SAN JOSE DEL CABO (LOS CABOS), MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported an early season surfacing of pelagic red tuna crabs last week on the Inner Gordo Bank and an intense flurry of true red snapper or huachinango to 10 pounds also coming to the surface to feed on them.
Brictson said of the annual phenomenon: "...The red crabs swarmed on the surface and were netted...for bait...Very fun on light tackle...10 to 30 snapper per boat." San Jose del Cabo action for most other species was slow, with air temperatures down to the high-40s at night, strong winds most of the week, and water temperatures at 65 degrees. For the week, Brictson reported on 48 combined La Playita fleet pangas, with a catch of: 260 red snapper or huachinango, one striped marlin, eight yellowfin tuna, eight dorado, 11 yellowtail, eight amberjack, 12 pompano, 13 cabrilla, 32 croaker and 22 triggerfish. SAN JOSE DEL CABO TUNA CRAB AND RED SNAPPER REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO (LOS CABOS), MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo reported on three days of surf fishing and four attempted days of panga fishing with Capt. Pata on the La Playita panga Salome, with no new species represented in an overall catch of 24 species. One day of panga fishing was canceled due to wind: "I went down there and Capt. Pata said we are not going. Waves, yes, but never before for the wind. Wise decision however." Pelagic red tuna crabs surfaced at the Gordo Banks, with resulting good fishing for red snapper, mullet snapper, greenjack, barrilete, and Mexican bonito, but overall conditions were slow in water temperatures of 72 to 76 degrees, and some very strong currents: "...A 5 to 6 m.p.h. river flowing to the north...The very strong current made bottom fish difficult...Tried 8-ounce lead and should have gone with 16-ounce." SAN JOSE DEL CABO SPECIES FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO (LOS CABOS), MEXICO: Bob Lewis of Encinitas and San Jose del Cabo reported strong winds all week and lots of progress on the new marina project: "...Some docks have been floated and anchored to pilings...Anyone who has not been down for a while will be blown away by how fast things are changing...The primitive beauty and sleepy pace is being replaced by land speculators and construction machinery. Soon there will and several hundred estate homes priced in the millions of dollars...The other concern I have is a marina full of boats located 8 miles from the Gordo Banks...If you want to catch some fish here you better hurry." SAN JOSE DEL CABO MARINA PROJECT REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the boat Bad Dog at Marina Coral said he scrubbed an overnight broadbill swordfish trip due to winds on Friday, but fished with Marinero Jando off Bajamar and Salsipuedes on Saturday for easy limits of red rockcod, starry rockfish, and one sheephead at depths of 100 to 300 feet, in green, 53 to 54-degree water. "We used the new Berkley Grub Gulps," Ross said. "...The chemical scent provided Bad Dog with easy limits...The not only the scientifically developed scent, but their hardiness to last all day, strike after strike." ENSENADA FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Judy Ostberg of the boat Melody fished out of Maria Coral at Ensenada with husband Mel Ostberg and Capt. Andre Montez on Saturday, finding cold and windy conditions at the Banda Bank but scoring on 12 red rockcod averaging 4 pounds, 10 sugar bass, and four whitefish. "...The current got too rough to stay down and the bite shut off," Ostberg said. "We were done by 11 a.m. and headed for the Coral."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said his beach launched pangas fishing at the tip of Punta Banda caught mostly limits of sugar bass, lingcod, sandbass, whitefish, johnny bass, chuckleheads, calico bass, and cinnamon cod last week. Ensenada water conditions were rough on Wednesday as two pangas fished only for sandbass inside the bay. Anglers fishing with Capts. Beto and Hector during the week included Jay Johnson, Brian Foley, Garry Griffin and his son, and Mike Thomas. ENSENADA PANGA FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Joe Ludka of Long Beach, his son Little Joe, and their friend Jon Hocker fished early last week on the Ensenada 32-foot charter boat Top Dog with Capt. Jon Strickland for a catch of red rockcod, lingcod, sculpin, and sandbass in fairly slow conditions. "We were continuously metering a lot fish but they just weren't biting," Ludka said. "Maybe it was the full moon...Jon Strickland is one of the hardest working captains I've fished with...If we aren't bringing fish over the rail in 15 minutes it's lines up and we'd move on." Ludka noted that the reservations telephone number for the Top Dog has been changed. The new direct dial number from the U.S.: 011-52-646-125-8618. ENSENADA FISHING REPORT.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp reported 21 boats fishing during the week out of Erendira, for good catches of red rockcod, lingcod, whitefish, bonita, and large halibut. Erendira weather had moderate swells Tuesday and Wednesday, and mostly flat seas the rest of the week, but with some afternoon northwest winds. Castro's Camp boats fished in clear blue water at 55 degrees, and plentiful bait and pelicans continued to be present in the area.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said he had eight boats fishing during the week. On Saturday, Rick Fraysure's group of 11 anglers fished the 240 spot on three pangas for limits of rockcod, lingcod, and two yellowtail, including a 22 pounder caught by Ronnie Martinez of Lancaster. On Sunday, boats went south to Socorro to check out reports of white seabass in the area, but none were found during the morning. San Quintin weather was cold in the mornings, down to about 35 degrees, but warming to the low-70s during the day, with some wind, the weekend flat, and water temperatures at 58 degrees. SAN QUINTIN SPORTFISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Earlier, Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing at San Quintin reported no yellowtail caught last week, but a steady pick on rockfish, lingcod, large whitefish, and red rockcod at the 240 spot and other spots less than 200 feet deep, with some fish caught on dropper loop mackerel baits, some on iron, and others on the troll: "There were some really big whitefish, as well as some bigger reds in the shallower water." In surfing action, Catian said, "We surfed Lupe's on Wednesday...the tide was still a little low in the morning, making the reef section suck out and go dry...We got some good waves until the wind came up at 11 a.m." San Quintin weather was cool, with winds at 8 to 10 knots and water temperatures of 58 to 59 degrees. SAN QUINTIN SURFING AND FISHING REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported California gray whales arriving in numbers at both San Carlos and Puerto Lopez Mateos last week, and local boats focused more on whale watching than fishing. Some corvina were caught at the San Carlos pier and at the bridge coming into town. At Puerto Lopez Mateos, boats reported fair fishing for corvina, grouper, spotted bay bass, and halibut on the sandy flats. Magdalena Bay weather was clear in the low-70s, with water temperatures at 68 to 73 degrees. MAGDALENA BAY SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Mike Connolly of Cabo San Lucas reported improved striped marlin action at the Golden Gate Bank on Sunday, as top boats averaged four to eight fish in the area. Earlier some strong winds last week had fishing up-and-down for striped marlin around the 95 spot and around the Golden Gate Bank. "Around the 95 spot and among the chosen ones released multiple fish," Connolly said of early week fishing. "It is not probably takes a couple of fishing days of hitting it hard to ensure a good marlin day." Early in the week, there was a decent wahoo bite from Gray Rock to San Jose del Cabo: "The dead whale is gone now, but for those that found it south of Cabo there were good numbers of wahoo taken from it, some up to 80 pounds." Kevin Puhl of the boat Success fished locally from an inflatable for yellowtail to about 40 pounds, and the boat Gambler reported yellowfin tuna of 150 to 200 pounds one day up the Pacific side. CABO SAN LUCAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet reported 53 percent of charters landing striped marlin during the week, 11 percent with dorado, and 10 percent catching yellowfin tuna. Striped marlin action was on the rebound after a slow period, and some very good counts were reported, including a six-release day for the charter boat Valerie, nine releases for Ni Modo, and eight for Adriana. Sierra were plentiful inshore, with up to a dozen fish to 16 pounds caught by some boats. CABO SAN LUCAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing reported water temperatures at 73 degrees to the south, 66 to 68 degrees at the Golden Gate and Jaime Banks on the Pacific side, and green water at 67 to 68 degrees up the Cortez side. "If you liked to fish in a parking lot, the Golden Gate Bank was the place to be," Landrum said. "...There was a very heavy concentration of bait on top of the Bank and...a very strong concentration of striped marlin...Elsewhere, the marlin bite was not red hot." Dorado and yellowfin tuna were scarce. Inshore fishing south of San Cristobal produced sierra averaging about 7 pounds. CABO SAN LUCAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 108 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 26 striped marlin, 14 yellowfin tuna, 34 dorado, one wahoo, five mako shark, four jack crevalle, 41 pargo, and 126 sierra. CABO SAN LUCAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 36 combined outings by Gaviota Fleet, the Fish Cabo, and Fish Cabo I, with a catch including released fish of: 15 striped marlin, one wahoo, 34 tuna, 28 dorado, and 10 sierra. "...There were some very difficult fishing days earlier in the week, probably due to the full moon," Edwards said, "but fishing got better as the week moved on, at least for some Cabo boats...Live bait and preferably mackerel, were the best offerings." Cabo weather was sunny in the low-80s, with water temperatures ranging from 66 to 72 degrees. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Jim Dillon of Salvador's Sportfishing reported on 12 outings by El Budster, El Budster I, and El Budster II, with a catch including released fish of: 10 striped marlin, 19 yellowfin tuna of 15 to 50 pounds, and eight dorado of 15 to 30 pounds.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Ramon Druk of the charter sportfishing panga Cheers reported on a midweek outing with a catch of: snapper, skipjack, two dorado, and six sierra.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Earlier, Charles Whitesell of Cabo San Lucas and his wife Ginger fished on the charter cruiser Marisol III with Capt. Manuel and deckhand Antonio for a catch of two striped marlin released in 72-degree water about 10 to 15 miles south of the arch. "We saw a lot of bird activity and porpoise and trolled over the schools with feathers and fished under them with live bait to no avail," Whitesell said. "Although there were about 20 boats at the location, we saw no hookups....Weather was a spectacular 80 degrees." CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero reported north winds five days last week, and only two boats fishing. "However, they had great dorado fishing with limits of fish to 25 pounds, and lots of sierra inshore," Ireland said. The dorado were caught on hoochies and bait off the Punta Pescadero buoys to the north. Inshore, good numbers of sierra were present off most beaches. "Not much to report this week," Ireland said. "We're looking forward to better fishing when calmer weather returns." East Cape weather was windy in the high-70s, with water temperatures of 63 to 68 degrees. EAST CAPE SPORTFISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported strong winter winds most of the week: "How windy was it? The report was that 'one day it was too windy for the windsurfers!' Now that’s windy!" On Thursday, flat calm conditions prevailed and East Cape charter boats found a bite on football yellowfin tuna under porpoise close to shore, plus a few surprise dorado. Beach fishing conditions were very poor due to winds: "On the beach, the wind waves left the water looking like a bad cup of cappuccino." East Cape weather was in the mid-70s, with water temperatures of 66 to 73 degrees. EAST CAPE SPORTFISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport diving service at Buena Vista reported strong winds most of the week, but surprisingly good diving conditions at Punta Pescadero and Cerro Verde, with a water temperature at depth of 66 degrees and visibility at 40 to 50 feet: "All the wind and surf didn't seem to have any effect on visibility...To my surprise diving conditions at Punta Pescadero and Cerro Verde were outstanding." Sea life sightings included dense clouds of grunts: "Swimming in the middle of the cloud and seeing nothing but fish in every direction has been loads of fun." EAST CAPE DIVING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Leeper, staying at Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, reported lots of wind and few anglers fishing last week: "Hay mucho viento and few boats have been out, and then for half-days. A few dorado are around, and I have seen quite a bit of bonito activity off the beaches. Otherwise, it's pretty quiet."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Earlier, Russ Fritz of La Ribera reported an unusually calm winter fishing day at East Cape, and an unusual catch of 12 kawakawa tuna: "...The sea glassed off, and the stillness took on a dead calm feeling that left us without typical reference points...Only two hotel boats fished...It was the kind of day made for a Stephen King story...With 10 kawakawa and two dorado in the box, we headed home, leaving the only wake visible on the sea." LA RIBERA FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International reported some dorado to 15 pounds caught by boats hiding from winds inside Punta Perico on the Las Arenas side: "La Paz...was quite a bit more windy than we'd have liked, well inside Punta Perico to stay out of the wind, we still got dorado up to 15 pounds which isn't bad for winter mahi...Sierra are still abundant depending on whether you hit the right spot...Pargo lisa bit nicely too, with fish up to 12 pounds, but...many fish were lost back to the rocks." LAS ARENAS SPORTFISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Andrea Tomba of the Desea Adventures diving service, reported cool water temperatures of 65 to 68 degrees at the south end of Isla Cerralvo, with about 40 feet of visibility and sea life not abundant in the area: "One good size yellowtail was seen...Although everything felt right, it was really quiet out there." Earlier reports for the area included sightings of wahoo, striped marlin and some yellowtail. La Paz weather was occasionally windy but with some days "so flat you could have water skied from island to island." ISLA CERRALVO DIVING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company reported over the weekend: "This week has been too windy to go out on all days except Thursday. On Thursday, boats went north to Punta Pulpito. There are Loreto yellowtail at both Pulpito and Isla Ildefonso, in the 20-pound range and taking bait and jigs at the bottom. The wind is kicking up lots of dust and setting off allergies in a large number of people. Best to stay out of it. We can have long wind periods through February. We're hoping to get a break soon."
LORETO, MEXICO: At Villas de Loreto, Wendy Wilchynski reported no hotel guests were fishing last week.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Jim Anderson of San Lucas Cove reported mostly windy weather off Santa Rosalia, but one or two days per week fishable in 57 to 60-degree water, and yellowtail on or near the surface at the Isla San Marcos bajos. "...The bad news is that they are showing a marked preference for squid," Anderson said. "It will...test your patience to see large yellowtail feeding all over the surface only to have them ignore your offerings...I can't tell you how many boils that I have thrown into this week...for the strike that only very rarely comes." Kevin Ward of the San Diego long range boat Searcher and Paul Woods fished two days at the island for a combined catch of six yellowtail. SAN LUCAS COVE SPORTFISHING REPORT.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Syd Lindsay of San Lucas Cove noted that the Mexican federal fisheries office (Pesca) in Santa Rosalia no longer issues fishing licenses or boat permits, which can be obtained locally at the business office of Olivia Canul, Calle 8 #41, in downtown Santa Rosalia, telephone 011 52 615 152 1399. A 10-year temporary importation permit is now necessary for boats longer than about 14 feet, Lindsay said: "In order to get a boat permit now you must obtain a 10-year temporary boat importation. This is plus the regular yearly boat permit." SANTA ROSALIA FISHING LICENSE AND BOAT PERMIT INFORMATION.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Earlier, Chuck Decker of Tucson reported on a two-plane fly-in trip to San Francisquito south of Bahia de los Angeles with seven anglers and two days of fishing at a reef about 5 miles off the resort for limits of spotted cabrilla or pinto bass, whitefish, sheephead, some yellowtail to 20 pounds, and a black sea bass estimated at about 60 pounds. All fish were caught about 150 to 200 feet deep with white and blue-white Salas 7X jigs. Decker's group stayed at the cabanas: "The San Francisquito cabanas are in the same shape for the last several years, clean and rustic...Cold beer and food, but the key thing is they still do not have ice for drinks and fish to take home!...I did bring my own ice in the plane, but it is a lot of weight I don't like to take." SAN FRANCISQUITO FISHING AND CABANAS RESORT REPORT.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Doug Magee of Papa Fernandez landing at Gonzaga Bay said, "The wind and tides have not been good for fishing and there are not a lot of people trying." Magee noted that no commercial pangueros in the area were gill netting last week, "but that may be due to their changing to netting shrimp in the San Felipe area."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay at San Felipe reported good weather in the high-60s over the weekend and no wind. The San Felipe Animal Shelter was soliciting donations for repairs after being vandalized earlier in the month. South of town at Laguna Percebu, the raft of "Poppa Neutrino," David Pearlman, was being readied for its cruise to Cabo San Lucas, with a February departure hoped for. SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said offshore boats caught nothing but striped marlin last week, as 37 Aries Fleet boats out of Marina el Cid reported a catch including released fish of: 55 striped marlin. Inshore boats scored continued easy limits on red snapper and some jack crevalle. The best offshore fishing was about 25 miles southwest of Marina el Cid. Mazatlan weather was sunny in the low-80s, with water temperatures of 72 to 73 degrees. MAZATLAN SPORTFISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet at Mazatlan reported on 12 offshore boats, with a catch including released fish of: 10 striped marlin, and one shortfin mako shark. Inshore boats had excellent action for jack crevalle, sierra, Spanish mackerel, red snapper, gulf grouper, and other species. Flota Bibi Fleet announced the introduction of a new super panga to the fleet, the Mahi Dreamer. MAZATLAN SPORTFISHING REPORT.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Danny Quinonez of PV Marlin Sportfishing at Puerto Vallarta said the unusual striped marlin bite slowed down last week, but some stripers were landed: "...The striped marlin seemed to fade away slightly and we did not land five striped marlin in one day like last week." Outings to Roca Corbeteña and the Cabo Corrientes area produced some striped marlin action, sailfish, and one yellowfin tuna landed among others that would not hit: "...One day they are there and just ripping lines off all riggers...but then the next day they are just there and doing nothing at all." Local fish counts also included large snappers, wahoo, a few dorado, many bonita, jack crevalle, amberjack, and roosterfish near shore. "...When the tuna are being stubborn and the black marlin gone, other species almost always step in and take their place," Quinonez said. "We will see what happens during the seasonal change we are going through." PUERTO VALLARTA SPORTFISHING REPORT.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters reported slower sailfish action at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo during the full moon, but lots of bait present, mild weather in the high-80s, and calm seas. The Phill Massimino group fished two days south at Puerto Vicente Guerrero on the super pangas Gran Jefe, Janeth, Secuestro, and Dos Hermanos II, for a combined light tackle catch of: six sailfish, six dorado, two roosterfish, one skipjack tuna, one Spanish mackerel, and 57 bonito. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO SPORTFISHING REPORT.
IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze, reporting for Baja On The Fly, said offshore boats were scoring only one or two sailfish per day, although 80-degree blue water was only four miles off Zihuatanejo Bay. Fly tackle anglers got about one sailfish shot per day, although Capt. Santiago on the panga Gitana scored 10 releases in two days for angler bill Gray and his wife from South Carolina. Roosterfish action was much slower south of Zihuatanejo as Capt. Adolpho of the Dos Hermanos ran 40 miles to Papanoa and caught two roosterfish in three days. The Dos Hermanos also fished 12 miles north of Zihuatanejo for 27 large jack crevalle and five sierra in two days. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather was clear in the high-80s, with water temperatures at 80 t0 84 degrees. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
HUATULCO, MEXICO: Eric Weissman of Explore Fly Fishing reported seas calmer and water temperatures up to 85 degrees after a period of north winds: "Fishing conditions are lightening up in the last few days...Numbers of tuna are around. We have been hitting sailfish together with the tuna...Before, we had a bunch of tunny, tuna, and mackerel by the tens of thousands." Weissman said many commercial tuna boats passed through the San Agustinillo area on the way to Huatulco: "...There may be as many as 100 boats down there." Huatulco weather was in the high-80s. HUATULCO FISHING REPORT.
TUNA CRAB SNAPPERS--Dan Redar (left) got into the hot true red snapper action at the Inner Gordo Banks off San Jose del Cabo last week as the fish and an early season run of pelagic red tuna crabs came to the surface together for him and Gordo Banks Pangas Capt. Marcelino (right). Said Gordo Banks Pangas' Eric Brictson, "Both the red crabs and the snapper were on the surface and the snappers would readily strike the fly lined little crabs for bait. On light tackle they proved to be very sporty." Photo courtesy Eric Brictson.
SAN QUINTIN SURFING--Kelly Catian of San Quintin's K&M Offshore Sportfishing reported no yellowtail caught last week, but steady action on local bottom fish, plus continued good surfing at Lupe's and other local spots. Photo courtesy Kelly Catian.
NEW MAZATLAN SUPER PANGA--The super panga Mahi Dreamer was put into charter fishing service at Mazatlan recently by Flota Bibi Fleet. Flota Bibi's Tadeo Hernandez said, "..It is super fast, super safe and super fun...It has been widely accepted by our customers." Photo courtesy Tadeo Hernandez.
CORTEZ MIDRIFF WINTER--Chuck Decker of Tucson (left), Mike Winder of Newport Beach (right) and their group flew into San Francisquito in Baja's Sea of Cortez Midriff Area and fished on a resort boat for a limits of spotted cabrilla, whitefish, and sheephead, some yellowtail, and a nice black sea bass on a bajo about 5 miles out. Photo courtesy Chuck Decker.
MAZATLAN OFFSHORE FISHING--Cruise ship travelers, the Hamilton group, fished out of Mazatlan on Flota Bibi Fleet's charter boat Norma Patricia and brought back a striped marlin last week with David and Alex as crew. Photo courtesy Tadeo Hernandez.
SAN AGUSTINILLO TUNNY--Eric Weissman of Explore Fly Fishing (left) and Nathan Horton got into Huatulco area fly fishing action on yellowfin tuna, sailfish, and thousands of these small tuna, locally called "tunny," and also called "Mexican little tunny," "barrilete," or "black skipjack," Euthynnus lineatus. "The tunnies were everywhere by the thousands but finicky," Weissman said as fish were caught a mile off the hotel. Photo courtesy Eric Weissman.
HUATULCO WHALES--A group of finback whales that swam under the boat for fly fishing guide Eric Weissman of Explore Fly Fishing at San Agustinillo, Huatulco, Mexico. Photo courtesy Eric Weissman.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
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Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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