SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Anglers fishing the center section of Baja's Sea of Cortez coast found good winter yellowtail catches last week.
Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos off Santa Rosalia reported "some of the best yellowtail action this place has to offer" as his boat scored yellowtail at the bajos north of the island, outside at Isla Tortuga, and in one wild surface bite under birds for 18 yellowtail of 23 to 28 pounds before 11 a.m.
"Yellowtail were chewing everything and anything!" Kanzler said. "Our take was by flying baits on the slide." Santa Rosalia fishing area weather had some calm periods between 20-knot winds, with water temperatures at 59 to 61.5 degrees and the water color "pea green." EXCELLENT WINTER SURFACE YELLOWTAIL ACTION NORTH OF THE ISLA.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove reported good overall yellowtail action during the week. "Yesterday, it all came together for boats in the Santa Rosalia area," Anderson said, "and the fish really decided to chew on live bait as well as surface iron fished under the birds."
Ken and Dottie Reeder's boat scored 5 good-sized yellowtail at the bajos. Anderson noted that the Reeders have installed a center axel wheel launching system for their Gregor aluminum boat.
"Because the tires are at the center, accessories balance correctly so one person can launch the boat without needing to be a champion weightlifter," Anderson said. YELLOWTAIL FISHING AND BOAT LAUNCHING WHEELS AT SAN LUCAS COVE.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet reported cold Ensenada mornings as low as 41 degrees last week. "Lots of hot coffee," Villarino said, "but we had good fishing water outside.
Vonny's Fleet pangas working the tip of Punta Banda scored steady limits or near limits of mixed bottom fish including lingcod, red rockcod, whitefish, and bass. "Everyone got a nice assortment of fish," Villarino said. Anglers fishing with Capt. Beto on the charter panga Vonny I and Capt. Hector on the Vonny III included Larry and Margie Orwig, Leonard Luna and his group, Jay Johnson, and Brian Foley.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the Ensenada sportfishing boat Bad Dog out of Marina Coral said his wife Gail Ross has won the 2006 award for top woman angler of the year of the San Diego Anglers club. To win the yearlong competition, Gail Ross fished 30 times board the Bad Dog and, in addition to other fish caught, recorded the club's largest fish of the year in the following species: albacore, 24.7 pounds; barracuda, 2.8 pounds; yellowtail, 22.9 pounds; dorado, 26.7 pounds; lingcod, 5.5 pounds; rockfish, 5.5 pounds; mako shark, 75.2 pounds; and bluefin tuna, 73.9 pounds, a new club record. She also won the award for the first albacore of the year. First place in the men's division was won by Ted Phoenix. The awards were scheduled to be presented at a San Diego Anglers banquet scheduled March 31, 2007, at the U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Bay View Restaurant.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp reported 8 charter boat cancelations during the week due to rain in the Erendira area. "This week, we have another 12 reservations," Castro said, "weather permitting." Despite the weather, 2 Castro Camp's boats did fish last week, for continued heavy counts of lingcod, bonita, and red rockcod. Erendira fishing area weather by the weekend was cold in the mornings, but sunny during the days, with very clean water at 58 to 59 degrees.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas reported good, wind-free weather, but few anglers at San Quintin last week. A few boats fishing at the 240 and 15 fathom spots caught limits of lingcod and rockcod. Just 2 yellowtail were reported during the week, at 16 and 20 pounds. A local fisherman working for halibut at the mouth of Bahia San Quintin with live bait reported 3 giant black seabass caught at 50, 65, and 85 pounds.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Denis Quesnel of Action Lures reported on a run to San Quintin the previous weekend, fishing 300 to 330 feet deep south of the bay with Capt. Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing for "as many lingcod as you wanted." Fishing another day north of Isla San Martin produced a full load of red rockcod. "All the fish were caught on chrome Action Lures," Quesnel said. "There are also still yellowtail of 10 to 15 pounds at the 240 spot." San Quintin water temperatures were at 58 degrees.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Mark Mayo of Long Beach, Calif., reported on a trip during the last week of January with Tom and Mike Stevenson of the Barking Spider Fishing Club, fishing 2 days aboard the Pedro's Pangas charter boat Pelicano with Capt. Miguel for full Mexican limits of red rockcod plus 3 lingcod. Mayo said they fished about 300 feet deep, 6 miles off the point. "We limited in 3 or 4 hours and were back in port by 12 noon," Mayo said. "We fished in flat, cold water, with warm sun when it showed up.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Jorge Navarro of Pisces Fleet Sportfishing in Cabo San Lucas translated a recent article in the Baja California newspaper Sudcaliforniano describing a meeting between Baja California Sur Governor Narciso Agundez Montaño and Alberto Cardenaz Jimenez, Mexico's head of SAGARPA, the ministry of agriculture, ranching, rural development, fishing, and food production (Agricultura, Ganaderia, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion), during which an agreement was reached to cooperate in the protection of marlin and sailfish for sportfishing tourism and to study the maintenance of zones around the state to be protected from commercial fishing. SUDCALIFORNIANO ARTICLE ON FISHERIES PROTECTION.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said, "Whale watching continued to dominate Magdalena Bay activity at both Puerto Lopez Mateos and San Carlos this week." Capt. Enrique Soto reported sighting over 40 whales near the San Carlos entrada and he also caught firecracker yellowtail under birds in the area. Graham relayed a private boat report for white seabass and yellowtail in the 40 to 50-pound class caught outside the entrada. Inside the Magdalena Bay mangrove channels, Baja On The Fly guide Lance Peterson reported wide-open action on spotted bay bass. Magdalena Bay weather was cloudy at 80 degrees, with water temperatures at 65 to 72 degrees.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Ramon Druck of the Cabo San Lucas charter super panga Cheer's reported on 5 outings with clients, fishing in some rough weather on the Pacific side and 1 brief session on the Cortez side for a catch of: 24 sierra, 6 dorado, and 4 black skipjack. Water temperatures dropped during the middle of the week as wind, swells, and green water arrived in the main fishing area off Faro Viejo. On Friday, the Cheer's fished on the Cortez side and found 73-degree water about 8 miles out for 1 dorado and 2 skipjack. SOME ROUGH WEATHER FOR THE CHARTER PANGA CHEER'S.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of the charter boat Falcon reported slower striped marlin action on the Pacific side, but a 325-pound yellowfin tuna weighed on the Cabo San Lucas dock scale after being caught on 40-pound tackle by Drew Lucas aboard his boat Get Over It with Capt. Joe Villavicencio. "Drew is a cousin of Minerva Smith, owner of, you guessed it, Minerva's Tackle in Cabo San Lucas," Connolly said. The Falcon landed 3 striped marlin on 4 hookups plus 3 dorado during a Pacific side outing, but generally the action was slower on the Golden Gate Bank. "Marlin fishing dropped off quite a bit with the arrival of the full moon," Connolly said. "GET OVER IT" SCORES A 325-POUND TUNA ON 40-POUND TACKLE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 35 offshore and inshore outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo San Lucas charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 71 striped marlin, 1 mako shark, 28 dorado, 1 wahoo, 15 pargo, and 17 sierra. "The Golden Gate Bank was still the preferred fishing spot," Edwards said, "but there was also plenty of action from the Golden Gate to Cabo San Lucas itself, with marlin tailers popping-up everywhere." Cabo fishing area seas were choppy but fishable on the Pacific side and calmer on the Cortez, with water temperatures of 71 to 73 degrees. Inshore water on the Pacific side was cooler at 68 to 70 degrees. SLOPPY SEAS BUT PLENTY OF MARLIN ON BAJA'S PACIFIC SIDE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported water temperatures at 67 to 70 degrees with some wind and chop on the Pacific side, and 72 degrees on the Cortez side. "This water was fairly blue right in front of town," Landrum said. "Up around the inside of the Golden Gate Bank on the Pacific the water was a very ugly green. There are still some marlin being found on the Golden Gate Bank, but not in the numbers of the past weeks. The green water moved the bait out and the fish scattered a bit." Inshore fishing produced sierra of 4 to 5 pounds caught almost in the surf line. Some pargo were caught on the rocks.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet Sportfishing reported slower striped marlin action for boats fishing from Faro Viejo to the Golden Gate Bank on the Pacific side. Overall, 76 percent of Pisces boats released striped marlin, 36 percent landed dorado, and 87 percent caught all species combined. For the previous week, Ehrenberg said Pisces Fleet's overall combined species success rate was 100 percent, "a number rarely repeated in other sportfishing destinations around the world." PISCES FLEET BOATS FIND SLOWER MARLIN FISHING ON BAJA'S PACIFIC SIDE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 13 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 12 striped marlin, 8 yellowfin tuna of 20 to 40 pounds, and 19 dorado of 15 to 30 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Cabo San Lucas fly fishing guide Grant Hartman of Baja Anglers said, "The wide-open striped marlin bites of the past month have slowed down," but good billfish action was still to be found. Fly fishing angler Donn Roberts of Seattle scored on 3 dorado plus a striped marlin released on the fly while fishing with Hartman and first mate Nazario Martinez. "Donn did everything right," Hartman said. "The fish went ballistic. After a few photos, we released the fish unharmed." FLY FISHING FOR DORADO AND MARLIN WITH BAJA ANGLERS.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 63 combined La Playita fleet charter pangas fishing off San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 284 yellowfin tuna, 22 dorado, 18 sierra, 24 striped marlin, 76 pargo, 5 mako shark, 6 amberjack, 25 bonito, and 14 cabrilla. Water temperatures off San Jose del Cabo ranged from 67 to 71 degrees with the highest temperatures found at the Gordo Banks. "The majority of the fleets are concentrating their efforts in the warmer waters around the Gordo Banks," Brictson said. "This was the most productive area around, especially for yellowfin tuna." YELLOWFIN TUNA FISHING STEADY AT LOS CABOS GORDO BANKS.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Kerry Murray of Kimberly, British Columbia, reported on fishing 3 days with Capt. Tony Miranda of the new charter super panga Hooker. Capt. Miranda was recently the winner of 2 pangas in 2 consecutive Los Cabos fishing tournaments as part of the Baja California Sur Governor's Cup series. Fishing at the Gordo Banks off San Jose del Cabo with Murray's group, the Hooker had a catch including: 1 striped marlin, 12 yellowfin tuna of 50 to 70 pounds, 2 small dorado, and 1 red snapper. "We have been out with Tony the last 7 times with 3 different boats," Murray said. "All I can say is he is the best fisherman that I have seen. I cannot say enough good things about him and Eric Brictson from Gordo Banks Pangas who looks after booking your fishing trips." GOOD TUNA FISHING WITH CAPT. TONY MIRANDA.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Bob Lewis of San Jose del Cabo reported on an outing Monday aboard the charter super panga MataTuna with Capt. Archie for a catch of 6 yellowfin tuna of 30 to 40 pounds at the Gordo Banks. "The tuna bite is strong with good numbers," Lewis said. "We also lost a bigger fish when our line was sawed off by another panga that had hooked a marlin." San Jose del Cabo fishing area seas were deep blue with winds light.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: For the week ending Jan. 26, 2007, Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 15 charter boats from combined fleets including Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, Punta Colorada, Buena Vista Beach Resort, Rancho Leonero, and Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, with 45 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 6 striped marlin, and 5 dorado. East Cape fishing area weather was in the low-70s and windy in the afternoons, with the water temperature at 65 to 70 degrees. "The fishing is pretty rough down here on the East Cape," Moyers said. "In years past we may not have even been reporting this early in the year."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said, "Some of that cold to the north seems to have found its way down Mexico's Baja Peninsula. Everyone at East Cape is digging out their long pants and jackets." Early morning sierra were being caught inshore "before the wind gets going," and some anglers caught small roosterfish and ladyfish. A few dorado and striped marlin were found in nearby offshore waters. East Cape fishing area weather was in the mid-70s, with water temperatures at 65 to 70 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mike Reichner of La Ribera reported on 2 good beach fishing sessions right in front of town, but very slow action after wind arrived later in the week. "The water was calm and boiling with sierra from just before dawn until about 8 a.m.," Reichner said. "A grab every cast, while fishing with Luhr Jensen Stingers in the 1-ounce size in chrome. There were tons of sardines and lots of fun." But another session produced no fish. "Today, nada, just a biological desert," Reichner said. "The wind had come up some and the temperature had dropped substantially overnight. It sure is strange how those critters can disappear like that. But at least I'm in Baja and not wading in snow up north."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said La Paz fishing weather lightened up for a period at the beginning of the week and his pangas working the Las Arenas side were able to get out to Isla Cerralvo for good numbers of yellowfin tuna, plus sierra, pargo lisa, and pargo mulato. Windy weather returned to the Las Arenas side by the weekend, and boats were fishing locally again. Humboldt giant squid continued to be available for bait around Ensenada de los Muertos and Punta Arena de la Ventana. YELLOWFIN TUNA ACTION BETWEEN WINDS AT ISLA CERRALVO.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of La Paz' Tailhunter International said a break in winter clouds and wind allowed some boats to catch January dorado around Isla Espiritu Santo last week. "La Paz actually had some really sunny days this week," Roldan said. "Yes, dorado in January! It wasn't many, but it sure was a surprise. They were in the same spot they've been for the last 6 months." Pangas fishing on the south side of the hill scored on yellowtail, yellowfin tuna, and Humboldt giant squid. "Two days and they were gone," Roldan said, "but this sure is encouraging after several weeks of wind. All these fish were very close to shore or up on the structure."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Russ Schnieber of Desea Baja Adventures in La Paz reported on a trip with good diving conditions and yellowtail and hammerhead sharks sighted at El Bajo north of town. "A Baja friend made it out to El Bajo, to find it completely flat," Schnieber said. "He was surprised to find the 62-degree water warming up as he sank deeper to around 75 feet. He was greeted by over 100-foot visibility. The seamount was buzzing with life and with bait fish." Whale sightings at La Paz included California gray whales, humpback whales, and finback whales. WINTER DIVING AT EL BAJO BY DESEA BAJA ADVENTURES.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Loreto's Baja Big Fish Company reported "three decent days in a row" for weather last week, with the break in winter north winds allowing boats to fish for some yellowtail limits. "We're pretty much focusing on small yellowtail," Bolles said. "They are breezing on the surface off Isla Coronado and west of Punta Lobos." Local Loreto yellowtail were at about 10 to 15 pounds and were hitting sardinas rather than larger baits. Loreto fishing area weather was "howling" again on Saturday. Bolles noted that low tides were making it difficult to pull boats at the Loreto downtown launch ramp. "Francisco had to wait until after 10 p.m. and we're talking panga," she said. "Larger boats will need to wait longer." YELLOWTAIL LIMITS AT ISLA CORONADO ON CALMER DAYS.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege reported continued windy winter weather last week, with just a few boats fishing for smaller cabrilla and an occasional yellowtail. The Mulege river bottom was partially silted-in from last year's Hurricane John and Barber noted some props dinged at low tide. He also relayed a report of a walrus-like animal sighted by local commercial fishermen near their fish growing pens at the mouth of Bahia Concepción. "Manuel watched the 'walrus' through binoculars and he accurately described it to me, right down to the two big tusks," Barber said. WINDY WEATHER, WALRUS SIGHTING REPORT, FOR LOCAL WATERS.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Fly-in angler Chuck Decker of Tucson reported on a trip to the San Francisquito resort south of Bahia de los Angeles, fishing with local Capt. Ernesto for a total of 20 yellowtail of 20 to 25 pounds caught on jigs by his group during 2 sessions on a reef about 5 miles south of Isla San Lorenzo. "We used 30-pound and 40-pound test line," Decker said. "However, you had to be quick to turn their heads or they would rock you. Ernesto is a great fisherman. He has his handheld GPS and takes you to all of his good spots." Decker's group included Matt Whisnand of Long Beach, Calif., and Jim Greene of Tustin, Calif. Baja Midriff area seas were calm off San Francisquito. SAN FRANCISQUITO YELLOWTAIL FISHING SOUTH OF ISLA SAN LORENZO.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of San Felipe's Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay reported the weekend weather bright and sunny in the 60s. The city of San Felipe was set to celebrate its 82nd anniversary on Monday, Feb. 5, 2007, as well as the 90th anniversary of the Mexican Constitution of 1917. Meders also noted that the town celebration of Mexico's Carnaval holiday would be on Feb. 16-20, 2007, "with the usual parades, dances, and street fairs, lots of people, lots of cerveza, and lots of music." LOCAL 82ND ANNIVERSARY AND CARNAVAL CELEBRATIONS.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Jesse White of Desert Hills, Ariz., and his boat partner Jeff Boyd, fished 2 days out of Rocky Point on their boat Just Hammered for good grouper action in some wind and rough seas including fish of about 30, 60, 100, and 60 pounds. "We donned the foul weather gear and headed out to the deeper reefs at 16 to 22 miles out," White said of their second day. "It ended up being the best fishing day we have had in Rocky Point." White fished about 115 to 130 feet deep in water temperatures of about 58 to 59 degrees. WINTER GROUPER FISHING ABOARD THE BOAT JUST HAMMERED.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Ollie Pelter of Rocky Point reported on a first outing for his new 19-foot boat, along with his brother Jim Peltier and angler Mike Thornton, running to the "caballo" reef about 25 miles out of Rocky Point on a heading of 150 degrees for a catch of triggerfish, bass, and a spotted cabrilla or "pinto bass" of about 30 pounds caught by Jim Peltier. "We continued to fish through the tide change, but didn't get any more hookups," Peltier said. "We headed back on smooth water. It was a beautiful day on the water." Rocky Point water temperatures were at 59 degrees. NICE DAY ON WATER.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: John Hilderbrand of Jon Jen Charters in San Carlos reported local boats averaging about 2 yellowtail per angler at Isla San Pedro Nolasco and Punta San Antonio. "Cooperativa boats are catching red snappers by San Antonio Point," Hilderbrand said. "Squid are still in the area just a couple of miles out of Marina Real." San Carlos fishing area water temperatures were at 63.5 degrees at Isla San Pedro Nolasco and 62.5-63 degrees at Punta San Antonio. The first annual San Carlos Yacht Club Yellowtail Tournament was scheduled for Feb. 16-18, 2007. Information:; FEBRUARY YELLOWTAIL FISHING TOURNAMENT FOR LOCAL BOATS.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 26 offshore Aries Fleet boats out of Mazatlan's Marina El Cid, with a catch including released fish of: 40 yellowfin tuna, 10 striped marlin, 2 sailfish, and 15 dorado. "Some yellowfin tuna are still broaching the 100-pound mark," Edwards said. "While the billfish bite has slid to about a 50 percent catch rate, yellowfin tuna have helped to take up the slack." Inshore super pangas caught limits of sierra and some roosterfish. Mazatlan fishing area weather was cloudy in the low-80s, with water temperatures of 73 to 75 degrees. YELLOWFIN TUNA OVER 100 POUNDS STILL HITTING FOR OFFSHORE BOATS.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing reported good action for the charter boats Marla II, Marla II, and Arca de Noe while fishing caballito baits at Roca Corbeteña for yellowfin tuna of 80 to 160 pounds. Inshore fishing was slower but produced some roosterfish, jacks, sierra, and amberjack. Andrew Moss of Temecula, Calif., and Chris Vail of Cardiff, Calif., fished on the Marla II and landed tuna of 150 and 160 pounds. Puerto Vallarta weather had light winds, small swells, and the water temperature at 77 to 79 degrees. YELLOWFIN TUNA FISHING AT ROCA CORBETEÑA FOR MARLA'S SPORTFISHING BOATS.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Gomez of Dhamar Sportfishing reported on an offshore run by the charter super panga Dhamar, fishing at Roca Corbeteña on Thursday for a catch of: 1 amberjack of 50 pounds, 1 yellowfin tuna of 30 pounds, 1 dorado, and a large tuna and sailfish lost. "Three boats including the Marla II and Top Gun fished the kites and they got 3 tuna over 100 pounds," Gomez said. "I always have good results on the drift, but I guess I'm going to get one of those kites. It's going to be a good year. We have tunas, amberjacks, striped marlin, and dorado at El Banco."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said Ixtapa fishing area offshore actionea offshore action was unusually sluggish for sailfish. "We should have had one of the best fishing weeks of the year for sailfish," Kunze said. "Maybe the sailfish are going to bypass us on their way down the Mexican coast to Guatemala and Costa Rica." Capt. Martin on the charter panga Isamar fished offshore 4 days and hooked 3 sailfish. Inshore fishing was also slow. Capt. Cali on the charter panga Zapatito Gordo fished 2 days south at Vicente Guerrero for a catch of: 2 roosterfish of 5 to 7 pounds, and about 20 jacks of 2 to 5 pounds. "About the only decent bite going on right now is for jack crevalle of 10 to 15 pounds early morning inside Zihuatanejo Bay," Kunze said. Ixtapa fishing area weather was cloudy in the low-90s, with water temperatures of 80 to 84 degrees. SLOW INSHORE AND OFFSHORE FISHING FOR IXTAPA BOATS.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said, "Inshore action is far better than offshore. Some of the boats are split-fishing both inshore and offshore during the same day." The charter boats Gran Jefe, Edith, Janeth, Zapatito Gordo, Marfel, and Bloody Hook reported on a total of 31 outings, with a catch including released fish of: 21 sailfish, 12 dorado, 60 jack crevalle, 56 bonito, 16 sierra, 4 needlefish, 1 wahoo, and 7 roosterfish. Ixtapa fishing area weather was calm in the high-80s, with water temperatures at 79 degrees inshore and 81 degrees offshore.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament reported on a group of 12 anglers from Denmark who fished a total of 42 boat-days aboard the charter boats Gitana with Capt. Santiago Valdovinos Olea, Gitana II with Capt. Adan Valdovinos Olea, Isamar with Capt. Martin Cortez, Mariana with Capt. Refugio "Cuco" Lopez, Tres Hermanos with Capt. Armando Arciniego, and Sea Horse with Capt. Fernando Salas, for a total catch including released fish of: 48 sailfish, 8 roosterfish, 23 jack crevalle, many bonito, and 11 dorado. "Those roosterfish aren't supposed to be anywhere around here at this time of year," Phillips said. "The spare boats were the Angeles with Capt. Jose Angel Wences, and the Tijereta with Capt. Fidel Wences. These boats are used if there is a mechanical problem or if one of the others has water taxi duty for the day."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters said, "Cold water conditions once again affected the fishing for the last 7 days. Offshore fish counts continue to run below the norm for this time of year and inshore action has been spotty at best." A group fishing out of Casa Las Brisas in Puerto Vicente Guerrero for 5 days aboard the super pangas Edith, Adrenalina, Zapatito Gordo, and Grande Jefe II landed a total catch of: 14 sailfish, 5 dorado, 43 yellowtail jacks, 18 bonito, and 13 Spanish mackerel.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Jeff Steinke of Fort Frances, Ontario, reported on several days of very slow action for his group on charter boats that fished poorly. "A small group of us took 4 panga charters and 7 cruiser charters during our stay," Steinke said. "The fishing success was very low. One of the boats made it obvious that they were not going out farther without major extra money. On one boat, the baits were lowered at the entrance of the harbor and never changed again. We paid way too much for this boat ride. Bad homework for sure! My defining fishing recommendation is go directly to the source of the boat to make your connection. Do your homework."
HUATULCO, MEXICO: Eric Weissman of Explore Fly Fishing reported Huatulco fishing area weather sunny, with flat mornings and some whitecaps in the afternoons. Concentrations of jacks, roosterfish, sierra, needlefish, and barracuda were present inshore at Weissman's Puerto Escondido and San Agustinillo fishing locations. "Offshore, we have lots of tuna, yellowfin mostly, and some huge fish. One day we lost a 100-kilo tuna at the boat." Weissman said. "The sailfish are in again, and so are some big dorado."
HUATULCO, MEXICO: For the previous week, Rigo Pak of Hecho en Mexico Tours, reported fishing conditions off Bahias de Huatulco for his 33-foot charter panga Pacific Ocean were mostly cloudy, with water temperatures at 82 to 83 degrees.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Keith Horning of Pennsylvania reported on a Cancun fishing day in mid-January with local fly fishing and conventional fishing guide Capt. Rodman Hunter. "We fished with Rodman Hunter out of Cancun," Horning said. "We had a very enjoyable time. Rodman's expertise and hard work polling us on the flats put us on fish. We would recommend him to anyone. The water was calm. I caught approximately 10 fish and 5 different species, seatrout, amberjack, snook, snapper, and barracuda. I also hooked a couple of tarpon that threw the hook."
MEXICO: George Perez reported on 2 outings at Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico, with Capt. Antonio of the boat Perla for a catch of 5 to 7 dorado per day, plus 5 sailfish, and other assorted fish. "Fishing was great," Perez said. "Antonio took us past the lighthouse at Ventanas and we hooked a huge bull dorado at first light before catching 5 sailfish and releasing 3 of them." Manzanillo fishing waters were at about 82 degrees.
ISLAND DAMAGE CONTROL--Isla San Marcos' Mike Kanzler, right, and fishing partner Danny "Piojo Loco" Chiqete check out their morning's work of 18 yellowtail hooked in a wild surface bite north of the island. At right, Chiqete gives his arms a rest with a massive bird pileup still working on the horizon. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MIKE KANZLER.
BAJA TIN BOAT LAUNCHING--Kenny Reeder's center-mounted launch wheel system as installed on his Gregor aluminum boat at San Lucas Cove. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JIM ANDERSON.
MAGDALENA BAY BIGGIES--Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly relayed boat reports last week for yellowtail and white seabass into the 50-pound class caught on live bait dropped on 1-pound sinkers near Magdalena Bay. "Freezing cold with 40-knot winds didn't hamper the bite," Graham said. PHOTOS COURTESY OF GARY GRAHAM.
CABO FLY MARLIN--Donn Roberts, center, of Seattle, Wash., celebrates the release of a Cabo San Lucas striped marlin caught on fly fishing gear with Capt. Grant Hartman, left, of Baja Anglers, and first mate Nazario Martinez, of the charter boat Flying Fish IV. Roberts' striper was landed with an IGFA 20-pound tippet. PHOTO COURTESY OF GRANT HARTMAN.
CABO COW--Drew Andrews landed this cow class yellowfin tuna on 40-pound tackle in 80 minutes aboard his Cabo San Lucas boat Get Over It with Capt. Joe Villavicencio. The big tuna was weighed on the Cabo dock scale at 325 pounds. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE CONNOLLY.
ROUGH WATER WEEK--Cabo San Lucas inshore fishing saw some rough sea conditions last week, but Capt. Ramon Druck of the charter super panga Cheer's toughed it out for sierra and some dorado, plus one rare skunked day. At right, a mixed box of Cabo San Lucas eating fish caught aboard the Cheer's. PHOTOS COURTESY OF RAMON DRUCK.
LOS CABOS PANGA FISHING--Kerry Murray, right, and his group including Gerald Deker, left, fished 3 days with Los Cabos panguero Capt. Tony Miranda for a great catch of yellowfin tuna to about 70 pounds at the Gordo Banks, plus a couple of small dorado, 1 red snapper, and a first-ever striped marlin released by Murray's son, William Murray, center. At right, William Murray fights his striper off San Jose del Cabo aboard Capt. Tony's boat Hooker. PHOTOS COURTESY OF KERRY MURRAY.
EAST CAPE YELLOWTAIL--Torrance Eddy of Buena Vista in Baja's East Cape fishing area with a quality yellowtail caught by local commercial panguero Elias Aguilar at night off Punta Pescadero. PHOTO COURTESY OF TORRANCE EDDY.
MUERTOS TUNA DAY--Aerocalifornia pilot Capt. Enrique Sanches fished out of Ensenada de los Muertos south of La Paz last week, and he got into a great catch of yellowfin tuna out at Isla Cerralvo while fishing on a panga with Tortuga Sportfishing. PHOTO COURTESY OF GERARDO HERNANDEZ.
MUERTOS WINTER YELLOWTAIL--Mike Davis of Santa Maria, Calif., expected some sunshine and low-key inshore fishing, but he got this big yellowtail instead while fishing out of Ensenada de los Muertos south of La Paz with Tailhunter International. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
BAJA MIDRIFF YELLOWTAIL--San Francisquito local Capt. Ernesto, left, scored a great catch of yellowtail south of Isla San Lorenzo in Baja's Midriff fishing area for anglers Matt Whisnand of Long Beach, Calif., Jim Greene of Tustin, Calif., and Chuck Decker, seated, of Tucson, Ariz. At right, Decker at work on a Midriff forkie. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CHUCK DECKER.
ROCKY GROUPER ACTION--Rocky Point anglers Jeff Boyd, Frank Sandy, and Jesse White ran south about 20 miles on Boyd and White's boat Just Hammered for a great day of fishing for grouper from 30 to about 100 pounds. The grouper were caught about 115 to 130 feet deep. PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSE WHITE.
ROCKY PINTO BASS--Jim Peltier fished out of Rocky Point, Sonora, on his brother Ollie Peltier's new boat and scored his personal best catch with this 30-pound class spotted cabrilla, or pinto bass, about 25 miles out on a heading of 150 degrees. PHOTO COURTESY OF OLLIE PELTIER.
AT ROCA CORBETEÑA--Marla's Sportfishing fleet boats had steady action on yellowfin tuna last week at Puerto Vallarta's offshore Roca Corbeteña high spot. Here are anglers Andrew Moss and Chris Vail with a pair of 150 to 160-pound tuna caught with Capt. Danny Osuna aboard the charter boat Marla II. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
VIKINGS INVADE IXTAPA--This hefty, 50-pound class roosterfish was among 8 landed by a group of 12 Danish anglers fishing at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo last week in action that also included 48 sailfish, 23 jacks, 11 dorado, and "lost count" on bonito. At right, an Ixtapa Zihuatanejo sailfish goes airborne. Photos by Gabriel Elfström. PHOTOS COURTESY OF PAUL PHILLIPS.
HUATULCO TUNA--Ken Chang of Alaska fished with Explore Fly Fishing at Huatulco off the southern Mexican coast and scored on school-sized yellowfin tuna. Other outings guided by Explore Fly Fishing's Eric Weissman caught mixed species, plus 1 tuna estimated at 100 kilos lost at the boat. PHOTO COURTESY OF ERIC WEISSMAN.
CANCUN FISHING--Keith Horning, right, fished with Cancun's Capt. Rodman Hunter of Cancun Light Tackle & Fly Fishing for good inshore action on Atlantic Mexico snook, plus seatrout, amberjack, snapper, barracuda, and a couple of tarpon lost. At right, Horning with a Cancun seatrout. PHOTOS COURTESY OF KEITH HORNING.
BAJA YELLOWTAIL MOON--A full moon sets over Baja's Santa Rosalia area mountains as Mike Kanzler's boat heads out to make bait before scoring 18 yellowtail of 23 to 28 pounds by 11 a.m. while fishing north of Baja's famous Isla San Marcos yellowtail bajos. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE KANZLER.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
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Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
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