MULEGE, MEXICO: Mulege's winter yellowtail bite cranked up the volume a couple of notches in spring-like conditions last week. Rick Barber of Mulege said water temperatures were about 65 to 66 degrees, and the fishing was excellent for quality yellowtail in all local areas.
These fishing areas included Islas Santa Inez, Isla San Marcos, Punta Chivato, and to the south at the spots known locally as the "mine," "corral," "slide," and "palms." Wayne Morrison fought a probable grouper for 10 to 15 minutes at Punta Chivato and finally broke it off on 80-pound line, and Marty Robinson's group had a good day at Isla San Marcos for six big yellowtail, six cabrilla, three pargo, and two dog snapper. "The best part of the fishing is that all sorts of yellowtail, cabrilla and leopard grouper ended up as table fare this week," Barber said. MULEGE FISHING REPORT.
MULEGE, MEXICO: For the previous week, Barber reported a 50-pound class yellowtail caught and weighed by local angler Gigi with Capt. Mateo: "Unfortunately, no cameras were available to record the monster and it ended up as fillets before one could be found." Bob Thye fished with Tom Higginbotham and landed a 35 pounder. Other fishing was steady but not spectacular for yellowtail and cabrilla, in water temperatures at 65.2 degrees. MULEGE FISHING REPORT.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Sammy Susarrey of Lily Fleet said the Tamara fished at the San Jose reef on Saturday and caught bottom fish and giant squid of about 20 pounds, but also including some to 30 pounds. "Other boats got giant squid at the Punta Banda bank," Susarrey said. "They said they could not see the bottom because there was so much squid around all day."
Earlier, the Tamara fished at north Isla Todos Santos and caught lingcod and bonito to 8 pounds, finding calm seas and water temperatures averaging 59 degrees. Most of the bonito hit trolled Rapalas in "clown" colors, Susarrey said.
PUNTA BANDA, MEXICO: At Vonny's Fleet, Ivan Villarino said fishing was "a little better" last week, but still with 4-foot swells, clouds, winds of 5 to 7 m.p.h., and water temperatures at the tip of Punta Banda at 59 degrees, plus rain on Friday. Early in the week, Paul Antonian of Van Nuys and his fishing partner went out on the Vonny I with Capt. Beto and caught their limits of bonita and rockcods. On Thursday, Jay Johnson of Fontana also fished on the Vonny I, and got his limits of bonita, barracuda, and calico bass, plus a nice 28-pound yellowtail.
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Memo Gomez of El Dorado Sportfishing said all his trips last week were to take surfers out to the north point of Isla Todos Santos. "There was some movement in the sea last week, and that's good for surfing," Gomez said. "It was really good at the island where we had waves about 12 to 18 feet high last week."
ENSENADA, MEXICO: Steve Ross of the Bad Dog commented on an early season marlin encounter while on a run out of Marina Coral last month to capture the first albacore of the year award for the San Diego Anglers sportfishing club: "I found the albacore from studying Jeff Gammon's Terrafin SST chart...The water was a cold 59.8 degrees and it was blue...One wave dropped so fast that it even surprised the marlin I was looking at. He dropped out of the sky with water only left on his rear end...I heard a loud crack, and...discovered a missing rod and reel from the port shotgun...If you catch a marlin with 700 yards of 40 pound and my rod and reel, please call me." ENSENADA EARLY ALBACORE & MARLIN REPORT.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Sam Saenz of Puerto Santo Tomas resort said the current Humboldt squid run has hit the area, and one monster was caught that weighed 28 kilos, or about 61 pounds. "I have been at Puerto Santo Tomas for over 40 years and have never seen calamar this size," Saenz said. "Apparently they were so thick that they keep taking the bait and attacking the fish caught by the fishermen...It is not normal to have these creatures here." PUERTO SANTO TOMAS GIANT SQUID REPORT.
PUERTO SANTO TOMAS, MEXICO: Ken Jones of Long Beach commented on the steep approach to the new government-built launch ramp under construction at Puerto Santo Tomas: That boat launch goes straight down the hill on a nasty grade and then takes a wicked turn into the water. I have no experience on boat launching other than dragging our 12 footer over the sand and rocks, but I would be very surprised to see anything over 12.5 feet make this angle."
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Fernando Castro of Castro's Camp said it was rainy and windy much of the week, but 13 boats managed to get out for continued heavy catches of lingcod, red rockcod, and barracuda, plus a big run of Humboldt squid. "Off Erendira now, there are lots of very heavy squid on the bottom that will not leave the fishing hooks alone, and we are catching very nice reds and lingcods," Castro said. The water temperature was 59 degrees in the fishing area 8 miles from the coast. ERENDIRA FISHING REPORT.
ERENDIRA, MEXICO: Earlier, Jim White of Chula Vista said he and Curt Stromstedt fished out of Castro's Camp and found the action a little slow for the area, with a catch of sheephead, vermillion rockfish, and one lingcod. Erendira sea conditions were flat in the early morning, with some wind by 10 a.m. White said they fished with Capt. Wito, in about 80 feet of water, about seven miles north. CASTRO'S CAMP FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Pete Hillis of Pedro's Pangas said 10 boats fished last week, finding limits of sandbass and calico bass, plus a few yellowtail, at Socorro, and yellowtail of 15 to 20 pounds, plus Humboldt squid at the 15 and 240 spots. San Quintin weather was windy most of the week, but calm by Sunday. SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Alan Tokunaga of North Hollywood, fishing with Tad Hirai, Ken Watanabe, and Ike Yokomizo, said he caught a few perch in the surf at Playa San Ramon and then drove down to Socorro to try again in the afternoon, but caught "nada." The following day Tokunaga said he got an earlier start and managed some decent perch to 2 pounds.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Capt. Kelly Catian of K&M Offshore Sportfishing said the week was fairly windy off San Quintin, but he and Capt. Oscar fished with Maurice Sadi and his group for an 18-pound yellowtail, and "great, every-drop" bottom fishing south of San Quintin. Weather conditions were warm in the morning, but windy in the afternoons with 6 to 8-foot swells. SAN QUINTIN FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Earlier, Catian said he and Capt. Oscar fished with partner Monte Kotur, and Joel Spidel's group, south at El Socorro for five yellowtail, Humboldt squid, sandbass, and rockfish. Some white seabass were also lost in the kelp. San Quintin sea surface temperatures averaged 59 to 60 degrees. EL SOCORRO FISHING REPORT.
SAN QUINTIN, MEXICO: Robert Everett of Las Vegas and his wife Gladis fished a 3-hour wind-shortened day with Capt. Hector of Pedro's Pangas and still did well on limits of calico bass, sandbass, whitefish, rockcod, sheephead, and barracuda, plus one white seabass lost at the surface and another possible that hit a smaller fish on the way up. Everett said the black brant hunters also seemed to be doing well as they left the bay in the morning: "We...saw several birds fall..." SAN QUINTIN FISHING AND BRANT HUNTING REPORT.
MAGDALENA BAY, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly said whale watching took precedence again at both San Carlos and Puerto Lopez Mateos, but some small yellowtail and a few leopard grouper were caught at the San Carlos entrada, and the mangrove channels produced small snook at Devil's Curve and Los Barriles. Magdalena Bay weather was partly cloudy, with water temperatures of 69 to 75 degrees. MAGDALENA BAY FISHING & WHALE REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces Fleet said striped marlin counts dropped last week, but some Pisces boats still scored four to six marlin releases, as 56 percent of the fleet landed billfish, and 74 percent caught all species combined. "March is traditionally one of the slower months for marlin fishing at Cabo San Lucas, due to falling water temperatures and colder weather, and also they seem to be uninterested in food," Ehrenberg said. Yellowfin tuna were scattered, and dorado fishing was very slow, with only five caught during the week. Pisces boats found their best action at the Golden Gate bank on the Pacific side, and from Palmilla to Destiladeras on the Cortez side. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Capt. George Landrum of Fly Hooker Sportfishing said, "There were a few striped marlin caught at the beginning of the week and they started biting again at the end of the week, but the three days during the middle of the week were like a holiday for the billfish!" Inshore fishing was decent for sierra, pargo, grouper, amberjack, and some yellowtail to 15 pounds, caught by working iron 60 feet deep on the Pacific side. Cabo water temperatures were cooling at 67 to 68 degrees near shore, and 70 degrees about 15 miles out. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters reported on 42 Gaviota Fleet outings, with a catch including released fish of: 46 striped marlin, four dorado, 22 yellowfin tuna, and two skipjack. The Fish Cabo and Juanita VII reported on a combined four outings, with a total catch including released fish of: five striped marlin, 15 sierra, two yellowfin tuna, and one dorado. Edwards said water temperatures were cooler at 66 degrees near the cape and 70 degrees 12 to 20 miles southwest: "I would probably guess that we will begin to see some swordfish, mako sharks and an increase of yellowfin tuna coming to the Cabo San Lucas fishing area together with the cooler waters." Gaviota Fleet boats found their best fishing at the Jaime Bank on the Pacific side, and off Destiladeras on the Cortez side. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO: Benjamin Ortega of Solmar Fleet reported a catch including released fish of: 63 striped marlin, 73 dorado, 49 yellowfin tuna, 46 sierra, 18 jacks, one roosterfish, and five wahoo. Solmar Fleet's top skipper of the week was Capt. Adlaberto Agundez on the San Lucas VI, with a seven outing score including released fish of: nine striped marlin, three yellowfin tuna, 16 dorado, 12 sierra, one wahoo, and one roosterfish. CABO SAN LUCAS FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Eric Brictson of Gordo Banks Pangas reported on about 64 combined La Playita fleet pangas, with a catch of about: six striped marlin, 245 huachinango, 180 sierra, 12 roosterfish, 22 yellowtail, 28 cabrilla, four mako shark, 160 dorado, 38 yellowfin tuna, 120 pargo colorado, 80 yellowtail snapper, and 60 triggerfish. Water temperatures ranged from 69 to 71 degrees, and as spring-like conditions approached, Brictson said amberjack were caught on the surface while trolling close to shore. The yellowtail were caught in the same areas on deep yoyo jigs. SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Luis Duhart of Palmilla Bay Sportfishing said San Jose del Cabo weather was variable during the week but fishing was good for sierra and pargo, plus some dorado and amberjack. Jeff and Barb Bode caught up to about 15 sierra per day, and Arthur and Andrew Ecker fished on the Cristine with Capt. Gustavo and caught 15 pargos of 6 to 12 pounds. "The sierras were everywhere near San Luis banks," Duhart said. "The fishing has been good and most anglers are returning happy." SAN JOSE DEL CABO FISHING REPORT.
SAN JOSE DEL CABO, MEXICO: Earlier, Al Rodriguez of Massachusetts and Peter Mole fished with Tomas Cantor's La Playita panga fleet at caught 18 yellowfin tuna, three dorado, and seven red snapper. Rodriguez' group of 10 other anglers also fished one day and scored on 380 pounds of fish, confirmed when it was weighed at the airport.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Chris Moyers of East Cape Smoke House reported on 15 boats from combined fleets including the Van Wormer resorts of Palmas de Cortez, Punta Colorada, and Playa del Sol, with a catch including released fish of: nine striped marlin, 64 dorado, and one wahoo. East Cape weather was mostly calm, with water temperatures of 67 to 73 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
RANCHO LEONERO, MEXICO: John Ireland of Rancho Leonero said East Cape weather was mild in the mid-70s, with water temperatures of 71 to 72 degrees, as a wide-open striped marlin bite and limits of dorado topped the action last week. Both marlin and dorado were concentrated about 5 miles off La Ribera, Ireland said. Roosterfish were plentiful along the beaches but reluctant to bite, and sierra and jacks were caught from La Ribera to Las Barracas. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
BUENA VISTA, MEXICO: Axel Valdez of Buena Vista Beach Resort reported on 11 boats, with a catch including released fish of: 23 striped marlin, 15 dorado, one roosterfish, two shark, 11 snapper, one jack crevalle, one amberjack, two skipjack, and nine sierra. On one day last week, Valdez said three Spa boats scored on 17 striped marlin, "...not bad for what is supposed to be the off-season, don't you think?" East Cape weather was fishable every day, with water temperatures of 72 to 75 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
LOS BARRILES, MEXICO: Gary Leeper, staying at Martin Verdugo's Beach Resort, said fishing was decent last week, in good conditions and water temperatures of 70 to 73 degrees. Leeper said he fished off La Ribera and Punta Colorada and caught dorado, jack crevalle, skipjack, and marlin, all within an hour. Sierra action was good, and some boats reported good action to the north. East Cape water temperatures were 70 to 73 degrees. EAST CAPE FISHING REPORT.
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Mark Rayor of the Vista Sea Sport dive service said the weather was basically perfect at the Cabo Pulmo coral reef, with calm seas, a bottom water temperature of 70 degrees, and 60 to 80 feet of visibility. "There is so much sea life the reefs look like the freeways at rush hour in Los Angeles," Rayor said. "The beautiful weather has also made it easy to watch humpback whales on their annual migration."
EAST CAPE, MEXICO: Tim Selzer of Baja On The Fly said the wind stopped blowing on Thursday and "things definitely look brighter when you can cast a fly without having it sail back in your face." Selzer said he caught a 20-pound pargo from the beach, and there were also ladyfish, small jacks and small roosterfish around, but not many sierra. East Cape water temperatures were 67 to 74 degrees. EAST CAPE FLY FISHING REPORT.
LA RIBERA, MEXICO: Local residents at East Cape again mentioned the gill netting going on in areas where they were supposedly prohibited two years ago. One resident said, "Gill nets are back in full force south of La Ribera...seems like some things never change." LA RIBERA GILL NET REPORT.
LA RIBERA, MEXICO: Residents of La Ribera voiced additional complaints about the gill netting that is occurring right in front of town, with no apparent enforcement coming from La Paz: "This morning's haul, with 3.5-inch mesh, was bat rays and roosterfish....The guy is here, the nets are here, the whales, and everything that swims or floats, are being netted here illegally." LA RIBERA GILL NET FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Gerardo Hernandez of Tortuga Sportfishing said Las Arenas action was very good last week, and big quantities of bait fish were available on the back side of Isla Cerralvo, in water temperatures of 70 to 75 degrees. Fish caught last week included yellowtail in the 25-pound class, cabrilla, pargo and dorado at Punta Perico, and even a wahoo caught at Punta Sur by Teri and Mike Clark of Modesto. "We have a big variety of fish right now," Hernandez said. LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LA PAZ, MEXICO: Jonathan Roldan of Tailhunter International said fishing was good for anglers on both sides of the hill last week. On the La Paz side, dorado action continued at the corner of Isla Espiritu Santo, and some yellowtail were also in the mix. On the Las Arenas side, dorado to 35 pounds were also caught, and pargo to 40 pounds appeared at Isla Cerralvo. LA PAZ FISHING REPORT.
LORETO, MEXICO: Nacho Davis of the Carnaderos baitsellers' cooperativa said they were fishing every night for steady mackerel, jurelito, and platino baits: "There is less moonlight. Catches are slow but sufficient. We are serving a few boats on slow days, and a dozen or more on busy days." Davis said Loreto waters were calm, and the nights were warmer than the preceding week.
LORETO, MEXICO: Jeff Petersen of Loreto reported on a conversation with leading independent local captain Pedro Mayoral Davis, who spoke about his 30 years of fishing at Loreto and what he sees as an early season this spring: "Twenty days ago, we were commercial fishing at Punta Lobo, on Isla Coronado...and a marlin grabbed the live bait at 200 feet deep. A week ago, a marlin jumped again at Punta Lagrima...I think that this year marlin and dorado will come early." PEDRO MAYORAL DAVIS INTERVIEW.
SANTA ROSALIA, MEXICO: Mike Kanzler of Isla San Marcos said Santa Rosalia weather was flat and fishable for the third winter week in a row, with water temperatures stable at 64 to 65 degrees. Several trips to the Isla San Marcos yellowtail bajos produced catches to about five fish, but there were slow periods in the local area. Kanzler ran out to Isla Tortuga one day with Brie Cresosimo and Ben Drude for sawtail grouper and leopard grouper. A final run to the local bajos with Alan Lewis on Thursday produced a good catch of eight yellowtail by 10:30 a.m. SANTA ROSALIA FISHING REPORT.
BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, MEXICO: J.L. Terry of San Francisquito said bottom fish were plentiful last week, as the weather changed from cold north winds, to warm southern breezes, and "the flowers are awesome." The San Francisquito resort landing strip was dry and open, and at the caleta, Beto Lucero was due back from a trip to Ensenada in a few weeks.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Dana Kerby of Baja Sportfishing, Inc., said the San Felipe panga mothership Erik signed up many trips at the Fred Hall Long Beach Show and had Midriff Islands spaces remaining only for April, August, September and one week in October. The Erik was also selling the Thanksgiving week trip on its Magdalena Bay schedule for $1,200 per person, $150 off the regular price. "We're already getting bookings for the 2006 season, believe it or not," Kerby said.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Doug Magee at Papa Fernandez landing on Bahia Willard said the weather hit 80 degrees last week, although some rain fell. Fishing around the bay was improving on sierra, halibut, bass, sculpin, and a few yellowtail. Magee said that after the helicopter emergency medical evacuation of Carol Schall in January, about 30 people signed up for the Binational Emergency Medical Care Committee's (BEMCC) $30 per year, tax deductible membership cards. PAPA FERNANDEZ FISHING REPORT.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Catalina Meders of the Title Company Bookstore overlooking the bay said San Felipe had some rain, but blue skies returned by Sunday, as the town hosted the Hobie Cat regatta. On the beach, "Poppa Neutrino" David Perlman was working on the raft that he intends to sail down the Sea of Cortez, beginning about March 16-17. SAN FELIPE TOWN REPORT.
SAN FELIPE, MEXICO: Chuck McReynolds of Pasadena compared today's squid fishing with the rough-and-tumble type of fishing he did in the early days of the San Felipe mothership when he fished first with Charlie Rucker, and then Tony Reyes: "Typically these boats had one bathroom with one shower...We all brought cots, sleeping bags and pillows and slept up on top, under a big canvas cover that usually blew away in the middle of the night when the wind came up." EARLY SAN FELIPE MOTHERSHIP FISHING.
SAN CARLOS, MEXICO: Luis Bourillon, executive director of Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C. (COBI), a conservation organization in Guaymas, said a permanent staff opening will be filled in April 2005 for the position of Ecotourism Coordinator. Interested parties were asked to request information at COBI STAFF POSITION OPENING.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said Mazatlan inshore fishing was very good last week, with many super pangas scoring big numbers of corvina and pargo, and easy limits or near-limits on palometa, mojarra, and triggerfish. Offshore fishing was slower, as 29 Aries Fleet boats out of Marina el Cid reported a catch including released fish of: 16 striped marlin, 13 dorado, 55 yellowfin tuna, and one mako shark. Mazatlan weather was calm in the low-80s, with water temperatures of 66 to 69 degrees. MAZATLAN FISHING REPORT.
MAZATLAN, MEXICO: Gray Palmeter of Vikings Fleet said offshore fishing was a little slow last week: "We are still getting the striped marlin, but not in the same numbers. Every week is different. This coming week should be good." Inshore light tackle fishing was also slower, but plenty of triggerfish were caught for fun and tacos.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Manuel Ocaranza of the charter boat Yolaray said he was fishing in water at 75 to 76 degrees around Roca Corbetena for two to three tuna per day in the 50 to 70-pound range, plus a couple of dorado per day of about 20 to 25 pounds. "The good news is that the water color is clear," Ocaranza said, "which seems to be enough since the tuna and dorado are still biting." PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING REPORT.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Kurt Hjort of Esperanza Sportfishing said fishing was up and down, but overall some good catches were made on marlin and large tuna at Corbetena and El Banco, and inshore on roosterfish and jack crevalle. Sailfish and dorado were available 3 to 10 miles out, and also around the artificial floating palapas north of Punta Mita. Puerto Vallarta water conditions ranged from cloudy in the mid-70s, to clear at about 80 degrees. PUERTO VALLARTA FISHING REPORT.
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO: Josh Temple of Prime Time Adventures, had a full report of the 355-pound yellowfin tuna landed last week by the Prime Time: "The final 50 feet was the worst...It's all still a little blurry now, but somehow the fish got in the boat and no one got hurt." PUERTO VALLARTA 355-POUND TUNA REPORT.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Ed Kunze of Zihuatanejo said a cool current moved in and slowed the sailfish bite last week. With blue water out about 25 miles, Kunze said he checked the Terrafin sea temperature charts and located a warm band of water at 12 to 15 miles. Fishing there with fly angler Ludo Coenen of Holland, Kunze found two sailfish, while the fleet averaged only about one per day on conventional gear. "But, the fact remains, the sailfish fishing at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo is going downhill if this cold water current moves in and sticks around," Kunze said. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters said several blue marlin were landed last week, as cooling water temperatures shut down the red hot sailfish bite. "Cooler temperatures should bring in this year's run of big blue and black marlin and yellowfin tuna in the weeks ahead," Lushinsky said. IXTAPA ZIHUATANEJO FISHING REPORT.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Larry Edwards of Cortez Yacht Charters said, "The full moon had a dramatic effect on the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo area this week and the fish were truly reluctant to bite. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather was cooler in the mornings, with warm days to the low-90s. Water temperatures were stable at 81 degrees inshore, and 82 degrees offshore.
IXTAPAZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO: Gary Graham of Baja On The Fly reported Ixtapa Zihuatanejo weather as partly cloudy in the mid-80s, with water temperatures of 80 to 84 degrees.
NICE ONE!--Bob Thye fished at Mulege's Islas Santa Inez with Tom Higginbotham and caught his first yellowtail, a nice 35 pounder, on live bait. Photo courtesy Rick Barber.
DOWN MEX 1--Mike Massey got a beautiful photo of Mex 1 as he trailered to La Posada at Mulege for some yellowtail action with Alan Landry, John Greene, and Gerry Moses. Photo courtesy Mike Massey.
GOOD OR LUCKY?--Fishing conditions were not red hot at Ensenada's Punta Banda last week, but local expert Jay Johnson went out on a Vonny's Fleet panga anyway and scored his bottom fish limit, plus this 28-pound yellowtail. Photo courtesy Ivan Villarino.
CASTRO'S CAMP CATCH--Anglers Anthony, Steve, Ray, and Mark, of Rancho Cucamonga, scored on a nice haul of mixed bottom fish with Castro's Camp at Erendira last week. Photo courtesy Fernando Castro.
QUINTIN YELLOWTAIL--Capt. Oscar of San Quintin's K&M Offshore Sportfishing (right) fished with Joel Spidel's group at El Socorro for a good catch of five yellowtail, Humboldt squid, sandbass, and rockfish, plus some white seabass lost in the kelp. Photo courtesy Kelly Catian.
WINDY FISHING--Robert and Gladis Everett snuck out through wind with Capt. Hector of Pedro's Pangas at San Quintin and got limits of calico bass, sandbass, whitefish, rockcod, sheephead, and barracuda, plus one white seabass lost at the surface. Photo courtesy Robert Everett.
LA PLAYITA ACTION--Al Rodriguez (right) and Pete Mole did well on a mixed bag of offshore an inshore species while fishing with the Tomas Cantor panga fleet at San Jose del Cabo. "We actually caught more fish than that, but they ran out of hooks," Rodriguez said. Photo courtesy Al Rodriguez.
GOOD PALMILLA DAY--Father and son, Arthur and Andrew Eckers, fished at San Jose del Cabo with Palmilla Bay Sportfishing and did well on amberjacks and huachinango, plus dorado and sierra. Photo courtesy Luis Duhart.
COLORFUL BAJA CATCH--The Fisher family of New York fished with East Cape's Buena Vista Beach Resort for a rainbow-hued catch of snappers and sierra. Photo courtesy Axel Valdez.
LAS ARENAS PANGAS--Mike and Teri Clark fished at Las Arenas south of La Paz with Tortuga Sportfishing and scored on a beautiful yellowtail and wahoo combo catch. Photo courtesy Gerardo Hernandez.
HELP! YELLOWTAIL ATTACK!--Brie Cersosimo gets an emergency hand from Ben Drude while fighting a stubborn yellowtail off Isla San Marcos with "Kid Jurel" Mike Kanzler. Photo courtesy Mike Kanzler.
SAN CARLOS FUN--Shelly Batha and her husband Gary, fished out of San Carlos and caught some nice sierra and yellowtail, here inspected by Watson the dog. Photo courtesy Chris Edmonson.
VALLARTA SUPER COW--Capt. Josh Temple and deckhand Trev, of Puerto Vallarta's charter boat Prime Time, with the 355-pound tuna. Photo courtesy Josh Temple.
TINY TAG--Paul Phillips, a dedicated supporter of sailfish tagging at Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, sends this photo of local Capt. Adan Valdovinos with "the smallest sailfish I have tagged at Zihuatanejo" in December 2004. Photo courtesy Paul Phillips.
SPRINGTIME FISHING!--Al Lopez of Modesto got hooked on pond fishing during his trips to San Felipe, and he recently found some non-Baja bass action at a place near La Grange called Linebacker Pond. "I stopped counting after 25 fish," Lopez said, "small bass gorging on minnows." Lopez says the cows chased him on his way out. Photos courtesy Al Lopez.
Baja coastal fishing reports and articles.
Ensenada fishing reports and articles.
Puerto Santo Tomas fishing reports and articles.
Erendira fishing reports and articles.
San Quintin fishing reports and articles.
Magdalena Bay fishing reports and articles.
Cabo San Lucas fishing reports and articles.
San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) fishing reports and articles.
East Cape fishing reports and articles.
La Paz fishing reports and articles.
Loreto fishing reports and articles.
Mulege fishing reports and articles.
Santa Rosalia fishing reports and articles.
Bahia de los Angeles (L.A. Bay) fishing reports and articles.
San Felipe fishing reports and articles.
Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) fishing reports and articles.
San Carlos (Sonora) fishing reports and articles .
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