LORETO, MEXICO: The Sea of Cortez summer dorado season broke open last week from La Paz to San Carlos, and at Loreto, dorado came in close and were caught in volume on weed patches just a few miles from town in water temperaures up to 82 degrees.
LORETO, MEXICO: Bill Erhardt of Loreto reported light winds that let sargassum paddies form from Isla Coronado north to the San Bruno reef area and plenty of dorado under them. "That seaweed is forming into paddies and the paddies are holding dorado," Erhardt said. "The dorado probably average around 12 pounds or so, but some are over 20 and a few over 30 pounds." Two outings on Erhardt's boat during the week produced catch-and-release action for 13 dorado on 1 trip and too many dorado to count on another. "On Thursday we returned to the paddies near San Bruno Reef in search of billfish," Erhardt said. "I caught no billfish, but so many dorado were coming and going that I stopped counting. The largest dorado we caught was around 25 pounds." Loreto fishing waters were clear blue in the low-80s by mid-afternoon. LORETO DORADO HOLDING ON WEED PADDIES.
LORETO, MEXICO: Don Bear of Loreto said the local dorado bite "has apparently broken wide-open." Several Loreto pangueros including Poncho Susarrey and Alejo Murillo found heavy action very close to town on fish into the high-30 pound class, including limits by 11 a.m. and 20 fish by 10 a.m. on 2 outings at spots such as Isla Coronado and Punta Tintorera on Isla Carmen. "Poncho Susarrey was absolutely ecstatic, claiming he hadn't seen as many fish in one place in the last 3 years," Bear said. "Paulino Martinez and I fished out of Loreto on my boat on Friday, catching 6 dorado, but we went too far north, to San Bruno and Punta Almeja, to cash in on the close-in action." Loreto weather was humid and hot at 100 degrees, with water temperatures of 79 to 82 degrees. LORETO WIDE-OPEN DORADO BITE.
LORETO, MEXICO: Patty Zapata of Loreto's Hotel Oasis reported on 5 local outings with charter Capts. Francisco Martinez, Francisco Murillo, Isidro Mendoza, and Martin Davis Castro, fishing at Punta Pulpito, Punta Lobos, and north of Isla Coronado for a combined catch of: 11 yellowtail, 8 dorado (also mahi-mahi or dolphinfish), 1 triggerfish, 1 marlin, and 1 sailfish. "On Saturday, Mike and David Ingamells were taken to fish at Punta Pulpito looking for yellowtail at the surface," Zapata said. "They found the waters teeming with them along with squid and huge rays. Half of the yellowtail were too big for their gear but they ended up with 5, with an average size of 23 pounds and a small dorado."
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company reported dorado, striped marlin, and sailfish action closer to Loreto as local water temperatures moved into the 75 to 83-degree range. "Although there are boats doing very well on a 30-degree heading at 30-plus miles out, there's no need to go that far," Bolles said. "We've been getting good consistent dorado action right off Punta Lobos." Plenty of sargassum paddies were found south of Loreto, but offshore fishing was slow in that direction. Yellowtail were thinning out in warming water temperatures, but still available 30 miles north at Punta Pulpito. Loreto bottom fishing action was good for cabrilla and snappers. LORETO OFFSHORE DORADO FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog at Marina Coral reported 2 of 3 albacore landed after a triple jig strike Saturday in blue 64.7-degree water off Ensenada at GPS 31.49 117.48. "We got a triple jig strike on 7-Strand clones of 12-pound albacore at 2:30 p.m.," Ross said. "This may be the first albacore of the year for Gail and the San Diego Anglers." Bad Dog traveled a total of 151 miles, fishing off Ensenada in 3 to 5-foot seas, also finding wide-open bonito limits on fish to 7.6 pounds at GPS 31.43 117.35, plus 2 yellowtail of 6.7 and 9.3 pounds on kelp paddies.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said his beach launched pangas fishing at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda had much better weather conditions this week. Pangas fished all week for steady limits of lingcod, red rockcod, sugarbass, mixed bottom fish species, and a return of yellowtail into the 20-pound class for 2 pangas fishing on Friday. Ensenada fishing area weather was partly cloudy in the high-70s, with 3 to 4-foot ocean swells and water temperatures at 61 degrees at Punta Banda. ENSENADA PANGA FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Memo Gomez of El Dorado Sportfishing said he fished with 1 angler Saturday on the Ensenada charter panga El Dorado for a catch of: 1 yellowtail of 30 pounds, 5 bonito of 8 to 10 pounds, and limits of red rockcod, salmon grouper, bonito, and mixed rockfish. Gomez fished mostly about 300 feet deep at Punta Banda in water at 62.4 degrees, but the yellowtail and bonito were caught on trolled Rapalas.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sammy Susarrey of Lily Fleet reported a good offshore run out of Ensenada on Saturday, fishing about 24 miles out at GPS 31.34 116.59 in foggy conditions for yellowtail limits on fish of 10 to 12 pounds by noon for 3 anglers, plus a stop at the Banda Bank for bottom fish limits of big salmon grouper in 65.5-degree water. "Most of the yellowtail we caught today were open water trolling fish," Susarrey said. "A lot of the bottom fish were on live bait."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Rodney Parker of Sterling Heights, Mich., and Gary Mulepie of San Diego fished at midweek on the Lily Fleet charter boat Tamara, running south out of Ensenada to the Maximino Reef area for rockcod limits in about 3 hours at a depth of about 350 feet. "We were able to get a nice load of sardines just as the net boat came in that morning," Parker said. "Seeing as the yellowtail fishing had been inconsistent, we decided to go bottom fishing at Maximino Reef. We did quite well with the rockcod. I also used Berkley Saltwater Gulp Bait and had almost as good luck as on the live bait."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Judy Ostberg of the boat Melody out of Ensenada's Marina Coral reported on an offshore run Friday in 65 to 66.8-degree water for 27 bonito released on the troll and yellowtail limits for 3 anglers on 3 kelp paddies. Ensenada offshore fishing waters were flat, and Gordo's had so-so bait, Ostberg said.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp reported on 26 boats fishing out of Erendira during the week, with the usual bottom fish limits, plus the beginning of surface action on yellowtail, bonito, barracuda, and some white seabass seen but still not biting. "It's still a little slow on the surface," Castro said, "but it's coming little by little." Recent patches of red tide plankton disappeared last week, Castro said, and the water was very clear blue at 59 to 60 degrees in the main fishing areas. Erendira weather had some wind and clouds during the week, but was calm again by Sunday.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said fishing for San Quintinn boats picked up last week, as all boats found yellowtail limits of kelp paddy fish at 15 to 22 pounds. Boats that stayed close the point caught steady limits of rockcods, a few lingcod, calico bass, sandbass, and giant Humboldt squid some days. "Giant squid are on a day-to-day basis," Hillis said. "One day there's all you want, and the next day, same spot, same boat, nothing." San Quintin fishing area weather was mostly calm during the week, as 3 boats searched offshore for albacore but with no luck.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Stan Vath of San Quintin reported progress on the new launch ramp and dock construction project at the Old Mill. "The concrete launch ramp is being extended into the bay another 11 meters or so," Vath said. "They are using precast panels. We have been using the mud ramp for many years as there is a severe drop-off at the end of the existing ramp due to the tide changes in the bay. They are also putting in pilings that appear to be for floating docks. The government is paying for this project according to a sign on the road in."
BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO: While cruising up the Baja coastline in the last week of May to San Diego after a trip to Barra de Navidad, Capt. Burt Wald on the 80-foot boat Madrugador, fishing with boat owner Bill Aiello, Brad Scott, and Jim Korona, reported action on yellowfin tuna to 47 pounds and yellowtail to 20 pounds at Alijos Rocks. Baja offshore waters were calm at 66 degrees, Wald said.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported Magdalena Bay anglers with fair action for smaller grouper, corvina, and spotted bay bass at the San Carlos bridge, plus continued halibut on the sandy flats of Belcher's Point across the bay. "Enrique Soto of San Carlos reported a few yellowtails out at the entrada," Graham said, "...and as the day wore on, some corvina and bonito under the bird schools." The Magdalena Bay inner mangrove channels produced corvina, leopard grouper, some small snook, plus some palometa amarilla at Devil's Curve. Magdalena Bay fishing area weather was clear in the high-70s, with water temperatures at 61 to 66 degrees. MAGDALENA BAY FLY FISHING REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Bob Hoyt of Mag Bay Outfitters at Puerto Lopez Mateos said the charter boat Aristokat fished several times inside Magdalena Bay for a catch of halibut, grouper, and spotted bay bass, plus an unusual catch by hand. "On the second day on trip to Isla Magdalena, they encountered fish chasing small sardines in the surf and being caught by the waves and receding surf," Hoyt said. "Locals were picking up trapped halibut, corvina, and small snook by hand. They also picked up dinner in this manner, a 20-pound halibut."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 84 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 51 striped marlin, 1 white marlin, 76 yellowfin tuna, 43 dorado, 10 wahoo, 13 skipjack, 9 bonito, 1 jack crevalle, 4 yellowtail, 23 pargo, 58 sierra, and 3 boats with no luck.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 29 outings by Gaviota Fleet, the Fish Cabo, and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 35 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, and 2 dorado. "Cabo San Lucas had one of the slower weeks for anglers," Edwards said. "Only 2 dorado and no yellowfin tuna were reported for the entire week and with favorable fishing conditions. Why? Wish I knew." Fleet boats found mostly scattered marlin action in both directions from Cabo San Lucas, but some concentrations were found at Red Hill on the Cortez side and up the Pacific side at the Golden Gate Bank. Cabo San Lucas weather was at 100 degrees, with water temperatures of 70 to 74 degrees and rough conditions on the Pacific side, and up to 84 degrees at the Gordo Banks on the Cortez side. CABO SAN LUCAS OFFSHORE SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 10 outings by the Cabo San Lucas charter boats El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 17 striped marlin, 4 yellowfin tuna of 15 to 20 pounds, 2 dorado of 25 to 30 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of Cabo San Lucas and the boat Falcon relayed a fishing report from Capt. Keven "Cub" Puhl of the boat Success for good marlin action all week long, releasing 4 to 5 fish per day off Distiladeras on the Cortez side, including 1 super day of marlin releases. "Cub found a huge bait ball and kept boat owner Linda Williams, her son and a friend hooked up all day," Connolly said. "They used circle hooks and without disturbing the bait, slow-trolled 3 mackerel at a time near the bait. They had 6 triples and had 34 hookups with 23 marlin released, Linda's best day of the year."
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported Cabo San Lucas weather mostly sunny in the high-90s and continued wind and green, cool water on the Pacific side with water temperatures holding in the 60s, and blue water up to 84 degrees on the Cortez side. "There has been a decent break right out in front where there is both color and temperature change," Landrum said. "Most of the fleet has been working it hard. Unfortunately this is also where the rough water from the Pacific side meets the calmer water from the Cortez side, and there have been quite a few boats returning early from this area."
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on 75 combined La Playita fleet pangas fishing off San Jose del Cabo, with a catch of: 2 wahoo, 55 striped marlin, 12 yellowfin tuna, 21 dorado, 34 roosterfish, 22 sierra, 16 jack crevalle, 38 dog snapper, 11 amberjack, 4 hammerhead shark, 2 mako shark, and 38 Mexican bonito. "There are increasing numbers of roosterfish," Brictson said, "although the bite has not broken wide-open as it should during the next couple of weeks. More dog snapper were landed. Trolling with live mullet and heavy leader was the best technique, but many fish were lost because they cut lines off. Some trophy snapper as large as 45 pounds were caught."
San Jose del Cabo sportfishing area weather was cloudless and hot in the mid-90s, with local water temperatures at the 80-degree mark. Live bait supplies were good for mullet, mackerel near shore, and bolito and skipjack at the Gordo Banks.
Brictson also noted illegal commercial spearing going on at one of the best snapper fishing locations. "One area where the dog snapper, largest of the snapper species, congregate is the shipwreck off La Laguna that lies in 40 feet of water. Recently divers equipped with both air tanks and powerful spear guns have been seen shooting and killing these fish without any respect of the law. These fish were monsters in the 50-pound range. Hopefully local authorities can stop these poachers before they kill off the entire species."
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo reported a striped marlin landed while doing his regular mixed species style of fishing deep with Capt. Pata of the La Playita panga Salomé. "The largest fish I have caught and about 18 inches longer than Salomé is wide," Snow said. "I got tired of cranking 15-pound bonitos off the bottom so sent out a mullet simply for diversification. Almost immediately a marlin appeared to check out the mullet and like they say, the rest is history." Other species caught during the outing included: amberjack, Mexican bonito, popeye catalufa, California conger eel, eastern Pacific flagfin, reef lizardfish, ocean tilefish, goldeneye tilefish, and orangeside triggerfish. SAN JOSE DEL CABO SPECIES FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Axel Valdez of Buena Vista Beach Resort reported on 83 boats, with 315 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 45 striped marlin, 8 sailfish, 31 dorado, 116 tuna, 67 roosterfish, 23 snapper, 11 jack crevalle, 3 amberjack, 10 bonito, 1 ladyfish, 1 pompano, 5 cabrilla, 1 skipjack tuna, and 34 sierra. "Stripers continue to dominate the action, but dorado are scarce all over our ocean," Valdez said. "Our Buena Vista Team consisting of Axel and Jesus Valdez took third place in the Los Mochis El Debate Tournament."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Tami Gaussoin of Rancho Buena Vista reported on 52 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 54 striped marlin, 6 sailfish, 2 roosterfish, 42 dorado, 72 yellowfin tuna, and 1 wahoo. East Cape sport fishing area water temperatures averaged 81 degrees with good sea conditions.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Bill Burkett of Los Barriles and the boat Fat Cat reported the results of the 11th annual Fishing Round Up tournament held by East Cape Anglers, with 27 boats fishing for 2 days during the event June 1-2, 2006: First Place, Mi Sueno, 4 marlin releases; Second Place, Natalie Rose, 4 marlin releases; and Third Place, Makaira, 3 marlin releases. Overall, the competing boats had a catch including released fish of: 34 striped marlin, 1 sailfish, 34 dorado, and 3 tuna, during 54 outings. "It's the club's only multi-day tournament," Burkett said. "The boats fished mostly from La Ribera south to Las Frailes in calm seas and water temperatures from 78 to 84 degrees."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported good fly tackle action on small roosterfish brought close to East Cape beaches by schools of bait. Mark Saba of Maryland landed 3 roosterfish plus others lost with Baja On The Fly guide Josh Dickenson. "Using hookless teasers, Josh consistently enticed fish from a couple hundred feet away close enough for Mark to get plenty of shots," Graham said. Fly tackle angler Don Murnane of New Jersey also scored on roosterfish, plus jack crevalle, ladyfish, and Mexican lookdown, with guide Lance Peterson. "Offshore tuna, dorado and marlin are all on the chew," Graham said. Most of the dorado and tuna are in the 'reasonable' size category for the average fly angler, from the single digit to 20 or more pounds. With all the bait and large schools of fish we are seeing, June 2006 should be a great one." East Cape sport fishing area weather was clear in the mid-90s, with water temperatures at 74 to 83 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Ash Pickering of the Vista Sea Sport dive service at Buena Vista said water temperatures at depth on the Cabo Pulmo coral reef were at 75 to 82 degrees, with visibility of 55 to 70 feet. "This week we've been stunned by some of the sea life sightings, including a couple of tiger sharks," Pickering said. "One of our divers who has been diving all over the world even compared our trips to Palau and Micronesia." Sea life sightings included goliath grouper, or jewfish, golden cownosed ray, nudibranchs, guitarfish, jacks, octopus, and many other species.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Beach-launched boat angler Torrance Eddy of Buena Vista reported a good-sized giant Mexican needlefish, or agujón, almost 5 feet long and weighing 23 pounds, caught while fishing about 200 yards from shore in front of the Los Barriles Pemex station. "Several years ago, I caught the other kind of needlefish and that one was over 3 feet," Eddy said. "These were definitely not the same kind. When I saw how long it was, I nearly fell out of the boat." Eddy said the agujón cooked up fine and bone-free after he filleted out the dark meat. "This fish was somewhat better than 'very good,'" Eddy said, "and surprise, surprise, not one bone, big or little. They are a little dangerous when loose in the boat." East Cape commercial pangueros were having good luck, using yo-yo iron and live bait at night for about 175 pounds of red snapper in the 4-pound class per trip.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said, "The active bite has moved much closer in, with marlin, sailfish, dorado and tuna all within 2 to 6 miles of the beaches from La Ribera south to Los Frailes. The dorado bite is even better this week, with fish to 45 pounds taking mostly lures. The tuna are in a wide-open bite the last several days, with mostly football-sized fish about 2 miles off the beach from Cabo Pulmo to Los Frailes. Many boats are limiting out with hoochies and live sardinas. Inshore there is an exceptional bite, with as many roosterfish as we've ever seen, with all sized fish biting off all beaches."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Eddie Dalmau of Van Wormer Resorts reported good offshore action for striped marlin in all directions, plus dorado north and south, and yellowfin tuna into the 40-pound class straight out. Inshore fishing produced good numbers of roosterfish, small sierra, and cabrilla, but Dalmau said, "Most East Cape sportfishing boats are heading offshore. The fish are everywhere and feeding aggressively." EAST CAPE STRIPED MARLIN FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: For the previous week ending May 25, 20006, Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 280 charter boats from combined fleets including Hotels Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, Punta Colorada, Buena Vista Beach Resort, Rancho Leonero, and Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, with 826 anglers and a catch including released fish of: 219 striped marlin, 12 sailfish, 109 dorado, 14 yellowfin tuna, 2 wahoo, and 1 amberjack.
"The fishing was pretty darn slow on the East Cape," Moyers said. "The north winds picked up, the billfish bite was down, the yellowfin tuna bite was nonexistent, and the dorado bite remained about the same, slow." East Cape sport fishing area weather was windy in the high-90s, with water temperatures of 67 to 79 degrees.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Jeff Rumble of Whittier noted that the medium sized jack caught at East Cape by Kevin Facius a few weeks ago and identified as an amberjack was actually a rare fortune jack, identified by its rosy-golden fins. "It is a fortune jack, and a beautiful one," Rumble said. This jumps out for me because the only fortune jack that I've ever caught is the monster pictured in the Fish I.D. section. The color is unmistakable, mind-bogglingly beautiful, and the taste is marvelous."
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Leonard Phillips of Baja Pirates Fleet reported improving dorado fishing on the La Paz side, with the weather wind-free in the high-90s, and water temperatures at 72 to 75 degrees. Angler Shawn Braggs of South Dakota landed 2 dorado in the 40-pound class with Capt. Reynaldo Rosas just east of Punta Coyote, and Gregg Miles of La Verne released 2 striped marlin and 1 sailfish. Inshore, Travis Mendenhall boated 2 cabrilla at 20 pounds.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International reported a big jump in dorado and striped marlin action on both sides of the hill last week. "The dorado bite went into full swing this week," Roldan said. "On the La Paz side, fishing areas such as Las Cruces, Coyote, the Canyon, and Punta Norte all produced, as did the sargasso weeds accumulating in the channel. On the Las Arenas side, if you hit the right buoy it was a dorado rodeo." Fishing was also good for striped marlin and sailfish, as well as inshore roosterfish, jacks, bonito, and pargo. LA PAZ DORADO SEASON REPORT.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege reported the results of the Mulege Classic dorado tournament held last week, with 82 anglers fishing for 2 days on June 1-2, 2006. First Place, Mike Kanzler, 24 pounds 6 ounces, $700; Second Place, William Lugar, 24 pounds 2 ounces, $400; Third Place, Ed Hogan, 23 pounds 4 ounces, $150; Calcutta for 2 biggest combined fish, Mike Blackmon, fishing on Mike Kanzler's boat. Mulege fishing area weather was perfect for the event, Barber said, with glassed-off water in the high-70s. MULEGE CLASSIC DORADO TOURNAMENT RESULTS.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos reported hot, humid weather in the Santa Rosalia fishing area last week, with water temperatures at 76 to 77 degrees as he got into the final flurries of what was probably the season's last surface yellowtail action and the dorado moved into town. A run to the Isla San Marcos bajos produced hot yellowtail action on fish into the 25-pound class, mixed with dorado of 8 to 15 pounds moving in, and Kanzler also won last week's Mulege Classic dorado tournament with a fish of 24.6 pounds. His boat also took second place with a 22 pounder that Kanzler said was picked out of a school of about 200 small fish. "I'd tell how it's done, but some things need to be kept secret," he said. SANTA ROSALIA YELLOWTAIL AND DORADO FISHING REPORT.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Syd Lindsay of San Lucas Cove, 10 miles south of Santa Rosalia, reported pargo limits for himself and his brother Bob, while fishing off Isla San Marcos.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: At Camp Gecko, just south of Bahia de los Angeles, Abraham Vazquez reported very good surface yellowtail action on fish to 20 pounds around Smith Island at the north end of the bay. "After a few weeks of lots of bait fish and lots of squid, today finally the yellows got wide-open," Vazquez said on Friday. "They are on the surface. There were many 20-pound fish going off at the channel west of Smith Island." Vazquez said the yellowtail were hitting surface iron in water that jumped in temperature from the low-60s to about 70 degrees during the week. Bahia de los Angeles fishing area weather was clear and windless in the mid-90s with some humidity at night.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: John Carroll of the San Diego Rod & Reel Club reported on several days of fishing around Bahia de los Angeles, with 7 anglers and 2 boats in the 25-foot class running out to Refugio at the north tip of Isla Angel de la Guarda for good action on yellowtail and more than 35 fish species overall, in sometimes very windy conditions that put green water over the top of the boat on some occasions. "There were 10-plus pangas at Punta Remedios and not one would have been there if Guillermo's tournament had been on," Carroll said. "We were blinded 20-plus times with water over the entire boat." Carroll's group fished at Refugio, Punta Remedios, and Snake Island for a catch including yellowtail, cabrilla, triggerfish, spotted bay bass, Humboldt squid, and many other fish species. Caroll also noted that his truck was broken into for the second time in less than a year. Overall, though, Carroll felt they had another great Baja trip, saying, "We had another incredible trip and feel like we continue to cheat life along the way." REFUGIO FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: J.L. Terry of San Francisquito reported lots of yellowtail in the 30-pound class and bait in 75-degree water off El Barrile, 8 miles south. "There are flying fish and maybe dorado," Terry said. "There are lots of people here and lots of planes at the hotel. The weather is great. Winter is over." Divers working the San Francisquito area also brought in white seabass, including a 58 pounder.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Chris Pennington of San Diego and his wife Jean fished with Ruben Daggett of Daggett's Camp at the north end of Bahia de los Angeles, running north about 30 miles to the Candeleros area for very good action on yellowtail hitting blue-white iron on the surface. "After only 45 minutes we were close to our limit," Pennington said. "The yellowtail were everywhere! Down deep at 200 feet and also on the surface chasing bait. We fished about 300 yards off the shore." Heavy concentrations of Humboldt squid hampered bait fishing, and the yellowtail, mostly 10 to 12 pounders, were found to be full of sardina. Water temperatures at Candeleros were at 62 degrees, and 66 degrees at the Guillermo's ramp at Bahia de los Angeles. L.A. Bay weather was in the high-80s, with 2 days of strong wind during the trip. DAGGETT'S CAMP YELLOWTAIL FISHING REPORT.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay at San Felipe reported hot and very humid weather over the weekend, "96 degrees in the shade with the humidity pushing 50 percent."
"On days like this I really feel for the street vendors," Meders said, "although the kids seem impervious to it all and race around yelling and laughing anyway."
San Felipe was fairly quiet after the departure of the Memorial Day crowds. "June is always a strange time of year at San Felipe and kind of a well-kept secret," Meders said. "Lots of folks have already fled north so it's much less crowded but it's still a great time for water activities and for trips up into the mountains." Meders noted that the bookstore would be closed for 2 months beginning June 2, 2006.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Wayne Sheffield of Sedona, Ariz., fished in good conditions from a kayak about 10 miles south of Rocky Point for good action on pompano, several small sea trout, or corvina, and some mixed bottom fish, using chrome Kastmasters and rubbertails tipped with bait, plus a close-encounter with a sea lion attracted to his fish stringer. "The sea lion came within 1 foot of my kayak, underneath, and just looked up at me," Sheffield said. "The next morning, the sea was so calm I could see the reef structure well and look forward to returning." ROCKY POINT KAYAK FISHING REPORT.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Dave Harcourt of San Carlos reported on 6 outings by his boat Cobia, with heavy dorado action found for limits on all but one trip. Some marlin and many sailfish were also seen while fishing mostly about 28 to 34 miles out of San Carlos on a heading of about 219 degrees. "There were a few paddies of weed out there too," Harcourt said. "We had some success casting silver spinners. What was phenomenal was fish that would follow the first caught. At times I swear there were a thousand fish milling around the boat. We usually limited out right there." Offshore water temperatures were at 78 degrees. SAN CARLOS DORADO LIMIT FISHING REPORT.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Bart Waldo of reported results of the Ladies International Fishing Tournament held at San Carlos May 26-28, 2006: First Place, Debbie Martin, After Hours; Second Place, Natalie Elwood, Casador; Third Place, Betthann Spafford, Fun Ticket; Fourth Place, Gina Hatcher, Shady Lady; Fifth Place, Kathy Vacek, Sea Kay; Sixth Place, Dana Cryer, Reel Loco; Seventh Place, Hilda Maxon, Pair A Dice; Eighth Place, Nancy Leras, The Greek; First Place Dorado, Susan Sarnowski, Rebel, 32.2 pounds; Second Place Dorado, Debbie Martin, After Hours, 26.4 pounds; Third Place Dorado, Hilda Maxon, Pair A Dice, 24.8 pounds; no tuna or wahoo weighed.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charter reported improved offshore and continued good inshore fishing for Mazatlan charter boats, as Aries Fleet at Marina el Cid turned in an offshore catch including released fish of: 38 striped marlin, 19 sailfish, 19 yellowfin tuna, and 54 dorado. The Aries II and Aries V had 5-marlin release days. Six inshore super pangas reported a catch of: 88 pargo, 43 cabrilla, 4 seabass, 25 mojarra, and 207 triggerfish, with many releases. Mazatlan fishing area weather was calm and partly cloudy in the low-90s, with water temperatures at 81 degrees inshore and 84 degrees offshore, Offshore fishing started about 19 miles southwest of Marina el Cid. MAZATLAN OFFSHORE AND INSHORE FISHING REPORTS.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Quinonez of PV Marlin Sportfishing said his Puerto Vallarta charter boat Lorena had a good week of fishing for big counts on dorado, plus some yellowfin tuna at last. "On June 1st we finally got into some tuna," Quinonez said. "Greg Toepfert and crew landed 18 tuna, small ones, but the big guys shouldn't be far behind." Two other outings by the Lorena had a dorado count of 20 fish, including some large bulls. Puerto Vallarta fishing area seas had some swell and water temperatures in the mid-80s.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Osuna of Marla's Sportfishing said his charter boat Marla II was fishing again last week after being pulled for maintenance. Inshore fishing around Punta Mita and shallow water action offshore around Roca Corbetena produced good counts of pargo, some roosterfish, and dorado limits, in mostly calm water at 82 to 86 degrees. Plenty of yellowfin tuna were seen crashing at Roca Corbetena, but there were still no biters. Of the tuna, Osuna said, "They didn't look too interested in our baits, but I have a feeling the big cows are going to be here." Anglers fishing aboard the boats Marla III and Arca de Noe included Allin Millac of Canada, Josh, Mike and Laura Outhis, Robert and Lloyd McMullen, and Tom Coster. PUERTO VALLARTA OFFSHORE AND INSHORE FISHING.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said 80-degree blue water moved to within 2 miles of the beach and Ixtapa Zihuatanejo fishing was good last week for sailfish averaging about 2 or 3 per boat, plus some smaller 20-pound class yellowfin tuna, and about 1 boat out of 3 also scoring on blue marlin.
Ixtapa fishing area weather was at 80 degrees, with some wind and thunderstorms, and a water temperature range of 78 to 84 degrees. "We got our first rains of the year this week," Kunze said, "and even though 95 percent of our rain is at night, the wind has made for 2 or 3 uncomfortable days on the water." Inshore fishing was good for Capt. Adolpho of the Zihuatanejo charter panga Dos Hermanos for roosterfish and jack crevalle caught at the nearby White Rocks area.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Scott Gross and Carl Swanson of Boston fished 4 days off Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, with Capt. Amado on the 27-foot panga Burbuja and with Capt. Luis Maciel on the panga Gringo Loco, finding no action on 2 days, but a total of 27 yellowfin tuna on the other 2 days, fishing up to 45 miles out in cobalt blue water at 82 to 84 degrees. After scoring 17 tuna far outside their first day, Gross said they caught the final 5 tuna only 1 mile off Ixtapa. IXTAPA FISHING FOR YELLOWFIN TUNA.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 26 offshore and inshore outings by the El Cid Caribe fleet at Puerto Morelos, just south of Cancun, with a catch including released fish of: 1 blue marlin, 2 white marlin, 10 sailfish, 26 dorado, 12 barracuda, 6 dog snapper, 3 tuna, and 1 sierra. "Better billfish catches were being reported during some longer fishing days," Edwards said. "The Cancun sportfishing area had another week of very good action." Cancun fishing area weather was in the low-90s, with some afternoon wind chop and water temperatures at 82 to 83 degrees. CANCUN FISHING REPORT.
CANCUN, MEXICO: Tony DeCicco of Morrisville, Pa., reported on his fishing trip in late may with the new El Cid Caribe Resort fleet at Puerto Morelos near Cancun. "I highly recommend this organization," DeCicco said. "They offered to pick us up and drop us off at our hotel, gratis. This is a 30-mile drive each way for them. The marina is brand new. We were fishing less than 20 minutes after leaving the dock." EL CID CARIBE RESORT SPORTFISHING FLEET REPORT.
DOWNTOWN DORADO--Loreto's dorado season kicked into high gear last week as many dorado from peanut to "respectable" size came within about 15 miles of the downtown marina. Mike Hodgen, left, and Bruce Hunt got into the action at nearby Isla Coronado with Hotel Oasis' Capt. Martin Davis Castro. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATTY ZAPATA.
LORETO LUCKY--Bob and Marilyn Meyer from Loreto on their boat Mi Suerte, or "My Luck" in Spanish, with one of many dorado caught Thursday under weed paddies north of Isla Coronado. PHOTO COURTESY OF BILL ERHARDT.
ENSENADA FOGGY FORKIE--Memo Gomez' Ensenada charter panga El Dorado fished in foggy conditions Saturday for a heavy fish count for angler Saito, shown, of bottom fish limits, plus this nice yellowtail landed at Punta Banda. PHOTO COURTESY OF MEMO GOMEZ.
THEY'RE BAAACK--Yellowtail have been on vacation for the past few weeks at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda, but Joe Horvath, left, and John Migeot got into them again last week with Vonny Fleet's yellowtail guru, Capt. Beto Zamora, right. PHOTO COURTESY OF IVAN VILLARINO.
AT MAXIMINO REEF--Gary Mulepie, shown, and Rodney Parker fished about 350 feet deep last week on the Lily Fleet charter boat Tamara and scored rockcod limits in about 3 hours at Maximino Reef south of Ensenada. PHOTO COURTESY OF RODNEY PARKER.
REDS, REDS, REDS--Castro's Camp anglers, from left, Jeff Saffurd, Brian Gulden, Leonard Tobey, and Rich Buquet, all of San Diego, sort out a nice bunch of red rockcod, lingcod, and mixed bottom fish caught off Erendira just south of Ensenada last week. PHOTO COURTESY OF FERNANDO CASTRO.
QUINTIN RAMP PROGRESS--Work continued last week on the new launch ramp and dock facility at the Old Mill complex on the shore of the inner bay at San Quintin. PHOTOS COURTESY OF STAN VATH.
BAJA OFFSHORE TUNA--Capt. Burt Wald, skippering the 80-foot boat Madrugador during a long cruise to San Diego from Barra de Navidad, found action on yellowfin tuna to 47 pounds in 66-degree water at Alijos Rocks off Baja's Pacific coast. PHOTO COURTESY OF BURT WALD.
STRIPERS HITTING BLUE--Bill Erhardt of Loreto used a blue marlin feather on Saturday to hook 2 striped marlin of around 120 pounds. With many flying fish in the area, the same blue "flyer" also accounted for more than a dozen dorado earlier in the week, Erhardt said. PHOTO COURTESY OF BILL ERHARDT.
LA PLAYITA MARLIN--Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo usually fishes with Sabiki rigs or other deep, light tackle in search of rare types of fish, but last week he accidentally landed this striped marlin on a mullet bait, which was kept by his regular panguero as a welcome fare for his family's table. PHOTO COURTESY OF JOHN SNOW.
CABO PULMO SEA LIFE--Divers going out with Vista Sea Sport at East Cape's Cabo Pulmo coral reef last week found water temperatures up to 82 degrees at depth and heavy sea life sightings including dense schools of jacks, a couple of tiger sharks, and these cownosed rays. PHOTOS COURTESY OF ASH PICKERING.
NO BONES!--Torrance Eddy of Buena Vista at East Cape, with a big needlefish, or agujón, caught about 200 yards from shore that was filled out properly and served with "not one bone, big or little." PHOTO COURTESY OF TORRANCE EDDY.
LA PAZ JACK CREVALLE--Big jacks such as this one taken while fishing at La Paz with Tailhunter International by Doug Oclassen, left, of Boulder, Colo., helped by his dad Glenn, were voracious again last week on the Las Arenas side. PHOTO COURTESY OF JONATHAN ROLDAN.
DORADO AT MULEGE--Marlin Larson and Judy Juhl, just off the Hotel Serenidad launch ramp at Mulege, with 3 nice dorado caught during last week's Mulege Classic dorado tournament. PHOTO COURTESY OF RICK BARBER.
SAN LUCAS COVE PARGO--Bob Lindsay fished with his brother Syd Lindsay of San Lucas Cove near Santa Rosalia, and they got limits of mixed pargos in shallow water around nearby Isla San Marcos. PHOTO COURTESY OF SYD LINDSAY.
VALLARTA DORADO LIMITS--Tom Coaster, left, fished on the Puerto Vallarta charter boat Marla III with Capt. Danny Osuna and got into quick dorado limit action on FADs located about 26 miles off Punta Mita. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
NICE CORBETENA DOGGIES--Josh, Mike, and Laura Outhis fished in 86-degree water at Roca Corbetena off Puerto Vallarta and scored on a nice haul of dog snappers with Capt. Danny Osuna of the charter boat Marla III. PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY OSUNA.
BIG ONES NEXT--Greg Toepfert's group got lucky at Puerto Vallarta last week and landed 18 school-sized yellowfin tuna on the PV Marlin Sportfishing charter boat Lorena. Said PV Marlin's Danny Quinonez, "The big guys shouldn't be far behind." PHOTO COURTESY OF DANNY QUINONEZ.
LOTSA IXTAPA TUNA--Scott Gross, shown, and Carl Swanson of Boston fished out of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo and during 2 outings with Capts. Amadeo on the Burbuja and Capt. Luis Maciel on the Gringo Loco they scored on a combined total of 22 yellowfin tuna. PHOTO COURTESY OF SCOTT GROSS.
FIRST MARLIN RELEASE--This Cancun marlin about to be released was the first ever for Tony DeCicco of Morrisville, Pa., who fished with the new El Cid Caribe fleet at Puerto Morelos. PHOTO COURTESY OF D.J. DECICCO.
SANTA ROSALIA GOLD--A brilliant 22.4-pound dorado came aboard Mike Kanzler's boat for Joe Miller of Napa Valley to take fourth place in last week's Mulege Classic dorado tournament. Kanzler's 24.6 pounder took first place, as they fished 32 miles east of Isla San Marcos off Santa Rosalia. "It was the farthest I've ever gone," Kanzler said. PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE KANZLER.
SAN JOSE DOGGIE--Mark Baker fished at San Jose del Cabo with Gordo Banks Pangas Capt. Marcelino last week and hooked this hefty, 37-pound dog snapper on a live mullet bait. PHOTO COURTESY OF ERIC BRICTSON.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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