ISLA SAN MARCOS, SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: The seasonal late-summer doldrums gave signs of fading away last week as good fishing conditions prevailed in the central Sea of Cortez.
At Santa Rosalia, Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos said both inshore and offshore fishing improved last week, as fall-like weather arrived, with cooler days in the mid to high-80s and water temperatures holding in the low-80s. Kanzler caught deep yellowtail in the 25-pound class at the bajos north of the island, and tin boat anglers out of San Lucas Cove did well off Haystack to the north on trolled plugs and feathers for sierra and small dorado. Several boats ran out to Isla Tortuga for multiple sailfish plus some dorado. SANTA ROSALIA FISHING.
ISLA SAN MARCOS, SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Kanzler also reported that he confirmed a recent local story about a huge great white shark caught just north of Santa Rosalia. With information provided by Brenda Goodson of Santa Rosalia's Las Casitas Hotel and Justino Moreno Flores of the public works department, Kanzler relayed reports that the shark measured almost 18 feet long, and that it yielded over 600 pounds of salted meat. It was caught in a net by local commercial fishermen Jesus Erasmo Cosio and Eduardo Cosio Lucero of Caleta Santa Maria on Sept. 26, 2004. SANTA ROSALIA GREAT WHITE SHARK CATCH REPORT.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Underwater photographer Richard Herrmann returned from a successful trip to Santa Rosalia to photograph Humboldt squid for National Geographic Magazine, but said he was surprised that no shark could be attracted to the boat: "One thing I was pretty surprised by is that you can bait all night long around islands like Tortuga and San Marcos in deep, blue pelagic water and never see a shark! We baited for Humboldts with large volumes of skipjack, and never saw a shark, night after night."
PUNTA BANDA, ENSENADA, MEXICO: Ivan Villarino of Vonny's Fleet said yellowtail fishing slowed down last week for pangas at the tip of Punta Banda, but steady limits were caught on red rockcod, whitefish, lingcod, and calico bass beginning on Friday. Over the weekend, Capts. Cruz and Beto chased birds, but found no yellowtail and settled for bottom fish limits. "Hopefully, the yellows will kick up again," Villarino said. Punta Banda weather was foggy in the mornings, in the low-70s, with light breezes, 3 to 4-foot ocean swells, and water temperatures averaging 63 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Gerardo Sanchez of KCHTS Sportfishing said the Don Juan II found good bottom fishing action at Santo Tomas early in the week, and steady fishing locally for small to medium bonita, calico bass, and sandbass. An offshore trip on Saturday with five anglers had a catch of three dorado, one small albacore, six yellowtail, and eight skipjack, in water temperatures of about 68 degrees. ENSENADA FISHING.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sergio Susarrey of Sergio's Sportfishing Center reported on 72 anglers with a catch of: 573 yellowtail, 10 bonito, 254 yellowfin tuna, 44 dorado, 68 skipjack, 30 lingcod, and four rockcod.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Gaspar Lares of Paramount and Sergio Ramirez of Tijuana fished at the 238 spot with Capt. Memo on the El Dorado and scored on "seven yellowfin plus all the yellowtail you would like." Lares said they started trolling about five miles from the bajo and had "too many, seriously, too many. Maybe we'll try it again."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: At Lily Fleet, Sammy Susarrey said the Amigo also fished at the end of the week with five anglers at the 238 bank for a catch of: 29 yellowtail, two dorado to 10 pounds, and five yellowfin tuna, in clean, flat water of 69.5 degrees.
PUNTA BANDA, ENSENADA, MEXICO: Richard Arneson of La Mesa said his big 36-pound yellowtail caught at Punta Banda last week with Vonny's Fleet's Capt. Cruz hit a dead sardine on a dropper loop. "It is the second large yellow I have caught this year while reeling up from the bottom with dead bait. We were fishing off the cliffs between La Bufadora and the tip of Punta Banda."
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas Resort said mornings were calm, with some wind in the afternoon, and local waters remained "somewhat murky" due to storms passing to the north. Some yellowtail were caught in a slow surface bite, and full limits of bottom fish continued for local anglers, including Barry Goates of Salt Lake City, who also caught a 25-pound yellowtail.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Mark Baker and Nicole Venegas of Hemet drove to Puerto Santo Tomas Resort and Baker fished from shore for good action on rockfish and cabazon. "Those waters are teeming with rockfish everywhere," Baker said. "Anyone who wants to surf cast for rockfish, that's the spot." They also fished from a panga with Capt. Pedro for lingcod, vermilion rockfish, canary rockfish, and calico bass. Baker reported strong wind at night, but calm fishing conditions during the day, with water temperatures estimated in the upper 50s. PUERTO SANTO TOMAS FISHING TRIP REPORT.
CASTRO'S CAMP, ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp reported on 18 pangas fishing during the week, with a catch of: 14 white seabass, 18 bonita, eight large yellowtail, and many barracuda, red rockcod, whitefish, bass, and lingcod. Boats fished 4 to 7 miles off the coast in generally good conditions and water temperatures of about 60 degrees. CASTRO'S CAMP, ERENDIRA FISHING.
CASTRO'S CAMP, ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Robert Everett and his group including Rick and Ron Welter and their friend Ray, all of Las Vegas, ran down to Castro's Camp and loaded the ice chests with a big catch of about 200 rockfish, eight barracuda, seven sandbass, and a big 30-pound plus yellowtail that hit a Krocodile just under the surface for Rick Welter. CASTRO'S CAMP FISHING TRIP REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas reported 19 boats fishing during the week for continued good counts on rockcod and lingcod at the 240 spot, but slower tuna action outside. San Quintin weather was fair with little or no wind. SAN QUINTIN FISHING.
BAJA CENTRAL PACIFIC, MEXICO: Tim Samuelson reported on a trip to Punta Abreojos, with good conditions in the mornings, whitecaps in the afternoons, and fishing action on small barracuda, bonita, and small yellowtail.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said offshore conditions continued to improve, beginning about 15 miles outside the San Carlos entrada. The mangrove channels produced fair catches of leopard grouper, corvina, cabrilla, and a few smaller snook, in water temperatures of 74 to 82 degrees. MAGDALENA BAY FISHING.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 56 outings by Gaviota Fleet, the Fish Cabo, and the Juanita VIII, with a catch including released fish of: eight blue marlin, 12 striped marlin, three sailfish, 10 wahoo, 31 yellowfin tuna, 21 skipjack, four dog snapper, and 208 dorado. The best fishing was at the Gordo Banks on the Cortez side, with wide-ranging area water temperatures of 77 degrees to as high as 84 degrees at the Gordo Banks. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Benjamin Ortega of Solmar Fleet reported on 81 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 11 striped marlin, seven blue marlin, two sailfish, 65 dorado, 16 wahoo, 11 yellowfin tuna, and 34 skipjack. The top fleet boat for the week was the Solmar II with Capt. Fernando Chan and a five-outing catch including released fish of: six two blue marlin, 16 dorado, and two yellowfin tuna. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 130 boats, with a catch including released fish of: nine blue marlin, 17 striped marlin, five sailfish, one mako shark, 142 yellowfin tuna, 296 dorado, 11 wahoo, two pargo, and many skipjack. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said 92 percent of fleet boats caught dorado, 26 percent landed yellowfin tuna, 24 percent landed billfish, and 92 percent landed all species combined. The billfish catch including released fish was: 13 striped marlin, seven sailfish, and six blue marlin, including one in the 400-pound class. Billfish were concentrated in warmer water on the Cortez side, but most boats fished for other species on the Pacific Side, in generally good conditions with some morning and afternoon whitecaps. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING.
LA PLAYITA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas said the best action last week was on dorado and yellowfin tuna around Punta Gorda and the Gordo Banks, with the tuna mostly 15 to 25 pounds, plus a few to about 70 pounds, and the dorado mostly 10 to 20 pounds, up to about 40 pounds. The hot wahoo bite of two weeks ago became spotty, but some pangas still scored on up to four fish per day, caught on high-speed trolling plugs. San Jose del Cabo weather was calm in the low-90s, with water temperatures of 80 to 85 degrees. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING.
LA PLAYITA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: David Gassman of Truckee, with Pat Kralj and Kirk Heuer, fished the San Jose del Cabo area three days with Gordo Banks Panga's Capt. Niko, for a catch of: 16 yellowfin tuna to 30 pounds, one wahoo of 40 pounds, 10 dorado of 10 to 35 pounds, two triggerfish to 4 pounds, and several more wahoo cut off. Gassman reported generally good sea conditions, while fishing from the Gordo Banks northwards almost to Los Frailes. LA PLAYITA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING TRIP REPORT.
LOS BARRILES, EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chuck Meredith of Los Barriles fished 15 miles out on his super panga Mr. Chuck and baited five sailfish and three striped marlin within a four-hour period, but had no takers, so he came back to 200 feet of water in front of Cabo Pulmo and scored on two dorado and a yellowfin tuna, while fishing with as many as 40 hotel boats in the same area. Water temperatures ranged from 83.5 to 86 degrees, in calm conditions. EAST CAPE FISHING TRIP REPORT.
LOS BARRILES, EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 355 boats from combined fleets including the Van Wormer resorts of Palmas de Cortez, Playa del Sol, and Punta Colorada, with a catch including released fish of: four blue marlin, 18 striped marlin, 62 sailfish, 650 dorado, 1,362 yellowfin tuna, 21 wahoo, six yellowtail, and 74 roosterfish. The dorado were caught mostly close to shore, and the tuna were plentiful in all directions. EAST CAPE FISHING.
BUENA VISTA, EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Tami Mouyeos of Rancho Buena Vista reported on 16 boats, with a catch including released fish of: four striped marlin, three blue marlin, 12 sailfish, six roosterfish, 36 dorado, 58 tuna, and two wahoo. "It's been a heck of week," Mouyeos said.
BUENA VISTA, EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Dan Rothermel and his group from Hershey, Pa., fished three days out of Rancho Buena Vista on the Christina, Helena, and Jalapeno, and had a good catch including a 40-pound wahoo, dorado, tuna, pargo, bonita, sailfish, and a blue marlin lost. Rothermel said RBV Capt. Gilberto called him "muy loco" when he jumped into the water to revive a sailfish for release. EAST CAPE FISHING TRIP REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported East Cape weather as partly cloudy in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 79 to 88 degrees. On the beaches, roosterfish and sierra returned to the counts, and tuna and dorado dominated the action off shore. EAST CAPE FLY FISHING.
RANCHO LEONERO, EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Roy Baldwin of Rancho Leonero said continued yellowfin tuna were 15 to 20 miles off Cabo Pulmo, with limits for most boats. Dorado were mixed with the tuna, and on the beaches some roosterfish to 40 pounds were caught with slow-trolled live sardina and caballitos, from Rancho Leonero to the Punta Arena lighthouse. EAST CAPE FISHING.
BUENA VISTA, EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport dive service said conditions were spectacular at Cabo Pulmo last week, with gin clear water in the mid-80s at depth and hordes of sea life sightings very heavily concentrated on the reef: "Strange how mother nature gives us the best just before the season changes." CABO PULMO DIVING CONDITIONS.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Earlier, Rod Albright of Buena Vista reported on three good fishing days with Don Giottonini on Giottonini's brand new 34-foot boat, Senor Don, with a catch of two 50-pound wahoo, nine dorado, one blue marlin, three tuna to 50 pounds, and four sailfish lost. The Senor Don will be based in East Cape with Javier Cota as captain. EAST CAPE FISHING TRIP REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said the best action on the Las Arenas side last week was on medium dorado of 20 to 30 pounds, plus some wahoo. Very few tuna were caught, as Las Arenas weather was in the mid-90s, with calm seas and water temperatures in the 80s. LAS ARENAS, LA PAZ FISHING.
Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said dorado paced the action on both the Las Arenas and La Paz sides. Some tuna and wahoo were also caught, in addition to squid every few days on the Las Arenas side. Water temperatures were in the high-70s and low-80s. LA PAZ FISHING.
LORETO, MEXICO: Jeff Petersen of Loreto said water temperatures were down to about 83 to 84 degrees last week, with gorgeous weather, as he fished for dorado limits on Dennis Carrol's boat. "Plenty of billfish along the 18-mile arc from Punta Lobos on Isla Carmen back north and west," Petersen said. After night fishing with the Carnaderos baitsellers, Petersen said pargo action was slow in 82.4-degree water, but lots of mixed species were caught, including eels, scorpionfish, and needlefish.
LORETO, MEXICO: Pam Bolles of Baja Big Fish Company said some captains reported school-sized dorado six miles north of Isla Coronado and off Punta Lobos at the northeast corner of Isla Carmen. On Thursday, Capt. Francisco Munoz fished north at San Bruno and his clients released six dorado and kept three more on conventional and fly tackle, plus releasing a sailfish, and fishing the rocks for several cabrilla, rose snapper, jack crevalle, and roosterfish. Loreto weather was cooler in the low-90s, with some light breezes from the north, and very flat seas. LORETO FISHING.
LORETO, MEXICO: At Villas de Loreto, Wendy Wilchynski said anglers fishing with Capt. Antonio of Arturo's Sportfishing landed four dorado and lost a striped marlin about 10 miles outside of Isla Carmen.
LORETO, MEXICO: Nacho Davis of the Carnaderos baitsellers cooperativa said they are fishing every night for nice, medium-sized mackerels, "not plentiful, but generally enough." On some mornings, bait was selling out, so anglers were advised to buy bait early. Many boats caught dorado last week, Davis said.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege reported excellent sea conditions and improved overall fishing, with water temperatures hovering at about 80 to 82 degrees. Good catches for the week included four dorado to 23 pounds for Barber at the Mulege lighthouse and Punta Chivato; Tom and Marge Leach with dorado, pargo, and cabrilla; two marlin for Marty Robinson about 35 miles out; and Tom and Patti Higginbotham with a 40-pound yellowtail caught deep at the north end of Isla San Marcos. Dave Palmer of Lake Forest also released a striped marlin subdued on 30-pound spinning tackle, and other anglers reported sierra off the Islas Santa Inez. "Dorado are just about everywhere," Barber said, "and the yellowtail are anywhere the water is somewhere near 250 feet deep." MULEGE FISHING TRIP REPORTS.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Diana Johnson of the Hotel Serenidad said the hotel is open for business as usual, with planes arriving daily, and hotel boats found good dorado fishing about 20 kilometers out.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: At Bahia de los Angeles, Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko reported live bait in the bay and small to medium yellowtail in the 20-pound class on local reefs, caught with dropper loops and iron. One boat returned from Guadalupe reef north of the bay with four white seabass in the 50-pound class. L.A. Bay weather was in the high-80s, with cooling water temperatures at 77 to 81 degrees, and whale sharks were present inside the bay.
SAN FRANCISQUITO, MEXICO: Stan Woodward of San Francisquito relayed a message from Beto Lucero at the caleta saying the resort water lines were working after recent rains, but mosquitos were still present. At El Barril to the south, Lucero reported debris on the runway and a new peninsula extending into the sea.
PAPA FERNANDEZ, BAHIA WILLARD, MEXICO: At Papa Fernandez on Bahia Willard, Peggy Magee reported that Rob Wagener of Tempe, Ariz., fished along shore from Punta Willard north to Black Mountain using only one kind of lure, a 1-ounce Krocodile, on 12-pound test line, and he scored on seven species, including corvina to 7 pounds, ribera cabrilla, triggerfish, wrasse, spotted bay bass, barracuda, and pompano. The weather at Gonzaga Bay was flat and glassy, with water temperatures averaging 85 degrees, and good numbers of sierra were showing at Punta Final to the south.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Fili Espinoza of Tony Reyes Fishing Tours reported on a six-day Midriff Islands trip by the panga mothership Jose Andres, returning to San Felipe on Oct. 8, 2004, with a catch of: 290 yellowtail, 18 to 36 pounds; two grouper, 30 pounds; three black seabass, 35 to 55 pounds; one dorado, 16 pounds; four white seabass, 25 to 40 pounds; 16 cabrilla, 10 to 15.5 pounds; 163 squid, 18 to 45 pounds; three red snapper, 14 pounds; five broomtail grouper, 12 pounds; four sheephead, 8 pounds; 216 spotted bay bass; and 45 miscellaneous fish.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: The panga mothership Tony Reyes also returned to San Felipe on Oct. 8, 2004, with a catch of: 130 yellowtail, 10 to 25 pounds; two grouper, 30 to 40 pounds; three black sea bass, 40 to 85 pounds; 20 dorado, 15 to 18 pounds; 180 cabrilla, 6 to 12 pounds; 15 squid, to 15 pounds; 12 red snapper, to 15 pounds; 30 broomtail grouper, to 20 pounds, 305 spotted bay bass; three shark; 105 miscellaneous fish; and 11 sailfish to 110 pounds, six released.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Dana Kerby of Baja Sportfishing, Inc., said final preparations were underway for the departure of the panga mothership Erik for La Paz on Oct. 17, 2004. The 11-day run will be "an ecology trip, with maybe a little fishing," Kerby said. Another trip out of San Carlos at Magdalena Bay was scheduled for Oct. 31, 2004.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: At San Felipe, Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said the weather was perfect in the mid-80s, with a water temperature of 86 degrees, and the town was full of visitors again. "The vendors are busy. Every other person is getting her hair braided it appears," Meders said. "This is the way we like to see our town." SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Mike Auditore of Phoenix and Lloyd Robinette fished two days out of Rocky Point on Auditore's boat El Gato Blanco, finding slow action on reefs and at Bird Island, for some croakers and scorpionfish, and better action on large sierra their first day, and goldspotted bass and a 20-pound bull dorado lost on their second day at 51 mile reef. Sea conditions varied from windy to calm, with water temperatures averaging 78 degrees. ROCKY POINT AREA FISHING.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Earlier, Don Dufek fished an inflatable out of Rocky Point and found slow action on small cabrilla, triggerfish, and a 26-inch sierra caught by his daughter, all on Rebel Fastrac lures. Dufek also reported a fatal accident near shore, when a banana boat panga struck a swimmer. ROCKY POINT FISHING AND FATAL ACCIDENT REPORT.
ROCKY POINT, MEXICO: Stuart Burnett of Rocky Point commented that the fishing lately has been improved tremendously over past years, possibly because of protection of local waters by the prohibition of shrimp trawlers inside the Alto Golfo Biosphere Reserve. ALTO GOLFO IMPROVED FISHING.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Bill Molden of San Carlos said marlin to 300 pounds and sailfish to 100 pounds were caught as close as 5 miles out last week, spread out on headings from 150 to 260 degrees. Boats also reported good catches of bonito at Isla San Pedro Nolasco and Punta San Antonio, as water temperatures cooled into the low-80s. Small dorado were present and were being netted illegally by about seven commercial pangas from 14 to 35 miles out.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Norman Don of Tucson said his boat Doc Marlin fished three days for lots of dorado, in rough seas and water temperatures of about 82.7 degrees. Other boats scored on dorado, multiple sailfish, blue marlin, and a black marlin reported by one boat that died during the fight. SAN CARLOS FISHING TRIP REPORTS.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said 19 Aries Fleet boats out of Marina el Cid had a catch including released fish of: 41 sailfish, one striped marlin, one blue marlin, and 16 dorado. Inshore boats had excellent catches of yellowtail and red snapper. Mazatlan weather was mostly calm in the low-90s, with water temperatures of 83 to 84 degrees. MAZATLAN FISHING.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: At Marina el Cid, Yomahira Aguirre said the best billfish action was about 18 miles out of the marina.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Capt Josh Temple of Prime Time Adventures said Jeff Erskine fished for giant tuna three days on the Prime Time, and finally scored on a 282 pounder on his last day. Erskine also caught six other tuna of 85 to 160 pounds, wahoo to 40 pounds, and three dorado of 40 to 50 pounds. PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Stan Vath of Oxnard and Campo Lorenzo at San Quintin continued to hunt big tuna on his boat Tinknocker: "We are heading back out for two solid days of giant yellowfin tuna fishing tomorrow. We still have plenty of time and hopefully we will get our turn." TINKNOCKER PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING TRIP REPORT.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Kurt Hjort of Esperanza Sportfishing said inshore roosterfish action was sporadic, but there were some hot sessions, including a two-outing score of 11 releases of fish to 32 pounds for Bart Lazzarus of New York, who also caught snapper, pargo, and triggerfish on ultralight spinning gear at Punta Mita and Islas Marieta. Offshore fishing was good, in water temperatures in the mid-80s, for sailfish and dorado in all locations, and yellowfin tuna at Corbetena and El Banco. PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Juan Pablo Moll of Mr. Marlin said dorado and sailfish were plentiful inside the bay, and fishing outside was drawing five to ten sailfish strikes per day. Marlin and larger tuna were hitting trolled skipjack at El Banco and Corbetena. PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Daniel Alanis of Master Baiter's Sportfishing said big numbers of sailfish were inside the bay and "most definitely" at Corbetena, which was also producing tuna, dorado, marlin, pargo, and wahoo on jet-heads and yellow-orange skirts.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze of Zihuatanejo said 80-degree blue water is "on the beach," creating some spectacular seascapes, and offshore boats continued to average two to three sailfish per day. Inshore, rain runoff muddied some areas, but Kunze said each boat in Baja On The Fly's Jacks or Better roosterfish tournament sighted record-sized fish that were hitting teaser baits and swallowing them whole. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather as cloudy in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 80 to 83 degrees, as the Jacks or Better fly fishing tournament was completing its guide and fishing competitions on Saturday.
SANTA ROSALIA LEVIATHAN--The huge great white shark caught by commerical fishermen near Santa Rosalia on Sept. 26, 2004. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler, Brenda Goodson, and Justino Moreno Flores.
SEPTEMBER'S OVER!--Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos celebrated the end of Santa Rosalia's annual September slow fishing period with some nice yellowtail caught on the bajos north of the island. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler.
SANTO TOMAS SHORE CATCH--Mark Baker with a cabezon caught from shore at Puerto Santo Tomas. Photo courtesy Mark Baker.
AT ERENDIRA--Castro's Camp staffer Fernando Arballo Castro (center) with some nice white seabass and yellowtail caught last week at Erendira, south of Ensenada. Photo courtesy Fernando Castro.
SENOR DON'S FIRST FISH--Don Giottonini (left), Rod Albright, and Capt. Javier Cota celebrate the first fish caught on Giottonini's new East Cape boat Senor Don, a nice 50-pound wahoo. Photo courtesy Rod Albright.
RBV WAHOO--Ken Shafter (left) and Dan Rothermel fished three days out of East Cape's Rancho Buena Vista, and Shafter caught this nice 40-pound wahoo, plus his first dorado, tuna, pargo, and bonita. Photo courtesy Dan Rothermel.
LORETO PARGOS--Night-fishing Carnaderos bait fishermen Guti Davis, Guillermo Duarte Martinez and Octavio Acosta Lara with a mixed pargo catch from Cholla rocks at Loreto's Isla Carmen. Photo courtesy Jeff Petersen.
FALL DORADO--Dennis Carrol of Loreto with a nice October dorado. Photo courtesy Jeff Petersen.
ROCKY POINT FISHING--Mike Auditore caught goldspotted bass during two days of fishing out of Rocky Point on Auditore's boat El Gato Blanco. Photo courtesy Mike Auditore.
PUERTO VALLARTA BIGGIE--Capt. Josh Temple (left) of Prime Time Adventures with Jeff Erskine and his 282-pound yellowfin tuna caught on the Prime Time. Photo courtesy Josh Temple.
PUERTO VALLARTA SAILS--K.C. Brown, Betsy Brown, Carol Scott, and Joyce Williamson, all of Round Rock, Texas, fished on Master Baiter's Sportfishing's High Maintenance for three sailfish, including one released, and a wahoo, in 87-degree water at Puerto Vallarta. Photo courtesy Daniel Alanis.
PUERTO VALLARTA CRUISE--Stan Vath of Oxnard and San Quintin ran his boat Tinknocker to Puerto Vallarta and he's chasing big tuna at El Banco and Corbetena. Photo courtesy Stan Vath.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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