Cove's Jim Anderson, Bogert caught 999 fish last season and "manages to catch a lot of fish consistently when everyone else gets skunked." PHOTO COURTESY OF JIM ANDERSON.
OLD YELLER RECORD--Tim Dowdy, left, fishes on Frank Navarro's annual trip to Bahia de los Angeles, where so far, none of the group has been able to catch a yellowtail bigger than this 43 pounder caught by Dowdy with Capt. Jose Rosa, right, of Sammy Diaz Sportfishing in 2003. "This is a record for our annual trip that no one has been able to beat," said Navarro. At right, Dowdy hooked up at L.A. Bay. PHOTOS COURTESY OF FRANK NAVARRO.
SAN FRANCISQUITO FISHING--Panguero Capt. Ernie with a nice yellowtail caught the week before Christmas during an outing out of Punta San Francisquito on Baja's Sea of Cortez Midriff coast with angler Art Whitting of Chula Vista, Calif. At right, Beto Lucero's rental cabaña on the sheltered baylet of Caleta San Francisquito on the north side of the point. PHOTOS COURTESY OF ART WHITTING.
ROCKY POINT WINTER--Jesse White found some decent winter fishing weather off Rocky Point last week for his boat Sea Hunt and made 2 offshore runs to banks 10 and 20 miles out for catch of 2 gulf grouper in the 30-pound class, plus another fish broken off. PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSE WHITE.
REDNECK TUNA ACTION--Sue Crenshaw of Chula Vista fished off Puerto Vallarta last week aboard son Brant Crenshaw's boat Redneck for a great catch of these cow class yellowfin tuna, plus striped marlin, black marlin, jack crevalle at 30 pounds, and pargo to 80 pounds. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROGER CRENSHAW.
MAZATLAN STRIPER--William Hale fished out of Mazatlan harbor on the Flota Bibi Fleet charter boat Paty C. with crewmen Picho and Alex Jr. for a catch including this striped marlin at 114 pounds. PHOTO COURTESY OF TADEO HERNANDEZ.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
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Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
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