IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO - Sailfish blew wide-open last week as some boats scored double-digit releases within 20 miles of the bay. Ed Kunze of Zihuatanejo said this winter's already excellent sailfish action got even better during the week:
"Historically, February is one of the best fishing months of the year here, and this year is proving it so...We are certainly having one of our best Februarys of the last couple of years." Kunze said no sportfishing boats are going farther than 20 miles, and top catches during the week included Capt. Adolpho on the Dos Hermanos, who fished four days, with 13 sailfish releases on each of two days, and at least eight sailfish the other two days. Capt. Santiago on the Gitana released 38 sailfish in seven days. Inshore roosterfish action was also good. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters reported red hot sailfish action, plus signs of spring marlin and yellowfin tuna, and continued good inshore fishing for mixed species. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO DAILY FISHING RESULTS.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather was calm in the high-80s, with water temperatures of 80 to 84 degrees.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Earlier, Scott Gross of Boston, together with Fred Gross, fished one day with Capt. Alex Vargas on the Esturion I and caught two sailfish and one dorado in 82-degree water. "Anglers were picking up one to two sails per day with the blue water at the 15 mile mark," Gross said. "Capt. Alfredo Vargas on Esturion II reported catching seven small yellowfin tuna in one day by Barra De Potosi, 10 miles out."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: At Vonny's Fleet, Ivan Villarino said his pangas got into some good bottom fishing at the tip of Punta Banda before the midweek rains hit, and by Saturday he was fishing again, but in very slow conditions, as Jay Johnson of Fontana went out with Capt. Beto and only caught a few whitefish and sandbass. Ensenada weather was still cloudy in the low-60s, with 4-foot ocean swells and water temperatures at Punta Banda averaging 59 degrees.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Greg Johnson and Michael Herbach of Eco-Fishing Adventures said they fished in the Estero Beach area with ghost shrimp and did well on halibut. Other anglers in the area reported releasing ten halibut caught on small swim baits in pearl colors. "Drifting seemed to be the technique of choice for all the folks we observed," Johnson said.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Gerardo Sanchez of KCHTS Sportfishing said he fished locally in windy conditions with six anglers on Saturday for slow action on eight whitefish and one sheephead at El Bajo, but then moved to University Point and got 25 medium bonito. The Don Juan II was being pulled out of the water for three weeks of painting and maintenance.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas said the upper road to the puerto is open and passable, despite recent rains. The lower road is washed out. Few anglers have visited lately, Saenz said, but this week three pangas went out for full limits of lingcod, sheephead, rockcod, and whitefish, plus some surface bonito. A new launch ramp on the sheltered side of the rock point is under construction and is about 75 percent complete, and Saenz said the state government is studying the possible installation of a jetty. PUERTO SANTO TOMAS FISHING AND NEW LAUNCH RAMP REPORT.
CASTRO'S CAMP, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp said 21 boats fished during the week, even though it rained on some days, and the catch was very good 2 miles from the coast for lingcod, big red rockcod, whitefish, and barracuda. The water color was clear blue in the fishing area, with a sea surface temperature of 60 degrees. CASTRO'S CAMP FISHING REPORT.
CASTRO'S CAMP, MEXICO: Lee Wood of Oceanside Senior Anglers said a group of 14 members fished two days out of Castro's Camp, in good conditions, for sheephead to 5 pounds, lingcod to 9 pounds, nice red rockcod, Humboldt squid to 45 pounds, and a 6.4-pound calico bass caught by Wood. Anglers on the trip included Wood, Fred Kaczmarek, Roger Davis, Don Maquet, Hal Reeser, Rod Morris, George Ruble, Walt Soper, Jay Perry, Van Vandermeer, Marvin Van Voorst, Mike Mercado, Vern Francis and Chuck Berridge. ERENDIRA FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said most boats stayed off the water last week due to rain and wind, but a few did get out for lingcod and yellowtail at the 15 and 240 spots, and one boat went to Isla San Martin for catch and release fishing on calico bass, barracuda, and bonito. Hillis said the main road from Mex 1 into the bay is in bad condition, so it is best to turn off on the Papalote road, which adds about 30 minutes to the drive. SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Chris Peirce relayed a weekend report from Capt. Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing saying that yellowtail were "popping up all over the place" along the beach south to Socorro. Catian also reported a white seabass in the 70-pound class, Peirce said, in water temperatures averaging 60 degrees. Earlier, Catian reported so-so yellowtail action at the 15 spot, but steady mixed bottom fish and Humboldt squid, in flat seas and 59 to 60-degree water. SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
BAJA CENTRAL PACIFIC, MEXICO: Dennis Spike of Coastal Kayak Fishing said he's got seven kayak fishing spots and eight conventional spots open on his Cedros Island trip aboard the Islander, 818-345-5824. "Zodiacs and crew will support the kayaks as well as the mothership," Spike said, "targeting white seabass and halibut inshore, with yellowtail a staple."
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said the San Carlos entrada produced a few small yellowtail and sierra, plus a full-on barracuda bite, in water temperatures of 66 to 73 degrees. Only a few snook were caught in the mangrove channels, and north at Puerto Lopez Mateos, the whale festival was over, but few boats fished outside, due to rough sea conditions. Magdalena Bay weather was cloudy in the low-70s. MAGDALENA BAY FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tommy Garcia of Cabo Magic reported on 87 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 100 striped marlin, three yellowfin tuna, 27 dorado, 56 red snapper, 95 sierra, and three boats skunked. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said the striped marlin bite continued, as 75 percent of fleet boats released billfish, and quadruples and quintuples were scored by several boats. The Ni Modo had a quintuple release day with newly elected Baja California Sur Governor Narcisso Agundez. Whales were present in big numbers, and one boat reported 42 whales sighted in one day. Only 16 percent of boats caught dorado, and just a few small tuna were landed. Overall, Pisces Fleet caught 109 striped marlin during the week, of which 106 were successfully released. Cabo San Lucas weather was sunny, after rain on the previous Friday, with an average water temperature of 70 degrees, and Pisces boats fished from the Old Lighthouse to San Jose del Cabo. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 27 Gaviota Fleet boats, with a catch including released fish of: 32 striped marlin, seven yellowfin tuna, and 25 dorado. The Fish Cabo and Juanita VIII reported on a total of six outings, with a combined catch including released fish of: eight striped marlin, one dorado, and one sailfish. Cabo San Lucas water temperatures averaged 69 degrees close to the arch, and up to 72 degrees farther out and up on the Cortez side at the Gordo Banks. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said the weather and sea conditions at Cabo San Lucas were good all week, with 71 to 73-degree water near shore, and up to 75 degrees farther out on the Cortez side. The main striped marlin concentration was about 24 miles southeast of the arch, and many feeding fish were in the area, but sometimes slow to bite. "With all the fish in the area you would have thought it would be a snap to get hooked up, but on average half the boats went fishless," Landrum said. Dorado were consistent close to shore, and on the Pacific side sierra were still going off from the lighthouse north to El Migrino. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Benjamin Ortega of Solmar Fleet reported a catch including released fish of: 55 striped marlin, 24 dorado, 37 yellowfin tuna, 25 sierra and 13 jacks. The top Solmar captain for the week was Capt. Benito Peralta of the San Lucas V, with a six-outing catch including released fish of: eight striped marlin, 12 yellowfin tuna, and 11 dorado. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on about 66 combined La Playita fleet pangas, with a catch of: four striped marlin, 125 dorado, 75 yellowfin tuna, 12 amberjack, 18 cabrilla, eight yellowtail, six grouper, six roosterfish, 120 pargo, 20 sierra, 60 triggerfish, one wahoo, and six pompano. Yellowfin tuna showed signs of returning to the Gordo Banks after a long dry spell, Brictson said, and despite a shortage of bait, some pangas caught a few fish of 40 to 100 pounds. San Jose del Cabo weather was sunny at about 80 degrees, with water temperatures averaging 70 to 71 degrees. Inshore fishing was slow on all species, including sierra. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Luis Duhart of Palmilla Bay Sportfishing said several pangas fished during the week, mostly for dorado of 12 to 18 pounds, averaging about three dorado per boat. Greg and Nohemi Brown of northern California celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with two days of fishing on the Cristine with Capt. Gustavo, and they caught five dorado and a roosterfish, and released a marlin. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Species fishing specialist John Snow of San Jose del Cabo reported "catching" a new species last week, a jumping or longfin halfbeak, Hemiramphus saltator, that jumped out of the water as it was being chased by a dorado: "I look between the suds and the dry land and there is this enormous 25-pound or so dorado waiting for what he just chased up on the beach to come back into the water. If I had had a gaff, I had a real chance to beach him." SAN JOSE DEL CABO DORADO SURF REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Russ Fritz of La Ribera said he's been catching dorado daily, including at dead whale that attracted a big crowd last week. Boats fishing around the whale included a 40-footer that appeared to have run up from Cabo San Lucas: "...with all the design and colors of an Italian soccer shoe...that boat certainly wasn't local to the East Cape. Nice treat to see a bevy of thong bikini clad beauties, bouncing with excitement over a 10-pound dorado. Strange bedfellows for a dead whale me thinks." Fritz said he counted about 24 boats on the whale, with about half of them hooked up. EAST CAPE DEAD WHALE FISHING REPORT.
LOS BARRILES, MEXICO: At Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, Marisol Verdugo said fishing was okay for dorado and some striped marlin, and last week both thresher shark and mako shark were also caught. East Cape weather was mostly calm in the 70s.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Gary Leeper, staying at Verdugo's, said East Cape weather was very fishable last week, with water temperatures of 70 to 73 degrees, and excellent dorado action on the dead whale, about 25 miles out by the end of the week. Overall dorado fishing was slower, though, and marlin action was spotty to poor. Sierra were scattered but available. Leeper said there is a lot of halfbeak bait in the water, of two species, one with the same appearance as ballyhoo he's observed in the Caribbean and Bahamas. "I have been diving and snorkeling here at East Cape for three years and this is the first time I have seen the ballyhoo on shore..." Leeper said. "Ronnie Verdugo says they have always been around." EAST CAPE FISHING AND HALFBEAK-BALLYHOO REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Tim Selzer of Baja On The Fly reported hot fishing around the dead whale, as one boat from Buena Vista Beach Resort scored on 26 dorado there. Skipjack and early sierra were also biting well, and ladyfish were steady on the beach, but Selzer said, "The wind is still blowing out of the north, creating large waves. The afternoon fly fishing from shore is tough." EAST CAPE FLY FISHING REPORT.
RANCHO LEONERO, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said dorado limits were caught by all anglers, especially around the dead whale which was holding bulls up to 40 pounds: "All anglers are catching literally as many dorado as they want. Very hungry fish are biting almost any lure or bait offered." About half of all boats caught striped marlin off Punta Pescadero, in warming water temperatures of 71 to 73 degrees, Ireland said. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
LA RIBERA, MEXICO: Jorge Bergin of La Ribera said last week's dead whale might have been the same one that was caught in a gill net about a quarter-mile off La Ribera: "The whale in the net must have died, drifted 17 miles northeast of the lighthouse and now every mother's son is out there taking dorado." LA RIBERA DEAD WHALE REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport dive service said, "This has been the nicest February with the most outstanding dive conditions I can ever remember." Rayor said coral formations 60 feet down can be seen from the boat at Cabo Pulmo. The bottom water temperature was 70 degrees, with mild current. Sea life sightings included bigeye jacks, sea lions, huge grouper, manta rays, turtles and "clouds of reef fish" giving all divers their "visual limit," Rayor said.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International reported basically perfect fishing weather at La Paz, at about 80 degrees, with water temperatures at 62 to 68 degrees, and steady yellowtail at El Bajito on the La Paz side, plus some deep winter dorado still biting at their season-long location on the southeast corner of Isla Espiritu Santo. On the Las Arenas side, pangas scored on pargo, a few dorado, lots of sierra, and even some yellowfin tuna, around Isla Cerralvo. LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LAS ARENAS, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said only about four to six combined sport and commercial pangas were fishing per day on the Las Arenas side, although the weather was excellent, and the fishing continued good for pargos, cabrilla, and dorado in very good sizes, caught off Punta Perico. Sardina bait was being caught out at Isla Cerralvo, and Hernandez said his boats also did well on pargo and cabrilla out there. Water temperatures on the Las Arenas side averaged 70 to 72 degrees. LAS ARENAS FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Arturo Susarrey of Arturo's Sportfishing said Loreto had variable weather last week, and improving fishing at his San Nicolas Camp, 35 miles north of town, as boats averaged about 10 yellowtail and cabrilla per day. Mackerel bait was available right near camp, and also near town at Isla Coronado. LORETO FISHING REPORT.
SAN NICOLAS, MEXICO: Richard Spinner of South Pasadena fished out of Arturo's San Nicolas Camp and reported improving yellowtail action during the trip, culminating in a wide-open bite under birds at Punta Pulpito. "...It was classic action," Spinner said. "Limitless big yellowtail to 35 pounds on live bait and trolled Rapalas. I caught and released 15 big boys..." Spinner said the food and facilities at the camp were excellent, and he also caught and released a horned shark estimated at 80 to 100 pounds. Earlier, boats at the camp averaged four to eight yellowtail to about 30 pounds per day, plus cabrilla to 15 pounds, pargo, ladyfish and green jack. SAN NICOLAS CAMP FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Jan Stark of Loreto Shores said there was a bit of rain last week, and the park hosted a Good Sam's caravan of 22 motorhomes and fifth wheelers. Three pangas fished northeast of Isla Coronado and scored on snapper, grouper, yellowtail, and cabrilla.
LORETO, MEXICO: At Villas de Loreto, Wendy Wilchynski said there were no anglers at the hotel, and she and Ron were going off road racing anyway: "We're off! Wish us luck!"
MULEGE, MEXICO: Rick Barber of Mulege reported steady, very good yellowtail action in all directions, as most boats averaged about three fish of 30 to 35 pounds. John Dinning fished at Punta Chivato and landed five yellowtail, all over 35 pounds, on ten strikes, and Cody and Andy Spahn caught yellowtail up to 38 pounds in the same area. "The bite in our whole Mulege fishing area seems to be picking up as the weather starts to warm up a bit," Barber said. "Everyone who fished Punta Chivato, Isla Santa Inez, or Punta Concepción and south...had nothing but good things to say about the availability of fish." Mulege water temperatures were holding at a consistent 62 degrees. MULEGE FISHING REPORT.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Mike Massey of Mission Viejo and his group trailered down to Posada Concepcion for several days of fishing and got into yellowtail action around the 210 spot north of Punta Chivato and on another spot 320 feet deep between Punta Chivato and Punta Concepcion. Massey said on their first morning at the 210 they got hit once on iron, but dropping bait early was the method of choice in water at 64.5 degrees: "...The yellowtail were biting, and several boats were hooked up, some had been rocked, and several 30 pounders were landed...We dropped iron for two hours without a hit." MULEGE YELLOWTAIL FISHING REPORT.
MULEGE, MEXICO: Paul Rista of Mulege said the Hotel Serenidad landing strip was visited last week by ultralight pilot and adventurer Omar Contreras of Venezuela, who was flying to Cabo San Lucas. "Omar holds several records in ultralight aircraft flying, distance, altitude and jumping," Rista said. "He is sponsored by the Discovery Channel and CITGO." Earlier, Capt. Alex reported several good yellowtail trips, including six fish of 26 to 35 pounds caught on live bait and jigs in 80 feet of water northwest of Punta Chivato.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos said Santa Rosalia had flat, windless weather last week and he fished both Isla San Marcos and Isla Tortuga. Fishing at Isla San Marcos with Terry Kauffman of Reno and Zane Abbott of Salmon, Idaho, Kanzler struggled one morning on breezing yellowtail, until they finally started to hit about 11 a.m., and the boat ended up with five fish to 30 pounds, plus two more lost. Another two mornings at Isla San Marcos were very slow, for two yellowtail and one cabrilla. Kanzler also fished two days out at Isla Tortuga with Daniel "Piojo Loco" Chiquete and did very well on 73 leopard grouper and 10 yellowtail, keeping only the largest fish. Water temperatures were 63 to 64 degrees at Isla San Marcos, and 65 to 66 degrees at Isla Tortuga. SANTA ROSALIA FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: At Bahia de los Angeles, Abraham Vazquez of Camp Gecko said fishing was good for yellowtail of 15 to 25 pounds at the usual winter locations around Guadalupe reef. "They are at their usual winter homes and very easy to hook," Vazquez said. "If you like catching yellows this is a very good time to come down." L.A Bay weather was windless in the low-70s, and the water temperature in the bay was at 60 degrees. Vazquez said he has found a new boat to replace the Gecko III, a 25-foot Chris Craft that will be named the Gecko IV. The new gas station was about to open, and after the recent rains, Vazquez said, "...Even the rocks look green." BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: Earlier, Capt. Igor Galvan reported two days of very good yellowtail action on 12 to 20-pound fish at Baja Guadalupe, with all fish caught on jigs in water temperatures of 58 to 60 degrees.
BAHIA WILLARD, MEXICO: Doug Magee of Papa Fernandez on the shore of Bahia Willard, reported water temperatures in the mid-60s and boats catching triggerfish, goldspotted bass, spotted bay bass, sierra, and a few white seabass in the 25-pound class. Beach anglers scored on corvina and pompano using both jigs and plastic. Magee commented that this winter has been the wettest that residents have seen in 20 years, with a total of 17 rainy days so far: "With all the rain come the wild flowers. It will be a spectacular spring."
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: At San Felipe, Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said Sunday was sunny, after some rain and wind earlier. San Felipe was preparing for the Baja 250 race at the end of the week, and on the beach, adventurer "Poppa Neutrino" was at work on the raft that he intends to launch down the Sea of Cortez about mid-March. SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Aries Fleet boats out of Marina el Cid continued to average about one striped marlin or sailfish per day, and inshore boats had good results on easy limits of pompano, pargo, mojarra, and cabrilla. For 38 offshore boats, Aries fleet had a catch including released fish of: 32 striped marlin, three sailfish, four dorado, and 13 yellowfin tuna. Mazatlan weather was sunny in the mid-80s, with water temperatures at 71.5 degrees offshore, and 74 degrees inshore. Aries Fleet boats fished about 25 to 29 miles out of Marina el Cid. MAZATLAN FISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Tadeo Hernandez of Flota Bibi Fleet reported on about 15 offshore boats, with a catch including released fish of: two striped marlin, one sailfish, two dorado, three yellowfin tuna, and one skipjack tuna. "Fishing was poor this week," Hernandez said. "Lots of fish were sighted...even six to eight billfish per day per boat...but it seems like they are getting many bait fish because a low percentage decided to take the lures." Mazatlan weather was in the low-80s.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Gary Palmeter of Vikings Fleet said 85 percent of fleet boats scored on striped marlin or sailfish, dorado averaged 15 to 40 pounds, and some mako shark and hammerhead shark were spotted. Local light tackle trips produced a wide variety of species. MAZATLAN FISHING REPORT.
HOT ZIHUAT SAILS--Fred Gross with a Zihuatanejo sailfish caught on the Esturion I with Capt. Alex Vargas. Photo courtesy Scott Gross.
QUINTIN FLY GUY--Montana fly fisherman "Pete" fished with Pedro's Pangas and did pretty well on the surface for some San Quintin-style "trout." Photo courtesy Pete Hillis.
PALMILLA BAY CATCH--Greg and Nohemi Brown with a mixed bag of fish caught out of San Jose del Cabo with Palmilla Bay Sportfishing. Photo courtesy Luis Duhart.
SOPLADO CATCH--Russ Fritz of La Ribera photographed his son Dan and his fiancee Sonya with two dorado caught last week at East Cape on his panga Soplado. Photo courtesy Russ Fritz.
EAST CAPE GOLDIE--Jocelyn Martel caught this unusually mottled "golden grouper," or golden phase leopard grouper, near the East Cape pyramids north of Los Barriles. Photo by Cat Betts, courtesy Gary Leeper.
DORADO SPIRIT--Travis Hickman fished the southeast corner of La Paz' Isla Espiritu Santo with Tailhunter International and caught this nice February dorado. Photo courtesy Jonathan Roldan.
PULPITO YELLOWTAIL--Gary Yammitz and Bobay Toscan scored on winter yellowtail at Arturo's Sportfishing's San Nicolas Camp, 35 miles north of Loreto. Photo courtesy Arturo Susarrey.
GOOD MULEGE ACTION--Almost everybody fishing at Mulege, including Cody and Andrea "Andy" Spahn, scored on nice yellowtail last week. Photo courtesy Rick Barber.
SANTA ROSALIA YELLOWTAIL--Terry Kauffman and Zane Abbott fished the reliable yellowtail bajos off Santa Rosalia with "Kid Jurel" Mike Kanzler, and scored on yellowtail of 25 to 30 pounds. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler.
MAZATLAN STRIPED MARLIN--Susan Dean fished out of Mazatlan on the Paty C. with crew Picho and Alex of Flota Bibi Fleet and caught this striped marlin, a 128 pounder. Photo courtesy Tadeo Hernandez.
JOHNSON OF MULEGE--Don Johnson of Mulege's historic Serenidad, with granddaughter Andrea, his first "girl" grandchild. Photo courtesy Peggy Magee.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
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