CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Good winter marlin action continued at the tip of Baja last week, as some boats scored triple and quadruple releases or better on stripers, and several 400-pound plus, late season blue marlin were also landed.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said boats found very good striped marlin action on the Pacific side, as the Kathy Too reported an eight-release day, and several other Pisces boats scored triple and quadruple releases. Overall, 61 percent of Pisces boats scored on billfish, and 92 percent on all species combined, with a total billfish catch including released fish of: 193 striped marlin, two sailfish, and one blue marlin of over 450 pounds caught by the Felina. Dorado were caught by 37 percent of boats, but only a few yellowfin tuna, of 10 to 30 pounds. Pisces boats fished in water temperatures of 69 to 74 degrees, mostly on the Pacific side of the arch, with the best action found at the Golden Gate bank. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 105 boats, with a catch including released fish of: one blue marlin, 94 striped marlin, one sailfish, 85 dorado, eight yellowfin tuna, four roosterfish, one blue shark, lots of sierra, and eight boats skunked. The blue marlin was a 415 pounder that died during the fight after being hooked by the Stimulator. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said Cabo weather was partly cloudy in the low-80s, with some rain on Wednesday night, and evenly distributed sea water temperatures of 74 to 75 degrees in all directions. Landrum reported a 500-pound class blue marlin caught 33 miles south of the cape, and fairly consistent action for striped marlin on the Pacific side around the Jaime Bank. Football tuna and dorado were scattered, and very few wahoo were caught. Inshore fishing was slow on most species, but some sierra were showing up, Landrum said. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Grant Hartman of Baja Anglers said Cabo offshore action for striped marlin was good. While fly fishing on the beach for roosterfish, Dutch angler Jos Arents released a fish estimated at about 55 pounds. Arents also missed a roosterfish "at least a foot-and-a-half longer than the one he caught," Hartman said. Of the 55 pounder, Hartman commented, "It was definitely a world record on 16-pound tippet. Jos released the fish unharmed." CABO SAN LUCAS BEACH FLY FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Benjamin Ortega of Solmar Fleet reported on 58 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 59 striped marlin, 42 yellowfin tuna, 33 dorado, 23 bonito, and seven wahoo. Top anglers for the week included Ken Bibby of England and his 10-year old son, who fished on the El Torito off Punta Palmilla for 13 dorado of 42 to 56 pounds, a 38-pound yellowfin tuna, and a 153-pound striped marlin. CABO SAN LUCAS SOLMAR FLEET FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 34 Gaviota Fleet boats, with a catch including released fish of: 38 striped marlin, 28 dorado, and six yellowfin tuna. The Fish Cabo and Juanita reported on a total of 11 outings, with a combined catch including released fish of: 18 striped marlin, 13 dorado, two yellowfin tuna, and one wahoo. Cabo San Lucas weather was variable in the low-80s, with water temperatures of 74 to 75 degrees, and most boats fished on the Pacific side, from Cabo Falso up to the Golden Gate Bank. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORTS.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Rod Albright of East Cape fished on the Pacific side aboard Don Giottonini's boat Senor Don, and they scored on a total of six striped marlin, releasing five of them, in hot action with live mackerel. About his largest marlin, Albright said, "This fish did not want to come in and he fought me for almost a hour before being brought to the boat. It was one of the largest stripers I have caught in a long time. It must have weighed 180 pounds, maybe more." SENOR DON, CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING TRIP REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jeff Steinke of Fort Frances, Canada, reported excellent striped marlin and surf fishing action during his recent Cabo trip, while fishing offshore with Pisces Fleet and Cabo Magic, and along the beaches with new surf fishing skills learned from local experts Cabo Joe and Stephen Jansen. CABO SAN LUCAS OFFSHORE AND SURF FISHING TRIP.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: After several days of poor conditions, Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet reported Ensenada weekend weather as calm in the low-60s, with some clouds, 3-foot ocean swells, and water temperatures at the tip of Punta Banda averaging 59 degrees. Steady limits of calico bass and sandbass were caught by pangas working the point, including trips on the Vonny I by Jay Johnson, Kelly Moore and Marc Guzman of Clairemont, and Dick Kirby of Ontario.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp said six boats fished during the week, in sometimes poor conditions, but for steady catches of lingcod, red rockcod, whitefish, cabrilla, and a lot of barracuda. Erendira weather was rainy and windy at times, but clear, sunny, and calm again by the weekend, as boats fished about 6 miles out, in clear blue water averaging 59 degrees. Anglers at Castro's Camp during the week included David Hannum, Tim Graber, and Roger Moley, of Santee, who did well on lingcod. CASTRO'S CAMP FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said good fishing weather returned to San Quintin over the weekend, but there were few anglers in town. Boats going out did well on white seabass at Socorro, including one boat with nine white seabass plus sandbass limits. Other boats caught near limits of 15 to 20-pound yellowtail at the 6 spot. San Quintin weather on Sunday morning was cold and foggy, but with no wind. SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Eddie Marquez of Don Eddie's Landing said James and Danny Park of Granada Hills fished on their 21-foot boat out of Don Eddie's and scored on big numbers of barracuda and bonita, plus two white seabass of 49 and 53 pounds, while fishing south of the bay at El Socorro. The Parks found flats seas on Christmas Eve, 7 miles south of the point, in partly cloudy weather in the 70s, with water temperatures at 60 to 61 degrees. EL SOCORRO, SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Randy Peters of Lakewood and his group were turned back to the dock by weather while trying to fish out of San Quintin with Capt. Oscar Catian of K&M Sportfishing, but Peters did report rescuing a young couple from Texas whose sailboat was disabled about 3 miles south of the boca. "We got about 2 miles out and were forced to turn back due to heavy seas and accelerating winds," Peters said. "This is the second time in the last three trips to San Quintin that I have been unable to fish due to rough seas. I told Kelly to hang up on me next time that I called, as I am bad luck." SAN QUINTIN ROUGH WEATHER FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Earlier, Julio Meza of San Quintin said he fished in tough conditions at the 15 spot for two yellowtail and a few bottom fish, while maneuvering in strong currents and wind: "The fishing has not been easy at San Quintin...8-foot swells and 35 m.p.h. south winds...The drift was so strong that the boat never stayed more than 10 seconds at the same place." Meza said the San Diego boat Shogun was also fishing the 15 spot, "...chumming bonitas and not less than 30 happy seals." SAN QUINTIN ROUGH CONDITIONS FISHING REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said conditions offshore of Magdalena Bay included rain last week, as some boats reported about two marlin per day off Punta Tosca, good numbers of football tuna around the Thetis Bank, and fair wahoo action from there northwards. The mangroves produced a few grouper and cabrilla, and gray whales were reported in the channel at Puerto Lopez Mateos. MAGDALENA BAY FISHING CONDITIONS REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas, reported on about 74 pangas from combined La Playita fleets, with a total catch including released fish of about: 224 dorado, 205 yellowfin tuna, 35 sierra, 160 pargo, 15 cabrilla, 12 amberjack, seven wahoo, 35 skipjack, 30 triggerfish, and four striped marlin. San Jose del Cabo weather was cool, in the mid-70s, with water temperatures of 71 to 74 degrees, and blue water was within a few miles of shore. Dorado averaged 5 to 15 pounds, and most of the tuna were 10 to 20 pounds, although some fish to 90 pounds were caught at the Gordo Banks. LA PLAYITA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO, PANGA FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow reported on 15 panga and surf fishing outings at San Jose del Cabo, and a total of 34 species of fish either caught or showing up in the bait tank, including two possible new species for Snow, the Cortez halibut, and the speckled flounder. Species observed, in water temperatures averaging about 75 degrees, included: balloonfish, largemouth blenny, Pacific creolefish, yellowfin croaker, dorado, Mexican goatfish, burrito grunt, green jack, jack mackerel, Cortez halibut, giant hawkfish, flatiron herring, Mexican hogfish, jack crevalle, flat needlefish, giant Mexican needlefish, gafftopsail pompano, bigeye scad, Pacific spotted scorpionfish, sergeant major, barred serrano, dog snapper, mullet, red snapper, tinsel squirrelfish, finescale triggerfish, orangeside triggerfish, black skipjack, yellowfin tuna, wahoo, banded wrasse, Cortez rainbow wrasse, and sunset wrasse. SAN JOSE DEL CABO SPECIES FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Ed Kammer of Gold Beach, Ore., reported on his final days of fishing at San Jose del Cabo, before continuing his extended fishing trip up the Baja coastline: "Dorado fishing is still excellent here and we are also hooking an occasional wahoo. Tuna are out from Gordo Point. We are hooking 10 to 12 dorado each day on lures, and releasing most, out from Punta Palmilla. We are heading back up Baja, spending three or four weeks to get back to Oregon. I'm in no hurry to leave this 80-degree weather!"
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: At Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, Marisol Verdugo said one super panga fished daily, and one cruiser went out for a couple of days last week, finding good action for dorado and fair fishing for striped marlin, plus good numbers of sierra. East Cape weather was flat and glassy.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Tim Selzer of Baja On The Fly reported good winter fly fishing at East Cape, with pangas and cruisers finding schools of up to 20 dorado, sierra off the beaches at Punta Arena, and small roosterfish on the beach at the lighthouse. East Cape weather was partly cloudy in the low-70s, with surface water temperatures of 70 to 74 degrees. EAST CAPE BEACH AND OFFSHORE FLY FISHING REPORT.
RANCHO LEONERO, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said East Cape had mild fishing weather last week, with calm seas, sea water temperatures cooling to about 70 to 72 degrees, and more boats fishing. Striped marlin and some sailfish were caught north, 5 to 10 miles off Punta Pescadero, and school-sized tuna were present south at Cabo Pulmo, although few boats fished in that direction. Inshore fishing was good for sierra, as one boat caught 22 of them in three hours. "Roosterfish were also active, from Rancho Leonero to the lighthouse, with many taken by shore fishermen casting live bait," Ireland said. RANCHO LEONERO, EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
CABO PULMO, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport dive service said outstanding winter conditions prevailed at Cabo Pulmo last week, with calm seas, visibility at 60 to 80 feet, mild currents, and bottom water temperatures averaging 71 degrees. Sea life sightings on the coral reef included manta ray, cownose rays, hammerhead shark, and tiger shark.
BUENA VISTA, MEXICO: Earlier, Rod Albright of Buena Vista said East Cape weather was favorable, with little wind, and calm seas, "unusual for this time of year." Some dorado and marlin were caught, but most anglers were targeting plentiful sierra.
LA RIBERA, MEXICO: Jorge Bergin of La Ribera said female dorado were present in numbers just outside the boundaries of the protected Cabo Pulmo Marine Park, in 79-degree water. Large sierra were caught just off the Punta Arena lighthouse on bright pink hoochies.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said very few anglers fished out of La Paz, although the weather at Las Arenas was excellent last week, and fishing was good for wahoo, dorado, sierra, and some medium red snapper. Most of the Las Arenas commercial pangas moved south to fish out of Los Frailes, and the sportfishing pangas remaining at Ensenada de los Muertos fished around Punta Perico and the south end of Isla Cerralvo. Las Arenas weather was good, in the low-80s, with sea surface water temperatures at about 70 degrees. LAS ARENAS, LAS PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said a few dorado and wahoo were caught by his Las Arenas side pangas last week, in addition to the expected sierra, cabrilla, and snapper. "It seems there's still some warm fingers of water around La Paz..." Roldan said. "Nothing spectacular, but for December fishing that's a bonus!" No yellowtail or amberjack were caught, although commercial pangas were reporting some early ones. La Paz and Las Arenas weather was generally calm, but with some windy days. LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Don Ballentine of San Isidro, just south of Ensenada de los Muertos, said the wind finally died down and he got out in his beach launched tin boat, fishing 4 to 12 miles out, between Boca del Alamo and Punta Pescadero in clear blue water for three small dorado, and "a marlin on for a couple of minutes before he shook the hook." Ballentine said he saw few fish in the area, and nothing of any size.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Luis Lopez of Mosquito Fleet said about seven super pangas and one cruiser fished during the week, finding mostly sierra on the La Paz side while fishing with Rapalas, since the baitsellers were not working due to the small number of boats going out. A dive boat scored on two large pargo of 8 and 12 pounds, a 6-pound cabrilla, and a 20-pound yellowtail, as La Paz side weather was partly cloudy, but wind free, with water temperatures of 65 to 68 degrees at diving depth. LA PAZ FISHING AND DIVING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Torrance Eddy of La Paz launched his tin boat at the ramp at Pichilingue and trolled Jointed Rebel lures for fishing "just good enough to be fun," staying close to the ramp, in perfect sea conditions, and catching several spotted bay bass, a cornetfish, and a possible larger pargo lost. "I had two in the boat," Eddy said. "When I do that, I am a little extra cautious, so we didn't travel more than a couple of miles from the ramp. I will fish out of there again soon, venturing further north." Eddy's most productive lure was a black-silver Jointed Rebel Fastrac. PICHILINGUE TIN BOAT FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Eric Landesfeind of Long Beach and Rachel Baker drove to Loreto and fished two days with Arturo's Sportfishing, running north to Punta Pulpito, 25 miles from town, for good action on yellowtail of 15 to 30 pounds on their first morning. On the second morning, Punta Pulpito did not produce, so they ran south to San Bruno, for cabrilla and bonito, which hit well on iron. Landesfeind said they were lucky to schedule fishing on two calm days, sandwiched between windy periods: "The fish were willing to eat the surface iron if you got your jig right onto the breaking fish, but that was difficult to do with all of the pangas drifting so close to one another...Although the fishing wasn't stellar, it sure was nice to go out and catch a few surface iron yellows a couple of days before New Year's. I will be heading back down to Loreto in February for a fishing trip to Campo San Nicolas." PUNTA PULPITO, LORETO FISHING TRIP REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: At the Hotel Oasis, Ana Gloria Benziger reported yellowtail of 15 to 20 pounds, red snapper of 8 to 12 pounds, and cabrilla of 7 to 12 pounds, caught at Punta Pulpito, San Nicolas, and Isla Coronado, by Capt. Tito Murillo.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege said sea conditions were good last week, but few boats went fishing due to the holidays. Barber fished at Islas Santa Inez for a few cabrilla. Some sierra, barracuda, and mackerel were caught at the Mulege lighthouse, Hornitos Point, and Punta Prieta. Marty Robinson, Gary Green, and Gorm Irwin ran north to the Isla San Marcos bajos and scored on yellowtail with live bait and trolled lures. "Not too many people went fishing out of Mulege due to the holidays, but next week is another matter," Barber said. MULEGE FISHING REPORT.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Paul Rista of Mulege said good numbers of yellowtail in the 30 to 35-pound class were caught about 130 to 150 feet deep at Isla San Marcos, mostly on live bait, as pangas reported about two to four fish per day. Rista said Capt. Alex at the Hotel Serenidad blew his outboard and is looking for a replacement: "Anybody with an extra 65 to 85 h.p. outboard, let me know. He needs it for his living." Paul Rista,
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos said Santa Rosalia weather was good last week, with overcast skies, light southern breezes, and dropping water temperatures at 62.5 degrees. Yellowtail fishing at the Isla San Marcos bajos was mixed, but with very good afternoon action on 12-pound class fish at the end of the week. Some fish to about 30 pounds were caught earlier. Kanzler said the trick for finding good action last week was to go out to the bajos late in the day, when the currents picked up on the back side of the full moon: "Near the end of the week, on an afternoon run with just surface iron...we fished from 2:30 until about 5:00 and loaded up on the fast action, all of us beat. You couldn't not catch fish! Nearly every cast you got bit!" ISLA SAN MARCOS, SANTA ROSALIA YELLOWTAIL FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko at Bahia de los Angeles said the bay saw very little fishing activity last week, due to strong winds from the north, and then from the west. Some large, 10 to 15-pound halibut were caught from shore. "This is very unusual because the net fisherman don't let them get close to Bahia de los Angeles," Vazquez said, "but I think they also have not been fishing because of the bad winds." The road into the village from Mex 1 was in good shape, and many visitors were in town, but the new gas station was still not ready. Bahia de los Angeles weather was windy in the low-70s, with water temperatures down to the low-60s. CAMP GECKO, BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES FISHING REPORT.
SAN FRANCISQITO, MEXICO: Zimran Lucero, son of Deborah and Alberto Lucero of Cala San Francisquito, reported from Japan than he is doing fine, in his third year of service in the U.S. Navy, as an electronics specialist and one of his ship's two designated Search and Rescue swimmers. "Each ship is required to have two SAR swimmer's for emergencies such as man-overboard and object recoveries like torpedos," Lucero said, adding that he is planning to serve in the Navy for a few more years, and then enroll in college in the U.S.
SAN FRANCISQITO, MEXICO: Fly-in angler Roger Crenshaw of Chula Vista reported on his visit to San Francisquito resort, "Cold, windy, no fish. Only stayed one day."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Ken Jones of Long Beach fish camped on the Baja northern Cortez shore near Isla el Huerfanito south of Puertecitos and reported a brief streak of hot spotted bay bass and corvina fishing, but plenty of wind: "I got some incredible weather, some great, much needed rain, and then the brutal winds at 2 a.m. that forced me to get out of bed and tear down my tarp and canopy while poles collapsed all around me. It wasn’t pretty...I must have caught 25 to 30 spotted bay bass and I really like the things. They put up a great fight for their size and are quite tasty if cooked right." ISLA EL HUERFANITO FISH CAMPING REPORT.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: At San Felipe, Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said the weather was calm at 66 degrees on Sunday, with cooler water and lots of visitors in town, although the New Year's celebration was subdued by news of the tidal wave tragedy in southern Asia. "The restaurants and bars all had gala offerings, but there was a very subtle pall over things," Meders said. SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Fernando Almada of San Carlos-Guaymas said the yellowtail action was excellent at nearby Isla San Pedro Nolasco on New Year's Eve, as he fished on his boat Camborac for 17 yellowtail to 30 pounds, plus pargo and a few whitefish, on the south side of the island, using cut squid on the bottom at a depth of about 160 feet. San Carlos weather was calm, with the water temperature of 63 degrees, and Almada said yellowtail action was also steady at Punta San Antonio. ISLA SAN PEDRO NOLASCO YELLOWTAIL FISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet reported on 14 offshore boats, with a catch including released fish of: six striped marlin, one dorado, two yellowfin tuna, and two skipjack tuna. The sea water temperature was about 73 degrees in the fishing area, 20 to 28 miles out on a heading of 200 degrees from the lighthouse.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 33 Aries Fleet boats out of Marina el Cid, with a catch including released fish of: 29 striped marlin, three sailfish, three dorado, and 60 yellowfin tuna. Aries Fleet boats fished 22 to 29 miles out, in water temperatures holding stable at 76 degrees. MAZATLAN FISHING REPORT.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Capt. Josh Temple of Prime Time Adventures said Puerto Vallarta's run of large yellowfin tuna continued last week, as the Prime Time scored on tuna of 280, 250, 220, and 165 pounds, plus a 450-pound class black marlin released. "Flying fish have shown up in huge numbers at Puerto Vallarta, and the tuna are eating them at will," Temple said. "Giants up to 300-pound class are erupting outside the bay, and as long as you know where to find them the fishing has been spectacular." Also in the mix were dorado, sailfish, and wahoo, as Puerto Vallarta weather was partly cloudy, with light winds, and water temperatures at 81.4 degrees. Temple said the Prime Time also missed a hookup on a possible grander class black marlin: "In retrospect it's probably a good thing the 16/0 Mustad circle hook didn't get him...SCARY BIG...!" PUERTO VALLARTA BIG TUNA AND MARLIN FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze of Zihuatanejo said yellowfin tuna and dorado were scattered, but boats out of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo got into hot sailfish action, landing an average of five to six fish per day, out of 8 to 10 shots. "For sailfish, I anticipate this next two to three weeks as being the absolute best of the year at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo," Kunze said. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Paul Phillips of the Fintastic Total Tag & Release Tournament said Capts. Santiago and Adan of the Gitana and Gitana II were raising up to 10 sailfish per day, with blue water on the beach in some areas. Tuna and dorado were 20 miles out and not hungry.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said inshore action continued good on roosterfish, coming from north of Zihuatanejo bay. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather was mostly sunny in the low-90s, with water temperatures of 82 to 83 degrees. Offshore boats averaged three sailfish per day on six to eight shots. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
CABO FLY ROOSTER--Fly angler Jos Arets fished the surf at Cabo San Lucas with Grant Hartman of Baja Anglers and landed this 55-pound plus roosterfish on 16-pound tippet. Hartman said they also missed a roosterfish "at least a foot-and-a-half longer" than this one. Photo courtesy Grant Hartman.
STEADY AT PUNTA BANDA--Anglers Marc Guzman, Kelly Moore, and Dick Kirby (left to right) fished at the tip of Ensenada's Punta Banda on the Vonny's Fleet panga Vonny I for limits of calico bass and sandbass. Photo courtesy Ivan Villarino.
BIG QUINTIN CROAKER--James and Danny Park fished on their 21-foot boat out of San Quintin's Don Eddie's Landing and landed white seabass of 49 and 53 pounds off El Socorro. This is the 49 pounder. Photo courtesy Eddie Marquez.
EAST CAPE CHRISTMAS--Gary Leeper caught this photo of Santa on Christmas Day in front of Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort at Los Barriles. Photo courtesy Gary Leeper.
PULPITO YELLOWTAIL--Eric Landesfeind and Rachel Baker fished 25 miles north of Loreto near Punta Pulpito for a good catch of yellowtail to 30 pounds. Photo courtesy Eric Landesfeind.
SAN MARCOS YELLOWTAIL--Andy and Dave Peabody of San Diego, both over six feet tall, with some nice, real big Santa Rosalia yellowtail caught with "Kid Jurel" Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler.
FAR FROM HOME--San Francisquito's Zimran Lucero, on duty as an electronics technician and Search and Rescue swimmer, with the U.S. Navy in Japan. Photo courtesy Zimran Lucero.
SAN PEDRO YELLOWTAIL--Koreano Negrete fished with Fernando Almada on Alamda's boat Camborac, and they got into a hot bite for 17 yellowtail to 30 pounds, on the south side of Isla San Pedro Nolasco, near San Carlos, Sonora. Photo courtesy Fernando Almada.
VALLARTA COW--Gerardo Troncoso with a 220-pound yellowfin tuna caught with Capt. Josh Temple of the Puerto Vallarta charter boat, Prime Time. Photo courtesy Jose Temple.
HUERFANITO CAMPING--Ken Jones camped and fished on the Sea of Cortez shore near Isla el Huerfanito, south of Puertecitos, and photographed these resting turkey vultures on a moody winter day. Photo courtesy Ken Jones.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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