IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze of Zihuatanejo said blue water currents moved in very close to the beach and sailfish action took off last week, as boats were able to begin trolling immediately after clearing the point and were already into fish between the 2 and 4-mile marks. Fly angler Terry Carter of Cincinnati hooked three of six sailfish raised with Capt. Santiago on the Gitana.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters reported on 36 fishing days by 12 boats during the Fourth Annual Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo Total Tag & Release Tournament, with a total count of released fish of: 99 sailfish, two blue marlin, and one striped marlin. First place in the tournament was won by Ken Longacker and Karl Bratvold of Mukilteo, Wash., who fished with Capt. Ruben on the Vamonos I and scored 16 sailfish releases. This year's tournament had participants from the United States, Mexico, and Europe, Lushinsky said. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING TOURNAMENT RESULTS.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly, with his "Sails and Tales" all-release sailfish fly fishing tournament scheduled Dec. 3-7, said Zihuatanejo weather was partly cloudy in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 80 to 83 degrees, and most boats were averaging about six sailfish shots per day.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament said dorado were mixed in with the sailfish, and roosterfish were also caught inshore on flies, lures, and bait.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog at Marina Coral fished with Mike Kraus on Kraus' boat Blackjack on Saturday, for slow going on a single, 4-pound albacore at the 238 spot that Ross called, "the smallest albacore I have ever seen in my life." A trip to the 450 spot yielded a single 14-pound bigeye tuna, verified by an internal examination by Ross' wife Gail. The Blackjack fished in 5-foot, windy seas, in water temperatures ranging from 58 degrees near shore to 64 degrees outside. BLACKJACK, ENSENADA FISHING TRIP REPORT.
PUNTA BANDA, ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said his pangas fishing at the tip of Punta Banda continued to find steady limits of rockcod, lingcod, and few sandbass last week, in mostly cloudy conditions, 3 to 4-foot ocean swells, and water temperatures averaging about 60 degrees. Anglers limiting last week included Jose Osuna of La Jolla and his fishing partner, who fished with Capt. Beto on the Vonny I.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Gerardo Sanchez of KCHTS Sportfishing said action in the bay was steady last week on medium to big bonito at University Point, and the Don Juan II also ran south to Punta San Jose, the Soledad reef, and Punta Santo Tomas for more bonito and very good bottom fishing. Capt. Memo Gomez of the panga El Dorado also reported good bottom fishing at the Soledad reef. No outer banks reports were available.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Sportfishing Center reported on 18 anglers with a catch of: 78 bonito, 16 barracuda, 26 halibut, 27 lingcod, 114 rockcod, 49 whitefish, 37 sheephead, and 38 red rockcod.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Antonio Sanchez of Tijuana fished locally on the Shir Lee out of Sergio's Sportfishing Center and reported limits of mixed-size bonito, caught mostly at University Point. Sanchez said the fish best on blue-and-white iron and small Rapala CD11s in the blue mackerel pattern.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: At Lily Fleet, Sammy Susarrey said the Amigo and Tamara fished at Maximino reef, just north of Punta Santo Tomas, for good counts of red rockcod, log barracuda and large bonito to 10 pounds. Punta Santo Tomas weather was flat and sunny, with clean water at 59.9 degrees.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Gustavo Goytia of Los Angeles and his kayak fishing partner caught two large lingcod of 43 and 36.5 inches at La Bufadora, and then were turned back by wind and waves at Camalu and Colonet, before launching at Erendira for about 10 pounds of rockfish fillets each. "Very nice spot. Wind was not that bad and kelp everywhere," Goytia said. "The launch out of the cove was a bit tricky, but without any problems." ERENDIRA KAYAK FISHING TRIP REPORT.
CASTRO'S CAMP, ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp said he had 15 boats fishing last week, in mostly good conditions, but with some afternoon wind from Monday to Wednesday. Boats fished 3 to 4 miles out for lots of bonito and barracuda, and 7 miles out for good counts of red rockcod, bass, and whitefish, in clear, blue water at 60 degrees. Castro said there was lots of bait in the water, and many pelicans and seagulls were present in the area. CASTRO'S CAMP, ERENDIRA FISHING REPORT.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Earlier, Alfredo Paullada fished with independent boat Capt. Conrrado Castro, from 180 to 240 feet deep out of Erendira, and caught red rockcod, bocaccio, lingcod, and large whitefish. "There were two of us and Corrado," Paullado said. "I don't remember ever having a bad catch. If he can't find the barracudas, bonitas, or yellows, definitely, you'll get plenty of big rockfish." ERENDIRA FISHING TRIP REPORT.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Richard Bartow, his son Richard Jr., and father-in-law Ernie Barreras, all of Carson, fished two days, also with Capt. Conrrado Castro, in windy conditions and still caught red rockcod, large lingcod, and assorted bottom fish. "We had about 8 to 10 nice bags of fillets," Bartow said. "Overall, pretty good, considering the conditions." ERENDIRA FISHING TRIP REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Jim Marsh of San Diego, Brad Johnston, and Jay Dodge fished on the Fany III with Capt. Little Bear and scored on a white seabass of about 55 pounds, about 100 yards from shore just inside the mouth of the bay. "The skipper followed with the boat until the fish was tired and we saw color," Marsh said. "It was a white seabass near 55 pounds...our only fish there and what a surprise." SAN QUINTIN FISHING TRIP REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Alan Tokunaga of North Hollywood surf fished at Playa San Ramon and found "tough fishing...very weedy," but he said Kenji Watanabe drove down to Socorro and got into a decent surf bite on 1-pound perch in clean water.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Jeff Petersen of Loreto and some members of the Loreto Carnaderos baitsellers' cooperativa crossed over the peninsula to fish at Puerto Lopez Mateos, first catching live shrimp for bait, and then catching a nice huachinango or true red snapper, and a nice broomtail grouper, but blanking on their targeted corvina. "Corvina are running late," Peterson said. "We caught none."
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported on a trip outside the Santo Domingo boca at Puerto Lopez Mateos by Jamie Pierre and his group, fishing on a panga and the 26-foot catamaran Mar Gato of Mag Bay Outfitters. Graham said the main bite outside was on yellowfin tuna about 12 miles out, but, "Unfortunately, with the Pacific cooling off quickly, the dorado, wahoo and billfish seem to have headed further down the coast, ending what many consider a lackluster season." In the northern mangroves, Pierre's group caught a few sierra, pargo, and grouper, and lost a large corvina. No snook were reported last week, as Magdalena Bay water temperatures ranged between 69 and 75 degrees. LOPEZ MATEOS, MAGDALENA BAY FISHING TRIP REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Tim McNulty of Cardiff reported on an offshore cruise aboard the 60-foot Corsario owned by Steve Campbell, fishing in water averaging 77 degrees, from the San Carlos entrada southwards for very good dorado action on 8 to 12 fish of 20 to 30 pounds per day, wide-open football tuna, about two striped marlin per day plus many more lost, and McNulty's first ever blue marlin, an estimated 275 pounder that turned out to be the final fish of the five-day fishing period of the trip. "Overall, it was a very good trip...," McNulty said. But, "...Unfortunately at the Morgan Bank there were numerous tuna seiners all over the bank with helicopters, etc. Also, the commercial fleet in Magdalena Bay appears to be netting a lot of the bait fish, and one commercial boat came in bragging that they got 150 swordfish." CORSARIO, MAGDALENA BAY OFFSHORE FISHING CRUISE REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Dave Plutner of Encinitas reported on an 11-day, 1,350-mile fishing cruise from San Diego to the Magdalena Bay area with John Garner on Garner's 43-foot boat Done Deal, together with Mark Evitts, Don Robinson, and Bob Penny, all from the San Diego area, finding generally slow marlin and offshore conditions in southern waters, but still scoring on 13 species, including striped marlin, wahoo, yellowfin tuna, yellowtail, dorado, and a number of large calico bass to 5.8 pounds caught on structure along the north side of the entrance to Turtle Bay. Also in the Turtle Bay area, the Done Deal got an unusual triple hookup on simultaneous yellowfin tuna, skipjack, and yellowtail. "Overall, it was an incredible adventure of being at sea, with four great people that I got to know very well," Plutner said. "...when Magdalena and Turtle Bay are 'red hot,' the stories of catching 20 marlin in one day will someday become a reality." DONE DEAL MAGDALENA BAY FISHING CRUISE REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 97 boats, with a catch including released fish of: one blue marlin, 320 pounds; 42 striped marlin; 123 yellowfin tuna, mostly 30 to 50 pounds but including fish up to 100 pounds; 98 dorado; three wahoo; 35 skipjack; one cabrilla; and 13 boats skunked. The tuna and dorado were caught close to shore, and Garcia noted that striped marlin have taken their normal seasonal lead in the billfish counts. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said fishing was steady around Cabo San Lucas, as striped marlin began arriving in the area during their migration southwards. Cabo water temperatures were seen as high as about 81 degrees, but with a finger of cooler 77-degree water extending southward from land's end. Local dorado and tuna action slowed at the end of the week: "There have been lots of boats out this week and almost everyone is finding fish, but there have been no big numbers posted by anyone as far as I know. As the week ended, the fishing dropped off and most boats were coming in with a couple of tuna, a couple of dorado, or a marlin flag or two." CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said action was up and down on billfish last week, as some boats scored multiple releases, but about one-third of them drew blanks. Overall, 43 percent of Pisces boats landed billfish, 27 percent caught yellowfin tuna, and 87 percent caught all species combined. Dorado catches dropped from 80 to 37 percent, as boats found the best fishing mostly on the Pacific side, in water temperatures of 76 to 78 degrees. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Benjamin Ortega of Solmar Fleet reported on 92 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 22 striped marlin, 43 yellowfin tuna, 125 dorado, 21 jacks, and 17 wahoo. The top boat for the week was the Solmar IV with Capt. Mario Arballo and a six-outing catch including released fish of: four striped marlin, 43 dorado, 18 yellowfin tuna, and two wahoo. Solmar boats found their best action around Faro Viejo. SOLMAR FLEET, CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Dave Palmer of Fiesta Sportfishing had a group of 20 Arizona anglers fishing two days on four boats from the Dorados Fleet, with a catch including released fish of: 15 dorado to 36 pounds, 32 yellowfin tuna to 40 pounds, three striped marlin, one blue marlin of 320 pounds that died during the fight, 14 bonita, and eight sierra. The Dorados boats fished mostly on the Pacific side. The dorado were caught close to shore and the tuna on porpoise about 30 to 35 miles out. Palmer noted that America West was enforcing a $1 per pound fee for luggage weighing more than 50 pounds. FIESTA SPORTFISHING, CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING TRIP REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 56 Gaviota Fleet boats, with a catch including released fish of: one blue marlin, 32 striped marlin, one wahoo, two skipjack, 137 dorado, and 187 yellowfin tuna. The Fish Cabo reported on two days, with a catch including released fish of: two striped marlin, and eight dorado. The Juanita VIII reported on seven days, with a catch including released fish of: five striped marlin, 12 dorado, and four yellowfin tuna. Cabo weather was partly cloudy in the mid-80s, with some afternoon chop and water temperatures of 75 to 78 degrees. The best fishing continued to be south and on the Pacific side. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Merle Erickson of Chicago and his father, Palmer, of Mesa, Ariz., fished three days with Pisces Fleet and found slow going, with a catch including released fish of: six football tuna, two dorado, and one sailfish. "Overall, the slowest fishing I’ve had in Cabo in the summer and fall over the last half-dozen years," the highly experienced Erickson said. "We just weren’t in the right place at the right time because there were lots of fish taken during our stay by other Pisces boats and boats in other fleets...but that is fishing. We still had a good time." CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING TRIP REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported generally slower action, with bait very hard to find, in sometimes windy conditions and cooler water temperatures of 73 to 75 degrees. "Overall the fishing was much tougher this past week, though most people did catch at least several fish and there were many quality fish landed," Brictson said. "It was not consistent from day to day and the numbers were generally down compared to local standards." The La Playita panga fleet was mostly scratching for football tuna on chunk bait and trolled small skipjack, and dorado and billfish in scattered action. Some boats reported three to five dorado of 8 to 20 pounds. During the week, a couple of monster black marlin were also lost on overmatched tackle. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Earlier, Larry Parker of Upland fished two days out of Punta Palmilla with La Leona Sportfishing and found good action on yellowfin tuna between San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas. One day yielded 11 tuna of 18 to 25 pounds, plus two dorado, and on Parker's second day, he landed two more dorado, seven more school-sized tuna, and a 50-pound tuna, and also lost three other tuna estimated by his guide at up to 200 pounds. The largest fish was fought for an hour and a half, about a mile off Chileno, and finally cut the 50-pound line on the prop. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING TRIP REPORT.
LOS BARRILES, MEXICO: At Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, Marisol Verdugo said two to three combined super pangas and cruisers fished per day last week, for a total catch of: 100 dorado and seven striped marlin released.
LOS BARRILES, MEXICO: Chuck Meredith of Costa Brava in Los Barriles said Joe Skinner took his inflatable to the Pyramids and jigged up two cabrilla of 8 and 10 pounds, with a Krocodile from about 250 feet down. "He filleted them and we are taking the fillets up to the Calafia Restaurant in 10 minutes for them to prepare a nice Saturday night fish dinner," Meredith said. Earlier, Meredith fished solo off El Cardonal and scored on a big, 55-pound dorado by soaking a live mackerel 75 feet deep. The big dodo came to the boat eight times and was landed after a fight lasting an hour and a half on 30-pound line.
LOS BARRILES, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 50 boats from combined fleets including the Van Wormer resorts of Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with a catch including released fish of: three striped marlin, 11 sailfish, 221 dorado, and 34 yellowfin tuna. Fishing was generally slow on all species, except for school-sized dorado coming mostly from the north off Punta Pescadero, in occasionally rough seas but not too much wind. East Cape weather was cooler in the mid-80s, with cooler water temperatures of 74 to 79 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
LOS BARRILES, MEXICO: For the previous week, Moyers reported on 224 boats, with a catch including released fish of: five blue marlin, 37 striped marlin, 133 sailfish, 873 dorado, 174 yellowfin tuna, six pargo, and two wahoo. East Cape weather was in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 77 to 82 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
RANCHO LEONERO, MEXICO: Gary Barnes-Webb of Rancho Leonero said, "Another good fishing week, with striped marlin, blue marlin, sailfish, dorado, sierra and roosterfish all being taken." Billfish were concentrated 10 miles off Leonero, Barnes-Webb said, and school-sized dorado were "everywhere close inshore, with some bill bulls to 40 pounds lurking off the buoys at Punta Pescadero." RANCHO LEONERO, EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
BUENA VISTA, MEXICO: At Rancho Buena Vista, Tami Mouyeos reported on 30 fleet boats fishing in windy conditions, with a catch including released fish of: four striped marlin, one blue marlin, 11 sailfish, 152 dorado, 16 tuna, and 42 bonita.
BUENA VISTA, MEXICO: Axel Valdez of Buena Vista Beach Resort reported on 26 boats, with a catch including released fish of: one striped marlin, seven sailfish, 295 dorado, 29 tuna, one roosterfish, two snapper, one amberjack, 24 bonita, two pompano, and 12 skipjack. Fleet boats were fishing northwards on windy days and south on calmer days. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said East Cape weather settled down nicely for the weekend after a windy period early in the week. On the beaches, there were plenty of small jacks and a few good-sized roosterfish, from Rancho Buena Vista down to La Ribera. East Cape weather was in the high-70s, with water temperatures of 75 to 80 degrees. EAST CAPE FLY FISHING REPORT.
PUNTA PESCADERO, MEXICO: Carol Goldman of Salinas and her husband John stayed at Hotel Punta Pescadero and fished on the hotel's cruiser and panga, reporting a beautiful facility and excellent service, but the boats and fishing equipment not up to par. "We were told the investment group is bringing in five more cruisers and, I would assume, adequate fishing equipment," Goldman said. "The location is beautiful...The staff is eager to please and very accommodating. The food was very good." HOTEL PUNTA PESCADERO REPORT.
LAS ARENAS, LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said his pangas on the Las Arenas side had some very good action on marlin and sailfish last week, plus continued dorado and small tuna, and some wahoo, around the south end of Isla Cerralvo and at Ensenada de los Muertos. Las Arenas weather was in the mid-80s, with water temperatures of 76 to 80 degrees. LAS ARENAS, LAS PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said La Paz was jammed with Baja 1000 participants and fans, as his boats had another excellent week of dorado action in good sea conditions around Isla Espiritu Santo: "...another dyno week of dorado fishing...Espiritu Santo Island seems to be a regular dorado magnet and has been for two months now." LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: John Robinson of Ramona reported a good outing with Tailhunter International's Capt. Chito, with "pretty wide-open" dorado action on mostly 6 to 10 pounders, but with some to 20 or 30 pounds, off the south side of Isla Espiritu Santo." "Nice boat," Robinson said, "bench seats on the sides under the shade for the passengers, built-in bait tank, not what I'm used to...Capt. Chito put us on the fish." LA PAZ FISHING TRIP REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Artie Davis of Black Magic Sportfishing said he took the boat to Cabo for a while, but returned to La Paz and found the dorado right where he left them, at the southeast corner of Isla Espiritu Santo, with plenty of fish of 5 to about 40 pounds available. Davis also reported improving action for cooler water species as the winter approaches, and a good catch of pargo in the bay. At El Bajo and other high spots, divers reported sightings of yellowtail, a sign of the coming season. BLACK MAGIC, LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing said very few dorado were found last week, in windy conditions: "...only a few days are nice and calm and anglers are taking their chances enjoying their fishing journey...We wish the dorado luck on their migration and will be waiting for them to come back next year." Susarrey said good numbers of yellowtail weighing 10 to 15 pounds were caught north of town, and roosterfish of 15 to 30 pounds were mixed with them. Mackerel, bigeye, and sardina baits were all in good supply. LORETO FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: At Villas de Loreto, Wendy Wilchynski report no anglers at the hotel, but said she and husband Ron Bellerive just drove in the Baja 1000 and finished 17th in class: "We finished ahead of 2 cars, and half of our class never even finished! Maybe next week we'll have fishermen!"
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege said the weather was on and off last week, but boats did fish on most days, and there was a steady pick on both small and larger yellowtail, skipjack tuna, cabrilla, sierra, and even a few late season dorado, both north and south of Mulege. Top catches for the week included roosterfish of 30, 35, and 45 pounds, south of Punta Concepcion, by Dave Landgraf and Bob Collier, and Dustin Brown had a run of skipjack tuna at Isla San Inez. Brown also reported five heavy break-offs at Santa Theresa that might have been large yellowtail. Barber said Mulege water temperatures were at 72 to 73 degrees, with a strong north swell. Several boats reported smaller yellowtail, as the winter pattern emerges. MULEGE FISHING REPORTS.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Mike Massey of Mission Viejo relayed a report from Jim Apple at La Posada, saying that he trolled several hours in big swells and wind, and returned to the beach without a fish. "All the reports can't be good ones," Massey said. "It is that time of year when the fishing is only as good as the weather."
MULEGE, MEXICO: Fly-in angler Ron Grant reported on a trip to the Hotel Serenidad, saying Mulege weather was windy, and boats fished locally during the transition season for limited catches of both departing dorado and arriving yellowtail. Bottom fishing was also slow, and due to winds, no boats reported from Islas San Marcos or Tortuga. "Fishing was somewhat mixed for this time of year, with the end of the dorado season, and the start of yellowtail season," Grant said. The runway at the Hotel Serenidad was freshly graded and in good condition. MULEGE FISHING TRIP REPORT.
SAN LUCAS COVE, MEXICO: Allan Lewis of San Lucas Cove reported good local fishing for cabrilla, sierra, bonito, and small dorado off Haystack and the northern cliffs, in good weather conditions. On Saturday, Lewis fished at Isla San Marcos with Dave Hughes of Marysville for two cabrilla of 8 and 10 pounds, an 8-pound pargo, and a number of 8 to 14-pound yellowtail, all caught on bait and jigs off the north lighthouse. Santa Rosalia water temperatures averaged about 75 degrees. SAN LUCAS COVE, SANTA ROSALIA FISHING REPORT.
SAN LUCAS COVE, MEXICO: Syd Lindsay of San Lucas Cove was recovering from his Mex 1 car accident and subsequent complications with his Mexican insurance company: "...They sent us a revised settlement of more than twice the first one. The last settlement was a fair one that we are happy for." Lindsay also cautioned drivers to watch out for large rigs on the highway due to the Baja 1000 race: "Some of the large cargo trailers I have been seeing on the road are larger than big rigs, touching both lines at the same time. They should remember that the race is not on the highway."
CALETA SAN FRANCISQUITO, MEXICO: J.L. Terry of Del Mar and San Francisquito said on Sunday that there were still lots of 20-pound yellowtail just outside the caleta, "from first light to about 7 a.m., right outside the port, on the surface with Rapalas." Terry said more yellowtail were caught deeper on iron later in the day. Three boats scored on about 25 fish within an hour, and only 3 minutes from the beach. San Francisquito weather over the weekend was cloudy and cool, and the resort runway was still muddy from rains last week.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: At Bahia de los Angeles, Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko said water temperatures were dropping quickly, at about 69 to 71 degrees, but the weather was clear after about 1 inch of rain last week, and yellowtail fishing was good with jigs and dropper loops at the northern reefs, Los Machos, and Punta Remedios. Inside the bay, lots of bonita, barracuda, and bottom fish were present, although the whaleshark seemed to be gone. In the village, work was progressing on the new gas station. BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Earlier, Chuck Byard of Shasta fished on a private boat at Bahia de los Angeles with his father, who was returning to the bay after over 25 years, and they found fairly slow action for some small yellowtail and bonita. Byard said the newly surfaced road into the village was in great shape, but he passed a bad near head-on accident between two American pickups near Catavina: "Luckily, it did not look like anyone was seriously injured, but being 100 miles south of San Quintin with your truck in the rocks will ruin anyone's day, week, year, or forever."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: At San Felipe, Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said the weather was dry and cool, with a water temperature in the bay a bit over 70 degrees. Over the weekend, San Felipe celebrated El Dia de la Revolucion with a large parade involving 26 schools, police, fire department, military, and armies of children dressed as people caught up in the 1910 revolution. SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Esther Donaldson of Santiago's Ocean Services said two "Big Boy" fishing trips on the Home Run went out about 28 miles from Rocky Point and scored on good catches of larger leopard grouper, smaller grouper, corvina, and a pinto bass or spotted cabrilla reported at 55 pounds. "It was such a delight, since the fishing has been kind of tough with all the shrimp boats out there," Donaldson said. "There is mucho talk about not letting shrimp boats fish up in this area in order for the fish to come back and grow. Let's hope that happens soon. We'd like sport fishing to get back to where it was a few years ago."
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: At Marina el Cid, Yomahira Aguirre reported Mazatlan weather excellent, with water temperatures averaging about 80 degrees, and good fishing about 22 miles out for sailfish, tuna, and dorado during the 10th Annual Billfish Classic tournament. During the three fishing days of Nov. 11-13, 32 boats had a catch including released fish of: 130 sailfish, and five marlin. In addition, 25 dorado, six tuna, and two wahoo over 25 pounds were weighed. Mazatlan Billfish Classic Tournament results: Billfish First Place, Sea Call, $55,660; Billfish Second Place, Double Trouble, $20,873; Billfish Third Place, Chupacabras, $9,741; Wahoo, Aries I, 56.4 pounds, $6,163; Dorado, Double Trouble, 40.8 pounds, $3,698.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported near-perfect sea conditions last week, with partly cloudy weather in the high-80s.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Stan and Sandy Vath of Oxnard and San Quintin wound up their fishing cruise to Puerto Vallarta aboard their boat Tinknocker, and returned to Channel Islands Harbor on Nov. 19, after finding fairly slow action during the trip home, at the Gordo Banks, Magdalena Bay, and Isla Cedros, but very good fishing on a wide variety of species at San Quintin. At Puerto Vallarta, the Tinknocker found yellowfin tuna, including two fish of 221 and 192.6 pounds, pargo, wahoo, and dorado, and Stan Vath said, "The amount of trophy fish available there is incredible. We had personal bests for some of our anglers," but, "There is a brutal learning curve in this different fishery and logistics can be trying at times." TINKNOCKER, PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING CRUISE FINAL REPORT.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: W.O.N. staffer Rod Halperin fished three days on the private boat Janice O, and the boat landed two 300-pound class blue marlin at Corbetena, plus some nice dorado. Halperin said: "We missed a few more strikes on marlin and a couple of the nicer tuna. Fishing seemed to slow down with each passing day. Finding the right kind of bait was tough, lots of 'little baits' but very few of the 5-pound skipjack. If you got one, that bait was bit pretty quick." Puerto Vallarta sea conditions were flat, with water temperatures at 83 degrees. Halperin said commercial seiners on El Banco made that area unfishable. Many dorado and sailfish were present closer to shore, he said, "...but we were after the big boys and didn't give them a shot."
BARRA DE NAVIDAD, MEXICO: Hugh Cobb of Oceanside's Pacific Coast Bait & Tackle had some follow-up comments on his recent trip to Barra de Navidad: "Pangas were available. We fished with 'Enrique,' who was knowledgeable and friendly, but, as it typical with those guys, he pretty much insisted on doing things his way. We did fish with Enrique's buddy Hilberto who was more tolerant of our wishes, especially regarding which lure to troll. Weather and sea were both excellent all three days with water very warm. We flew into Manzanillo, drove a rented car to Barra, and stayed at a condo. Good hotel rooms, Hotel Barra de Navidad, Hotel Alondra, are available right in town at decent prices and are within easy walking distance of the boats."
ENSENADA BOTTOM CATCH--Jose Osuna of La Jolla and his buddy fished on a Vonny's Fleet panga last week, and they limited on bottom fish at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda. Photo courtesy Ivan Villarino.
INSIDE THE BAY--Jim Marsh with his 55-pound white seabass caught while fishing in 20 to 30 feet of water on the north side of Bahia de San Quintin, while fishing on the Fany III with Capt. "Little Bear." Photo courtesy Jim Marsh.
PUERTO LOPEZ MATEOS CATCH--Jeff Petersen of Loreto fished with the Loreto Carnaderos baitsellers pangueros at Puerto Lopez Mateos at Magdalena Bay and they caught a nice huachinango plus a broomtail grouper, and a lot of clams, but missed on their targeted corvina. Photo courtesy Jeff Petersen.
PUERTO LOPEZ MATEOS CATCH--A nice broomtail grouper caught at Mag Bay by Jeff Petersen and the Loreto Carnaderos. Photo courtesy Jeff Petersen.
DEEP DODO--Chuck Meredith of East Cape got tired of catching dink dorado last week, so he soaked a mackerel 75 feet deep off El Cardonal and scored on this nice 55 pounder. Photo courtesy Chuck Meredith.
EAST CAPE ACTION--These anglers from British Columbia fished on the Dusty B III out of Buena Vista Beach Resort for a great early winter catch of one striped marlin (which was injured and could not be released), one sailfish released, and 14 dorado. Photo courtesy Axel Valdez.
EVENING PARGO--Sharif Mohamed of Newport Beach with a nice barred pargo caught at sunset near La Reina with La Paz' Black Magic Sportfishing. Photo courtesy Artie Davis.
LORETO YELLOWTAIL SEASON--At the Loreto marina last week were (from left) Ken Hudson and Chris Lacroix of Colorado, and Dan Nordstrom from Washington State, with some early winter yellowtail caught with Arturo's Sportfishing. Photo courtesy Arturo Susarrey.
MULEGE JACK--Dieter Reese with a jack crevalle caught last week out of La Posada at Mulege. Photo courtesy Mike Massey.
HOT LA PAZ DORADO--Getting in on the hot dorado bite at La Paz last week was Steve Kiesel of Ramona who caught this nice 40 pounder off Isla Espiritu Santo with Tailhunter International. Photo courtesy Jonathan Roldan.
TINKNOCKER AT VALLARTA--Stan Vath's boat Tinknocker catches a beautiful sunset during its big fishing trip from Oxnard to Puerto Vallarta. Photo courtesy Stan Vath.
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Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
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San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
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