CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said, "You didn't need to travel very far from Cabo San Lucas this week for striped marlin. Stripers were found within 3 miles of shore."
Local Cabo San Lucas charter boats found concentrations of striped marlin at San Cristobal on the Pacific side, around the arch, and around the tip of Baja. "The better boats were able to get marlin releases in the range of 1 per hour," Landrum said. Cabo San Lucas fishing area water temperatures varied from 67 to 74 degrees on both the Pacific and Cortez sides. STRIPED MARLIN FISHING CLOSE TO HOME.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of the Cabo San Lucas charter boat Falcon with Capt. Manuel Romero said striped marlin fishing close by on the Pacific side was wild but sporadic. "Mackerel schools are moving between San Cristobal and the lighthouse," Connolly said. "The marlin may appear anywhere. The Golden Gate Bank was the spot for billfish. Three or four marlin days are common." Cabo charter boats were also fishing locally by backing through swells for pargo near the arch. "It is an E-ticket ride," Connolly said. "The boats are often separated by just a few yards with the big surf crashing all around. Of course, the crews love this stuff." The Falcon fished 5 days at the Golden Gate Bank for 15 striped marlin released, plus 5 dorado, and 4 pargo. Pacific side fishing water temperatures were at 71 to 72 degrees, with tough seas on Tuesday, flattening down by Friday. STRIPED MARLIN FISHING ACTION ON THE MOVE CLOSE TO CABO.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Ramon Druck of the Cabo San Lucas charter super panga Cheer's reported on 2 outings along the Pacific side coast from Cabo San Lucas north to Faro Viejo and outwards to about 5 miles, for a catch of: 23 sierra of 3 to 5 pounds, 6 dorado of 5 to 17 pounds, and 1 roosterfish of 2 or 3 pounds. Anglers fishing aboard the Cheer's during the week included Norm Gross, Michael Wilson, Terry Green, and Donna Green. Local Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was cool but mostly sunny, with water temperatures at 71 to 73 degrees. MIXED SPECIES LOCAL PANGA FISHING ON THE PACIFIC SIDE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 16 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 38 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 5 yellowfin tuna of 15 to 20 pounds, 10 dorado of 20 to 40 pounds, and 1 hammerhead shark of 45 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 41 outings by Gaviota Fleet and the Cabo San Lucas charter boats Fish Cabo and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 72 striped marlin, 5 yellowfin tuna, 27 dorado, 13 pargo, and 17 sierra. "The billfish action continues, even in the choppy fishing conditions," Edwards said. "Cabo San Lucas had very good fishing for those that could endure the bump. The Golden Gate Bank continues to provide the best action when weather and sea conditions permit." Cabo San Lucas fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the mid-70s, with water temperatures of 71.5 degrees on the Pacific side and 69 degrees on the Cortez side.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Art Coleman of Temecula and his wife Patricia Coleman fished 4 days with Gaviota Fleet on the charter boat Gaviota IX with Capt. Jorge and deckhand Louis, for a catch including released fish on the Pacific side of: 14 striped marlin, and 2 dorado of about 35 pounds. "The weather was cold, cold, cold, but the fishing was epic from Cabo Falso to the Golden Gate," Coleman said. "We had a great trip and as always can't say enough about Gaviota Fleet." Cabo San Lucas fishing weather on the Pacific side was windy to 20 knots, at 64 degrees, with the water temperature at 74 degrees. STRIPED MARLIN FISHING UP THE PACIFIC SIDE.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: For the previous week, Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet reported continued very good fishing on the Pacific side as 100 percent of boats caught all species combined, except for 1 boat that turned back after 15 minutes with seasick passengers. Ehrenberg said Baja California Sur's Governor Narciso Agundez was working with the Mexican federal department of fisheries to stop commercial fishing for marlin and sailfish and also to establish a 50-mile zone around important Mexican sportfishing areas where all commercial fishing would be prohibited. "They agreed to establish a common front to work together," Ehrenberg said. BAJA SUR WORKING TO ESTABLISH PROTECTION FOR SPORTFISHING IN MEXICO.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Judy Ostberg of the boat Melody at Marina Coral reported on a outing to the Banda Bank on Saturday, fishing in improved sea conditions for limits of red rockcod of 5 to 7 pounds, whitefish, and sugar bass, for 3 anglers on board. "The weather has not been too good for bottom fishing," Ostberg said. "The day made up for all the non-fish days."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said his beach-launched pangas had good fishing weather all week off the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda, and steady limits for bottom fish including lingcod, whitefish, red rockcod, some sandbass, and a 23-pound yellowtail caught by Rudy Lopez of Los Angeles on Saturday. "This week we had great fishing," Villarino said. "Lots of sun and calm water." Anglers fishing with Capt. Beto on the charter panga Vonny I included Jay Johnson, Kalim Owens, Oliver Storm, and Lopez. Ensenada fishing area weather was partly cloudy at 60 degrees, with 2 to 4-foot ocean swells, and the water temperature at Punta Banda holding at 56 degrees. BOTTOM FISHING LIMITS FOR VONNY'S FLEET PANGAS.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog out of Ensenada's Marina Coral reported on a run to the Banda Bank on Saturday for 3 Humboldt giant squid per rod, and limits of vermilion rockfish and lingcod. "The squid were smaller than the previous week, at about 12 to 15 pounds. They were caught at gray light with Promar squid jigs," Ross said. "The rockcod were caught using both frozen squid and Berkley Gulps." Ensenada fishing area water temperatures were at 59 degrees, with calm seas and no wind.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: For the previous week, Ross said his big catch of Humboldt giant squid at the Banda Bank went to good use. "The squid were 25 to 50 pounds, from 1,000 feet deep up to the boat," Ross said. "Juan Lu called Botes Juanitos, which is the main meeting place of all the Ensenada captains and is owned by his father, and told everyone to come on down and get some calamari. The guys came over and we loaded quite a few into the carts and they were hauled over to the main place where everyone took one for their families to eat. We took 3 out for dinner with a group to Bahia de Mariscos Ensenada where we had squid cocktails and frito calamari which was out of the world muy sabrosa. My long time Mexican maid will take some for her family and the rest to the office for all those waiting. This leaves me a few steaks for dinner."
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort said he had good weather all week and a flat sea on Sunday, with sunny skies and no wind. "The ocean along this part of the Baja coast is pretty much standing still," Saenz said. Several pangas fished out of the resort during the week for full Mexican limits of lingcod and whitefish, some calico bass, and a 12-pound sheephead. On Sunday, a group from Long Beach loaded surf boards and fishing tackle on 2 pangas and headed to Punta San Jose for a combo fishing-surfing trip. CALM SEAS AND BOTTOM FISH LIMITS FOR LOCAL ANGLERS.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Erendira's Castro's Camp said 12 boats fished during the week. "Tourism is slow right now, but we have enough work for our captains to stay active," Castro said. Castro's boats fished mostly on the bottom for continued big counts of lingcod and many red rockcod, plus some bonita on the surface. Erendira fishing area weather was very good, with some cool temperatures during morning boat departures but good conditions the rest of the day. Erendira fishing waters were very clear at 59 to 60 degrees.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas reported San Quintin fishing area weather as very cold in the mornings, but warm and sunny during the days, with no wind at all on Sunday. Anglers fishing on the San Quintin charter boats Pelicano, Romy, and Skipjack loaded up on rockcod, lingcod, sandbass, whitefish, 6 Humboldt giant squid, and a 22-pound yellowtail hooked south at Socorro. BOTTOM FISHING IN GOOD WINTER SEA CONDITIONS.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said most Magdalena Bay boats worked the whale watching business last week as vacationers arrived in numbers to view the annual California gray whale migration. The few boats fishing offshore found continued striped marlin action shifting southwards with warmer water currents and some dorado mixed in. "The marlin were found mostly in multiples strung along the 100-fathom curve from Bahia Santa Maria to the San Carlos entrada," Graham said. Boats fishing the San Carlos entrada caught firecracker yellowtail under birds. Magdalena Bay fishing area weather was clear in the mid-70s, with water temperatures at 69 to 72 degrees. WHALE WATCHING AND YELLOWTAIL FOR LOCAL BOATS.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 49 combined La Playita fleet pangas fishing off San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 115 yellowfin tuna, 42 dorado, 12 mako shark, 15 sierra, 11 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 135 skipjack, 9 cabrilla, 52 pargo, and 6 amberjack. Brictson noted that vacation anglers were not numerous at San Jose del Cabo. Los Cabos fishing area water temperatures were cooling at 67 to 71 degrees. Winter season sea life off the tip of Baja included mako shark, Humboldt giant squid, and migrating California gray whales and humpback whales. "So far, the fishing season has proved disappointing for surprisingly low numbers of sierra," Brictson said. "We hope these popular game fish are just behind schedule and will show up in force soon." WINTER SEASON BAJA FISHING FOR MEXICAN PANGAS AT LA PLAYITA.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Bob Lewis of San Jose del Cabo said yellowfin tuna counts went up at the end of the week for Los Cabos pangas after several days of rough seas. "But there is no live bait," Lewis said. "That means chunking with skipjack, or buy squid and chum with that." Earlier, Lewis said, "We had cold, cloudy and windy conditions with few boats out, but tuna, dorado, and marlin were available for those who ventured out. Wednesday and Thursday saw sunny skies and lighter winds, and fish counts went up accordingly."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said weather continued to be a factor for East Cape fishing boats last week. "At this time of the year, winter, the good days are the exception, not the norm," Graham said. "On the good days, there were a few marlin, as well as some dorado and some football-sized tuna under the porpoise." A few East Cape locals fished for early morning sierra inshore. East Cape fishing area weather was in the mid-70s, with water temperatures at 69 to 73 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: For the week ending Jan. 18, 2007, Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 4 charter boats from combined fleets including Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, Punta Colorada, Buena Vista Beach Resort, Rancho Leonero, and Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, with 12 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 4 striped marlin, and 5 dorado. East Cape fishing area weather was at 70 degrees, with heavy afternoon wind chop and the water temperature at 67 to 75 degrees. "Not a very good week of fishing," Moyers said. "It's been cold and windy down here in southern Baja. Last week saw only a handful of boats go out. It was simply a dismal week of fishing."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Torrance Eddy of Buena Vista reported on a short outing by his beach-launched tin boat Reina Maria II, trolling hoochies and Jointed Rebel lures during a new motor check run for a catch of 1 Mexican bonito, some other small skipjack types, and no luck on a school of boiling dorado near shore. "Alas, I didn't have what the dorado wanted," Eddy said. Another beach-launched boat in the area returned with a dorado of about 10 pounds. TIN BOAT BONITO AND DORADO FISHING NEAR THE BEACH.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said his pangas working on the south side of the hill at La Paz had better weather last week, but still fished in some wind and cool air temperatures in the 70s. Tortuga pangas fished locally around Punta Perico on the Las Arenas side mainly for mixed pargo species and sierra mackerel. When winds allowed, pangas also fished outside around the north end of Isla Cerralvo and some yellowfin tuna were caught. Humboldt giant squid continued to be present in good numbers and were being used for bait, along with sardinas netted in the northern fishing areas. MIXED SNAPPERS, SIERRA, AND SOME TUNA OUTSIDE FOR TORTUGA SPORTFISHING.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said La Paz winter season weather was cool with air temperatures seen as low as the 50s and boats were doing mostly inshore fishing. "Snapper and sierra are all biting along the rocky areas and drop-offs and we had a surprise bite of big squid off Las Arenas," Roldan said. "I guess I would have to say it's officially winter now. All the water temperatures around us are in the low to mid-60s."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: For the previous week, David Jones of Fisherman's Fleet in La Paz said, "There hasn't been a lot of fishing recently. This has been a very windy winter with a lot of westerly and northwesterly winds. The few folks that have been down to fish have been left standing at the altar more often than not."
LORETO, MEXICO: Don Bear of Loreto reported on 2 days of fishing at the end of the week aboard his neighbor Kent Baker's boat, landing 4 yellowtail of 10 to 12 pounds on Friday around Isla Coronado, but getting skunked on Saturday in the same locations plus the San Bruno bajo. "Other Loreto boats in both areas, with only 1 or 2 exceptions, appeared to be actionless as well," Bear said. Loreto fishing area weather over the weekend was calm and overcast after a period of howling winds. Loreto water temperatures were at 63 to 64 degrees. CALM PERIOD UP-AND-DOWN YELLOWTAIL FISHING FOR LOCAL BOATS.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Loreto's Baja Big Fish Company said on Saturday, "The wind and cold at Loreto has been nonstop and nobody's fishing. Today was a pretty decent day. At least we had no cloud cover and the winds cooperated somewhat, but not many boats went out fishing. We're not fishing either. Maybe we'll have some good weather this weekend, but who knows? The fishing has been pretty much nonexistent for almost 8 weeks. Severe winds and rough seas have prevented it."
LORETO, MEXICO: For the previous week, Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing reported on his San Nicolas remote yellowtail sportfishing camp north of town. "The camp at San Nicholas is ready to begin this new fishing season 2007," Susarrey said. "We have been doing some fishing and find yellowtail schools on different spots such as El Bajo del Pulpito, 2 miles west of Punta Pulpito, north of Isla San Ildefonso, outside Punta San Antonio and on the south side of Punta Pulpito where there is a fishing area protected from the north wind, right across from the camp. The yellowtail weigh an average of 15 pounds."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Patti Higginbotham of Mulege said the season's first local fishing tournament would be for yellowtail on March 18-20, 2006, with proceeds to be donated for repair of damage from last year's Hurricane John. Mulege fishing boats were working in wind for yellowtail on the Isla San Marcos bajos. Three boats fishing at Isla Tortuga, including the Higginbotham's boat Strange Lady, caught yellowtail and cabrilla. "If the wind quits and allows more days of fishing, the catches should increase considerably," Higginbotham said. Mulege fishing area water temperatures were at 62 degrees. MARCH YELLOWTAIL TOURNAMENT SLATED FOR LOCAL FISHING BOATS.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Fly-in angler Ron Grant said, "North winds and cold weather are keeping most boats off the water. When boats can get out, they are finding yellowtail that hit iron and live bait at San Marcos and Santa Inez Islands. They are finding yellows to the south as well." Mulege vacation tourism was slow, but with many RVs on the beaches. The Hotel Serenidad airstrip was in good condition. Grant also noted that new rules were in effect requiring passports for Americans returning to the U.S. by air.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos was back in Baja after a month in the States and reported good end-of-week weather at Santa Rosalia and strongly up-and-down yellowtail fishing on the bajos. An outing on Friday with Alan Lewis of San Lucas Cove and Kanzler's son Michael Kanzler produced 12 yellowtail in the high 20-pound range, hooked on weighted baits about 190 to 260 feet deep. "We had wide-open, nonstop fishing action the whole morning," Kanzler said. "Fish numbers were high on all boats." But the next day, the bite died. "Unbelievable!" Kanzler said. "I saw 3 fish caught for 28 boats fishing! I never even got bit all day." Santa Rosalia fishing area weather was in the low-70s, with water temperatures at 59 to 60.5 degrees and visibility at 40 feet. ISLA SAN MARCOS YELLOWTAIL BAJOS RUN HOT AND COLD.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove reported a good fishing week for the Baja tin boat fleet working the Isla San Marcos bajos. "The week was about as good as it gets," Anderson said. "Friday had to be the best fishing day that everyone experienced this season. All the boats fishing managed to catch really nice yellowtail in the 20 to 30-pound class. The weather was calm, the water was almost glassy, and the fish showed up and decided to chew. Bait was abundant and easy, the fish were hungry, and the pangueros as well as the tourists managed to really load up on yellowtail which led to lots of sore muscles and smiling faces. And if the fantastic fishing weren't enough, the sea life with whales and porpoise added extra excitement."
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko at Bahia de los Angeles said the new boulevard was under construction with sidewalks and a statue at the entrance to town. Baja's Sea of Cortez Midriff fishing area weather was cool in the mid-60s. Vazquez said, "The winds have been relentless, mostly out of the north, every day." Snow was visible on the central Baja mountains west of town. "The fishing has been good if you can get a day with no wind," Vazquez said. "The yellowtail have been good at Los Machos, mostly in the 15-pound range."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Tom Ward of the Longfin Tackle Store, exclusive agents for the Tony Reyes Fishing Tours panga motherships, said San Felipe's legendary Tony Reyes Sr. was recovering well at home after being in the hospital in Mexicali with pneumonia. "Tony is getting better," Ward said. "He is doing dialysis on his kidneys and the improvement is immense. I expect him to be around for a few more years. He and I spent half a day going around San Felipe and visiting people. He is getting stronger each day. We expect him to make a full recovery."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of San Felipe's Title Company bookstore reported warmer weather at 70 degrees on Saturday. A study of the northern Sea of Cortez concluded that only about 400 endangered vaquita dolphins remain in their only habitat, from the north end of the Sea of Cortez south to about Puertecitos. "The vaquita and the totoaba are both existing under extremely endangered conditions right now," Meders said. "The Mexican government has initiated a "no fish" program which will entail the fishermen being paid not to fish in that area." Baja's Highway 5 from Mexicali to San Felipe was in poor condition. "The road is rapidly deteriorating and is so bad in some places that cars are forced to weave along," Meders said. VAQUITA DOLPHIN ESTIMATED AT ONLY 400 REMAINING.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: John Hilderbrand of Jon Jen Charters at San Carlos, Sonora, said local fishing boats had a rough weather week with cool temperatures and north wind. "It was Thursday before any of the boats got out," Hilderbrand said. Catch-22 Sportfishing sent a boat to Punta San Antonio with 4 anglers for a catch of 8 yellowtail and 2 goldspotted bass, all hooked on jigs. "Private boats are doing fairly well on the yellowtail," Hilderbrand said, "but the biggest factor now is the northerly winds almost daily." San Carlos fishing area water temperatures were at 62 to 63.5 degrees around Isla San Pedro Nolasco.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Aries Fleet sportfishing boats working out of Mazatlan's Marina El Cid continued to catch yellowfin tuna last week, but the sizes were down to about 50 to 60 pounds. Twenty-two Aries Fleet boats had a catch including released fish of: 38 yellowfin tuna, 18 striped marlin, and 3 dorado. Inshore boats caught easy limits of sierra, with many released. "It was very fast action for the light tackle enthusiast and fly fishing anglers," Edwards said. Mazatlan fishing area weather was mostly calm at 80 degrees, with water temperatures of 66 to 67 degrees inshore and 70 to 71 degrees offshore. Billfish were located about 22 miles off Mazatlan and yellowfin tuna about 30 miles out.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet said he had 5 boats fishing inshore last week for good counts of jack crevalle, sierra, and triggerfish caught on spoons, feathers, Rapalas, and shrimp and squid bait. Mazatlan fishing area weather was cool at 70 degrees, with the inshore water temperature at 73 degrees.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing reported improved fishing weather off Puerto Vallarta after a period of rough seas. "Conditions off Puerto Vallarta were really nasty," Osuna said, "but pretty much at the end of the week the weather turned really nice." Puerto Vallarta fishing water temperatures over the weekend were warming at close to 80 degrees. Fishing results for the charter boats Marla II, Marla III, and Arca de Noe included yellowfin tuna over 100 pounds caught with caballito baits on the kite and balloon. Inshore fishing was improving for roosterfish, sierra, skipjacks, bluestar jack, and mixed species. IMPROVED FISHING CONDITIONS FOR MARLA'S SPORTFISHING FLEET.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Osuna also noted that a new charter boat would be joining the Marla's Sportfishing fleet soon. "The boat is still in the States, but we have our flight ready for next week to bring it to Puerto Vallarta," Osuna said. "It's a 32-foot Blackfin, a sweet boat." Fishing conditions offshore last week were windy. "It's hard to deal with the weather. We are having horrible weather. This year is really strange," Osuna said.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Gomez of Dhamar Sportfishing said his charter super panga Dhamar was fishing again last week after being pulled for maintenance. "We are back," Gomez said. "The fleet is catching dorado north of Punta Mita, and there is a good tuna bite at El Banco and Roca Corbeteña. There are a few blue marlin and striped marlin also. Inshore fishing is good for a lot of jack crevalle and sierra, a few roosterfish, and some amberjack and pompano."
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Josh Temple of Prime Time Sportfishing said the Puerto Vallarta charter boat Conquistador landed a 500-pound class blue marlin last week that put on a light show after it was brought aboard for angler Abby Jones. "What a light show it put on," Temple said. "The fish ate 2 live baits and even though we were using circle hooks as always, it swallowed the baits so deep that it came up bleeding very bad. It was a great fish and great tacos for the next week."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said, "Last week again saw some great fishing action, along with some days that can best be described as too slow for comfort." Top results for the fishing week at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo included 5 outings on the pangas Janeth, Adrenalina, and Gran Jefe II by Ray Raychowski's group for a catch including released fish of: 13 sailfish, 6 dorado, and a 40-pound class black snook. Ixtapa fishing area weather was flat and calm in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 82 to 84 degrees. IXTAPA FISHING ACTION IS UP-AND-DOWN.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: For the previous week, Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament said, "It looks like last Saturday the 20th of January was the day to be on the water at Zihuatanejo. Len Grupp and Barbara Ross tagged and released 7 sailfish with Capt. Santiago on the Gitana I while John and Doug Leach were releasing 3 sailfish on the fly with Capt. Adan on the Gitana II. The 'cold' front on January 23rd shut down the sails for a couple of days, and they are just starting to get active again. It is looking better, but with the long liner problem to the north I don't expect more than 3 to 4 sailfish a day on average. There will be some terrific days, but you can't promise those."
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said Ixtapa fishing conditions improved toward the end of the week and fish counts went up. "Each boat is averaging 2 to 3 sailfish a day," Kunze said. "Capt. Santiago, on the panga Gitana took a nice 230-pound blue marlin." Capt. Adolpho of the charter panga Dos Hermanos reported very slow inshore fishing. "The only thing going on inshore is a very abundant black skipjack bite," Kunze said. Ixtapa fishing area weather was clear in the mid-90s, with water temperatures at 82 to 84 degrees.
HUATULCO, MEXICO: Rigo Pak of Hecho en Mexico Tours reported on an offshore sportfishing run by the 33-foot charter super panga Pacific Ocean, fishing on porpoise about 38 miles out of Bahias de Huatulco for 2 yellowfin tuna of about 15 kilos and 28 kilos, and 25 black skipjack. "It took about 15 minutes to get the tuna into the boat and we lost sight of the dolphins and ran out of time, so we headed back," Pak said. The yellowfin tuna were found about 7 miles off San Agustine Bay.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 12 outings by the El Cid Caribe sportfishing fleet at Puerto Morelos near Cancun, with a catch including released fish of: 1 sailfish, 18 king mackerel, 9 sierra, 14 barracuda, 8 bonito, 7 snapper, 1 queenfish, 3 grouper, and 1 blackfin tuna. "There was a noticeable change in the fishing this week," Edwards said, "with a smorgasbord action. Fishing should improve over the next several months as the Cancun area rolls into it's better fishing periods." Cancun fishing area weather was cloudy at 90 degrees, with 8 to 15 knot prevailing winds and water temperatures steady at 81 degrees.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Robert Rodriguez of Wilmington, Calif., relayed a Cancun fishing area report from the Cozumel charter boat Albatros for catches including snappers, groupers, wahoo, dorado, shark, and tuna. Cozumel fishing weather was cloudy at 80 degrees.
BAJA LAND'S END--A striped marlin, one of 13 released on 14 hookups, fights at the tip of Baja during Art Coleman's 4-day fishing trip with Cabo San Lucas' Gaviota Fleet last week. Also landed by Coleman and his wife Patricia were 2 dorado of 35 pounds. They fished on the charter boat Gaviota IX with Capt. Jorge. PHOTO COURTESY OF ART COLEMAN.
CABO CHARTER PANGA--Donna Green, right, and her group fished last week at Cabo San Lucas with Capt. Ramon Druck, left, on the charter super panga Cheer's for a catch including 4 of these dorado and 17 sierra. At center, Druck with a tasty Cabo San Lucas winter season sierra. At right, angler Norm Gross with a pint-sized roosterfish hooked near the beach off Faro Viejo aboard the Cheer's. PHOTOS COURTESY OF RAMON DRUCK.
CLOSE TO CABO--A striped marlin hooked on the Pacific side by the Gaviota IX during fishing from Cabo Falso to the Golden Gate Bank. PHOTO COURTESY OF ART COLEMAN.
PUNTA BANDA YELLOWTAIL--Rudy Lopez of Los Angeles scored a nice 29-pound yellowtail plus his limit of bottom fish on Saturday while fishing on a Vonny's Fleet panga at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda. Lopez fished on the Vonny I with Ensenada yellowtail guru Capt. Beto Zamora. PHOTO COURTESY OF IVAN VILLARINO.
CALM BAJA MORNING--The inner bay of San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, at first light, January 2, 2007, by photographer Mitchell Rose, during a stopover at the Old Mill Hotel on his way back to the border from Loreto. PHOTO COURTESY OF MITCHELL ROSE.
BAJA MUY NORTE--Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International Sportfishing in sunny La Paz was hitting the northern fishing trade show circuit last week and sent some photos of the local "fishing conditions." But there was a positive side to the snowbound situation. "In Wyoming, gas is $1.79," Roldan said. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
WINTER AT MULEGE--Steady yellowtail fishing between winter winds produced good counts for boats at Mulege last week, including these quality forkies caught out at Isla Tortuga by anglers John Dinning, Marv Perrigo, and Ralph Lane aboard Perrigo's boat Dock Holiday. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATTI HIGGINBOTHAM.
DEEP PANGA BAJO--Fishing the bajos on Friday off the north end of Santa Rosalia's Isla San Marcos produced 12 yellowtail of about 20 to 30 pounds on Mike Kanzler's boat for Kanzler, Alan Lewis of San Lucas Cove, left, and Kanzler's son Michael Kanzler, right. At right, Lewis and Miguelito with a nice one. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MIKE KANZLER.
VALLARTA LIGHT SHOW--A 500-pound class blue marlin puts on a fantastic show of color at Puerto Vallarta aboard the Prime Time Adventures charter boat Conquistador with Capt. Josh Temple last week. The big fish swallowed 2 baits deep and could not be released. PHOTO COURTESY OF JOSH TEMPLE.
ROUGH WATER SUSHI--Puerto Vallarta fishing conditions were less than ideal, with wind and swells offshore at El Banco and Roca Corbeteña, but anglers Adam Murray of Davis, Calif., and Ken Clark of Auburn, Calif., managed a great catch of yellowfin tuna to over 100 pounds in improving weather with Capt. Danny Osuna of the Marla's Sportfishing charter boat Marla II. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
STEADY ON SAILS--Ixtapa Zihuatanejo's winter sailfish season has yet to catch fire, but boats are still averaging about 1 to 3 sailfish per day. Here's Perry Abrahamson, left, with a sailfish released last week on the charter panga Gitana II with Capt. Adan Valdovinos Olea and mate Francisco, right. At right, Abrahamson with a nice jack crevalle caught inside Zihuatanejo Bay aboard the Gitana II. PHOTOS COURTESY OF PAUL PHILLIPS.
COZUMEL WATERS--The charter fishing boat Albatros at Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico, fished winter waters near Cancun last week for snappers, groupers and offshore surface game fish. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROBERT RODRIGUEZ.
WINTER IN SAN CARLOS--Jim Weidler of Newport Beach, Calif., didn't fish in San Carlos, Sonora, during his trip there last week, but he did find some beautiful Mexico winter vacation scenery, along with unusually cool temperatures. "The weather was cold in the entire region and windy in the afternoons," Weidler said. "Rooms in both Ciudad Obregon and San Carlos have no heaters, which are usually not necessary. I did no fishing but heard they were catching yellowtail. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JIM WEIDLER.
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