CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Very good Pacific-side Cabo San Lucas striped marlin action pushed into double-digit release territory for some boats fishing at the Golden Gate Bank last week. Mike Connolly of the Cabo charter boat Falcon said, "Striped marlin fishing was good, and it just got better.
There were lots of multiple hookups. World class fishing right now. Jobe Villavicencio on the Ni Modo released 23 marlin and a sailfish in 2 days." Cabo San Lucas water temperatures were in the low-80s. DOUBLE-DIGIT STRIPED MARLIN FISHING ON THE PACIFIC SIDE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported stable water temperatures around the tip of Baja. "Everywhere you might have gone within a 30-mile radius of Cabo San Lucas the water was a consistent 81-83 degrees," Landrum said. Striped marlin caught deep on the Pacific side at the Golden Gate Bank led the billfish counts. "The best results came from dropping live bait down to 100 to 150 feet, just above the massed mackerel schools," Landrum said. "Most boats were able to get 2 or 3 fish released a day and a few boats were able to get into double-digits." Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was mostly clear with light winds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said striped marlin counts jumped at the Golden Gate Bank last week, as top outings included the Pisces charter boat Ni Modo with release days of 7, 11, and 12 marlin. Most of the stripers hit live bait soaked deep. "A fabulous week of fishing," Ehrenberg said. "Nearly every marlin is taking live bait and strange as it may seem, boats are bottom fishing for them. This happens once a year for about 2 weeks. Quadruple and triple marlin release days were common. We also had a few grouper in the 30 pounds class pulled up at the Golden Gate Bank." Overall, 84 percent of Pisces Fleet boats released billfish, 36 percent landed dorado, and just 10 percent caught yellowfin tuna. Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was mostly calm and sunny, with water temperatures on the Pacific side at 81 degrees. BOTTOM FISHING FOR STRIPED MARLIN.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 9 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 24 striped marlin, 1 blue marlin of 180 pounds, 4 yellowfin tuna of 20 pounds, and 1 dorado of 35 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 48 outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 55 striped marlin, 1 blue marlin, 2 sailfish, 30 yellowfin tuna, 1 wahoo, and 91 dorado. "The fast-paced action at the Golden Gate Bank continues for most Cabo San Lucas fishing boats," Edwards said, "often with multiple marlin hookups. It should get increasingly better and better, right into January, as the schools of mackerel bait load up on the banks. Dorado catches were better closer to the beach. For those boats that can reach the Finger Bank, the catching has also been superb in that area."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 88 charter boats, with a catch including released fish of: 2 blue marlin, 52 striped marlin, 4 yellowfin tuna, 39 dorado, 1 wahoo, 1 skipjack, 10 sierra, 6 roosterfish, 15 pargo, 4 jack crevalle, and 1 cabrilla.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Ramon Druck of the Cabo charter super panga Cheer's reported on 3 half-day outings up the Pacific side to Cabo Falso and out to about 3 miles with a total of 7 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 4 skipjack of 10 to 12 pounds, 7 bonito, 5 dorado of 8 pounds, 2 jack crevalle, 4 black skipjack, and 1 roosterfish. Local Cabo San Lucas fishing weather was very calm with water temperatures of 81 to 85 degrees. Anglers fishing aboard the Cheer's during the week included Nicolas Owcharuk, Lonnie Rickman, Don Alamo, Steven Hammesman, Fred Hammesman, Hans Hartmann, and Eric Hank.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet reported steady limits of bonito and bottom fish for most of his beach-launched pangas fishing at Ensenada's Punta Banda last week. Anglers fishing during the week for catches of bonita, sugarbass, whitefish, lingcod, and 1 yellowtail of 20 pounds included Brian Foley of Campo La Joya, Eric and Larry Risen, and Bryan and Steve Fessel of Carlsbad. "This week was pretty good fishing with lots of bonitas," Villarino said. Ensenada fishing area weather was partly cloudy, with light breezes, 3-foot ocean swells, and the water temperature at 60 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: For the previous weekend, Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Ensenada Fishing Center reported on 14 anglers fishing aboard the charter boats Quest and Clipper II, with a catch of: 40 bonito, 13 lingcod, 53 rockcod, 16 sheephead, and 5 red rockcod.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: For the previous Saturday, Judy Ostberg of the boat Melody out of Marina Coral reported on a run to the Banda Bank for limits by 10 a.m. including red rockcod of 3 to 5 pounds, 7 sugar bass, 6 whitefish, 3 salmon grouper, and 1 lingcod. Local Ensenada fishing water was mostly calm at 66.7 degrees, with about 30 feet of visibility due to fog.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort south of Ensenada reported sunny weather and mostly calm seas during the week, but very few visitors in the area. "One lone fishermen came to the village," Saenz said. "He was the only visitor for the whole Thanksgiving weekend." Angler Frank Cardenas of Oxnard fished 2 days for lots of bonita and full limits of bottom fish at the Soledad reef. On 1 outing, the panga came back with 16 bonita, Saenz said. Santo Tomas weather had 2 days of rough surf on Friday and Saturday.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp reported 18 boats fishing out of Erendira during the week, for continued good counts of red rockcod, lingcod, mixed bottom fish, bonito, and a few barracuda. Some bait fish continued to be present along the coast. Water conditions in the main fishing areas were good, with clear color and a water temperature of about 64 to 65 degrees. Erendira fishing weather was good all week as boats fished daily.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said very few people were fishing at San Quintin last week. Pedro's Pangas sent 5 boats out for limits of sandbass, big calico bass, and barracuda south at Socorro, and limits of rockcod and lingcod at the 240 and 15 spots. San Quintin mornings were overcast, clearing by 11 a.m., with sunny afternoons. "There are no winds, which is making the waters good for fishing," Hillis said.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Sarai Garcia said Don Eddie's Landing at San Quintin was offering its 4-pack fishing special at $105 per person until Dec. 31, 2006, including 2 nights lodging and 1 day of fishing on Don Eddie's Skipjack cruisers, information 011 52 616 165 6061.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Les Heil of La Bocana on the central Pacific coast of Baja reported on an informal 2-boat fishing match between his boat Panga Extra with friends Frank Wasserman and Ernesto Gonzalez, and local panguero Juanchys Aguilar and 2 other American anglers, for a total of 94 yellowtail over 10 pounds caught near shore in front of Heil's house by 11 a.m. The previous day, Heil's boat caught about 40 yellowtail of 20 to 25 pounds in the same area, plus 3 dorado out by Roca Ballena. HEAVY-DUTY YELLOWTAIL FISHING NEAR SHORE AT LA BOCANA.
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: Juanchys Aguilar of La Bocana reported good Baja coastal fishing for yellowtail in 75-degree water just outside the boca, including fish of 46.6 and 39.8 pounds caught by Capts. Domingo Aguilar and Joaquin Aguilar. "We fished at a depth of 25 to 30 feet in very large schools of yellowtail of 16 to 20 pounds," Aguilar said. Catch-and-release fishing was also good inside Laguna la Bocana for small grouper, halibut, and big numbers of spotted bay bass. Baja fishing weather off La Bocana was windless with very clear water. BIG SCHOOLS OF QUALITY YELLOWTAIL IN BAJA FISHING AT LA BOCANA.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said water temperatures were beginning to cool down off Magdalena Bay last week but "dorado action that will be talked about for a long time still dominates the offshore fishing." A women's fly fishing group led by Pudge Kleinkauf of Alaska found wide-open dorado action all day long at midweek, with both marlin and dorado still swimming around the charter boat Mar Gato as they left. "The group also had great mangrove estero action with lots of grouper to feed their flies to," Graham said. Magdalena Bay fishing area weather was foggy in the high-70s, with water temperatures at 75 to 83 degrees.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 112 combined La Playita sportfishing fleet pangas at San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 220 yellowfin tuna, 122 dorado, 16 rainbow runner, 19 wahoo, 9 striped marlin, 14 sailfish, 95 skipjack, and 38 sierra. "San Jose del Cabo fishing water became a bit stirred up within a few miles of shore and this contributed to slower fishing," Brictson said. San Jose del Cabo weather was ideal in the mid-80s, with water temperatures steady at 80 to 82 degrees. WARM WATER BUT SLOWER FISHING FOR LOS CABOS PANGAS.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo reported his first surf-caught roosterfish last week. "About 12 inches long, and it had a mouthful of yellowfin croaker with the tail sticking out," Snow said. "It's a jungle out there!" Bait was scarce for panga fishing and Snow reported "no tuna around" during his outings. Dorado were being caught on the troll, and bottom fishing produced Pacific creolefish and orangeside triggerfish. Two San Jose del Cabo surf fishing sessions produced release action on a total of 27 fish, and 1 midweek outing with Capt. Pata on the panga Salome produced 42 fish. A weekend panga trip produced a catch of: 9 finescale triggerfish, 4 spotted rose snapper, 1 very small dorado, 1 porgy, 2 very large spotted scorpionfish, 3 orangeside triggerfish, 2 bonito, 1 flag cabrilla, and 1 unidentified fish. "Two days previous in same general area filled the boat up with Pacific creolefish," Snow said. 'This place remains mystifying and amazing!"
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported continued slow East Cape fishing for billfish last week, with a break in the north winds and some marlin and sailfish caught off Punta Pescadero. East Cape sportfishing boats caught Humboldt giant squid off Punta Arena to be used as bait for tuna and dorado. Good counts of ladyfish and small roosterfish to 5 pounds were hooked inshore. East Cape weather was clear at 90 degrees, with water temperatures at 74 to 84 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Torrance Eddy of Buena Vista fished aboard his beach-launched aluminum boat on Wednesday, trolling silver-blue and silver-black Rebel Fastrac jointed lures for a catch in 100-foot deep water south to Rancho Leonero of: 4 sierra to 27 inches, 1 giant needlefish, 1 jack crevalle of about 20 pounds, and 1 skipjack of 12 pounds. Fishing with the jointed Rebels, Eddy said, "I see no difference between the blue and black. The bigger fish were caught in a pretty heavy chop with a brisk wind while flying fish were going in all directions." INSHORE TIN BOAT FISHING WITH REBEL FASTRACS.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Steve Gruenwald of Orland, Calif., fished several days out of La Ribera with charter panga Capt. Victor Garciglia for a catch in moderate north winds of a few yellowfin tuna each morning about 2 miles off the Punta Arena lighthouse, Humboldt squid, and a steady pick of single dorado including bulls of 25 to 35 pounds and 1 dorado measured at just under 5 feet long. Gruenwald said he usually fishes at East Cape with Garciglia, 011 52 624 1300 080, or Capt. Rigo Sandez Cota, 01 624 13 00 161. PANGA FISHING FOR DORADO OUT OF LA RIBERA.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Earlier in November, Curt Collier of Long Beach, Calif., fished out of Martin Verdugo's beach resort with cruiser Capt. Jesus for a catch of 11 yellowfin tuna of 10 to 32 pounds hooked south between Los Frailes and Boca del Alamo. "We fished in 82-degree water about 3 miles offshore under porpoise," Collier said. "We lost an hour when the motor threw a rod. Martin Verdugo had another boat there for us in 45 minutes." The following day Collier got into a good bite for 14 tuna and 3 dorado around the Iman Bank and La Fortuna. "Once we starting chumming squid chunks and sardinas the 20 to 40-pound yellowfin started boiling," Collier said. "It was the first time I ever saw dorado and yellowfin cross in midair! Fantastic! At one point we had 5 hookups at once." Collier's last day at East Cape also produced a first-ever billfish for his fishing partner Greg, a sailfish hooked about 15 miles off Punta Pescadero.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said, "La Paz is still getting some incredible dorado fishing off the southeast end of Espiritu Santo Island. Some days are better than others, but overall this is still some of the best dorado fishing we've ever had, with fish in the 30 to 60-pound class still willing to eat the baits. Limits are the rule rather than the exception." On the Las Arenas side fishing was inconsistent for mixed species action on scattered dorado, pargo, yellow snapper, cabrilla, sierra, and some roosterfish.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing reported Las Arenas side weather in the 80s at the main fishing areas around Ensenada de los Muertos, Punta Arena de la Ventana, and Isla Cerralvo. Fishing action during the week was mainly for mixed species including various pargos, cabrilla, many sierra, and a few yellowfin tuna. Fishing conditions were changing, and Hernandez said, "We had a hard time finding the larger fish in areas where we have had good fishing in past weeks. Dorado season seems to be passing and we weren't able to catch them north of the island this week."
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company reported Loreto fishing water temperatures dropping from 80 degrees to about 76 degrees last week, but good catches of dorado, sailfish, and some black marlin still being made north of town at Bajo Mercenarios. "The offshore place to be now is definitely Mercenarios," Bolles said. Yellowtail to 18 pounds were also caught off the east side of Isla Coronado and the Isla Coronado channel produced roosterfish, dorado, cabrilla, pargo, and sierra. Loreto fishing waters were "mirror-like due to a lack of winds." DORADO AND SAILFISH STILL BITING AT BAJO MERCENARIOS.
LORETO, MEXICO: Patty Zapata of the Hotel Oasis said, "Action for dorado continues in Loreto." Just 2 pangas fished out of the hotel during the week, but they had a combined catch including released fish of: 13 dorado of 18 to 30 pounds, 3 yellowtail of 15 to 24 pounds, and 1 sailfish. Fishing both days at Bajo Mercenarios north of Loreto with Capt. Alfonso Susarrey were anglers Beverly and Melanie Novack.
LORETO, MEXICO: For the previous week, Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing reported Loreto fishing area weather in the mid-90s with daily winds from midmorning to sunset. Dorado fishing was slower as the fish moved southwards, but a few anglers hooked some dorado of 12 to 18 pounds, plus a 25 pounder, a Bajo de las Boyas. Some yellowtail of 8 to 10 pounds were beginning to show around Isla Coronado. Roosterfish of 10 to 20 pounds were reported at San Bruno and Los Mangles. Mackerel and caballito baits were available early at the Loreto downtown marina or could be caught along the south side of Isla Coronado. Sardina bait was available at the marina.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Baja Bush Pilots reported the air search called off on Friday for the lost aircraft of Mulege fishing reporters Gary and Peggy Thomas, who took off from the Hotel Serenidad airstrip on Oct. 23, 2006, and were not heard from again. The Baja Bush Pilots website said, "After 2 separate searches over a 3-week period with a total of about 25 aircraft and over 60 persons involved, we have reached the consensus that Gary and Peggy Thomas' aircraft is not on land but most probably in the Sea of Cortez. The BBP search was officially stopped on Friday. The lack of closure is and will trouble all who spent so much time searching.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove reported good inshore fishing all week for small yellowtail and cabrilla along the Santa Rosalia cliffs, plus some quality yellowtail to about 27 pounds and a big, 150-pound gulf grouper caught on 50-pound line aboard his Moosea Boat at the north end of Isla San Marcos. "When I saw deep color in the water I could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw the size of the fish," Anderson said of his big gulf grouper. "We put the fish in a wheelbarrow and hauled it down to the squid camp where we weighed it." Santa Rosalia fishing area weather was in the mid-80s, with water temperatures at 71 to 73 degrees. YELLOWTAIL AND A BIG GULF GROUPER CAUGHT IN ISLA SAN MARCOS FISHING.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko south of Bahia de los Angeles said good counts of yellowtail were being taken last week along the Baja shore north at Punta Remedios and also at Los Machos. Bait was in good supply and smaller roosterfish were also caught from shore in the bay. Bahia de los Angeles weather was in the mid-80s, with the hills green and some mosquitoes from recent rains. Local water temperatures were at 70 to 73 degrees. The road in from Mex 1 was in good condition.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Brett Fillis of Grants Pass, Ore., reported on a Baja fishing trip to Bahia de los Angeles in early November fishing on his 21-foot boat Lil Buddy mostly north at the Punta Remedios area several days in water at about 71 degrees for a steady catch of yellowtail on squid, bait fish, Krocodiles, Salas jigs, and trolled Rapalas. "They all caught fish," Fillis said. "We fished all 7 days but the wind wasn't real kind on 2 of the days." Fillis' group, including anglers Hersch Wright, Jim Wingo and Mike Hansen, caught a total of about 90 to 100 fish including yellowtail, barracuda, triggerfish, grouper, white seabass, jawfish, and Humboldt giant squid." YELLOWTAIL AND MIXED SPECIES FISHING NORTH TO PUNTA REMEDIOS.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Herm Meister of Aloha, Ore., and his group including his son Jonathan Meister and Gary Whelan of Portland fished 3 days in some wind at Bahia de los Angeles with Capt. Enrique on an Igor Galvan charter super panga for yellowtail limits on fish of 10 to 15 pounds plus several nice grouper. "We went about an hour north and dropped live bait using 10 to 12-ounce lead," Meister said. Meister also noted that during the drive he was hit for mordida bribes by police in Tijuana. YELLOWTAIL, GROUPER, AND MORDIDA AT TIJUANA.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore in San Felipe said cooling fall weather was at 78 degrees on Saturday, with scattered clouds turning the color of the bay to silver. "Somebody asked me if I had seen the 'Green Peace' ship that has been sliding up and down on the horizon," Meders said. "Possibly it has to do with the new plan to open up, on a limited basis, the Encantadas Islands near Bahia de San Luis Gonzaga." The resurfacing project on the road south from San Felipe to Puertecitos was completed. PUERTECITOS ROAD RESURFACING PROJECT COMPLETED.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Art Pina of Tucson, Ariz., and his group fished on 2 boats locally around Rocky Point and twice at the 51-mile reef for a catch in 76-degree water of red snapper and 1 outing that produced 6 halibut to about 32 pounds. "On both trips to the 51-mile reef, peanut dorado came up to the boats and gave us quite a show," Pina said. Rocky Point weather alternated from flat to windy on different days, and mackerel bait was easy to catch. HALIBUT AND RED SNAPPER FISHING AT THE 51-MILE REEF.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Steve Calvert of Catch-22 Sportfishing said water temperatures around San Carlos were found up to 79 degrees, 14 miles out on a heading of 210 degrees. "Dorado action has been good with a 48 pounder caught on Wednesday," Calvert said. Action for the charter boat Catch-22 included 2 striped marlin and 1 sailfish released, and a late season blue marlin. "This late season action is strange for our waters," Calvert said. "There were around 15 boats out and all caught marlin. The San Carlos fleet total was very near 30 billfish released, including a black marlin. I'm not sure what is pushing all the warm water north, but we love the extended season we have this year. Marlin for Christmas?"
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported a catch including released fish for Aries Fleet at Marina El Cid of: 9 blue marlin, 1 striped marlin, 26 sailfish, 12 dorado to 55 pounds, 8 pargo, 25 sierra, 49 triggerfish, and 12 red snapper. "Mazatlan offshore fishing is holding at a little better than 1 billfish per boat day and about every fourth boat is landing a blue marlin," Edwards said. Mazatlan fishing area weather was clear in the mid-80s, with some southerly swell, light winds, and water temperatures at 81 degrees inshore and 82.5 degrees offshore.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: For the previous week, Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet reported a blue marlin of 326 pounds landed aboard the charter cruiser Norma Patricia about 29 miles off the lighthouse. The Norma Patricia was crewed by Alex and David, and anglers aboard included Steve and Anna Underwood, Tim Bates, and Walter and Kris Townsend.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Josh Temple of Prime Time Adventures said offshore fishing for giant yellowfin tuna was "epic" last week and fishing on Tuesday produced 3 tuna of 245 to 275 pounds. Warming water temperatures also produced very good action for large blue marlin and black marlin. Angler Merle Erickson of Chicago fished 2 days at Puerto Vallarta with Prime Time Adventures for a catch including released fish of: 2 blue marlin, 2 tuna of 120 to 150 pounds, and 2 black marlin of about 500 pounds. "That is just unbelievable fishing folks," Temple said. "We are beginning to release giant tuna again. When you start throwing 200-plus pounders back you know the bite is on fire." HOT GIANT TUNA, BLUE MARLIN, AND BLACK MARLIN.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Merle Erickson of Chicago reported on his 2 days of fishing with Capt. Josh Temple on the Puerto Vallarta charter boats Prime Time and Bad Influence for a catch including released fish of his 2 black marlin of about 500 pounds plus yellowfin tuna and blue marlin. The 2 black marlin were both released on Friday, Nov. 24, 2006. "Two big blacks in one day!" Erickson said. "Still can't believe it. Phenomenal fishing. Just unreal."
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Keith Denette said Puerto Vallarta Capt. Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing fished aboard Fred and Lynn Gross' boat Mojito in the recent 51st annual Pez Vela y Marlin Tournament for a catch including a 249.7-pound yellowfin tuna good for team prize money and a Chevy pickup. Capt. Scott Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing also took second and fourth places in the marlin division of the tournament aboard the charter boat Arca de Noe. "Fishing is as good as it gets right now," Denette said. "Multiple catches of cow yellowfin are being caught daily on most of the charter boats."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said 80-degree blue fishing water came to within half-a-mile of the beach at Ixtapa last week as boats averaged about 2 sailfish per day plus a few 15 to 25-pound dorado. "Blue water is at Solitary Rock," Kunze said. "The majority of the yellowfin tuna are still beyond the 1,000-fathom line at the 30-mile mark, but some football tuna did show up only a mile off the beach." Inshore action was good for small jack crevalle, sierra, black skipjack, grouper, cabrilla, and some roosterfish. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing area weather was partly cloudy and humid in the mid-80s, with water temperatures of 74 to 82 degrees.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic's Tag & Release Tournament said charter panga availability will be very tight for at least the next several months at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo due to 2 very large groups reserving a total of over 700 boat days. "Almost all of the better sportfishing pangas in Zihuatanejo are now booked through February and into March," Phillips said. "I highly suggest that anglers start looking at the smaller cruisers." TOP SPORTFISHING CHARTER PANGAS BOOKED SOLID.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 9 outings by the El Cid Caribe fleet at Puerto Morelos near Cancun, with a catch of: 1 African pompano, 12 barracuda, 7 sierra, 5 bonito, 1 blue runner, 1 dog snapper, 3 mero, 2 petos, a fish similar to king mackerel, 1 king mackerel, 3 canarios, and 3 yellow snapper. "According to fleet manager Mario, the fishing is getting much better and more and more boats are getting out each day," Edwards said. "The wide variety of fish continues and anglers have no idea what is coming up from the depths." Cancun fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the high-80s, with light breezes and water temperatures at 82 degrees.
MEXICO: David Burns of the Restaurant El Manglar in Tecolutla, Mexico, reported rain and low temperatures clearing Tuesday along the Mexican Atlantic coast. Surf fishing was slowed by weeds in the water and produced just 1 small croaker. "We are busy making preparations for the Christmas holidays here at Restaurant El Manglar, so I could only squeeze out a few hours at the beach this week," Burns said. Catches brought to the restaurant by local fishermen included bobo or hog mullet and snook to about 4 kilos. Commercial pangas had good catches of bonito and cojinuda. WEEDS SLOW SURF FISHING AFTER ATLANTIC COAST RAINS.
CABO LOCAL--Steven and Fred Hammesman fished close to Cabo San Lucas with Capt. Ramon Druck on the charter super panga Cheer's for a morning catch including dorado, skipjack, bonito, and jack crevalle. At right, Cheer's panga action tight to the beach on Cabo's Pacific side. PHOTOS COURTESY OF RAMON DRUCK.
ENSENADA PANGA FISHING--Larry Risen, left, and Steve Fessel of Carlsbad, Calif., fished at Ensenada on a Vonny's Fleet panga for a good catch of Punta Banda bottom fish, bonita, and this nice 20-pound yellowtail. PHOTO COURTESY OF IVAN VILLARINO.
BIG BAJA YELLOWTAIL--Yellowtail action was good on the Baja Pacific coast just outside the boca of La Bocana last week on fish of 16 to 20 pounds, plus some bruisers like this 46.6 pounder hoisted by La Bocana panguero Capt. Domingo Aguilar. At right, Capt. Joaquin Aguilar with a La Bocana 39.8 pounder caught in the same area. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JUANCHYS AGUILAR.
LA BOCANA YELLOWTAIL BONANZA--Les Heil, center, of La Bocana on the Pacific Coast of Baja with a big haul of yellowtail caught in front of his house by about 11 a.m. aboard his boat Panga Extra. At right, Ernesto Gonzalez brings another yellowtail to Heil's boat just off the Baja coast near the La Boca boca. PHOTOS COURTESY OF LES HEIL.
VERDUGO'S TUNA TRIP--Curt Collier of Long Beach, right, and his group fished earlier in November for a great catch of East Cape yellowfin tuna with cruiser Capt. Jesus out of Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort. At right, another East Cape fishing day begins at Martin Verdugo's. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CURT COLLIER.
NORTH OF LA PAZ--Al Burriesci of Auburn, Calif., fished the north side of La Paz 3 days with Tailhunter International last week for good action on tuna, roosterfish, and big dorado including this nice bull. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
LORETO IN NOVEMBER--Beverly and Melanie Novack fished twice out of Loreto's Hotel Oasis with Capt. Alfonso Susarrey last week for a late-season catch including good dorado counts and a sailfish at Bajo Mercenarios. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATTY ZAPATA.
LORETO YELLOWTAIL SEASON--Ron Racine, left, of Ohio, fished off Loreto's Isla Coronado last week with Baja Big Fish Company Capt. Nacho Quintero Rodriguez, right, for a great catch of 10 yellowtail including these beauties. PHOTO COURTESY OF PAM BOLLES.
OUT OF SAN LUCAS COVE--Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove, on the Baja Sea of Cortez coast just south of Santa Rosalia, with a big gulf grouper weighed on a commercial scale at 150 pounds. The big fish hit a live mackerel at the north end of Isla San Marcos. At right, Anderson's Moosea Boat, based at San Lucas Cove, and a nice Isla San Marcos yellowtail. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JIM ANDERSON.
OUT OF IGOR'S--Jonathan Meister, right, of Suwanee, Ga., and his group fished with Capt. Enrique on an Igor Galvan super panga for a good catch of yellowtail like these and some nice grouper north of Bahia de Los Angeles. PHOTO COURTESY OF HERM MEISTER.
BAHIA WHITE SEABASS--Hersch Wright, left, and Brett Fillis with a white seabass caught while fishing earlier this month out of Bahia de los Angeles on Fillis' 21-foot jet boat Lil Buddy. Their catch also included yellowtail, barracuda, triggerfish, grouper, jawfish, and Humboldt squid. At right, Mike Hansen with an L.A. Bay Humboldt giant squid. PHOTOS COURTESY OF BRETT FILLIS.
ROCKY REDS & FLATTIES--Art Pina's group fished south of Rocky Point on Mike Berry's and Curtis Grant's boats for a great catch of halibut to about 32 pounds plus red snapper at the 51-mile bank. Shown from left are: Berry, Grant, Pina, and Cort Monroe. PHOTO COURTESY OF ART PINA.
MAZATLAN PHOTO-OP--The cameras come out as a 326-pound blue marlin is brought aboard the Flota Bibi Fleet Mazatlan charter boat Norma Patricia by crewmen Alex and David for anglers Steve and Anna Underwood, Tim Bates, and Walter and Kris Townsend. Flota Bibi Fleet's Tadeo Hernandez happened to be passing by on the charter boat Mahi Dreamer and he caught the moment. PHOTO COURTESY OF TADEO HERNANDEZ.
VALLARTA TUNA TIME--Weigh-in action during last week's 51st annual Pez Vela y Marlin fishing tournament at Puerto Vallarta. PHOTO COURTESY OF KEITH DENETTE.
ATLANTIC MEXICO SNOOK--Local fisherman "Gabriel" with a nice robalo or snook offered for sale to David Burns of the Restaurant El Manglar at Tecolutla, Vera Cruz, Mexico. The snook was netted near shore where mangroves meet a river near Tecolutla. PHOTO COURTESY OF DAVID BURNS.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
Mazatlan fishing reports and articles .
Puerto Vallarta fishing reports and articles.
Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing reports and articles.
Huatulco fishing reports and articles.
Cancun fishing reports and articles.
Mexico coastal fishing reports and articles.
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